GUILTY CA - Erin Corwin, 19, pregnant, Twentynine Palms, 28 June 2014 - #3

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Another weird thing - Erin has not been mentioned or shown in any of the horse ranch photos or posts since January. So besides her husband's and mother's comments once again, we cannot confirm if she was still involved there or not, correct?
Anyone close to Erin who cannot be ruled out is a suspect, whether named as such by LE or not.
Have we heard anything on the last person BESIDES JC to see her was? Do we know she even made it home from the party?

I don't think we even know if she went TO the party, assuming a party happened.

I wish we knew all kinds of things in this case but high on my list is who saw her last other than her husband? Not suspecting her husband, just thinking it could help give more insight.
Someone had a very long time to get rid of her body!

That's what I was thinking about too...if we believe the FB comment posted by AN stating the marine didn't come home until Monday then you're absolutely right, Eileen730
The "party" is a rumor that was going around. It has not been confirmed.

I'm sorry to rehash what has probably been talked about here ad nauseum but life happened and I lost track of some of the details.
Years and years ago JT (and surrounding areas) was part of my old stomping grounds, so this MP case is pretty close to my heart and in my mind constantly.

As many times as I've gone back to scan every post, I must be missing Party information because I can't find it.

I mean, I keep reading about a Party......... I've skimmed, scanned, and nada. I can't seem to find it.
Anyone have an approx page where the beginning discussions of this party are located here at WS?
Thank you very much for any help.
O.T. sorta :)

I know we are all frustrated with the lack of information by the investigating teams involved with Erin's disappearance.
We can almost understand their reasons for their 'secrecy'.
What the heck ever happened to good old fashioned Investigative Reporting?

I am reading every article I can find online and it is starting to seem to me that each media is copying most everything from another media.
Nobody (in any media) puts their gum-shoes to the ground anymore?

Dating myself but I remember delivering papers and sitting down many times with some of the reporters when I got to work early or was staying late (waiting for my measly paycheck. lol) and having the most interesting conversations with editors, copy editor, photographers and yes, even reporters.
Although all of them were very interesting, even back then I had a very curious mind when it came to crime-related stories.
The reporters that I had wonderful, enlightening and very educational conversations with were bound and determined to get to the bottom of something, get the facts, talk to those who wouldn't speak with anyone else. They seemed almost obsessed with getting to the truth.

Where are these people?
Why do we get a re-hash of the facts/or lack of facts?
Nobody out there, or even in surrounding areas wants to carry around a tablet, spiral notebook, pencils, camera and a list of who to talk to?
Hell, someone get me transportation to the area and I'll do it!!!

Sorry....just frustrated. It's SSDD when reading media reports about this case.

Also, I am not so sure 7 a.m. was the last time anyone saw Erin.
What about the night before? Day before? Two days before?
I know she spoke with her mom the night before she disappeared but who is to say she was at home when she spoke with her mom?
Sorry, more ramblings out loud. :)
Certainly, someone would have had enough time to drive well into Nevada or into Mexico to leave Erin in the empty desert. Didn't they mention border patrol agents being involved in the investigation? I hope they are checking all rest area cameras on major highways connecting the area to cities to the east, west, north and south. I also wonder about where someone might stop to get supplies. This strikes me as either a crime of passion or a crime of opportunity. Essentially, the average person would not be prepared and would need to purchase things like something to conceal the body and dispose of her. However, Marines (and retired Marines, for that matter) probably have a fold-up military shovel and a large duffel bag.

As it happens, my cousin and his soldier wife were involved in an extra-marital thing. I don't know the details. But I was told that she got pregnant by a 19-year-old soldier. She was in her mid-30s, I believe. I am curious about whether an affair would be with a young or older Marine. Would someone with a high rank be attractive to a young woman? Would someone who has enough money to spend lavishly on gifts be a likely mate? I wonder if Erin has any nice things that she acquired recently and which did not come from her husband nor from her immediate family or longtime friends.
LOL. You want to know where all of the reporters are? How much did you spend this year on newspaper subscriptions?
I have thought about the same theory/person. He just does not appear to be married though. I could be wrong.

Yup. Ditto. Wondering.
With the lack of solid facts, I am not 100% sure that the "best friend" marine IS married, though.
The latest from the Locate Erin FB page:

A friend in Twentynine Palms asked for this to be posted for Jon's battalion: For the military family of Erin & Jon, an emotional and spiritual support gathering focused on the disappearance of Erin Corwin will be held tonight at the Village Center starting at 4pm (1600). If you are a member of Jon's battalion please come out. This is for the battalion of Jon.

