CA - High Court Denies Crips Co-Founder's Death Row Appeal

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Posted on Mon, Dec. 12, 2005By Mike Adamick

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Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger denied a second request to delay the execution of Stanley Tookie Williams less than an hour before the Crips gang co-founder and Nobel Peace Price nominee was scheduled to die for the shotgun slayings of four people in 1979.

The announcement came at 11:35 p.m., as protesters swarmed outside San Quentin Prison and as Williams was preparing to move into the execution chamber.

"The information provided in Williams' second request for reprieve does not justify overturning the jury's verdict," the governor said.

Williams' lawyers had filed a last-minute request to delay the execution for 60 days, saying a new witness had come forward to refute testimony at the 1979 trial.

The witness, Richard Crosley, was an inmate at a Los Angeles jail with two of the trial witnesses. Crosley claims those witnesses lied to win lighter sentences.

Earlier in the evening, Schwarzenegger rejected a similar delay request, saying there were multiple witnesses and physical evidence linking Williams to the killings.

Williams' lawyers quickly filed a new request after Crosley came forward in the evening, said Jonathan Harris, a lawyer for Williams. Harris was seeking a 60-day delay in the execution to examine Crosley's claims and the statements of other new witnesses.

The governor's decision essentially ended Williams' legal maneuvers and set the stage for California's 12th execution since the death penalty was reinstated in 1978.

Williams initially said he didn't want to invite witnesses to the 12:01 a.m. execution, but changed his mind in the evening. Corrections officials wouldn't disclose the names of his five witnesses.

Just hours before, a federal appeals court ruled against another hearing. Shortly afterward, Schwarzenegger rejected the Crips gang co-founder's pleas for clemency. Then, at 6 p.m., the governor declined to move the execution to another date.

"There is no reason to delay Williams' execution," the governor said in a statement. more at link:
Dec. 13 - Crips co-founder Stanley Tookie Williams was executed Tuesday for four 1979 murders after appeals courts refused to reopen his case and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rejected the notion he had found redemption on death row.

Clemency Denied

Only a dozen protesters rallied outside Northern California's San Quentin State Prison shortly after Schwarzenegger's afternoon decision was announced, but the crowd grew to more than 1,000 late into the night. In contrast, the streets of South Los Angeles, where Williams' Crips gang and their deadly rivals, the Bloods, came to prominence in the 1980s, were quiet. more at link:
Tue Dec 13, 2005 3:39 AM ET
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By Adam Tanner

SAN QUENTIN, Calif., Dec 13 (Reuters) - California prison officials executed Stanley Tookie Williams, 51, the ex-leader of the Crips gang who brutally killed four people in 1979, early on Tuesday after top courts and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger rejected final appeals to spare his life. The unofficial time of death was 12:35 a.m. PST Tuesday. more at link:
Thanks, LinasK, for this thread...and for all of the work you have done, sharing articles and other links with us.

I am really glad to see that Mr. Williams saw justice served - FINALLY. It was rather scary to contemplate what our society could become, if the people who think he was fine, were to have their way.

I'm grateful to Gov. Schwarzenegger & the courts for sticking to their guns (er.....bad pun: needles?) :blushing: If anyone has not read the denial report by the governor, I'd say that I think you are in for a treat.

It's always sad to see a person die. In this case, however, I believe it was justified.
pacific said:
Thanks, LinasK, for this thread...and for all of the work you have done, sharing articles and other links with us.

I am really glad to see that Mr. Williams saw justice served - FINALLY. It was rather scary to contemplate what our society could become, if the people who think he was fine, were to have their way.

I'm grateful to Gov. Schwarzenegger & the courts for sticking to their guns (er.....bad pun: needles?) :blushing: If anyone has not read the denial report by the governor, I'd say that I think you are in for a treat.

It's always sad to see a person die. In this case, however, I believe it was justified.
Anytime (Insert Wavy Guy Smiley), just doing my part!
7:47 AM PST, December 13, 2005By Jenifer Warren, Times Staff Writer

SAN QUENTIN -- At 12:01 this morning, having exhausted all appeals, Stanley Tookie Williams shuffled into San Quentin's death chamber, shackled at the wrist and waist and escorted by four burly guards.

After he climbed onto a padded gurney, officers tied Williams down with wide, black straps across his shins, thighs, waist and chest. His arms, stretched out to the side, were secured with leather restraints.
At 12:03 a.m., two officers pulled on surgical gloves as another entered the chamber with a plastic tub of supplies. Three minutes later, a needle was thrust successfully home into Williams' right arm and connected to an intravenous tube.

The rules, however, require a back-up in case one line should jostle loose or fail. And it was here that the carefully choreographed execution turned messy.

For 12 long minutes, a prison technician-her brow glistening with sweat-poked the convict's muscular left arm again and again, searching for a vein that would deliver a dose of poison. As loved ones watched in distress, the inmate visibly winced in pain.


more at link:,0,5664853.story?coll=la-home-headlines
Posted on Tue, Dec. 13, 2005By Patrick May

[size=-1]Mercury News[/size]


LOS ANGELES - Perhaps Stanley Tookie Williams' Death Row gospel of non-violence had something to do with it, but the streets of South-Central Los Angeles remained calm early today after the co-founder of the notorious Crips street gang was executed at San Quentin.

``It was a very quiet night,'' said officer Martha Garcia, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Police Department. ``There was no rioting, no increase in gang activity. It was business as usual.''

Despite some concerns that Williams' execution could trigger street protests or even civil unrest, Los Angeles was calm all night and seemed almost groggy as the sun tried to break through a low-lying fog. Local newscasters were focused hard on the previous night's Golden Globe nominations and spent little time on Williams' death or the apparent lack of public fallout in his hometown.

Even the previous evening, as the nation watched and waited to see if the convicted murderer's life would be spared by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger or the U.S. Supreme Court, the south section of Los Angeles where Williams grew up seemed to go about its business, and reaction to Williams execution was either non-existent or conflicted. more at link:
I love death sentences which have a happy ending.Of coarse none of Tookie's supporters thought it was so happy,but then again what can I expect from a buncha morons who think writing a few fairy tales,and saying Jesus loves me,excuses 1 from the brutal murder of 4 people.I found it hilarious to read these morons talking about how Tookie had solved the gang problem and steered so many kids away from gangs,only to see in the next sentence that gangs would retaliate if Big Poppa Punk was executed.Wait a fricking minute how can something he solved and steer everyone away from retaliate?Does a gang not eed members to do ride bys these days?I suppose Barbra Bechnel,Mike Farrell,Jamie Foxx,and Jesse Jackson think the crips have a buncha litte remote control toys programmed to do ride bys now......Sounds about the IQ level of Jesse anyway....LMAO

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