CA: "From the moment she was placed in my arms...."

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In ALL of this, there has not been ONE example of compassion from KC. For proof of the contrary see the 8/14 jailhouse tape when KC first arrives and sees CA crying, utterly bereft and destroyed, and chirps "Why's Mom crying?" duh... maybe cuz her beloved baby granddaughter has been missing for months and will be found skeletonized 4 months later?

KC may have a lot of good points that we have not been privy to, but I highly doubt that "compassion" is one of them. This is another attempt to gild the lily, to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. My heart breaks for GA & CA et al, for the crushing pain they live in every moment now, but really...

When obvious disregard of the truth is trotted out, cast out there as truth, and any other time I'd be allowed to snort in disgust and walk away, but I'm captive, as in respect for Caylee at her memorial, so to be seemly, I must quench my disbelief, swallow my dismay and disgust, sit quietly and drink the Kool-aid, pretend belief despite my disbelief... it rather pizzes me off. When I recognize this feeling/setting, I recognize it now:

Manipulators use this setting to turn the worm to their advantage. They sow the seed in this kind of situation, where you're captive, (based on something like your respect for the deceased, or you're at work and don't want to lose your job because they will cause a scene, or you need them to be quiet because the baby is sleeping, whatever), to put the foundation of their next attack in place. Then afterward, it's "well, like I said at the memorial, she's innocent, and you agreed with me" (unspoken: because you didn't disagree at the time, so you don't get to disagree now or ever after).

My attempt to explain this is clumsy. We're all trying to fiigure this out. We all bring individual life experiences here, cast ourselves on the table under the bright lights of others' scrutiny, to see if we can find the key to this.

When George was talking, I did not get the sense that-- other than his request to send letters to KC (GA, love ya... but you REALLY don't want KC to get a letter from me)-- he had an agenda other than remembering Caylee. LA and CA, hmmm... not so sure.

Furthermore, if CA was so careful to thank KC for "the greatest gift ever" however she phrased it, doesn't that mean that KC is what was referred to as an Indian giver back in the days before PC? One who gives something then takes it away? Yeah, thanks. I just LOVE this sort of conditional "gift". Without the night, one doesn't value the day? Without the pain, one doesn't appreciate the joy? My love gives me a beautiful jewel, but snatches it away and throws it in a swamp like a piece of garbage, and I thank him then for the jewel? hmmm.

Not meaning to be snarky here, sorry if it comes off that way... I am truly contemplative of these dark issues. Evil people have shadowed me for most of my life (no I'm not paranoid, they really did). Now I am in a time and place of relative safety, but I still wear scars. Perhaps I try to figure out how evil works, how the minds of evil people work, so that when next I encounter evil, I'll be better prepared to deal with it, and at best to fend it off. This case is a textbook of evil. The evil at the core is KC. "By their works shall ye know them." Everything she touches turns to $h!t. But how far does the evil extend? How far down does the rot go? How do you id them BEFORE they harm you and yours? How do those around (her) get sucked into the slimey snot of evil? Till they can stand at a eulogy for their beloved murdered grandchild, and thank the (alleged) murderer for her birth, yet not her death? These are not just theological questions, these are life and death ones. Failure to see the evil cost Caylee her life.

Must go to work. No more time to wrestle with the dark side.

Excellent post! Bolding is mine----remember those chilling words from KC's MySpace "Diary of Days": "With great power comes great consequence. What is given can be taken away."

Hey all. I've been following this case as best as I can (too many new replies to really stay on top of it unless I sit here 24/7...just wish I could) and I've been staying in lurk mode because this case is so sensitive, and with the Anthonys knowing what is said about them online, I did not want to contribute to any pain or hardship they're under as this nightmare continues to careen out of control...but now I have to say something, hopefully mostly on their behalf...except the last part, that's on Caylee's behalf.