***Interesting comment made by MKMc***
I'm sorry to rehash what has probably been talked about here ad nauseum but life happened and I lost track of some of the details.
Years and years ago JT (and surrounding areas) was part of my old stomping grounds, so this MP case is pretty close to my heart and in my mind constantly.

As many times as I've gone back to scan every post, I must be missing Party information because I can't find it.

I mean, I keep reading about a Party......... I've skimmed, scanned, and nada. I can't seem to find it.
Anyone have an approx page where the beginning discussions of this party are located here at WS?
Thank you very much for any help.

The party was a rumor and not verified so all posts regarding it may have been deleted by the mods. Also, as an FYI this isn't a MP case - at least not yet anyway.
In the video at link below, Sgt. Bryan Lane who oversaw the search effort Sunday said; "we are searching the park area, as well as, north of the park". He also said, (paraphrasing) specialized crews are able to get into the mines to search for evidence & clues.

LE certainly seems convinced Erin will be found in the park or that "200 mile swath" they keep describing. Of course we have no idea exactly what is leading them to this conclusion, but the little snippets we have gathered, fill in some of the blanks.

I keeping thinking about this possible POI we have been hearing about. According to the Z107 article, his story was full of contradictions. In others words, I think his story could not corroborated by a witness, his cell phone records, or maybe even video footage. So, I guess his strategy is to deny and just sit back and wait? If searchers are not able to find Erin, then he won't be arrested? I've often wondered how a POI in a murder case mind bends what they've done. How could you function under that kind of pressure and not tell someone where to find the person?

I do applaud Sgt. Lane's interview though, it was the most informative on the search efforts to date. My thoughts are with Erin's loved ones as they wait, and my gratitude is with the search volunteers. I hope something breaks soon, for all their sakes.
Attention Please!

LE has not named a POI or suspect. Please do not accuse or insinuate a specific person responsible for this mystery. This would include using their initials. Just keep the info under your hat.


In the video at link below, Sgt. Bryan Lane who oversaw the search effort Sunday said; "we are searching the park area, as well as, north of the park". He also said, (paraphrasing) specialized crews are able to get into the mines to search for evidence & clues.

LE certainly seems convinced Erin will be found in the park or that "200 mile swath" they keep describing. Of course we have no idea exactly what is leading them to this conclusion, but the little snippets we have gathered, fill in some of the blanks.

I keeping thinking about this possible POI we have been hearing about. According to the Z107 article, his story was full of contradictions. In others words, I think his story could not corroborated by a witness, his cell phone records, or maybe even video footage. So, I guess his strategy is to deny and just sit back and wait? If searchers are not able to find Erin, then he won't be arrested? I've often wondered how a POI in a murder case mind bends what they've done. How could you function under that kind of pressure and not tell someone where to find the person?

I do applaud Sgt. Lane's interview though, it was the most informative on the search efforts to date. My thoughts are with Erin's loved ones as they wait, and my gratitude is with the search volunteers. I hope something breaks soon, for all their sakes.

I am wondering this, too. Will the POI be arrested if they cannot locate her body? I sure hope so.
The party was a rumor and not verified so all posts regarding it may have been deleted by the mods. Also, as an FYI this isn't a MP case - at least not yet anyway.

I'm not Amity, but I think he/she was using MP to mean Missing Person, not Military Police.

I could be wrong, though. All of the initials and acronyms can get confusing.
I am wondering this, too. Will the POI be arrested if they cannot locate her body? I sure hope so.

It depends on how much evidence LE has. In some cases, like Sierra LaMar and Holly Bobo, arrests have been made without a body being found. In other cases, like Hailey Dunn, even though there is at least one suspect, and Hailey's remains were eventually found, there still has not been an arrest years later.

Obviously finding Erin's body will only strengthen a case against a POI. Hopefully LE has enough for an arrest without her body, though.
O/T Headlines: arrest made in missing pregnant woman case...

Charli Scott ex bf arrested. See her thread.
O/T Headlines: arrest made in missing pregnant woman case...

Charli Scott ex bf arrested. See her thread.

Sorry for the OT- FINALLY!!!! I'm glad we are seeing more arrests in these "no body" cases (sorry posters, I cringed when I said that).
Per Locate Erin FB page, there will be a gathering tonight for husband Jon's battalion for emotional and spiritual support.
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