GUILTY CA - Gerardo Hernandez, 39, TSA agent, killed, 3 injured in LAX shooting, 1 Nov 2013

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Authorities look at LAX shooter's government view
Published: November 5, 2013 12:52 PM
By The Associated Press JUSTIN PRITCHARD (Associated Press), TAMI ABDOLLAH (Associated Press)

The FBI got a warrant Monday to search the cellphone of alleged gunman Paul Ciancia for materials reflecting his "views on the legitimacy or activities of the United States government, including the existence of a plot to impose a New World Order," according to court documents.
Interesting... Same article posted on two different coasts. The title on the east coast says government views. The title on the west coast says anti government views. Both articles were posted at the same time. Real nice media...

Authorities look at LAX shooter's anti-government view


Authorities look at LAX shooter's government view
Authorities look at LAX shooter's government view

Same authors on both:
By The Associated Press JUSTIN PRITCHARD (Associated Press), TAMI ABDOLLAH (Associated Press)
I am very familiar with Alex Jones and his websites and radio show. is a site I go to. Not that I believe everything that is written there, but it's interesting. I think the shooter was just mentally ill and possibly isolated in his own head. If you are trying to take down or expose the new world order then this was a poor way to go about it! The TSA is just one amongst many government agencies.
Interesting... Same article posted on two different coasts. The title on the east coast says government views. The title on the west coast says anti government views. Both articles were posted at the same time. Real nice media...

Authorities look at LAX shooter's anti-government view


Authorities look at LAX shooter's government view
Authorities look at LAX shooter's government view

Same authors on both:
By The Associated Press JUSTIN PRITCHARD (Associated Press), TAMI ABDOLLAH (Associated Press)
The original Associated Press article uses the title:


Subscribers to Associated Press services sometimes vary the titles, vary the writing, add their own inserts, etc. etc. So what? I don't understand the big deal about the title.
The original Associated Press article uses the title:


Subscribers to Associated Press services sometimes vary the titles, vary the writing, add their own inserts, etc. etc. So what? I don't understand the big deal about the title.

I personally think its weird. If these sites are going to use the meat of the story verbatim, then use the title as well. Anti lends a negative. It's already negative, so why compile it IMO... I get what you're saying with various outlets changing things up a bit, but this one stuck out at me. Area on the east is more pro govt. Area on the west is more anti govt. It's kind of how I perceived it. Bakersfield looks like to first to use the anti title, so thought it was noteworthy.
I think I just found out why i.b.nora... This article is written by the same media site... Not nefarious at all. I hate my emotions right now.

Rex was the man Ciancia asked if he was TSA. When Rex said no, Paul turned around and walked away. Jesus... :(

Bakersfield man thought 'I'm dead' when faced with LAX shooter
By Jose Gaspar, Eyewitness News Nov 5, 2013

"It was our trip for our 30th wedding anniversary. We were going to fly to Cancun," said Rex Despain.

The couple were going through a security checkpoint, having their documents checked by Transportation Security Administration agent Gerardo Hernandez. The Despains were talking and joking with Hernandez, who they described as friendly and helpful.

Suddenly, shots rang out.

"The wall behind (Hernandez) exploded, and he went down very quickly," said Rex Despain during an interview Monday night with Eyewitness News.
I personally find the difference in titles, meaningless. It is very very common for newspapers to change the titles on the AP articles. They have been doing it for ages. No one has saved it up just for this incident. It isn't an East / West or Pro / Anti thing imo.

By the way, here is a website that gives hints on how to remove "stickers" using vinegar, olive oil, and or nail polish remover. The sooner the stickers are removed, the easier it is, imo. Maybe someone could simply remove the stickers from the stop signs.
I personally find the difference in titles, meaningless. It is very very common for newspapers to change the titles on the AP articles. They have been doing it for ages. No one has saved it up just for this incident. It isn't an East / West or Pro / Anti thing imo.

By the way, here is a website that gives hints on how to remove "stickers" using vinegar, olive oil, and or nail polish remover. The sooner the stickers are removed, the easier it is, imo. Maybe someone could simply remove the stickers from the stop signs.

I know. You're right. Funny how when something hits close to home, personal emotions interfere with logic. I think that's what just happened.

Re the stickers... I think it's already been done. Don't know for sure but I'd imagine police would have removed them, or our rec dept, since its illegal to put anything on a stop sign. I'll look when I pick up my son from school.

Funny I was going to mention that I remembered reading about the NWO and that a lot of conspiracy theorists attach some relationship between this and Freemasonry and societies like Skull and Bones. And IIRC, George HW Bush is a member of both.

I think the paranoia is a bunch of hooey, personally, but it makes for fascinating reading regarding symbolism and ritual.

My dad was a York Rite Mason and I was always trying to squeeze him for info about this stuff. I got nuttin.

It really isn't that far fetched, though to think that an impressionable young man with some trouble "finding himself" (my assumption) could buy into some of these theories and become overcome with hatred and paranoia.
I think his letter mentioned something about how unsecure an airport can be. I read something referring to how easy it is to get a gun into airports. Remember - he entered the terminal through an exit from the outside. I think this was past the "checkpoint" of TSA. This tells me that he may think the role of TSA is mundane & superficial, considering they watch people go through full body scans, then thoroughly pat down the people that may have flagged the scan for some reason or other.

