CA CA - Gary Sizemore, 38, Hawthorne, 1 Jan 1979

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Ok I still can't convince myself that he is the wanted person, points of view;) can I ask you a favor? Can you enlarge the post with its data even more to read what's written without losing the image quality? I clicked on the image and I can't read what is written on it. Thanks Alb1on.

Apologies, but the file I attached is the largest available. I found that if I used the zoom facility that either comes up when you load a picture or the similar facility in laptop settings, you can just make out most (but not all) of the writing (such as height and scar). It is possible that a bigger version will become available at some point as it seems the poster comes up for sale from time to time.
Apologies, but the file I attached is the largest available. I found that if I used the zoom facility that either comes up when you load a picture or the similar facility in laptop settings, you can just make out most (but not all) of the writing (such as height and scar). It is possible that a bigger version will become available at some point as it seems the poster comes up for sale from time to time.

OK thanks anyway. ;)
Mary Bell reply my submitted!

Thank you for the suggested match. I don't show any comparison of these having been done so I will have our panel look at it. If is proven to be a positive match, I will contact you further.

Best Regards,
Mary Bell
Tips & Potential Match Coordinator
Doe Network "International Center For Unidentified And Missing Persons”


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Henderson men arrested in 1970 for sensational series of robberies

Boyett: Henderson men arrested in 1970 for sensational series of robberies in the Bahamas
Frank Boyett | Special to The Gleaner
This story has got it all: An exotic locale, two lovers murdered, an alluring redhead mastermind, and a series of robberies called the most spectacular in the history of Bahamas.

Oh, and one other thing. Cops who didn’t carry guns. At least they didn’t 50 years ago.

Henderson comes into the story because two members of the gang were Henderson residents. But the arrest of George Brummett here in Henderson didn’t cause much of a stir, according to several Kentucky newspapers from Aug. 2, 1970. That’s probably because he was charged only with helping transport $80,700 of the loot into the United States. The grand total the robbers seized was nearly $330,000.

More serious charges awaited the gang back in the Bahamas after they were arrested, but I can’t tell you much about how that turned out because I don’t have access to the Bahamian newspapers.

Florida newspapers, however, covered the story pretty thoroughly – especially a highly entertaining article written by Colin Dangaard for Tropic, the magazine of the Miami Herald, on July 11, 1971. It’s called, “How not to rob a bank.” The subheadline is, “To the Miami gang, the plans of the young, pot-smoking redhead seemed faultless. After all, what would be easier than knocking off banks in Freeport, where the police don’t even carry guns?”

The redhead, Sherry Holper, had “a figure like something ripped off a sailor’s locker and a passion for little things. Like diamonds.” Her partnering with a Kentucky ex-convict set the crime spree in motion.

Benny Ray “Skip” Taylor had gotten out of the Kentucky State Penitentiary in 1968 after serving six years for a drunken bank robbery with his father. After he was released, he moved to Miami and began playing in a country band.

That’s where the two met -- and soon began hatching plans after she told him about a paradise in the Bahamas where the police were unarmed. She introduced him to a couple of her friends, George S. Traber, who owned a speedboat for a getaway, and Gordon Scott Fitzgerald, and he called up his brother in law. He was another ex-con named Gary Vaughn “Chico” Sizemore, who had gained a reputation for coolness when he sprawled in the middle of a street to stop a mail truck, which he robbed when the driver got out to ask him what was wrong.

Traber stayed on his speedboat, but on Sept. 22, 1969, Sizemore, Fitzgerald and Skip Taylor walked into the Royal Bank of Canada in Freeport at closing time and asked for the money. A policeman came to door while it was being stuffed into pillowcases. He was let inside, where the robbers asked him to stand against the wall.

A vehicle blocked their getaway car so they commandeered a police van. They were chased by a taxicab full of unarmed policemen, a constable on a motorcycle, a nightclub entertainer driving a Pontiac GTO, and a casino doorman in his private vehicle.

About three miles down the road there was a change in the parade route. The bandits turned around and charged their pursuers, firing as they came. The pursuers scattered, as might be expected, although one of them was shot through the hand when he attempted to grab the radio in the police van. The robbers abandoned that and switched to the taxi.