I can understand why Cindy saw Caylee as another child because she was raising Caylee as another child. She and Caylee did not share a conventional grandmother-granddaughter relationship so much as one that was more of a mother-daughter bond. I do not fault Cindy for this - Casey was most likely not as capable a mother as Cindy was, due to Casey's (IMO) blatant emotional immaturity, and no matter who it was, Caylee needed and deserved a maternal role model who could make her their priority. She got this in Cindy. Thank you, Cindy, for stepping up and taking on that responsibility for Caylee's benefit. You didn't have to, but her life was all the richer for your love and attention.

Perhaps she ranked Caylee as the greatest gift ever over her own two children because Caylee was the one she was currently mothering the most, and perhaps because Caylee was the most vulnerable of the three. Perhaps it was because Caylee is the one she's just lost, and she still has the other two...or perhaps it's because Caylee was the one she was getting to know better after she had formed established relationships with Lee and Casey, and she truly enjoyed every day that she got to see more of Caylee's wonderful personality.

Another point, if I may - I see little wrong with a grandparent doting on a grandchild over the child, especially the first grandchild. When my son was born, he was my father's first grandchild, and my dad could not have been more thrilled to get to spend time with his new grandbaby. One day I drove up in the driveway and as I was getting out of the car, my dad came out and carefully picked my son up from his carseat, and turned around and went back inside to sit down with him. He barely even took a second to say hi to me. At first I was a bit miffed - then I thought about it, and promptly got over it when I realized he didn't mean to slight me in any way, he was just THAT excited about his new grandchild that the baby was all he had on his mind. I never complained, I was so pleased that my son was so loved and adored by his grandfather, and beyond that I was happy for my dad, having a grandchild to love and adore and spending his time doing just that. Unfortunately, my father died just before my son's 2nd birthday. That made every second he had gotten to lavish on my son so much more my dad, to me, and most of all, to the child who can only remember his grandpa from pictures. The love my father gave him helped shape him into who he is today.

And now, as I ramble on, I get to my question, and I apologize if this is off-topic but:

Who exactly do the Anthonys think is responsible for Caylee's death, if Casey is so innocent and couldn't ever do anything like this to Caylee?

They never once mentioned that Caylee was the victim of homicide, and I find that somewhat odd, considering how may parents/grandparents of murdered children, especially as young as Caylee was, vow to seek justice for the child and find the person responsible for stealing the child's life from her and hold that person accountable for the wrong they've committed against the victim and family. They seemed to behave, IMO, as if Caylee had died of a terminal illness, or had been in some sort of fatal accident that was the act of God, something no human could have prevented.

The fact that they completely neglect to mention anything about this having been a murder or anything about wanting to find the responsible party and see justice through in Caylee's honor but took the time to mention Casey and ask for kindness to be shown to her speaks volumes to me about who they think is responsible for Caylee's death.

Anthonys, please...I understand you love Casey and can't turn your back on a lifetime of love for her, but if she is responsible for Caylee's disappearance, death, or having put her in those bags and left her to rot beside the road, any of that, or anything related to any of that - then PLEASE hold her responsible for it. Not making her be responsible for her actions, if she was involved, is not going to bring Caylee back. She is an adult. If she was old enough to have a child and leave home with the child, then she is also old enough to answer for and be held accountable for what happened to the child after she left home.

I'm sorry that's so long, but I just wanted to get that out, and IMO about all.
It is funny how people interperate things. To me, that was such a sweet thing for Cindy to say. I have 10 g/k's, and I have said that about each of them. She did say it was Casey that gave her that gift. I really think she was just letting her know how thankful she was to have her in her life.

I agree. I think she was just thanking Casey for the gift of Caylee. I really got the impression that she was trying to let Casey know her love is unconditional. I think they all want her to come clean and tell the truth.
When we are on the phone, my mother always says things like: "Kiss my babies for me." I certainly don't think she is implying that she is more of their mother than I am. It's just a way of speaking. And, boy....I'd better call my best friend. Two days ago her 5 month old was hospitalized with RSV. When she called to tell me, I said, "Kiss my baby" to her when we got off the phone. In my family, referring to a close friend or family member's child as "my baby" is a term of endearment. I certainly wouldn't say that to a stranger, but to say that regarding my best friend's daughter was totally within our normal behavior.