These machines are very sensitive, lint can set them off. Not to be graphic but I'm saying this to put it in perspective - I don't know a single one of my female friends that frequently fly who are comfortable enough to wear a tampon, panty liner, or pad going through a scanner - so they go to the bathroom right before entering and take care of their most personal business. Yes, a tampon shows. It won't show on the screen that the public sees but rather in another room with the same feed from the scanner.

So, when considering where Paul entered the terminal, maybe he was crazily trying to show how senseless it is for TSA to search the way they do "for safety & security" purposes when a person can enter the airport with a gun anyway. Exits aren't secure. They never have been. They still aren't.

Either the govt will appt guards at exits outside & inside sporadically, or more surveillance cameras need to be in place.
I disagree. The sensitivity levels can be turned up or down. I used to make hand scanners- they don't detect lint or chemical weapons. Body scanners are silhouettes. It's a myth that they show private parts. If I still used them, I wouldn't hesitate to go through one wearing a pad or a tampon.
Gotta roll...bbl.

Take care JG, thanks for everything you, and everyone else does to keep the thread rolling. Hopefully we will soon learn more about what the shooter has to say about this tragedy.
If he had flown of out of LAX a few times and had bad experiences then THAT may have started his fixation on the TSA, the online propaganda may have had little or nothing to do with it.

For many folks airport security checks and the TSA is one of the only times we really feel the real life "in your face" sting of the government abusing their power and mocking citizens in the process. We may READ about it online but experiencing it personally is completely different.

What I've seen on video and read some people are manhandled, harrassed, groped inappropiately and arrested for no valid reason. I do not like the idea of TSA having this much power over innocent people.
I think his letter mentioned something about how unsecure an airport can be. I read something referring to how easy it is to get a gun into airports. Remember - he entered the terminal through an exit from the outside. I think this was past the "checkpoint" of TSA. This tells me that he may think the role of TSA is mundane & superficial, considering they watch people go through full body scans, then thoroughly pat down the people that may have flagged the scan for some reason or other.

These machines are very sensitive, lint can set them off. Not to be graphic but I'm saying this to put it in perspective - I don't know a single one of my female friends that frequently fly who are comfortable enough to wear a tampon, panty liner, or pad going through a scanner - so they go to the bathroom right before entering and take care of their most personal business. Yes, a tampon shows. It won't show on the screen that the public sees but rather in another room with the same feed from the scanner.

So, when considering where Paul entered the terminal, maybe he was crazily trying to show how senseless it is for TSA to search the way they do "for safety & security" purposes when a person can enter the airport with a gun anyway. Exits aren't secure. They never have been. They still aren't.

Either the govt will appt guards at exits outside & inside sporadically, or more surveillance cameras need to be in place.

Your female friend takes out her tampon because it's embarrassing or fear of a body cavity search? Which scares me and I am not a criminal but since I am alternative have a few piercings they assume I am a drug addict.
It's really scary. I dress as conservative as possible and no longer wear my jewelry or anything that'll get me pulled aside. They always rip apart my daughter's bags and she cries. It's scary.

Authorities look at LAX shooter's government view
Published: November 5, 2013 12:52 PM
By The Associated Press JUSTIN PRITCHARD (Associated Press), TAMI ABDOLLAH (Associated Press)

The FBI got a warrant Monday to search the cellphone of alleged gunman Paul Ciancia for materials reflecting his "views on the legitimacy or activities of the United States government, including the existence of a plot to impose a New World Order," according to court documents.

George Bush Senior said He wants New World Order in a speech. So, yes some people fear this global merging society. It's not a new concept.
I am so very very very sad...

That sticker is still on the stop sign. :( It's on the stop sign at the end of the road between Ciancia's father's house and his shop. I don't know if its on the stop sign all the way at the other end, but there weren't anymore on any side roads that I saw. The sign is too high for me to reach & I don't have a portable ladder to go scrub it off. I called it into a friend of mine at the Rec Dept. If they can't deal with it, they'll be able to refer it to whomever does.

It's crazy to me bc people around here hunt. There's shooting ranges. There's sports men's clubs, etc. It's a very small town where everyone either knows everyone or is familiar with everyone iykwim. That sticker was placed there to mess with Paul Sr & it's just not right. He's "good people"...truly. His son's an azzahola for what he did & hopefully he's punished accordingly, but his family and neighbors don't deserve the harassment they've been getting.

When I say small town - I'm talking small. Everyone is embarrassed and devastated for all victims involved in this atrocity. The mood in our whole town is somber. Even kids in the HS are upset. Some of the teachers are upset. Most of the cops and sheriff's officers are upset. To see propaganda being stuck on a sign down the street from Mr Ciancia makes me hurt even more for him.
Your female friend takes out her tampon because it's embarrassing or fear of a body cavity search? Which scares me and I am not a criminal but since I am alternative have a few piercings they assume I am a drug addict.
It's really scary. I dress as conservative as possible and no longer wear my jewelry or anything that'll get me pulled aside. They always rip apart my daughter's bags and she cries. It's scary.

No, not afraid of a cavity search...omg I never even thought of that. It's embarrassing bc a tampon & string do show up...just not on the screen in the front to the public.

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