CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #3

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there is a much smaller canal next to Nordvik Park that was searched and runs under Ardenwood Blvd.
I think that the "canal/river that runs under Ardenwood Blvd" to the East of the home on Roxie Terrace, is a railroad track.

ah yes, that is the canal on the way into union city. it is really large. I could see something happening there. I don't know that the water level is right now. It is usually pretty shallow. I have not heard of dogs in that area.

thre is an active railroad track bordering ardenwood farm backing up to Hampton Place

there is a much smaller canal next to Nordvik Park that was searched and runs under Ardenwood Blvd.

Railroad track would qualify as 'Near transportation facilities.' See post #30 above.

We were a foster family for about 20 years. Every state is different. Initially the Health Dept comes out and checks for hazards ,lead paint,proper sewage and water,etc.The fire dept comes once a year to check smoke detectors,fire escape plan and fire extinguisher in the kitchen.Anyone in the home 18 or older has fingerprints done,a SlED check[criminal record] and all occupants have a physical done.Many hours of training and home visits before approval. If a child is in your home the child's caseworker does a home visit once a month. Foster parents have to have ongoing training hours each year to keep their liscence.
As I said,all states are different and they may make exceptions for family members .I know there is a huge nationwide push to keep kids within the family if at all possible. Often you know in your heart it's not always a good place for them,but it's "Policy".

I would imagine that you have dealt with very thorough case workers then. Sadly where I lived in Florida that was certainly not the norm. What the rules say on paper are not what the caseworkers have the time to get accomplished. Let's not forget little Rilya Wilson, who was completely forgotten about in the foster care system. No one was doing the checks they were "supposed to be doing." (Her casefile was full of fabricated home visits and interviews) This foster child was put in the hands of what DCF though was her grandmother. This was later proven to be a lie. This woman was no relation to lil Rilya. DCF did not notice she had disappeared for about a year and a half. She was 4 years old.

I do think most caseworkers are VERY well intentioned, but there is a limited amount of time and resources for them to work with. I bet that California has similar problems to Florida and figure it is not all that out of the ordinary for LWRIII and Aunt to have become foster parents and not had to have jumped through too many hoops. Especially like you said, they may make exceptions for family.

All in all, it seems that they failed little Hasanni. He should never have been in that house. If he in fact did have some trouble walking those stairs must have been brutal for him. Poor lil man. I still hope for a miracle, though it seems unlikely :confused:
If it's the one on this map it's Alameda Creek

Someone--maybe it was you, momtective--had mentioned Alameda Creek a long time ago. For some reason it stuck in my mind. I wonder if they've searched it ??
I didn't think she was involved at first, not to be rude but partially because she doesn't seem bright enough to be faking the emotions (the people at the scene said she was hysterical at the store). But after the text and the neighbor saying early on that Hasanni hasn't been around in a couple of weeks I really believe he injured Hasanni on or closer to the tenth. Jennifer's emotion and hysteria may have been because she realized he was dead at in the moments Ross said he was "gone".

I also think this could be the case because there is no one that says they saw him in those days leading up to the report AND because if Jennifer is not acting like a protective mother at all. If she was truly concerned for Hasanni she would have immediately told the police about the earlier fights, the text, the issues Ross had with Hasanni's disabilities in hopes that the police could find this child alive somewhere. Instead she clams up, won't take a LDT, and goes with the kidnapping story. That to me says the priority is CYA and not find the child.

Has Hasanni's bio mom surfaced at all for comment? Did I miss that?

I agree in theory; but if LR is capable of so much violence (and there's always that sword under the bed), I think she is too scared to do the right thing...she is afraid of him and trapped in the classic battered woman trap. She would have to get away from him first. It's her house (supposedly) so she would have to make him leave--that would not be easy. IMO
Here's a link to the Zillow site on properties. It says the house at 5997 Roxie Terr. was sold "recently" no date that I can determine --
I just wanted to state what a great job you all are doing! I lurk here everyday and your determination and ideas are outstanding. Keep it up and bring this baby home!
Not sure if this is what you are looking for but at this link it shows the sold date and amount,5years_chartDuration/
Sold (10/01/2008): $738,000
2009 Property Tax: $5,076

I don't know if this has been brought up yet...but do we know for sure that they OWN this house? I know it says it was purchased in 2008 but do we know for sure it was the foster parents that bought it?

The reason I say this is that I reside in the Bay Area and a lot of people that bought houses in this time period have since ended up renting them out because they can not handle the house payment. For example, you have a $3500 house payment (crazy right!!! only in Cali!) and instead of not paying it and falling in to foreclosure, you move out, rent it out for say $1800 or $2000 and then you continue to just pay the difference. This would allow for you to keep your credit in good standings and also allow you to keep the house until (if ever) the market rebounds. Could the foster parents be renters?

I know this sounds crazy....but I've seen it done time and time here in California...especially in the Bay Area (where foreclosures are through the roof!) I just don't see how a family with two children (1 special needs and 1 toddler) can afford a $700k+ house payment with only one documented income and a late model BMW. Something is just not adding up about this!

Is there anyway to find out who is actually the deed holder or in some counties here in the Bay Area the person renting the house is required to get a business license to rent out their property! (again crazy, but its the county or city trying to generate funds). Any one know how to get this information?
I don't know if this has been brought up yet...but do we know for sure that they OWN this house? I know it says it was purchased in 2008 but do we know for sure it was the foster parents that bought it?

The reason I say this is that I reside in the Bay Area and a lot of people that bought houses in this time period have since ended up renting them out because they can not handle the house payment. For example, you have a $3500 house payment (crazy right!!! only in Cali!) and instead of not paying it and falling in to foreclosure, you move out, rent it out for say $1800 or $2000 and then you continue to just pay the difference. This would allow for you to keep your credit in good standings and also allow you to keep the house until (if ever) the market rebounds. Could the foster parents be renters?