I completely agree, what you are describing is very typical and normal. However if you are saying this is similar to how Cindy refers to Caylee, I diasagree.
Do you tell your friend's child to call you mom? Do you include your friends children when you tell someone how many children you have? Do you tell your best friend you are so thankful for them, and they mean so much to you, because they gave you their child?
Cindy is twisted. If Cindy's actions were out of love for her daughter or her granddaughter one of two actions would have been taken.
-Cindy claims Casey was such a great mother. If this were true she would have respected that Casey was Caylee's mother and she was Caylee's grandmother. Cindy was aware of her daughter's feelings concerning this issue, and she would have repected that. Her role would have been to give her daughter unconditional love and support and to be a loving grandmother.
-If Casey was a bad mother, and she loved Caylee so much, she should have done something to force Casey to change or taken matters into her own hands for the best interest of the child.(custody)

Cindy's action were out of love for herself. She let her daughter treat her granddaughter bad, as long as she got to me the martar. :innocent:I think she liked Caylee needing to be in a way "saved" all the time.
LOL I just noticed new smileys!:sick:
No, I don't think its one up man ship. I tell my daughter all the time that her children, my grand children, are the best gift I have ever recieved & they are. I also ask her " how are MY boys? I have said to them " are u my baby?" She knows its not because I feel I am their mother, it's just because I love her & I love them. She isnt bothered by it or I wouldnt do it. I think it was a struggle with Casey & CIndy though. I also think Cindy was more a mom to Caylee than Casery, due to Casey being immature & being lazy. She welcomed them parenting her child, when it suited HER. Other times she just Caylee to throw it into their faces that she, as the mother, could take her away in a whim & she did.

I agree. My mom treats my kids like her own. She calls them her babies and my kids call her "mama" I'm "mommy". There is no question in anybody's mind who their mother is, but they have a very special bond with their grandma. I don't think it's odd at all nor do I think it's malicious.
I felt George Anthony's sincerity. He feels real. From Lee I felt sincerity at the beginning, when he said that about being a pillar of strength and being "broke" (he should have said "broken", but we knew what he meant).

But Cindy...She seemed to have been coached on some of the things to be sure and mention, all that about hope and everything, the unconditional love for KC. She had messages to get across.

Cindy seemed to be there for making sure the world (in Orlando, anyway) knew and saw the Anthonys as a normal, loving family. She was so different from the ranting woman we all saw in other scenarios, :curses:cursing and yelling. No class at all!

She made sure to show her "loving" qualities at the memorial: patting Lee's back, smiling so sweetly as he spoke, kissing George in the face like a lover. She was trying to say too much that way. She could have edited her writings, as could Lee, or at least someone could have helped them so that things would have been more concise and clear.

Remember Cindy's blog where she says how Caylee came into her life as "unexpectedly as she left"? Cindy didn't say it that way at the memorial. She glorified it at the memorial. Cindy said, in her blog how "jealousy took Kaylee away", meaning KCs jealousy of Cindy. The family problems were evident in Cindy's blog, but the memorial seemed to glorify the "united, loving, hoping, etc." family. Cindy had an agenda beyond memorializing Caylee, I believe.

Cindy is thinking of KC on trial, Cindy's job, George's NOT having a job (although I believe he will get offers now), the awful things said on websites about relationships in their family. Cindy was doing damage control as much as she could, I think.

I loved how George put it, about no one would want to be in their shoes, no matter what.

Mallory, the girlfriend of Lee...she sat there nodding at whatever was said, like I see some people do in the more "lively" churches. She seemed like a bobble doll. I hope she doesn't join up to have Cindy as a mother in law. Lordy.
But again, for KC, this goes to the core, the fire in the belly. You can say it's semantics, but I'm not so sure. CA did say she was beautiful like KC, etc. but it seems to me that CA has a really hard time admitting she is the grandmother. Only GA continual talks about his relationship as grandfather, about his granddaughter. CA talks about Caylee, "our girl" (as does LA).

