CA - Hasanni Campbell, 5, Oakland, 10 Aug 2009 - #4

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you know i have been thinking about this,
My friend has custody of her great grandkids and it was through the state but she is not a official foster parent, the state have her permanent temp custody of the boys, the state dropped them off and filed the court papers
so, tech people think she is a foster parent but its not official,
no caseworker comes out to see the kids,

if they were in foster care, a case worker is supposed to come out once a month and then the foster parents have a case worker that comes out once every three months, at least that is how it worked here when i was foster parent, if the parents have not lost there rights or signed there rights, they are supposed to get 2.4 hrs a month visitation. that how it works her in tn

I also think the rules are different for relatives verses Foster Parents with no relationship.
This was my thinking on the foster home situation. The little girl would be fostered easily, Hasanni less so because of his disability.

If JC did not take both kids into her home, then they would be sent to different foster homes.

But I wondered whether as a relative of the children, she needed to become an official foster parent or whether something similar to what RJA00 posted above in #351 happened.

I hadn't recalled any mention of a caseworker, and I wondered if by having a relative take the children, the children were no longer the concern of the foster program.

I'd almost expect to have seen a caseworker on television or the caseworker's supervisor saying that the two had been investigated, the home passed muster, etc. You know ... someone doing a little covering of the proverbial *advertiser censored*.
Well it sure shouldn't be any different. Just because someone is related doesn't make them a good parent!

Just because someone IS a parent does not make them a good parent!

And I agree that they should have been investigated/monitored but I also understand the limitations of the system. I imagine they are overworked and underpaid.
LOL, Shutterfly, I don't have that many Twitter friends but I did ask LostNMissing to pass it on and she has thousands of followers so you might get a few visitors from that. :)
This was my thinking on the foster home situation. The little girl would be fostered easily, Hasanni less so because of his disability.

If JC did not take both kids into her home, then they would be sent to different foster homes.

But I wondered whether as a relative of the children, she needed to become an official foster parent or whether something similar to what RJA00 posted above in #351 happened.

I hadn't recalled any mention of a caseworker, and I wondered if by having a relative take the children, the children were no longer the concern of the foster program.

I'd almost expect to have seen a caseworker on television or the caseworker's supervisor saying that the two had been investigated, the home passed muster, etc. You know ... someone doing a little covering of the proverbial *advertiser censored*.
The system usually tries to keep siblings together ,if possible. I'm in SC and there are a lot of good people who take special/needs ,medically fragile children.
The system prefers to keep children with family.My experience has been ,they do get liscenced as foster parents,unless they are getting permanant custody through the courts.
Something I forgot to mention earlier about that interview -- The interviewer asked how they came to foster the kids and LR says "I think it'd be better coming from Jen". As she was relating the story about how she was unsure and it was LR who stepped up . . . blah blah blah . . . The way she was looking at him out of the corner of her eye and the way he was concentrating and nodding, I was thinking "she's saying it just like he told her to". Then he says "I thought it would be better coming from her because people will believe it more".

Seems kinda odd that while their child is "missing", they are sitting down deciding who should tell what stories. And who cares who believes it. If it's the truth, that's all that matters. I'd say people are less likely to believe it when he follows it up with that statement.

And I know it was mentioned before, but the way JC is holding the pillow over her pregnant belly really says a lot. She's protecting her baby.
something i forgot to mention earlier about that interview -- the interviewer asked how they came to foster the kids and lr says "i think it'd be better coming from jen". As she was relating the story about how she was unsure and it was lr who stepped up . . . Blah blah blah . . . The way she was looking at him out of the corner of her eye and the way he was concentrating and nodding, i was thinking "she's saying it just like he told her to". Then he says "i thought it would be better coming from her because people will believe it more".

Seems kinda odd that while their child is "missing", they are sitting down deciding who should tell what stories. And who cares who believes it. If it's the truth, that's all that matters. I'd say people are less likely to believe it when he follows it up with that statement.

and i know it was mentioned before, but the way jc is holding the pillow over her pregnant belly really says a lot. She's protecting her baby.


I totally agree!
HI ALL,, I need to try to straighten out a mis print and a series of confusing posts

I sent POST #331 @ 8:13pm in response to ForensicsFan and a clothing comment.
I looked up some Temp Data ( high of 83 on 8/10/09) a hobby of mine and added the link.

Momtective sent POST #354 @ 2:19am giving hourly temp data for throughout 8/10/09.
I saw that POST @ 3am and notice tha highest temp she had listed was 79 on 8/10/09. I was befuddled. I went to look at both of our links and find the issue.

I sent POST # 360 @ 3:24am So that we all had correct info.
This was the problem in EACH of .....our POSTS ...

in MOM"S post #354 @ 2:19am she left out the crutial HIGH temp of the day ( @ 12:53pm it was 82.9 degrees according to

while trying to fix my post #360 @ 3:24am I was trying to note
how the 12:53pm time & temp of 82.9 degrees was missing I made a typing error and said stated that the ommitted temp @ 12:53pm for that day was 92.9 degrees ... it should have been temp @ 12:53pm for that day was 82.9 degrees

**which was actually the same high Temp of *83 degrees for entire day 08/10/09 that had been reported in my original post
according to

I'm not trying to make an excuse, but I had a hard time trying to get both Momtective's info and my own info into the same post with the correct TEMP & DATA. It was today, that I noticed the error of my ways typing .

