Rickshaw, I find this comment fascinating, and I'm thinking you have a point here. They constantly point out how "alternative-lifestyle-ist" they are; yet, the house and furnishing seem to scream "Suburban Pottery Barn". (Except the Buddhas -I did see one in a photo, but they're pretty trendy with everyone these days.)
And, to this point, I have noticed something else that has seemed off to me for a long time: One of the descriptors we've heard about the Harts is that they "grew their own food". Now, maybe they grew their own food before they moved to Woodland, WA, but I can assure you, they did not do so there. Their little raised plots are typical suburban tomato/lettuce, some herbs and a cucumber plant or two set-up. I am very aware of what it takes to actually "grow your own food" and it is much, much, more substantial for a family of eight.
I've looked at photos of the whole area around the house and I see no evidence of any of it, aside from those little, as yet unplanted, plots. Nada. They had some tomatoes. Period. Just so much more FAKE "image".