Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

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Not to throw another wrench in the machine, but...

It's possilbe Andrea was a name she liked, was her birth name, and not her adopted name. In other words her name might not be Andrea at all.
Not to throw another wrench in the machine, but...

It's possilbe Andrea was a name she liked, was her birth name, and not her adopted name. In other words her name might not be Andrea at all.

... just as Aundria Bowman is said to have gone by her birthname Alexis.
I had inquired about Christine Miller about a year ago with regard to a different UID case.

Margaret Loveall (i.e., the Case Manager for Christine's MP case) told me that Christine came from an extremely poor family, and had never visited a dentist. This would be inconsistent with the extensive dental work noted on Andrea Doe.
She is a little older than the estimated age of "Andrea" but both Andrea and Vicki Sundgaard have dental caps. Also, maybe it is coincidence, but recently Ms. Sundgaard was suggested as being another large busted UID.

The only rule-out listed on Andrea's NamUs page is Patricia Schmidt from Virginia.
Here's another Andrea (actually, "Andria"). Her NamUs casefile was no-photo until recently.

Andria Ann Bailey


This is quite a longshot, but she does have a somewhat similar facial shape. And both she and Andrea Doe have brown eyes.

She was an inch taller at age 16 than Andrea Doe was.

And there's no mention of Andrea Doe having a birthmark on her back (As Andria Bailey does).

She went missing at age 16 about a decade prior to Andrea Doe's death, so she would be about 26 or 27 by that time.

I'd say probably not, but I am putting her up here anyway.
I do see the same type of round cheeks. I wish we had a head-on photo of Andria.
I also see a resemblance in the noses.

This would beg the question, what was that poor girl doing all that time?
Stefanie Stroh

UID has no indications if she has pierced ears or not.

Stroh was last seen when she called her parents at the Four Way Cafe and Truck Stop in Wells, Nevada on October 15, 1987.
She said she was coming home that night, was hitchhiking and had a ride.
Stroh had hitchhiked from NY and was on her way to California.


Chin is spot on. Thats the only similarity that I can find.

I do see a resemblance, but that being said, Kelly Morrissey is not really believed to be a run away (she did not take any of her savings with her when she went missing and she was supposed to receive her paycheck from a part-time job the following day). She is believed to have met with foul play and her disappearance is believed to be tied to the murders of Theresa Fusco and Jacqueline Martarella.

On a different note, I just wasted far to much time trying to think of female names that could possibly be misunderstood as Andrea (particularly with a heavy east coast (anywhere on the east coast) accent. So far, I haven't been able to find one that matches with any missing persons reports.
Hi fellow sleuthers.....

I lived in Seattle during the mid 1980's and was heavily involved in what we called the Batcave Scene but it would be called Goth now-a-days. I think we were the first kids to do the whole Goth thing, seriously. It all started in Seattle with us in the early 1980's. The weather is conducive to dressing that way! I knew a girl who was on her own. A throw away kid. I was always nice to her while the others were not. Her name WAS Andrea but she pronounced it as Awn Dray Uh. Everyone used to call her Big Mouth Andrea. Not me. I tried to be nice to everyone. I actually let her sleep in my big walk in closet at my apartment on Capitol Hill. She did have a habit of making things up. She would be exactly this girls age when she was hit by the cars in the 90's or 1990. She had rather large, uh hmmm....breasts. I am gay so no interest in ladies except as friends and to make them look their best! I never knew what ever happened to her and no one else in our group does either. She always said she was going to go to California eventually and she also told me she would kill her self when she was ready. Now this girl WOULD have worn a ring made out of hair. She even gave me a bracelet that I gave to my mother but since mom passed, I have it again. I think it's a real possibility this could be her. Back when I knew her, her hair was dyed black like the rest of us and she had brown eyes. She used to talk about her parents being well off and Italian. How she got to Seattle and into our Batcaver scene I'll never know. I didn't care so much back then, but I sure do now. What do I do in a case like this? I never knew her last name or anything! I want to help but I fear all I am doing is telling you all about some girl I knew who was a throw away or runaway girl back in the mid 80's. This makes me feel so bad. I should have cared more than I did. At least I did more for her than anyone else though. <sigh> Use this info as you will and if you need to ask me anything, please do. I am sorry if have broken any etiquette on this site but as I said, I'm a newbie. I think one or two people on this site know me from other missing/unidentified persons sites where I go by BooneH. That's all I have to say for now. Jeez, I probably haven't helped at all and I was hoping so hard that I could help! I would just die if it WAS Andrea though. Well, take care all - MontanaMan
Now this girl WOULD have worn a ring made out of hair. She even gave me a bracelet that I gave to my mother but since mom passed, I have it again. I think it's a real possibility this could be her.