So I wanted to straighten out, where we both had messed up. JUST FOR THE RECORD, so that WS info is true to the best of our ability, especially WHEN WE SITE FACTS and/OR copy LINKS.

Please forgive for the confusion we caused everyone. It was late and I'm sure Momtective is as exhausted as I am with worry and concern for this precious child. as you see this all took place between 2:19am and 3:30am.
** I would love to know what LR and JC were doing at that same time ???
:waitasec: :woohoo: :blowkiss:
I was afraid I made the wrng implication here, I now see the descrepency Your chart had left out 12:53p.m should have shown 92.9 same as 93 degrees. either way if LR left 'Little man in the car too long LR is one unlucky (Dingle Ball) after having sent that txt

That seems like a huge drop in temp from 92.9 at 12:53 down 16 degrees at 1:53to 77 degrees.[/QUOTE]

Sometimes Thats just California weather (lol). I do know that Fremont and Hayward will both be hotter than Oakland but don't get me wrong Oakland can jump 20 degrees in hours..and get cold again. I live in Antioch it can go from 100 degrees At 4PM and get to the low 50's sometimes even 40's by 11pm.
Google: Fremont, CA, temperature, august 10th, 2009. Choose

It's the 3rd one down the list. When you reach the page choose "monthly". You'll see the temperatures for every day in the month. August 10th was the hottest day in August for the month, until yesterday.

Much too hot to be wearing sweat pants!
The whole point is it was not 92.9 that was a typo it was 82.9 (83 dgrees) at 12:53 on 08/10/09 which was the hottest day in August.
Does anyone remember off the top of your head where we got that LR went to the bank in the afternoon and that the kids were napping? It was from media reports, yes?

I ask because I've been through the raw video interviews AGAIN and LR says he went to the bank 'earlier that morning, while the kids were sleeping." He doesn't say anything about afternoon or napping. WTF does that mean...they hadn't gotten out of bed yet?

I'm almost to the point where I could recite those video's word for word. If there's a test later I'm gonna PASS!!!
Just thought I'd mention that there appeared to be a group of people yesterday at rush hour handing out Hasanni flyers in the vicinity of where he was "last seen." Didn't see LR or JC though as I drove by -- not sure if they were there.
Just a thought (and it may not be a good one). The news media was all over this case when there was very little to report. It almost seemed they were looking for anything to report on it. Lately, there's been nothing to report.

Might the media be interested in a few of the details uncovered here? For instance, the past court cases/TRO, or the online stuff? Perhaps even that the website by the family is up? Or even the BART meeting?

My point is that if keeping Hasanni in the news is the goal, the media may not be apprised of all the information uncovered here. Might be worth a few emails or phone calls to news outlets? At the end of the day, the media cares about anything the public would find interesting and we may have certain confirmed facts here that may help.

On the other hand, with the Jaycee case and the attempted school shooting/bombing in the area, it may just be a tough news week.
Mornin eyes4 :blowkiss:

Hasanni's is the first case I've really gotten so hooked on it's not healthy. Why THIS lil boy, I don't know, but I just can't stop thinking about him and his sweet little face.
I made it a habit to start going back over video's as we learned more and discussed it more in detail. Trying to do what others here have taught me in the last year. You just wouldn't believe the little things I've missed, like how long JC has been employed at Shuz, that you pick up on later and go WOW...well DUH!

I'm looking for another one now. You'll love this. When questioned about that now infamous text message, in one interview, LR misquoted the context of that message HE wrote as including that he told Jennifer to "get the f*ck out" or something to that effect. I'll post it when I find it again. Awfully strong words, huh? I'm guessing he got his text messages confused and that perhaps another of those text messages he sent during the same interval DID say for her to "get the f*ck out." Jennifer affirms that the text thing during that argument was back and forth between both of them. I think we only learned of that one text because it was used as probable cause for the search warrant. I'm guessing that the rest of them were just LR and Jennifer threatening each other.
It's starting to feel as if a bad storm was brewing in the days and weeks before Hasanni disappeared, and I'm wondering if that "storm" is what Hasanni ultimately got lost in.
I'll be back with that video asap.

Me too Shutter , I was telling my daughter last night that, when he is finally found and the truth comes, I know I'll just be crushed and in mourning for this Little Buddy of ours, .. and as hard as it is going to be for all of us to get through , 'Little Man is worth every bit of the pain and sorrow. What we may go through, will be so small in comparison to what this childs heart and soul have been through. And at almost 6yrs.old, ( I have a 6 yr.old grndson ) I know Hasanni, Worried Somthing Fierce for his 'Lil Sis. The only consolation for me is, that she is out of the reach of both LR and JC.
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