CA CA - Hannah, 16, Devonte, 15, & Sierra Hart, 12, Mendocino County, 26 March 2018 #1

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Not open for further replies.'s already come out that the children were mistreated considering one of the moms pled guilty.So much denial among friends and family.It's why abusers continue to get away with it for years.
“I would like to add that Devonte was crying before approaching the officer while he was talking to his guardian, presumably because he was terrified. This brings the question of coercion to my mind, but I’ll let ya’ll debate over it.”

From 2014

I think the person being quoted is mis-representing events. He "presumes" DH was terrified. Why does he presume this? Did he talk to DH? Does he know DH? There are a lot of reasons why DH was crying at that moment. This was a hugely emotionally charged moment in Portland and in the country. He is a young black male, in a society that views him as violent and dangerous as a rule. He could have been sad, overwhelmed, scared, angry.... This family went into seclusion after this event because DH's photo was spread around the world, without his permission. As a juvenile, any media sharing his photo would have had to have his family's permission, which they did not give. They were harassed, and received death threats (lesbian couple, six black kids, lots of reasons for simple-minded, racist, homophobic folks to get upset...)

The simpler story is likely the truth. Family deeply involved in social justice, kid goes to many events carrying his free hugs sign, at this event the kid is overwhelmed by the situation and Ferguson, being a black boy. He may have real fear of cops at that point, which would be understandable....'s already come out that the children were mistreated considering one of the moms pled guilty.So much denial among friends and family.It's why abusers continue to get away with it for years.

I have seen the 2011 information and heard the neighbors' statements. There are many red flags. It is possible this was a house of horrors under the surface. It is also possible that it was not. All I am saying is that I will wait until it all comes out, and I am stepping away from trying to sleuth out what was happening.
All I know is one of the moms admitted to holding a child over the the bathtub giving her a very bad spanking.Clearly a woman with anger issues doesn't need to adopt so many kids who have already had a hard life.
Thank you to mods for merging these threads. I thought I looked everywhere for a thread on this family-- found it here.

I actually think this entire situation, from the time in Minnesota, to the car crash in Northern California, goes far, far beyond a "missing persons" situation-- like the McStay family, for example.

Something very odd was going on over multiple years, IMO, that culminated with this rushed trip of too many people in a pickup truck, and ended at the bottom of a cliff at the pacific ocean in NorCal. And 3 victim teens not found yet.

I have to wonder if the missing 3 were not even in the car at the point it went off the cliff?

Could there have been some kind of angry altercation, and the 3 misssing teens were out of the car (voluntarily or otherwise) before the turnout at the cliff?

I can't be the only person to wonder if these 3 missing teens are dead "somewhere else" along the route from Woodland, WA to the final cliff crash site.

Interestingly that the three missing children are also the ones involved in the abuse investigation by CPS.

Co-incidence?? I think not.

Hwy hugs the Pacific Ocean heading north and south along the coast. In some stretches there is land, as much say as a large farm area with animals grazing, between the hwy and the ocean. As you go further north into Mendocino County, parts of the hwy are very close to the cliffs directly above the ocean. It’s not the sort of East coast many of us have seen, which usually has little more than sand dunes and then a flat sandy beach which is on the ocean.Some of the Mendocino coast has high dramatic rocky cliffs below which the ocean strikes the base of the cliffs. Some areas have tidal pools which you can climb down to and there are very few areas that have a small beach area. At night there are no streetlights on Hwy 1 and thus it would be critical when driving not to get close to the ocean side of the hwy. It is beautiful by day but never a place for a casual drive. Because one wrong turn or mistake and you literally would fall over the cliffs and depending on the rocks, either fall straight into the ocean or get smashed by rocks on the way down. The only way to be absolutely safe at night would be to follow any road heading east off of Hwy 1 and thus away from the coast. There is no scenario where GPS would direct you to drive off the hwy into the ocean.
What is the speed limit where the accident occurred?
About the animals left behind:

"Animal Control also visited the Hart home on Thursday, and removed a bunny, chicken and four cats. Officers say the animals are in fine condition. A friend of the family tells KATU that the Harts also had a dog named Mowgli that may have been with them in California."

I saw a local article that said they had 2 dogs and LE found 2 feed bowls, 2 doggy beds and 2 leashes. LE has asked public for info on missing dogs.
All I know is one of the moms admitted to holding a child over the the bathtub giving her a very bad spanking.Clearly a woman with anger issues doesn't need to adopt so many kids who have already had a hard life.

