GUILTY CA - Hannah Webb charged in disposal of newborn, Roseville, 23 July 2007

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If not safe haven, then what? Nothing else has worked either except we made it legal to kill it before it's even born to make it easier on them. They don't even choose that.

Public schools teaching safe sex isn't working. Churches preaching don't do it hasn't worked. Now what?

Education at the basic level at health clinics might work better..if they choose to even go to a doctor.

And if they are hiding a pregnancy they need privacy to give birth to keep their secret. It's not just in bathrooms these people are having babies. They find ways to hide a pregnancy, sneaking out of the house or whatever can't be as hard as that.

Nova, I've had ppd 7 times and let me tell ya, sometimes it feels like psychosis. When the hormones start dropping and you feel so not yourself I can understand how some woman can feel desperate. Not desperate enough to kill a first instinct was to cry to my husband..then again, these woman are not normal so maybe it does manifest itself differently. Who knows. But it would make for an interesting study. I don't think we understand half of what goes on in our own bodies. Or why each experience can be so different.

Personally, I put this squarely in the lap of those who do what they do but I also think education and being open has to help for those that don't end up killing but kept it a secret. Such as my cousin who gave birth in her dorm bathroom all alone. No one knew (she was a very large girl to begin with and looked no different) but I'm glad she didn't go down that road. Esp since it was my cousin and I'd never have known him otherwise.

I'll keep preaching safe haven laws until I'm purple if it saves one small infants life. At least it's better than sitting and doing nothing. I refuse to do nothing.

I'm in an area that has a huge low income, teenaged pregnancy rate. We talk about a lot of things from breast feeding to how to change a diaper. Some I am sure get it. Others are there because they are made to be there. But what if, at a time when they think they don't need or want this information, they find out that it was handy when it comes right down to it?
Being a teacher doesn't make her smarter than anyone else who does this. It does however make her just as evil.

There has got to be a way that others hear about the safe haven laws. We can't be the only people who have heard of it. Maybe flyers and such? Or how about hospitals and clinics give out the word. Public service announcements on tv? I know our fire department is a safe haven. Possibly the city should give out this information like they do recycling information or fire safety flyers?

All I know is I hope the punishment they get extends past what ever they get in this life.

How about every doctors office giving out a flyer about Safe Haven laws along with the other info they give pregnant mothers regardless of their age, class, married or not, etc. Just make it a part of the initial exam when a woman comes in for a pregnancy test or checkup? All doctor's offices, clinics...anywhere a woman might go to have a pregnancy test or checkup. Each state could make it mandatory.

We could all write our politicians and Gov suggesting this as the Safe Haven Law isn't advertised anywhere that I have ever seen. I only know about it because I come here. We can all try and make a difference instead of just talking about it??????????????????????
I can't believe a school teacher didn't know she had other options.

For whatever reason, she chose to dispose of her baby this way.

(And, no, I don't believe this is a new phenomenon. Infanticide has taken place throughout history. But such things were more likely to be considered "private matters" in the past.)

This was my first thought - I am hard-pressed to believe a school teacher wasn't aware of the other options.

As for as this being "new" behavior - you are absolutely correct in stating that infanticide is ancient in its history. I will go so far as to say (and this is an opinion only and something that couldn't be proven) that, in this country at least, it happens a lot less today than it used to.
This was my first thought - I am hard-pressed to believe a school teacher wasn't aware of the other options.

As for as this being "new" behavior - you are absolutely correct in stating that infanticide is ancient in its history. I will go so far as to say (and this is an opinion only and something that couldn't be proven) that, in this country at least, it happens a lot less today than it used to.

I'm sure you are right. Infant mortality rates used to be so high that another dead baby or two wouldn't have drawn attention.

I'm all for better publicizing "Safe Haven" laws, but I doubt that would have helped in this case.
How about every doctors office giving out a flyer about Safe Haven laws along with the other info they give pregnant mothers regardless of their age, class, married or not, etc. Just make it a part of the initial exam when a woman comes in for a pregnancy test or checkup? All doctor's offices, clinics...anywhere a woman might go to have a pregnancy test or checkup. Each state could make it mandatory.

We could all write our politicians and Gov suggesting this as the Safe Haven Law isn't advertised anywhere that I have ever seen. I only know about it because I come here. We can all try and make a difference instead of just talking about it??????????????????????

I think the information should also be included in the box of a pregnancy test.
A lot of these women do not ever go see a Dr.
How about every doctors office giving out a flyer about Safe Haven laws along with the other info they give pregnant mothers regardless of their age, class, married or not, etc. Just make it a part of the initial exam when a woman comes in for a pregnancy test or checkup? All doctor's offices, clinics...anywhere a woman might go to have a pregnancy test or checkup. Each state could make it mandatory.

We could all write our politicians and Gov suggesting this as the Safe Haven Law isn't advertised anywhere that I have ever seen. I only know about it because I come here. We can all try and make a difference instead of just talking about it??????????????????????
That's a great idea to get the word to pregnant women who get prenatal care. In many cases were the pregnancy is hidden, I doubt they see a doctor for care. Can't risk their "secret" getting out. I think those women are in denial or aleady know they don't want the baby to survive.
How are her feelings towards them? That's what got me, she deals with children for a living!! This baby was her own flesh and blood, and she threw her in the trash!! :banghead: I would be afraid to have her teach my child.

And at 10 lbs, you know she couldn't give birth quietly, unless she like, shoved a pillow in her mouth, and alone too!