welcome Montana.

was this bracelet Awn Dray Uh gave you made of her hair?
fascinating. looking at MontanaMan's post, there is an old post still available describing the club scene where a "Big Mouth Andrea" is referenced. there appear to be 2 Andreas mentioned an in one post one Andrea is described as a throwaway kid from Gig Harbor. probably not the same as Big Mouth Andrea:

The names and people I remember most of all from City Beat and in some cases still know, are: Mercy (Mercy knows!), Lee and Andrea, Chad, Debbie with the ball toothpick eyelashes, Ray Smiley, Big Mouth Andrea, Roxy - of course, Michael, Mateo, Mario Diaz, Morgan, Oozin' Susan, Pauline or "Sprawline" as we called her, Boy Mike of course...
Unidentified White Female
  • Died on April 1, 1990 in Huntington Beach, Orange County, California as a result of a traffic-related accident.

Vital Statistics
  • Estimated age: 18 - 30 years old
  • Approximate Height and Weight: 5'4"; 122 lbs.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Brown eyes; brown hair. Acne scars were visible on her face. Well-nourished build with large breasts. Her feet were size six and she wore black toenail polish.
  • Dentals: Her teeth showed signs of previous orthodontics and she had received dental care shortly before her death. Expensive porcelain dental work. Restorations on back of top front 4 teeth. Dental records and fingerprints are available.
  • Clothing: She was wearing a black cotton dress; a red, long-sleeved shirt; fishnet stockings; a pink sweater; a size 40 D bra; and pink shoes, with the price tags still on. A ring made of human hair was located on her left ring finger. She carried a smooth black stone, and a motel key inscribed with No. 218. She carried no identification and no credit cards.

Case History
This young woman stepped onto Pacific Coast Highway on April Fools' Day, 1990. She was struck first by a Mazda MX-6, then a Lincoln Continental. She died instantly.
When a sketch of her was published in local newspapers, several Huntington Beach residents said they had spoken with her.
Her first name may have been Andrea and she may have been from the East-Coast. She had no permanent home in Orange County. One of the people who had spoken with her said she claimed to be adopted and was trying to find her real family. She said she was from somewhere like Virginia. And she told another person she was from New York. She claimed that she was 25 or 26. But she appeared to be as young as 16.
"Andrea" also spent a night at the home of a mobile-home salesman who took pity on the homeless woman who had few articles of clothing and no money. The family fed her, gave her the back bedroom and gave her some money. "Andrea" apparently took the money and bought clothes at a Goodwill store, including a pair of shoes for $19.95. She was wearing the pink shoes with the price tags still on when she was struck on the highway by two cars.
Her parents, she claimed, were pretty well-known, but she didn't divulge who they were. She had been adopted at a very young age. She didn't have any type of identification. The salesman said the morning "Andrea" left his house, she cut off some of her hair and put it on her finger.

If you have any information concerning this woman's identity, please contact:
Orange County Coroner's Office

You may remain anonymous when submitting information to any agency.
NCIC Number: U-416598679
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case. Source Information: Orange County Sheriff - Coroner Web Site
The Orange County Register

I'm not intent on sounding insensitive, but from the above description of the girl it sounds like either she was very fanciful, or suffering from mental illness. The grandiose story of the hinted at "celebrity" parents, and then the odd behavior of making a ring out of her human hair is quite bizarre. And, it was considered quite alternative, or gothic to use black toe nail polish in those days. My guess is she was a runaway who was suffering from mental illness, perhaps manic depression.
fascinating. looking at MontanaMan's post, there is an old post still available describing the club scene where a "Big Mouth Andrea" is referenced. there appear to be 2 Andreas mentioned an in one post one Andrea is described as a throwaway kid from Gig Harbor. probably not the same as Big Mouth Andrea:

The names and people I remember most of all from City Beat and in some cases still know, are: Mercy (Mercy knows!), Lee and Andrea, Chad, Debbie with the ball toothpick eyelashes, Ray Smiley, Big Mouth Andrea, Roxy - of course, Michael, Mateo, Mario Diaz, Morgan, Oozin' Susan, Pauline or "Sprawline" as we called her, Boy Mike of course...