Exactly!! And if she’s willing to admit to that, what else is she doing??

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I'd suggest that Leftist environmentalism is as much capable of becoming a cult as conservative fundamentalism is. They are both political belief systems - religious systems as well if you accept the idea of secular religion. There are elements within the US environmental movement that would meet the definition of terrorist organisations almost anywhere outside the US, eg there was one called Trees First some years ago whose members were strongly implicated in a number of arson and criminal damage incidents.

Another thing: I've not waded through all the linked media so far, but do we know that all the children were adopted through official channels? I'm aware that in some parts of the US children within the fostering and adoption system can be unofficially passed from one family to another like bags of old clothes and nobody keeps track of them. At least one missing person thread here on WS relates to a child who disappeared from such a family.

You may be onto something. I've seen mention of the two women, not working, but earning close to $80,000/yr.
for fostering the children. I don't know if it's true, was a comment on a MSM article. I wondered how they could
just up and travel and attend festivals, etc. if either one had a stable job.
I saw a local article that said they had 2 dogs and LE found 2 feed bowls, 2 doggy beds and 2 leashes. LE has asked public for info on missing dogs.

In the pictures on page 11 of this thread, the mom has one of the dogs on a leash (from the night of the hug picture).
I absolutely don’t know the situation here but I have been through more than one false CPS claim - I have a son with Aspergers who told the people at school more than once that my husband was abusing him which he is definitely not. My son feels abused when he has his computer taken away from him after he has caused a fit so badly he broke a window....he told school folks he was abused because he hit his foot during a tantrum. So yes stuff like this does happen and after a while it just becomes demeaning. CPS has never found cause against us and they realize the situation we are in. We are to the point where we are on a no investigation status with CPS but yes I've considered just taking him out of school because anytime he's having a bad day or an accident happens (I accidentally tripped over his foot once so he hit me in the face - he doesn't understand accident vs on purpose) - the school will call CPS at the drop of a hat. At some point you're just done with it. So I'm not saying that is the case with this family but it's not always so obvious.

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But this is about this family and she was Convicted for abusing one of these children. And then allowed to isolate them and homeschool them. If that doesn't send up red flags shooting to officials then I don't know what would. IMO they had plenty of red flags not one or 2 calls that may or may not be abuse. This was plain as day to anyone with eyes open MOO

ETA as an adopted child myself I fully support adoption but I cannot turn a blind eye to abuse. This family should have been on many radars over the years. Kids shouldn't keep losing their lives because adults can't control them

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I'd suggest that Leftist environmentalism is as much capable of becoming a cult as conservative fundamentalism is. They are both political belief systems - religious systems as well if you accept the idea of secular religion. There are elements within the US environmental movement that would meet the definition of terrorist organisations almost anywhere outside the US, eg there was one called Trees First some years ago whose members were strongly implicated in a number of arson and criminal damage incidents.

Another thing: I've not waded through all the linked media so far, but do we know that all the children were adopted through official channels? I'm aware that in some parts of the US children within the fostering and adoption system can be unofficially passed from one family to another like bags of old clothes and nobody keeps track of them. At least one missing person thread here on WS relates to a child who disappeared from such a family.

I think any system where people are inflexible and adhere to rigid beliefs can attract people who may have "issues". However, studies have definitively shown that child abuse, sexual assault and domestic violence are high in strict religious patriarchies when compared to any other types of cultural groups. Religious or secular.
I can't imagine that the 3 missing kids are anywhere but in the ocean. How would they have killed them and dumped them along the way and also kept the other 3 in the car? At one point, if they stopped to dump a body or whatever, one of the kids could have ran. So very tragic.'s already come out that the children were mistreated considering one of the moms pled guilty.So much denial among friends and family.It's why abusers continue to get away with it for years.
Thanks button was not enough for this

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They protest against social injustice but can't even treat their own kids fairly.
Looking at what background is available, I get a strong "wannabe reality show" vibe from these women. But their chance to get a TV deal was several years ago, when some of the children were younger and cuter; and they were getting a lot of attention at these demonstrations and political events. Time ran out for them and they wound up with a carefully crafted edifice, but inside were real young people growing up and chafing at their bizarre treatment.