I know this sounds crazy....but I've seen it done time and time here in California...especially in the Bay Area (where foreclosures are through the roof!) I just don't see how a family with two children (1 special needs and 1 toddler) can afford a $700k+ house payment with only one documented income and a late model BMW. Something is just not adding up about this!

Is there anyway to find out who is actually the deed holder or in some counties here in the Bay Area the person renting the house is required to get a business license to rent out their property! (again crazy, but its the county or city trying to generate funds). Any one know how to get this information?

Wow- you may be right! Have we all been assuming all along that they were the owners of the house on Roxie Terrace? Where did that idea come from, I wonder? ( i hope I am not totally confused here).

I tried looking at the Alameda County assessor's website but it doesn't show the name of the owner of the house. I wonder where that info might be available--or maybe it is not public information?

If they are renters, then it would have been easier than I thought for JC to do the right thing and give LE the info they need to solve this case. She has no excuses --but she might need to go into the witness protection program pronto.
I agree in theory; but if LR is capable of so much violence (and there's always that sword under the bed), I think she is too scared to do the right thing...she is afraid of him and trapped in the classic battered woman trap. She would have to get away from him first. It's her house (supposedly) so she would have to make him leave--that would not be easy. IMO

I agree with the dynamic you describe, but easy or not, scared or not, a child she supposedly loves is missing and she could have helped find him but put her own interests ahead of his. The police arresting Louis will move him right out the door. Of course I think she never should have offered to foster him if she lived in a violent home. Bad relationship or not, I hold her partially responsible for this.
I think you're right :clap: and I know SoulScape is right. I really, really think we are on to something.:woohoo:
Just wanted to say thanks for all your hard work and sleuthing! I think it looks very possible too.

I haven't had a chance to catch up yet today ~ anything new with LR since his interview last night?
I agree with the dynamic you describe, but easy or not, scared or not, a child she supposedly loves is missing and she could have helped find him but put her own interests ahead of his. The police arresting Louis will move him right out the door. Of course I think she never should have offered to foster him if she lived in a violent home. Bad relationship or not, I hold her partially responsible for this.

I certainly do see your point. She definitely is partially responsible. And yes, why did she volunteer to take children into a violent home--and start producing children of her own, too? Bad judgment or not thinking clearly.
Here's a site that says the house had an Open House on Aug 16 (2008) and it's status is "SOLD"

I understand it was SOLD in 2008, but do we know for a fact that it was purchased by the foster parents? Maybe someone is using it as an investment property? With the mortgage rules being extremely strict right now, I don't see how it is possible for them to put down say 20% down payment as well as then afford the house payment on a ~600k house? With only Jennifer working??? This is all just too fishy to me!

MOO of course...
If those are his parents and there was any type of inheritance or extended family, I suppose that could explain the BMW and home, they seem pricey to me, but in CA, it might be average. For a guy who's not working though, it seems like a lot.

I believe also in the CBS5 raw video, she mentions (after being instructed to do so by LR) that taking in Hassani was his idea. She also mentions that he was the one who got the house, and that he "paid the security" or something to that effect. In context, it seemed to me she was talking about a security deposit required upon beginning to rent a place.

Have we confirmed LR actually is the owner? Perhaps the house sold to a different owner, who rents to LR & JC? That might make the financials make a bit more sense.
** I know that neighbors hadn't seen Hassani in 2 weeks.
** I remember hearing that there might have been some family gathering in the week prior to Hassani's disappearance.
** And apparently the neighbors in Fremont hadn't seen him in 2 weeks.
** 2 people at the salvage yard claim to have possibly heard/seen him.

Here's what I'm wondering. What about Shuz store employees? LR himself said this was a twice-a-week exchange, dropping off the kids this way. When they saw Hassani was missing, they handed the baby off to the other store employee (perhaps a subordinate of JC's). (Not the owner)

So when was the last time the employee working with JC (who was familiar with the kids playing in back of the store after LR dropped them off and before JC BARTed back with them) saw Hassani? Wouldn't it be awfully suspicious if he hadn't recently?

If the shoe store employee hadn't seen Hassani in a while, IMHO, either this "routine" wasn't as routine as LR claims, or perhaps Hassani had been gone for a while. I'd be curious to hear what the employee knows.
GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! I emailed the Oakland Athletics baseball team on Wednesday in hopes of getting Hassani's information up on the Jumbotron. I just heard back from their Director of Community Relations, and she said that they are going to be putting Hassani's picture and information up over the next 3 home games!
I'm going to go out on a limb after what Soulscape has come up with and the fact that I've had Union City stuck in my brain like a helium balloon since the wee hours of this morning. This is a close-up from an area depicted in the picture I posted on page one of this thread (midway between Union and Fremont and NW of Fremont itself). I think Hasanni could be right here. This is Willow Slough. It has what appears to be plenty of cover, it appears somewhat isolated, and if he were here he could be in or near water as well. It looks like the perfect area if you're a sick, know what.


This is in Quarry Lakes Rec Area. And this is the only place in the entire Quarry Lakes region that I can find a good deal of cover that would conceal anything.
GREAT NEWS EVERYONE! I emailed the Oakland Athletics baseball team on Wednesday in hopes of getting Hassani's information up on the Jumbotron. I just heard back from their Director of Community Relations, and she said that they are going to be putting Hassani's picture and information up over the next 3 home games!

That is just wonderful news! That will bring so much attention for Hassani.
When are the next 3 home games?
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