Police and dogs combed the countryside the next day but – except for Fitzgerald, who lived in Freeport – they were skipping across the waves on Traber’s speedboat. Back in Miami they divided the $209,000.

Traber was the only one who played it cool. He put his share in the bank and kept on repairing boats like he was not a penny richer. Fitzgerald invested some, treated himself to a lavish vacation in Mexico and later bought a 67-foot schooner. He also put $500 back into the bank he helped rob.

Sizemore moved to Mesa, Arizona, with his wife, Shirley, who was Skip’s sister, where they bought a couple of motels, an airplane, and a Model T Ford. Skip and Sherry bought his and her Cadillacs – a red one for him and a lavender one for her – and moved into a palatial house in Hollywood, Florida.

But by this time the FBI had joined the investigation and, with help from the Dade County Public Safety Department, began putting together a list of people in Miami who could have pulled off such a job. Chico Sizemore and Skip Taylor were listed as potentials.

On Nov. 1, 1969, Sherry and Skip were married. They continued to spend freely, and the FBI was following them to note where the money was going. At first Sherry considered going legit by searching for Spanish treasure off Bimini, but after buying a new house in Ocala, Florida, she decided money was getting low.

Sizemore was happy in Arizona and Fitzgerald had other plans in the Bahamas, so Skip recruited some other members of the gang: John Hallet, aka John Giambra, and an old penitentiary friend from Kentucky named William Denver Carpenter.

On June 5, 1970, Skip, Hallet and Carpenter drive up to Barclay’s Bank in Freeport, “just as Sherry had planned it,” Dangaard wrote, and burst out of the car … only to find it closed. It seems Sherry had neglected to mention that June 5 was Labor Day in the Bahamas.

They couldn’t wait until the next day to rob a bank because the pickup arrangement with Traber couldn’t be changed. But they also couldn’t go back to Miami empty-handed. “What would Sherry say?”

Eventually they decided on a plan. About 10 p.m. they rang the doorbell of Gil Chambers, manager of the Ginza jewelry store. But Chambers wasn’t home. He was on vacation and his assistant, Alan Porter, was looking after both his home and the store. At first Porter was hesitant to answer the door so late at night but decided it must have something to do with the business.

In walked three men with guns, who tied him to a chair and told him his brains would be wall texturing if he made one funny move. The robbers helped themselves to orange juice as they collected valuables and piled them into one of the manager’s cars.

They drove to the Ginza jewelry store with Porter still trussed up. Once there, they scooped up watches and other expensive merchandise. But Skip noticed a security guard making his rounds. They discussed whether to kill Porter but just left him there still tied up.

None of them were happy with the haul worth about $40,000 --- least of all Sherry, who expressed her disdain with “a crummy bunch of watches.” She soon began talking about a third robbery.

Hallet, Carpenter and Traber were still on board, and a house guest named Craig A. Reed said he would help. Skip Taylor made a trip to Henderson to recruit an old penitentiary friend, George Brummett, who he said was a “good man about banks.”

On June 28, 1970, the men climbed aboard Traber’s boat with two stolen bicycles and a fist-sized chunk of C-4 plastic explosive. They planned to blow up a power pole in front of the Freeport police headquarters as a diversion.

Traber dropped off the five robbers in a wooded area on Grand Bahama Island and withdrew for a couple of days fishing. Skip Taylor and Reed rode the bicycles to the airport, where they stole a sedan and returned to pick up the other men.

But the morning of June 29 they noticed the sedan was low on gas. About that time a 1964 Ford pulled up with a young Bahamian couple inside. They were kissing and cuddling when they were interrupted.

“Days later,” Dangaard wrote, “the body of a young man was found shot. Half a mile away, in a ditch, police found the body of a young girl, stripped naked. They believe she had been tied to a tree with strips of her dress and gunned down when she ran for help after freeing herself. The car used in robbery No. 3 was registered in the name of this young man.”

The five robbers drove into town and went by the Royal Bank of Canada, which Sherry had insisted they rob a second time, but there were too many tourists around. So, they went to Barclay’s Bank instead.

