CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #3

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Shutterfly, are you questioning whether he ever really was parked in the alcove at all ? Sure seems like he wasn't in the alcove at all, by these pictures. Hmmmmm.....this means LR's story is even screwier than we thought. And the media has been repeating an incorrect story??

I'm REALLY hoping I'm wrong because you and I both know the implication, if in fact that car was parked here all along and not behind Shuz. But it sure looks that way to me. Thats the only place I've ever seen it and I spent all night looking at video's. If that's the case, I'm about 132.5% sure Hasanni wasn't in the car.
I have just been through close to 100 video clips dating back to August 10th when this child disappeared. I'd like for someone to explain something to me if you can. In every instance I can locate where this gray 2002 BMW 745i is present, the trunk is open, there appears to be a stroller in the back (and then it's gone), and the car is sitting across the street and considerably up the block from the parking alcove where the back door of Shuz is?!?!? I cannot find one picture or video clip in which this car sits in the alcove behind Shuz building or any closer to Shuz for that matter.

This car is sitting one parking meter from the intersection of Harwood and College.
Here's an example..

note the tree, the sunken driveway behind Ross and the building.

Naturally, the first thing you think is that he moved the car because he was blocking Shuz parking lot. But first, wouldn't LE say not to touch the car? Second, was the fact that he was blocking traffic bothering him at that moment? Third, he backed it up with the trunk open into oncoming traffic when LE probably sealed off the area almost immediately? Every instance in which this car appears the trunk remains open. Oh, and he's STILL blocking traffic. He's sitting dead in front of the driveway you see behind him. Note the red on the curb? I assume that means "HEY, don't park from here to that driveway." The curb stops just ahead of his passenger's side rear wheel and the driveway begins. Therefore, he's in it!

The last picture shows the proximity between where the car sits in these pictures and Shuz parking alcove.

At the top of your screen Harwood runs left to right. Shuz is at the bottom of your screen. The car is parked roughly between where "STOP' is printed on the road and the sunken driveway across the street from Shuz.
So he's in a hurry, he's just gotten there, he's running for a cell phone to call police while trying to locate Hasanni, who is GONE...and while he's doing all of this and LE shows up, he moves the car? NOT.

You're saying the car is where this red rectangle is? What an amazing catch!
You're saying the car is where this red rectangle is? What an amazing catch!

It was an amazing catch, Shutterfly!

I wonder why there has been no mention of it until now? And LR himself has not clarified it, either.

I'm wondering if the little alleyway was full of cars at 4:15 p.m. so he couldn't have parked there anyhow?
Yup, that's the spot!

I can't believe he would have parked there because then Hasanni would have had to walk across the street to get to the back door of the store! I think I see where you are going with this...the fact that the car was actually across the street is even more proof that Hasanni was not there! ? Do I have this right?
And we all assumed LR must have parked close to the back door to make it easier for Hasanni to get to the door...NOT..
This is just looking sooooo bad.

STEADFAST thank you for pointing out the red rectangle, until I saw that I had trouble figuring out exactly where the car was!
I can't believe he would have parked there because then Hasanni would have had to walk across the street to get to the back door of the store! I think I see where you are going with this...the fact that the car was actually across the street is even more proof that Hasanni was not there! ? Do I have this right?
And we all assumed LR must have parked close to the back door to make it easier for Hasanni to get to the door...NOT..
This is just looking sooooo bad.

STEADFAST thank you for pointing out the red rectangle, until I saw that I had trouble figuring out exactly where the car was!

I just watched some video's and read some articles from August 10th with local patrons and shop owners. The story they tell is that after the 4:18 pm 911 call, LE shut that place down for a two block radius 123 BOOM. And it was like that for 5+ hours.
The thing I have a problem with is that if this car WAS parked where we see it the whole time, why isn't he IN JAIL yet?!?!
He's not going to crack until he's been in a cell for about 12 hours.
I just watched some video's and read some articles from August 10th with local patrons and shop owners. The story they tell is that after the 4:18 pm 911 call, LE shut that place down for a two block radius 123 BOOM. And it was like that for 5+ hours.
The thing I have a problem with is that if this car WAS parked where we see it the whole time, why isn't he IN JAIL yet?!?!
He's not going to crack until he's been in a cell for about 12 hours.

And I want to see him crack!!!:furious:

And speaking of crack, Shutterfly you have totally cracked this case! This guy is a sociopath.

Why did people put the memorial next to the alleyway? It should have been across the street ! Everyone was fooled by this guy.
Yup, that's the spot!

Holy schlamoly! If that's where he parked he could have just taken him along with him to front door---just as close! Would he have moved the car to look for him? None of this makes any sense anymore.
And I want to see him crack!!!:furious:

And speaking of crack, Shutterfly you have totally cracked this case! This guy is a sociopath.

Why did people put the memorial next to the alleyway? It should have been across the street ! Everyone was fooled by this guy.