SadieMae, we have funerals for the furries, when ever we lose one. I would still be sitting catatonic if my baby was born dead. We know some people that has happened to, and they were devastated. She damn sure didn't just toss him in the trash and go on about her day.
The article (now) says the autopsy was inconclusive and they don't know whether the baby was born alive or dead. The investigation continues.
I think regardless if the baby was born dead, she shouldn't have just thrown it in the trash. That fact would only determine what charges are filed against her wouldn' it? I would think an autopsy would show whether the baby ever breathed air. I just hate to hear about these cases. There's no reason to throw away God given life.
I think regardless if the baby was born dead, she shouldn't have just thrown it in the trash. That fact would only determine what charges are filed against her wouldn' it? I would think an autopsy would show whether the baby ever breathed air. I just hate to hear about these cases. There's no reason to throw away God given life.

I don't understand her throwing the baby away either. She wasn't in the town she lived in, her friends must have known that she was pregnant, even if she wanted to keep the baby a secret from people in the town she lived in, her family, the school, she could have done that as she was away from the town she lived in.

I wonder if she had the baby in minutes...some women do...and it was born not breathing or with the cord around its neck and she just panicked after it was born? The least she could have done was take it to a hospital and then had a buriel for it. Her friends had to have known she had given birth I would think. Unless she carried the baby towards her back and didn't show much I don't see how she could have hidden it. I wonder if she went to another state planning to give birth in a hospital but just didn't make it to the hospital.

Lots of questions unanswered. But if that baby was alive and she did something to it then that is a whole different story. There were many other options she could have taken...Safe Haven...adoption.
I think regardless if the baby was born dead, she shouldn't have just thrown it in the trash. That fact would only determine what charges are filed against her wouldn' it? I would think an autopsy would show whether the baby ever breathed air. I just hate to hear about these cases. There's no reason to throw away God given life.

One would think. The article just said the autopsy was inconclusive. Perhaps additional tests will reveal more.

To me, there's a big difference between disposing of your dead baby improperly and killing a living infant. The former is very odd a potential public health hazard. The latter... Well, I'm sure we'll agree on the latter. Both are crimes, but, in my mind at least, what a difference!
There is a this thing called "adoption". What is wrong with these women that they can't just leave their newborns at the hospital for them to be adopted into a loving family???? I don't get it!!!!!:doh:
Very sad. I hope this wasn't a live birth. And I like the ideas of safe haven information being put in the boxes of pregnancy tests.
Very sad. I hope this wasn't a live birth. And I like the ideas of safe haven information being put in the boxes of pregnancy tests.
I think that's a great idea too. Most probably would buy one of those. It could save babies lives, if the mothers knew this is an option without doing jail time.
Can anyone see the original link? I don't see this woman's name and was wondering what happened to her?

Just thought I'd check it out as we're seeing all these cases of people just tossing newborns off balconies and all. I mean what happens to you when you murder your own infant? Your own newborn?
Can anyone see the original link? I don't see this woman's name and was wondering what happened to her?

Just thought I'd check it out as we're seeing all these cases of people just tossing newborns off balconies and all. I mean what happens to you when you murder your own infant? Your own newborn?

Filly, this is a thread from last year. I just saw it today because you had posted. I too am curious what happened with this.

I agree with you saying, "What happens to you when you murder your own infant". That's alway's what I am interested in, because if we here can find out the psychologcal reason, we here can see what to possibly look for when someone is alone and pregnant and maybe having problems.

I hope someone posts here who knows what happened......

Can anyone see the original link? I don't see this woman's name and was wondering what happened to her?

Just thought I'd check it out as we're seeing all these cases of people just tossing newborns off balconies and all. I mean what happens to you when you murder your own infant? Your own newborn?

You go on Oprah and Dr Phil and claim Post Partum Depression. :rolleyes:
Filly, this is a thread from last year. I just saw it today because you had posted. I too am curious what happened with this.

I agree with you saying, "What happens to you when you murder your own infant". That's alway's what I am interested in, because if we here can find out the psychologcal reason, we here can see what to possibly look for when someone is alone and pregnant and maybe having problems.

I hope someone posts here who knows what happened......

I have no info. on this case from last year, but a second newborn has been found in same area elsewhere ............VIDEO HERE
Thanks ladies.

Yes, I was looking at old threads and wondered.

Wow, TG. Hmmmmmmm.
OMG! What was she thinking! These stories make me sooooo angry! What about the friends she was visiting...she obiviouslly came VERY pregnant and wouldn't they ask about her sudden "weight loss"? A 10 pound baby is not easy to hide while pregnant I would think.

Years ago, I saw the 17 year old daughter of a friend who was nearly nine months pregnant. She hadn't told her parents and no one knew. This was a very tall girl (I think she was 6'2"), she had very wide hips and was just a big boned girl. When I saw her, she had a bit of a tummy but not out of proportion to her size--she looked like a lot of women who have a bit of a pot belly. She wore loose clothes but a lot of teens like loose clothes (or clothes so tight they could be painted on or so skimpy they're not covering much--what is it with going to extremes in teens?).

Fortunately, when she went into labour, she went to her mother and confessed all. Her baby was born around 7 pounds or so. When I met the baby a couple weeks after she was born, she seemed a perfectly normal size.

The mother didn't look substantially different from before birth. She was a little more slender but not startlingly so.
Maybe there should be television commercials, not just for a few weeks but every year all year, about the Safe Haven law. They should screen during the most popular programs especially but also regularly throughout the day. It should also include Spanish bersions during Spanish speaking programs or whatever non English language is prevalent oin particular communities as well as leaflets at cultural and community groups and services. Pregnant women may not visit a doctor but almost everyone watches television. I don't see how anyone could miss all this coverage unless they were living as a hermit in a cave and in that case they're not very likely to get pregnant are they?

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