GUILTY CA - Gianni, 24, & Sal Belvedere, 22, Ilona Flint, 22, San Diego, 24 Dec 2013 - #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
At this point I am wondering what Mercado's work schedule and attendance was like during this time period. In those retail stores they generally require everyone to work on Christmas Eve. So did he work on that day? Did he commit a triple murder the night before, catch some Z's and roll into Target the next day like nothing happened? What was his schedule the week of Jan 11, 2014 when he went to buy the Ford Explorer? How did he pay the lady from Craigslist for it, was it cash or check? Where did those funds come from? I believe he drove Gianni's car to Riverside and walked the four blocks to pick up the new car to drive back to SD.

JMO and Wondering
I don't think Gianni or Ilona were shooting up. There were no needles found, or rigs if that's the right word, or kits for shooting up. Can someone overdose just smoking heroin? A drug bust could've been what she was worried about to call jails.

Why call hospitals if she wasn't worried about an overdose?
Had GB been threatened? Been slightly suicidal?
It's possible it was simply she worried he got in an accident.

Yes, you can OD smoking or snorting heroin. It isn't the standard 5-15 seconds that a main liner experiences, it may take 20-40 minutes. Each time an addict uses, their body becomes just a bit more resistant to the "high", but that does NOT mean their body can continue tolerating higher and higher amounts. The "high" is a side effect, and like any type of drug or medication, side effects become less apparent as one continues to take it.*in most cases* Think of anytime you may have had to use OTC allergy or Dr. indicated medication, your body adjusts to the side affects and you no longer experience most, if not all of them.

Ilona's reactions is "Standard Operating Procedure" when someone you care about is a heroin or opiate addict.

I believe that the victims in this crime were herion Smokers. Does that change anything in your assessment? Can 2 or 3 people smoke $250 of H in a day? Can people who "maintain" still function normally, go to work etc.?

1 gram a day per person is still way too much with the current street level purity and still be "functional". Smoking, snorting, shooting...the only difference is how quick the heroin reaches the brain and the amount recieved.

1/2 a gram a day is more likely. A person would need a "bump", a small amount smoked or snorted every 3-4 hours to keep a somewhat consistent amount in their system. This could easily be hidden by lunch and smoke breaks during work.

Can herion and cocaine be combined into a "speedball" and smoked?


Gianni seemed to have a steady supplier of herion. So why be obtaining the other drugs (xanx etc...)

For situations where disappearing for 15 minutes to smoke or snort heroin was NOT an option. Benzos dissolved under the tongue alleviate many of the physical anxieties and discomfort caused by diminishing amounts of heroin in the body.
Again, I think Gianni was buying more heroin than any of them used, simply to re-sale to cover the cost of their own use. At $250/day, that's $1650/week, $6600/month. You can't make that kind of money disappear if you're stealing from a business to support a habit.

If he cut/stepped on the product once, ie. added 100% "filler" (lactose, baking soda, etc), he'd have a salable product that was 40-45% pure, broken down in smaller quantities, 1/4 grams or less, he could make a 100%+ profit, thereby paying for their daily use and the purchase of benzos.

Would this still be the answer: Exactly.

My responses in red.

I want to clarify a term that I use. "Junkie" refers to someone who uses heroin. It does NOT indicate HOW they use it, doesn't matter if they smoke, snort, or shoot it. It means the use of heroin, considered the "junk" left over when opium is processed. This is how I define a "junkie".

"Junkie" has been used in broader terms now days and many people believe it indicates someone who SHOOTS drugs, ANY drugs.
^This is NOT how I am using this term.^

I don't imply the term to indicate social status, education, employ-ability, or the lack of. Heroin is found in all walks of society. It is an equal opportunity drug.
At this point I am wondering what Mercado's work schedule and attendance was like during this time period. In those retail stores they generally require everyone to work on Christmas Eve. So did he work on that day? Did he commit a triple murder the night before, catch some Z's and roll into Target the next day like nothing happened? What was his schedule the week of Jan 11, 2014 when he went to buy the Ford Explorer? How did he pay the lady from Craigslist for it, was it cash or check? Where did those funds come from? I believe he drove Gianni's car to Riverside and walked the four blocks to pick up the new car to drive back to SD.