Ha! That was me who wrote that above quote quite a while ago, Webrocket! It was in reference to all of us Batcavers who hung out at Citybeat together. Citybeat was an underage club in Seattle where we all hung out at and danced all night and I hate to say......did a lot of drugs. I am out of that scene and have been for so many years I can't count them. It was a fun time when I was that age but I'm a grown man now. Those names were all of our names and nicknames. I was one of the 'two Brian's'. We were known as Brian and Brian and the other Brian is still my best friend and lives in Seattle still. So does Ray, Probably Roxy and perhaps a few others. Mario Diaz is now doing commercials on TV and lives in LA/West Hollywood. I'm not sure what happened to half those people but I do know where a few of them are and they are safe. Andrea on the other hand, I feel was never safe and I don't know what ever happened to her. Someone above also asked me if I have the bracelet Andrea gave to me still. I do. It is not made of hair though. It is a very strange bracelet. Looks like it is probably from the 1600's or 1700's and is from India or the Far East. It is definitely old and an antique. That is why I gave to my mother. So it would never be lost in my various moves around the country. Mom never wore it ever and neither did I. It's possible that Andrea's hair or DNA is on it still. Or is it? I don't know these things. I just know that the Andrea being talked about on this thread could be my Andrea from Seattle. I'm not sure where to go from here. If any of you have suggestions for me or anything, please do tell me or email me. I know it's probably silly to put out my email address on here but if it solves this case and this Andrea ends up being my Andrea, it's all worth it. aka BooneH aka MontanaMan
Thanks, by the way to Webrocket for helping me out and welcoming me. I really appreciate that. I will do whatever I can to help in any and every case. I know it's obvious I'm a newbie but hopefully I'm helping with this case and not just creating a lead that will go no where. My gut feeling is that I am right on target with this case. Thanks again and take care everyone.
Hi, MontanaMan, and welcome. I'm from Bozeman originally :) . Living in the Boston area now.

If your friend pronounced her name Awn Dray Ah, she is almost certainly Italian. That's now they pronounce it in the northeast.
Hi, MontanaMan, and welcome. I'm from Bozeman originally :) . Living in the Boston area now.

If your friend pronounced her name Awn Dray Ah, she is almost certainly Italian. That's now they pronounce it in the northeast.

Hello Carbuff! I lived in Bozeman as a very little kid. My father was the Technical Manager for Mountain Bell as it was called in those days. He was transferred from Helena where I was born, to Bozeman when I was only about a year old. Then he got transferred back to Helena and we have lived here ever since. Lost both my parents in 2003 and 2007. First mom from cancer then dad from what I would call extreme depression and a very broken heart. I miss them horribly. Now I am living in the family home here in Helena by myself and trying to deal with having this darn terminal disease but I won't let it get me. My mind is too strong for that. I just keep telling myself I'm not going anywhere and I have too much to do still, like help other people find their loved ones who have gone missing or help ID unknown victims of homicide, etc. My main goal is to help those who hurt, because I know how it feels too, and it's not fun or pretty.

Thanks for saying hello, Carbuff and I hope you are enjoying Boston! I'm just not much a city person and that is why I ended up getting out of that culture I was in back in Seattle and coming back to good old Montana and getting my life together in the wide open spaces and practically non existent population here. I hope that we can all somehow help identify this Andrea girl and all of the others. I looked at the bracelet that Andrea gave me today and I have been very careful not to touch it with my hands, fingers, etc. Using gloves! I hope that if this girl is one of the two Andrea's that I knew in Seattle, that we can get her identified and close this case. Take care my sleuthing friends and thanks for being so nice and supportive to me as a newbie and a rather 'odd' person. It's very much appreciated and I can feel it in my heart. Thanks again.
MontanaMan, it might be a good idea to contact the investigators. They might be able to ask you some questions that could jog your memory. And they are probably holding some information back for their investigation that you might have the key to help them unlock this case if indeed you knew this woman.

Here's the contact information:

If you have any information concerning this woman's identity, please contact:
Orange County Coroner's Office
You may remain anonymous when submitting information to any agency.

NCIC Number: U-416598679
Please refer to this number when contacting any agency with information regarding this case.

Thank you so much for joining Websleuths!

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