I don't think the three missing teens were in the SUV. I hope I'm wrong about that. I hope all the kids were in there and that they were asleep when this happened and didn't know a thing. But I don't think they were. Some trace of at least one of them would have turned up by now.

Article about the family, from 2015.
The family went into seclusion after the 2014 photo went viral, because they received death threats and reporters were camped out on their front yard.

I'm skeptical unless there is proof of death threats. I have seen many people lie and fabricate persecution. I have a family member who did this. She cut off the entire family and was lying to everyone else claiming they cut her off and were persecuting her. Others I've known online claiming they were being targeted and threatened and extensive probing finds that it was fabricated.

So when a family with a documented history of abuse claims they received death threats and isolates themselves I'm left very much doubting any substantive threats. I mean surely these threats were reported to the police and the police followed through on them. There should be something other than just online claims to friends etc. The police would have taken it seriously. If you had death threats serious enough to move and isolate yourself you should have something to back it up.

They claimed they were being threatened so they needed to move to the middle of nowhere, pull their kids out of school, punish them by depriving them of food, avoid the CPS visits and then their supporters decide they must have just accidentally drove off a cliff. Sure... When CPS shows up you don't not answer the door, load up the truck and go driving on the precarious edge of a cliff for a better view.
“I would like to add that Devonte was crying before approaching the officer while he was talking to his guardian, presumably because he was terrified. This brings the question of coercion to my mind, but I’ll let ya’ll debate over it.”

From 2014

Thanks, this is something I've been thinking about and wondering about:

1. Why is he crying in the photo? Is it because he's so emotional about the "cause" of the protest? Have we attributed our own adult emotions onto this child? Perhaps he was scared, or maybe he was being mistreated at home and that's the emotion we see?

Other thoughts:

2. At first I thought it was likely that both parents decided to drive over the cliff to escape something (ie legal problems). Then what might be an even more horrifying thought occurred to me. Maybe only the adult who was driving had this plan in mind?

3. When CPS shows up at a home, do they identify themselves when they're ringing the doorbell/knocking? Do they have a car that indicates they are CPS? Is there a way that these parents would have known it was CPS at their door?

Any comments? Thanks!
I'd suggest that Leftist environmentalism is as much capable of becoming a cult as conservative fundamentalism is. They are both political belief systems - religious systems as well if you accept the idea of secular religion. There are elements within the US environmental movement that would meet the definition of terrorist organisations almost anywhere outside the US, eg there was one called Trees First some years ago whose members were strongly implicated in a number of arson and criminal damage incidents.

(Respectfully snipped.)

This is a long post, so I apologize in advance. (Roll and scroll if needed!) I wanted to explain my thinking.

One of the very disturbing issues that stand out is the family’s insular/ isolated lifestyle. The kids were home schooled, and from all indications, had few or no friends outside of their sibling group. While the family participated in “social justice” rallies, environmental rallies, and political rallies, this is vastly different than having peers, friend relationships, and ordinary relationships with adults in various roles (family, teachers, coaches, etc).

The kids were reaching out to adult neighbors with relative frequency, for attention, comfort, reassurance, and connections, whether or not they were “actually” starving—the food requests by Devonte being the basis for his reaching out.

It’s a delicate thing to criticize families who are so dedicated to one another, and who present such a unified “front” to the world. And especially delicate to criticize people who are often perceived as persecuted for their lifestyle. Certainly deep and loyal family bonds are admirable, dedication to worthy causes is admirable and altruistic, and dedication to political causes and candidates demonstrates concern and engagement in one’s community. Just as some families are deeply religious, and practice a lifestyle that is isolated by choice, deeply dedicated to their interpretation of their faith, and limit their social contacts to those with whom they share their deeply held beliefs.

Homeschooling, in and of itself, is a noble and wonderful choice for many motivated parents. But homeschooling has also been used to divert attention from an abusive environment at home.

There is a fine line between forthright engagement in these kinds of activities as a positive channeling of one’s own inner drive, and a genuine motivation to engage in them for deeply held principled reasons, versus indoctrination, and coerced "groupthink".

Which is why it is imperative that before criticism is levied, one has to give deep and critical consideration to “why” some of these choices are justifiably worrisome. It is all too easy for some to say that criticism of these women, their lifestyle, and parenting choices is persecution, bigotry, or intolerance, because not everyone agrees with their activism, progressive lifestyle, choices for building their family, and political ideologies.