JMO and Wondering

He worked as a stock person, maybe those schedules are more regular than check out clerks. His work records were investigated, so I'm sure his work hours were scrutinized. The results just weren't disclosed, like so many other objects detailed in the warrants. Some of those warrants were partial, with many pages missing. There were details in the prelim that were not included in the available warrants. We only saw the contents of 9 out of 37, possibly withheld to see who goes to the trouble of viewing them in the court records department.

I also wonder where he came up with the money to buy a car and why in Riverside? When they searched CM's home, they collected Fox rental car receipts, but did not release info such as dates, vehicle or location.
First off Bernina thank you so much for your incredible details on the heroin subject. I am sorry for the reason why you know so much on the subject :(

I think CM bought the car in Riverside because the one he was driving (Gianni's) had to stay up there. I also think the rental car receipts are probably related to the motorcycle accident he reportedly had. Insurance companies will give you a rental when your vehicle is in the shop.
Not that I notice every little thing, nor would I probably make a good witness, but I don't see any similarities between CM and GB.

How could CM ever be mistaken for Gianni? IMO, it must've been someone other than CM.
Gianni was tall, wavy to curly hair, and had more of a lean body type.
CM doesn't really look at all like GB, plus he's much shorter. I don't know, but that's my opinion.

This reminds me that in the beginning when we found out the camera's on top of Macy's facing the parking lot were not working we also heard that the light standard closest to the vehicles was out. Perhaps it was too dark to really distinguish between the two?
Initials are okay in this case, BUT be careful what you say.

As usual, I'm trying to catch up here and I did not see the snipped post. But I believe the initials would be KM and tvscum please correct me if I'm wrong.
He worked as a stock person, maybe those schedules are more regular than check out clerks. His work records were investigated, so I'm sure his work hours were scrutinized. The results just weren't disclosed, like so many other objects detailed in the warrants. Some of those warrants were partial, with many pages missing. There were details in the prelim that were not included in the available warrants. We only saw the contents of 9 out of 37, possibly withheld to see who goes to the trouble of viewing them in the court records department.

I also wonder where he came up with the money to buy a car and why in Riverside? When they searched CM's home, they collected Fox rental car receipts, but did not release info such as dates, vehicle or location.


I would have to go back but I believe TV may have mentioned that one of the sw's that was not sent out to media had to do with CM's employment history. MOO
My apologies all for the consecutive dump on postings :blushing: I've been work busy and such but lurk as much as I can to try to stay on top of everything. That would be MISSION IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

With all of the fabulous new contributors to the thread bringing up things that were stored to far back in my brain something clicked that I had not checked on in a long time. As most of you know I am a co-admin on the Justice FB page for the kids. We had a little flurry of private messages there primarily after CM's arrest. Some were media and others were just nuts lol And most all were ignored. One from a media source in NoCal was requesting an interview (he was ignored) but I went back and looked at this guy on FB again today and find he's actually friends with some of the Mercado's and does actually work at the news station he said he did. The hair on my arms stood up and thankfully he was ignored!

I guess my point is that social media can be a very scary thing and we all have to be vigilant.

The big problem is none of these details can be confirmed and it makes it extremely difficult to nail down whether CM acted alone or had an accomplice.

1) the guy in the mall surveillance video has not been confirmed as the killer.
2) it has not been confirmed that the killer actually got into the car seen driving away.
3) it has not been confirmed the killer got into the passenger side of that vehicle.
4) the make and model of that vehicle has not been confirmed, but the two witnesses say it was Civic (and they both owned Civics).
5) it has not been confirmed whether there were one or two people in the vehicle seen driving away.
6) we don't know if the killer drove away from the crime scene in Gianni's vehicle or some other vehicle.

1) Sal's keys and cell phone were not recovered.
2) Gianni's cell phone was not recovered.
3) CM DNA was found on Gianni's vehicle, including on the gas cap.
4) CM purchased a white SUV in Riverside.

It seems logical to assume that CM drove Gianni's car up to Riverside at some point in time. It does not appear that some unnamed accomplice drove the vehicle to Riverside.