Is this just the continuation of oneupmanship, control that has been played over and over?
respectfully snipped...

I don't see the issue as one of one-upsmanship, at least not from Cindy Anthony's perspective. She was not a usurper--she was Caylee's primary caregiver.

The defendant may have resented the bond her mother formed with her daughter. Unfortunately, she did not have the emotional capacity to constructively deal with it--she was incapable of forming that bond herself.

Look, we all want to find a rational reason for Casey Anthony's actions. Something that could have been done differently, so that we can be sure that this never happens again.

But the simple fact of the matter is that nothing Cindy Anthony did or did not do contributed to either (a) what Casey Anthony became, or (b) what became of Caylee.

Casey Anthony's malignancy would have flourished regardless. If it hadn't been Cindy holding Caylee first, it would have been that Cindy didn't hold Caylee soon enough. There was no winning for the Anthonys.
There are some slight similarities in the A family and my own family. My sister became pregnant at 16 and had the baby. My mother did the majority of taking care of the baby along with me to help her out, this helped my sister to finish school plus go on to college. I can't think of any time where my mother felt she was the mother. Yes she cared and loved the baby, but I think her focus was more on my sister and helping her to do the things she needed to be an adult who could take care of herself.
My neice did call my mother Mom, but that is because she heard me call her that, to her that was her name, years later she called her Grandma.

I know posters here talk about how Cindy was more the mother than Casey was, but I have to disagree with that. If Cindy was indeed taking on the main mother roll, then wouldn't she have known where that baby was when she was out of the house? Wouldn't she have wanted to meet the made up nanny? No mother would be ok with not ever meeting someone who is taking care of their baby. imo Casey was not ready or capable of taking on a mother roll but she was left to do it, she needed more assistance to deal with problems, not just being ridiculed.

I enjoyed hearing George talk about his granddaughter very much.

I wasn't fortunate to watch all of the memorial and have been trying to catch up. I just wanted to say, my mom, lived and breathed my son. She felt a closeness to him that couldn't be described. As a parent, you spend so much time trying to be perfect. When your grandchildren come, you are more laid by, have more experience, and can actually take the time to enjoy them. Some of her comments may seem a little strange, but I think that things are being over analized a bit. My son was killed in a car accident and I had to write an ulogy for him... and not every body "got" 100% what I was saying. They weren't close enough to us to get it and what I had to say, was about my family, my loss, mixed with my joy and love for the person... my mother had s hard time with it as I did...maybe more because she lived for him. Everything that she did was for him because he still needed her!! And it gave her a sense of importance, accomplishment, and self-worth being needed and given unconditional love!
I am rambling.. hoping that I was able to make some sort of point.
I agree. My mom treats my kids like her own. She calls them her babies and my kids call her "mama" I'm "mommy". There is no question in anybody's mind who their mother is, but they have a very special bond with their grandma. I don't think it's odd at all nor do I think it's malicious.

You girls have this from your mothers and that is a good thing. I am very glad you have that special bond, you, your mother and your children. This is normal.

But your families are more stable than the Ant(hony) family. The problem with CA and KC isn't about Caylee at all. It was for some reason we may never understand, and maybe some of you here could help me out here. Caylee was a pone in the game they played.
IMO, it was always a mother/daughter struggle for years.
kc got pregnant and CA wanted the baby, not kc.
Caylee was born and the struggle got worse......
Love/hate back and forth and Caylee was the pawn.
Caylee suffered for this one man upship.
kc was so jealous of Caylee for CA attention?
so kc got rid of the 'problem'............IMO
IMO, it was always a mother/daughter struggle for years.
kc got pregnant and CA wanted the baby, not kc.
Caylee was born and the struggle got worse......
Love/hate back and forth and Caylee was the pawn.
Caylee suffered for this one man upship.
kc was so jealous of Caylee for CA attention?
so kc got rid of the 'problem'............IMO

yes-----what you said. A pawn. indeed:D

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