Identified! CA - Huntington Beach, WhtFem 40UFCA, 18-30, poss name Andrea, Apr'90 - Andrea Kuiper

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I think Andrea was a very sad, sentimental young lady. From everything I have read here I think she was missing something or someone in her life. I do not think she will be found on a missing person's list because her parents knew she left at some point and she really wasn't "missing". I am thinking she was an only child possibly and left home very young. Maybe she even wrote her parents or called them on the phone occassionally. Maybe they both died after she left home and there is no one to report her missing. Maybe they disowned her for doing drugs and did not want to have anything to do with her anymore, thinking she would get straightened out someday.

She was street smart and knew how to read people. She obviously stayed pretty safe all the years she was clubing, doing drugs, etc. It is my opinion everything she had on her person was very sentimental and meant something very important to her.

The lock of hair made into a ring symbolizes and old "mourning ring". She knew she was going to commit suicide (as she told Montanaman 4-6 years before) and she was mourning her life.

I think the key from the motel has some sort of love connection. I think she may have been in a serious relationship at some point in her life and this was her connection to that relationship.

The black stone is some sort of mood stone or something of significance known only to her.

I appears she may have gotten "new clothes" for her journey into eternity.

The news articles do not state she committed suicide, but if she stepped out onto the Pacific Coast highway, I think she knew what she was doing and made it appear she was crossing the highway. She certainly wasn't a stranger to the highway and traveling, so I didn't think it was an "accident".

Anyhow, this is just my take on the life and death of this girl. I really do think she is Montanaman's Andrea. There are just too many coincidences and her life seems to fit the description of his Andrea. Maybe everyone will get enough clues about her and we will learn her identity soon.
I feel the cold but those temperatures seem warm enough to me that even I wouldn't wear a full sleeve T under a full sleeve dress, with a sweater on top. But we get some very cold weather here.

I totally agree with you about the outfit - it looks as though one of her last acts in life was buying shoes that matched her sweater. And maybe she bought the sweater too?

That looks a little ominous to me though, as though perhaps Andrea knew she wouldn't need that money for food or anything.

Yeah, I get the same impression. That she picked out a really nice outfit for what she was about to do. A ring of her own hair because she was going to be the only one mourning her death. So very sad if that's what happened.
Google cache of Huntington Beach Jane Doe, CA

This was posted on 1st page; wanted to bring it back here in case someone needs the dental info. I keep reading "expensive porcelain dental work" which most likely were covered by insurance.

This unidentified young woman died around 10 pm on April 1, 1990 while crossing Pacific Coast Highway west of Newland, Huntington Beach, California. She died at the scene of a broken neck.

She was Caucasian and estimated to be between 18 to 30 with a closer estimate of 17-21. She had brown hair and brown eyes, was 5'4" and 122 lbs. She had acne scars on her face, was well nourished and large breasted.

When found she was wearing a pink sweater, a red long-sleeved shirt, a black cotton dress, fishnet stockings, a 40D bra and size 6 pink shoes. She had a ring made of human hair on her left ring finger.

Dental information: PFM jackets on back of #7-10. Restorations #2,15,19,20. Missing #6,11,21,28-spaces closed. Missing wisdom teeth. Porcelain dental work. Prior orthodontics.

After her sketch was published in a local newspaper, two men came forward saying they had met the victim a couple weeks before her death. Both said they only knew her by her first name, Andrea.

According to them Andrea said she was from the East Coast.

The first man said he had befriended her two weeks before the accident. Both had shared the same car while hitchhiking on Pacific Coast Highway. He was 100% positive that was the same person. He said Andrea told him she was adopted and trying to find her real family. He added that she told him she was from somewhere like Virginia but told a woman she was from New York. Though she claimed to be 25-26, he thought she appeared as young as 16.