None of the 38 warrants are sealed. Anybody can view the search warrants at downtown San Diego court for free. Taking photos of the warrants with smart phones is not allowed. The MSM does not want to pay .50 per page for 700 pages of warrants that simply have the same affidavits. However, you are correct, there are additional phone numbers, bank account numbers, and return inventories attached to some of these warrants that we have not seen

Will there be more warrants and discovery unsealed? Even though I have followed trials before, I still don't fully understand the timing process and procedures. Someone said the defense wants to get this started faster to leave the State less time to get more investigation done. Do I understand that correctly?

I'm not an attorney, nor have I ever gotten in big legal trouble, not even small legal trouble. :smile: Need help understanding the approaches as well as the holding back of certain information in the legal sense. I can understand why the defense attorney wants us to believe CM didn't know these people, and defense wants to make a big fuss over the victims drug use. Why does the State hold back, until a certain time, facts that might confirm and place CM at the crime scene?

Any help understanding where this is headed would be greatly appreciated.
(It's like a legal dance, and I don't know all the steps. :smile:)
When is the next court date? What will happen then?
Next court date is 9-17 and it is nothing more than a re-arraignment of the charges. This routinely happens after being bound over at the prelim. But once this happens, the DA starts talking about death penalty via an internal office committee. Then, at some future hearing, the decision on the death penalty is announced. IMO this will be a death penalty case.
A death penalty trial seems to carry more weight in some other states. However, I hope CM is scared by the thought and does a lot of talking before this does go to trial. Motive? Accomplice? Who paid for this hit?

Support for death penalty hits 50-year low in California

“That issue is the main issue of the day,” DiCamillo said. “What do we do with the death penalty seeing as we can’t seem to administer it very efficiently?”

"A U.S. District judge ruled in July that the amount of time prisoners are kept waiting on death row is unconstitutional. The state has since appealed the decision."