This is delicate territory, just as it is with families where there are concerns about religious child abuse, abusive religious indoctrination, and religious emotional/ intellectual manipulation.

Children will be exposed to the ideas and deeply held beliefs of their parents. That’s true whether we are talking about religion, culture, or political/ social ideas. Plenty of families, for example, “force” their kids to attend religious services, or religious schools, against the “will” of the child.

If we compare social/ political rallies and protests as a “form” of deeply held convictions on the part of the parents, to deeply held religious convictions and activities surrounding religion, it is easier to begin to determine whether the child is participating because he or she is “forced” to do so, or because it’s a “family activity”, or because the child/ teen actually wants to participate.

For many kids, not going to religious services isn’t an option. For the Hart kids, I don’t think it was an option to “think differently” or “opt out” of participating with their moms in their extensive political, social, and protest activities.

I think the kids were indoctrinated, intellectually and emotionally manipulated, and isolated from most other people in society—EXCEPT for preparation and attendance at these numerous rallies, when they were showcased as heroes for the various causes. The moms were hailed all over the country and the internet as heroes for adopting such difficult and traumatized kids, and raising them to be “socially conscious” and politically active, even at such a young age. The kids were props for the activism of the mothers, IMO. Certainly enthusiastic and smiling props, but props nonetheless, IMO.

The mothers were only in their early 20s when they adopted the first 3, and already engaged in social and political activism. That continued with the second set of sibs. IMO, the mothers appeared to use this lifestyle of activism as a substitute for the type of parenting that each individual child needed so badly. Parentally prescribed and guided activism as a substitute for therapy, or normal social development, and engagement with peers. Again, JMO. I think they did far more damage socially and psychologically to these kids by that parenting strategy, than they did good.

The kids, IMO, had no life experience to develop any ideas of their own, no peers, no other adults—teachers, coaches, religious leaders, extended family—to help them develop their own ideas as they grew into teens. Their life experience was highly controlled, IMO.

The kids had no activities of THEIR OWN to pursue and succeed in as individuals—no sports, academics, activities, interests, apart from “the group” activities of the family.

We know from the neighbors at 3 locations that the kids seldom left the house. Any activities were things like family camping—no clubs, sports, hobbies, or friends outside the family.

That’s fine when kids are toddlers and young schoolagers, but emotional and intellectual needs change as kids move into their teen years. IMO, that is a worrisome situation for a healthy family unit. IMO, these kids were somewhat trapped in the “activist” lifestyle their moms prescribed for them—yet the kids likely wanted to please the moms by their enthusiastic sign lettering, chanting and participation at rallies, etc. They wanted to show that they were good little soldiers for the cause, even if they were far too young to have more than a very basic, biased understanding of the issues they were encouraged to support or protest.

It’s just my personal opinion, but as I read more about Devonte and the “free hugs” campaign, I was deeply, deeply disturbed. I think these kids were far too young to be put into those situations, especially given their traumatized backgrounds and isolation. I know not everyone will agree with that, but IMO, it’s perfectly fine for the moms to be activists and put themselves out there at rallies, protests, etc—but it’s another thing all together to make protesting and social justice a mandatory family activity—especially with kids who are vulnerable because of their history, and isolated socially. Most parents would try to shield young kids and young teens from that kind of pressure and controversy, until they were late teens at least, and able to make choices for themselves.

Devonte had a particularly horrific background when he and his sibs were adopted. He had a number of serious emotional, psychological, and developmental challenges. The "free hugs" activities at the protests, his obvious emotional reaction to what was going on, the "viral" picture, the pressures and criticisms that happened after that-- all of that played into his reaching out to the DeKalbs. He was asking-- begging for help-- and not just the food. IMO, he was exploited as a prop-- as were all the kids in their participation at these rallies and protests.

I feel pretty certain that the DeKalbs calling CPS because of their concern for Devonte is the stimulus for the rapid departure of the family, and the reason the SUV ended up at the bottom of the cliff. This was a confluence of many aspects of their lifestyle over years. It may have been an impulsive choice by Jen (driver) alone to drive off the cliff. Or, it may have been a joint decision with Sarah. It is possible the 3 missing teens were in the car when it went over, or they may be dead somewhere else. But IMO, there is zero possibility it was just a tragic accident. And I think there is zero possibility the 3 missing teens are alive somewhere else.
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