The second man said Andrea spent one night at his house. He said she had no place to stay at and no money for food or clothing so he let her use one bed room, fed her and gave her some money. Andrea then bought clothes at a Goodwill store, including a pair of shoes for $19.95 that she was wearing at the time of her death. He said she had told him her parents were pretty well-known but she didn't want to say who they were and that she had been adopted at a very young age. He also said that the ring made of hair she had was of her own hair that she had cut in front of him and then placed on her finger
Someone a few pages back on this thread was talking about the area where she was struck...

Back in 1990 there wasn't really much around that area except fields an power plant and an old mobile home park with a small golf course, which is where she stayed the night before. I had a boyfriend in 1991 / 1992 that had a grandmother that lived in the mobile home park it was mostly very old people, not really a hang out scene at all. I wonder if search for her birth family led her there??

There are housing tracks behind the area that have been there for quite a long time, but it was more of an affluent area with mostly families.

There were not really any stores or night life around at all. At least not until you got to Main Street (That’s where everyone hung out).

Now days there are a Hilton and a large Hyatt resort sort of place that even has a bridge over to the ocean side.

It has changed a lot over the years.

If you cross the street towards the ocean it was nothing but a dark, cold long beach.
Which make me wonder if she was crossing PCH to sit and think on the shore or possibly hurt herself??
It would have been dark too, so vehicles would have had their lights on, making them easier to see. Although I've found headlights can make it harder to judge how far away they are.

Would it have been mentioned if Andrea had ever given birth?
With a lot of mps, police seem to have a good idea of what they think has happened to that person, often homicide with females. So should those missing persons still be considered in the search for Andrea, does anybody think?
I have a pretty complete list of all of the missing persons listed in Charley, DoeNet, NAMPN, and NamUs, and I am able to screen it for females missing on or before 01-Apr-1990 whose names end with "drea" or "dria" (and whose name isn't Alexandria). That gives me a complete list of the different spellings (either Andrea, Andria, Aundria).

I came up with six names, most of which have already been discussed here:

None of them even come close in terms of resemblance to this Jane Doe.

I've noticed there's a few aundrayas out there.
Would it have been mentioned if Andrea had ever given birth?

I've wondered this as well. ( Pregnancy can permanently change a woman's bra size, band and cup.)

Loosing her own child to foster care or intentionally placing a child for adoption would have a profound effect, IMHO.

I keep thinking about who her parents are, and why they didn't report her as missing? Or, had she been missing for so long that the original missing notice was for a little girl and not a teen/woman? To find her parents, we find her identity. Someone had suggested that she might have been raised by grandparents or an elder relative that passed away, and she hit the road. Otherwise, I can't imagine that someone wouldn't have reported her missing. Or, was she abused and had run away? In that scenario the abuser might not have reported her missing. Realistically, if you look at the statistics about how many women endure some form of molestation and then you overlay the fact that this Doe was particularly endowed...that theory comes more and more in to focus.
Now that I understand the significance of the hair "mourning" ring it makes even more sense. From the little bit we have to go on, it sounds like our Doe was a throw away or an abuse runaway who had so much hurt inside that she couldn't stand the pain anymore. I really do think she was an abused runaway whose abuser didn't report her missing. I'm glad this case has featured. I love for us to solve this one. God Bless her.
I have been thinking about hair and dye and timelines.

If MontanaMan possibly last saw Andrea in 88/89 and she had jet black (dyed I presume) goth would she have got to have possibly shoulder length, brown hair by April 1990 when our Andrea died?

I've had more hair colour catastrophes than I can count, and I know from experience the hardest colour to shift is pure black; you can't achieve it with anything but a permanent dye, or lift it out without the strongest bleach. Then you have to try and dye your hair back to its natural colour, but it always looks dyed, imo.

It's not mentioned that Andrea had dyed brown hair - how much could a person's hair have grown out in a year or so? Enough that no trace of the goth black remained?
I wonder if she had an adoptive family that did love her and wanted make it work and she left anyway. It seems to me that if she did have a caring adoptive family, they would have at some point looked for her..
If she was truly was an orphan and looking for her parents, there may not be anyone looking for her at all. Maybe she was in "the system" most of her life.
If she was a runaway foster child, nobody would really be looking for her.
If she turned 18, possibly they just put her out there on her own, as there would be nothing more they could do for her.
I wouldn't know how she would get information on her real family being famous or well known. It almost sounds to me that she may have made this up in her mind to make herself feel better about her situation and that her real parents were the kind of people that would give up a child to a not so ideal situation like the foster system or the streets.
Were they possibly drug addicts, etc?
I have been thinking about hair and dye and timelines.