"When the Field Poll posed that question to voters, 52 percent said the state should speed up the process so sentenced criminals aren't waiting decades on death row before being executed."
I feel like I knew this trio through their pictures. Smiling, happy faces and I kind of love that Sal was pictured with the couple a lot - the 3 seemed very close. This case will continue to nag at me until we can pin down a motive. The drug details shocked me a bit, but doesn't change my feelings about them. Bestinthewest - thanks for your info; please let the family know WS'ers support them and hope for justice. :heartbeat::heartbeat:
I feel like I knew this trio through their pictures. Smiling, happy faces and I kind of love that Sal was pictured with the couple a lot - the 3 seemed very close. This case will continue to nag at me until we can pin down a motive. The drug details shocked me a bit, but doesn't change my feelings about them. Bestinthewest - thanks for your info; please let the family know WS'ers support them and hope for justice. [emoji813]beat:[emoji813]beat:
Will do! I'm trying to make myself update the website today I'll post on here right when I do!
I think it will be a death penalty case unless Ilona's family as well as the Belvedere family agree life without parole in exchange for a guilty plea. There is also a question of if he is sane. From what I hear he has Aspergers and has been on medication Risperdal and Depakote and I think abi. There was also and Adhd medication I don't remember the name. What happens if he is mentally ill? What if he blames the medication? Personally I'm not too familiar with the side effects because the drugs I work with are not these types of psychotropics and I'm definitely not passing judgement on anyone taking medication.As someone who works in pharmaceutical; mental health is just as important as physical health if not more important imo. I also think it's really important to be honest when discussing anyone else's possible mental state so that it doesn't offend anyone I personally take Effexor for pmdd and it's the worst drug in the world but I can't stop taking it if I miss a dose or try to stop taking it I get brain shocks and I get really sick and it didn't even make me nicer or more sane lol I feel the exact same as before so I hope me being honest will prevent anyone from possibly feeling alienated and will not make anyone feel judged. IMO killing 3 people makes him crazy not Aspergers if he does have it. I wonder if he is going to be charged with anything else at the new arraignment?
Next court date is 9-17 and it is nothing more than a re-arraignment of the charges. This routinely happens after being bound over at the prelim. But once this happens, the DA starts talking about death penalty via an internal office committee. Then, at some future hearing, the decision on the death penalty is announced. IMO this will be a death penalty case.
I take Effexor and know about the brain shocks, they are horrible, I have been on it for a little more than 2 years. It was prescribed to me after paralyzing panic attacks. I could go hours just freaking out of my mind of silly things. Since I started taking it, no more panic attacks. I panic, but it's the normal, OMG kind of situation. I've heard and read that it's a horrible drug. I was on xanax for a year before with no success. So it works, and I am not about to give it up. I always carry a dose with me in my purse, for those times that I forget to take it. So that when the brain shocks start, I take it right away.
I take Effexor and know about the brain shocks, they are horrible, I have been on it for a little more than 2 years. It was prescribed to me after paralyzing panic attacks. I could go hours just freaking out of my mind of silly things. Since I started taking it, no more panic attacks. I panic, but it's the normal, OMG kind of situation. I've heard and read that it's a horrible drug. I was on xanax for a year before with no success. So it works, and I am not about to give it up. I always carry a dose with me in my purse, for those times that I forget to take it. So that when the brain shocks start, I take it right away.
Lol the emergency dose for the car the wallet and the office I tried to stop taking it because I didn't notice a difference I'm not sure if Effexor is similar to either of those drugs the one good thing about the Effexor is it makes me a cheap date :D I will have to jump into the FDA orange book and see the chemical makeup and compare them. I do remember hearing about Risperdal at a conference and it effecting male hormone production but since it's on the list of essential drugs I doubt anything will be done about putting more strict guidelines on who it is prescribed to. IMO I think if someone has anger issues or violent tendacies they need to have the support of a doctor who is watching them. I've seen amazing clinical trials on Celexa for dissociative personality and Bi Polar disorder. I wish I could remember the name of the adhd medication I know it wasn't Ritalin or Adderall if it's what I think it is its Vyvanse the drug is made up to prevent addiction and not have the come down like Adderall XR but the way it's supposed the prevent dependence is it has a mirroring effect with the LDismephatmine (excuse my spelling) and the D-amphetamine I wonder if it could mirror/cancel out other prescribing drugs. I'm losing my memory at my old age yes I'm still having a mid-life/midlife crisis. It may also be worth mentioning I have seen studies where untreated ADHD/add in children can turn into Asperges.
I think it will be a death penalty case unless Ilona's family as well as the Belvedere family agree life without parole in exchange for a guilty plea. There is also a question of if he is sane. From what I hear he has Aspergers and has been on medication Risperdal and Depakote and I think abi. There was also and Adhd medication I don't remember the name. What happens if he is mentally ill? What if he blames the medication? Personally I'm not too familiar with the side effects because the drugs I work with are not these types of psychotropics and I'm definitely not passing judgement on anyone taking medication.As someone who works in pharmaceutical; mental health is just as important as physical health if not more important imo. I also think it's really important to be honest when discussing anyone else's possible mental state so that it doesn't offend anyone I personally take Effexor for pmdd and it's the worst drug in the world but I can't stop taking it if I miss a dose or try to stop taking it I get brain shocks and I get really sick and it didn't even make me nicer or more sane lol I feel the exact same as before so I hope me being honest will prevent anyone from possibly feeling alienated and will not make anyone feel judged. IMO killing 3 people makes him crazy not Aspergers if he does have it. I wonder if he is going to be charged with anything else at the new arraignment?

Is this just a rumor that you heard he has Aspergers Syndrome (and on medication) or is it a fact?
Is this just a rumor that you heard he has Aspergers Syndrome (and on medication) or is it a fact?
On a scale of 1-10 I'd give it an 8 on being true. Just because there are lots of Mercados and Bergados out there I'm dinging it 2 points because it could the only way it's not true is if it's mistaken identity. He is in the psychiatric part of the jail and has been since his arrest I'm not sure if that's the norm for high profile murders. My guess is we will hear more at the next court date but I'm not familiar with Hipaa laws regarding someone incarcerated that has not been convicted of a crime officially. It would make sense if when he was sent to the hospital for "injury" if he had withdrawals from not making medications again I am not familiar with the side effects of the rumored drugs. I also do not know his medical history and I doubt it will be released right away but maybe they will release a CURES report? If they released the other warrants with all that other information I don't want to see more info won't be released especially if it comes into play with motivation.

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