At noon, Hallet posted himself outside the bank and the other four rushed in with their guns drawn. They collected $62,700 in cash and $18,000 in American Express traveler’s checks.

A couple of weeks later the FBI made its move. Two agents flew to Freeport and confronted Fitzgerald with overwhelming evidence that he had helped plan the robbery of the Royal Bank of Canada on Sept. 22, 1969. Then they went to see Sherry, while other agents looked for Carpenter and Sizemore.

Sherry quickly agreed to cooperate. Meanwhile the pile of evidence continued to mount. It wasn’t long before everyone was ratting each other out. But one thing they all agreed on: “Sherry made me do it.” By the end of 1970 all had entered guilty pleas except for Chico Sizemore, who was still on the lam.

He was finally captured while working on a road crew outside Ogden, Utah, on July 13, 1971.

Skip received 10 years, Sherry eight years, Hallet a possible six, Brummett and Traber four years each, Carpenter three years, and Fitzgerald received a couple of years in the Bahamas. Craig A. Reed was placed on four years of probation.

Another Henderson man is mentioned in the case, according to the Fort Lauderdale News of Feb. 25, 1971, but I don’t know exactly what his involvement was. The story about Sherry’s sentencing says only that Gary Walker, 30, of Henderson had also pleaded guilty and was sentenced to one year in prison. He is mentioned in none of the other articles I found.

Authorities in the Bahamas were attempting to extradite Skip and Sizemore and try them for the robberies, but I have no further information about that.

The entire chronicle of criminal events began with the partnership of Skip and Sherry but they didn’t get a happily ever after. They divorced in October of 1976.
I’m wondering if Gary might be Namus UP12344. The UP was found in Imperial County in 1979 and unable to communicate. Large scar on left forearm. The only thing that throws it off is the height. But I feel like this could be a possible one to at least exclude.
I’m wondering if Gary might be Namus UP12344. The UP was found in Imperial County in 1979 and unable to communicate. Large scar on left forearm. The only thing that throws it off is the height. But I feel like this could be a possible one to at least exclude.

Why this UID? Sizemore had no mental disability or speech problems, on the contrary he seemed a very intelligent person.
Why this UID? Sizemore had no mental disability or speech problems, on the contrary he seemed a very intelligent person.
If he was avoiding contact by law enforcement acting like he had a disability or not speaking might but also not sure if they checked his fingerprints and determined he was not Sizemore. Just a theory.
I've submitted the following cases to NamUs.

Gary Vaughn Sizemore, who I suspect is the mentioned FBI fugitive, went missing on January 1, 1979 in Hawthorne, CA. Nine years later, on June 23, 1988, an unidentified male was "found in the dry river bottom near 52nd Street in Phoenix, AZ" with traumatic injuries.

Sizemore (the fugitive) had lived with his wife in Mesa, Arizona which is 6 miles away from where the unidentified was found in Phoenix, AZ.

Their faces look similar, and their noses are exact, but the eyebrows are different. Considering the unidentified had traumatic injuries, maybe it was too difficult to visualize the eyebrows for the artist.


Gary Vaughn Sizemore (NamUs #MP17636)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

Phoenix, AZ Unidentified (NamUs #UP1919)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)
I've submitted the following cases to NamUs.

Gary Vaughn Sizemore, who I suspect is the mentioned FBI fugitive, went missing on January 1, 1979 in Hawthorne, CA. Nine years later, on June 23, 1988, an unidentified male was "found in the dry river bottom near 52nd Street in Phoenix, AZ" with traumatic injuries.

Sizemore (the fugitive) had lived with his wife in Mesa, Arizona which is 6 miles away from where the unidentified was found in Phoenix, AZ.

Their faces look similar, and their noses are exact, but the eyebrows are different. Considering the unidentified had traumatic injuries, maybe it was too difficult to visualize the eyebrows for the artist.

View attachment 503217

Gary Vaughn Sizemore (NamUs #MP17636)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

Phoenix, AZ Unidentified (NamUs #UP1919)
The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System (NamUs)

Is a great match, I think the resemblance is incredible!
I submitted this match in Doe Network!


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Also this UID is a potential match!



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