If MontanaMan possibly last saw Andrea in 88/89 and she had jet black (dyed I presume) goth would she have got to have possibly shoulder length, brown hair by April 1990 when our Andrea died?

I've had more hair colour catastrophes than I can count, and I know from experience the hardest colour to shift is pure black; you can't achieve it with anything but a permanent dye, or lift it out without the strongest bleach. Then you have to try and dye your hair back to its natural colour, but it always looks dyed, imo.

It's not mentioned that Andrea had dyed brown hair - how much could a person's hair have grown out in a year or so? Enough that no trace of the goth black remained?

Your right.. I used to dye my hair black in high school. What a disaster. Dyed black hair is the worst and takes incredibly long to grow out. My hair is naturally very dark brown, so it wasn't always that noticible.

Possibly it wasn't that noticible on Andrea either, if natural color was dark brown.
Maybe that is why her hair was on the shorter side. Maybe she was cutting out a bad dye job?
List of questions that might be known but not included in the reports:
Length of hair ?
Photos of ring and stone?
Pic or more detailed description of clothing? ( short tight dress? Long shift?)
Witness statement about hitching... Did he happen to mention coming from the north or south, we're they picked up together? If so, where? Or where was he picked up?
Motel key, any research done on that? Speculations at the time?
Clothing the witnesses saw her in? ( in regards to what was already hers)
Was she checked for previous pregnancy?
Any other unmentioned physical characteristics? Like attached ear lobes, piercings, etc.
just trying to think of ANYTHING that might provide another clue to jump from. I think the dental work is a really solid lead, but have NO clue how to start to research that.

I am going to do some more searching this weekend.

Oh, Montanaman, i had a thought. Did you post a reply on that city beat website asking about big mouth andrea??? There may be someone on there that you are not in touch with who might know her last name or more info!!! Can't hurt, right?
List of questions that might be known but not included in the reports:
Length of hair ?
Photos of ring and stone?
Pic or more detailed description of clothing? ( short tight dress? Long shift?)
Witness statement about hitching... Did he happen to mention coming from the north or south, we're they picked up together? If so, where? Or where was he picked up?
Motel key, any research done on that? Speculations at the time?
Clothing the witnesses saw her in? ( in regards to what was already hers)
Was she checked for previous pregnancy?
Any other unmentioned physical characteristics? Like attached ear lobes, piercings, etc.
just trying to think of ANYTHING that might provide another clue to jump from. I think the dental work is a really solid lead, but have NO clue how to start to research that.

I am going to do some more searching this weekend.

Oh, Montanaman, i had a thought. Did you post a reply on that city beat website asking about big mouth andrea??? There may be someone on there that you are not in touch with who might know her last name or more info!!! Can't hurt, right?

To answer one of your questions: Here is a close-up of her right ear.

Thank you for that, CarlK. I can't see any sign of piercing in that ear.
Is anyone interested in making a FB page? If not; I'll start it if no one minds.
This 16 yr old young woman had a troubled history, ran away several times, was facing charges and had left her Mom to live with Gran. She wasn't reported missing for three weeks.

Also, her name, Launa Renee - it almost seems Andrea could come from that; a name with the same 'feel'.

Height's wrong though. No idea if a 16-year-old could grow four inches in 6 years.



  • merritt_launa.jpg
    15.1 KB · Views: 57
every one of these girls' stories breaks my heart a little bit :/

don't know about the height thing - im pretty sure i stopped growing by 14 or 15, for whatever that's worth - but i see that launa had an abdomen scar and there was no mention of our girl having a scar so i am going to guess no match
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