Crack this case, not hardly. This guy is good, I'll give him credit but his 'making people disappear' skills I figure lack perfection because he doesn't seem to have much practice at it. I'm thinking the details are what's going to beat him in the end....his own details....and the SOOOOO obvious things that he missed. I also think he underestimated all of us out here in the real world because he's accustomed to manipulating those, ummm, intellectually inferior to himself.
I could be wrong, but I don't think he killed Hasanni, or at least not intentionally. (Did I say that?) I think Jennifer went to work. He went to Pick Your Part, the kids were screaming because they needed a nap. I think he took them home, put them down, took a shower and went to the bank...the end. I vote for those stairs or that sword...and either combination of these with Hasanni, and no adult supervision, turned deadly.
If this was an intentional act, and he planned all of this and to use THIS story in advance, I'll be disappointed in him because if so, I gave him WAY too much credit.
Crack this case, not hardly. This guy is good, I'll give him credit but his 'making people disappear' skills I figure lack perfection because he doesn't seem to have much practice at it. I'm thinking the details are what's going to beat him in the end....his own details....and the SOOOOO obvious things that he missed. I also think he underestimated all of us out here in the real world because he's accustomed to manipulating those, ummm, intellectually inferior to himself.
I could be wrong, but I don't think he killed Hasanni, or at least not intentionally. (Did I say that?) I think Jennifer went to work. He went to Pick Your Part, the kids were screaming because they needed a nap. I think he took them home, put them down, took a shower and went to the bank...the end. I vote for those stairs or that sword...and either combination of these with Hasanni, and no adult supervision, turned deadly.
If this was an intentional act, and he planned all of this and to use THIS story in advance, I'll be disappointed in him because if so, I gave him WAY too much credit.

bolded by me

For me, it was the moment I had no more doubt that he did something to Hasanni, or at least, is participating in a cover-up. So in that sense, you cracked this part of the case . IMO
Holy schlamoly! If that's where he parked he could have just taken him along with him to front door---just as close! Would he have moved the car to look for him? None of this makes any sense anymore.

But if Hasanni was there, this wonderful, caring foster parent left him there, supposedly with one foot out the car door; he'd have to cross a street to get to the store. A small child who has trouble walking. At a busy time of day when cars would be turning into Harwood off College (IMO).
Hey Louis, how did your car get from behind Shuz to where they towed it from?

(yes, I'm that sure he is)
Does anyone remember how all the early reports said LR went to the store to drop off the little girl with JC and never mentioned that Hasanni was getting dropped off too? I wonder how he explained the movement of the car to the police? Obviously, if he was parked where it shows him, they have known from the beginning.
Hey Louis, how did your car get from behind Shuz to where they towed it from?
I think the police moved the car to that position so they could tow it.
Remember, there were people sitting outdoors at that restaurant on the corner. They would know if he had left the car there on the street.
Does anyone remember how all the early reports said LR went to the store to drop off the little girl with JC and never mentioned that Hasanni was getting dropped off too? I wonder how he explained the movement of the car to the police? Obviously, if he was parked where it shows him, they have known from the beginning.

Right, and if that's the case, if they've known all along, then he is right where he's in his element...he's in control because HE is the only one who knows where that boy is and unless he tells them, or they just stumble upon Hasanni, dingle ball holds all the cards. Which is why I think cracking him is gonna take a crowbar...and no, I don't mean to hit 'im wif it!! Come on, he's the center of attention and all eyes are on him. You heard him. He 'aspired' to be a neurologist. The ultimate in controlling people! YIKES! Visions or grandeur (sp?) and now he's getting his fifteen minutes. He's happy as a pig in shyt.
And I'm done now, that was all I had left in my three brain cells.
I think the police moved the car to that position so they could tow it.
Remember, there were people sitting outdoors at that restaurant on the corner. They would know if he had left the car there on the street.

I don't discount the possibility that LE moved the car or that he moved the car because they told him to. Either are a possibility. I just want someone to tell me they saw it behind Shuz, KWIM?
I don't discount the possibility that LE moved the car or that he moved the car because they told him to. Either are a possibility. I just want someone to tell me they saw it behind Shuz, KWIM?

Maybe ForensicsFan would know ?
Does anyone remember how all the early reports said LR went to the store to drop off the little girl with JC and never mentioned that Hasanni was getting dropped off too? I wonder how he explained the movement of the car to the police? Obviously, if he was parked where it shows him, they have known from the beginning.

I'm sure that early reports said he was dropping off both children, just that Hasanni was: left in the car, left by the back door, had one foot out the car --whatever the "lie of the day" was . JMHO
I found an interesting comment on a blog concerning John Dean and his health reform policies. I have no idea if this is the correct person or not, but do we know if JC also has a form of cerebral palsy since it seems to run in the family?

This is just a million to one possibility--but the age is about right and maybe someone can research it and see. I found it interesting to say the least.

Let's look at Johnny Edwards (former vice presidential running mate to John Kerry) who specializes in malpractice suits specifically involving children born with cerebral palsy. He claims that if doctors had immediately performed Caesarean sections then the babies would have been spared the affliction. The results of such lawsuits have yielded 4 times as many C-sections performed since 1970, yet the number of children born with cerebral palsy has remained constant. In fact cerebral palsy is linked to fetal brain injury long before labor begins. Edwards has avoided cases where the children died at birth because typically juries only award roughly $500,000 in those situations. In 1985 Edwards was on a case dealing with a girl named Jennifer Campbell, a 5 year old with cerebral palsy, which ended up being an award of 6.5 million dollars for the plaintiffs.
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