CA CA - Jason Brice, 52, Los Angeles County, Jan 2018

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
He lives (lived?) in company housing in a small neighborhood consisting of his coworkers. Not in the woods. Not in a trailer.
His vehicle is still at his house. His tools were left out / unsecured.
I don't think he had many or any close family members and I'm told his father, with whom he was very close, passed away last year.
His coworkers are very distraught over his disappearance. He is (was?) very well-liked. They still hike in the surrounding areas searching for any trace of him.
He loved hiking alone and photography.
To my knowledge, the police did not conduct a very thorough investigation at all.

Welcome to WebSleuths ARrOw76! It sounds as if you are a friend or live local to Jason and have information that is not being reported in Main Stream Media (MSM). It would be very helpful to the awesome sleuths here on WS to have an "verified insider" that could provide helpful information. Any additional information that can be provided could be helpful. No pressure...just a suggestion. Here is a link to information on becoming a verified insider. Verification Process for Professional or Insider Posters

Questions that I have on his disappearance are

1) Why is he listed "At Risk" on his missing poster? I ask because typically it means that the missing person has medical or mental health issues. One of the articles linked above states he has no known medical issues. Could he have been depressed due to the loss of his father?
2) Is it known that he took the four vacation days to hike and enjoy nature?
3) Does he have a cell phone? If so, is it missing?
4) Based on his FB, it appears that his camera is important to him - is it missing?
5) Was there any sign of struggle at his home?
6) Who reported Jason missing on 1/23? A relative? A friend? A co-worker?
7) Does anyone know the content of his phone conversation with his boss on Tuesday, 1/16?
8) Did he miss a day of work before calling his boss on Tuesday, 1/16? Or, was that one of his four "vacation days"?
9) Did he have a significant other?
10) Did he have an known issues with neighbors or co-workers?

Lastly, I know that Texas EquuSearch (TXEQ) does perform searches in other states. They require that the party requesting their help to be either family or law enforcement. Perhaps they can help locate Jason? Perhaps those close to the investigation could persuade law enforcement to contact TXEQ? Here is a link: Report a Person Missing
Welcome to WebSleuths ARrOw76! It sounds as if you are a friend or live local to Jason and have information that is not being reported in Main Stream Media (MSM). It would be very helpful to the awesome sleuths here on WS to have an "verified insider" that could provide helpful information. Any additional information that can be provided could be helpful. No pressure...just a suggestion. Here is a link to information on becoming a verified insider. Verification Process for Professional or Insider Posters

Questions that I have on his disappearance are

1) Why is he listed "At Risk" on his missing poster? I ask because typically it means that the missing person has medical or mental health issues. One of the articles linked above states he has no known medical issues. Could he have been depressed due to the loss of his father?
2) Is it known that he took the four vacation days to hike and enjoy nature?
3) Does he have a cell phone? If so, is it missing?
4) Based on his FB, it appears that his camera is important to him - is it missing?
5) Was there any sign of struggle at his home?
6) Who reported Jason missing on 1/23? A relative? A friend? A co-worker?
7) Does anyone know the content of his phone conversation with his boss on Tuesday, 1/16?
8) Did he miss a day of work before calling his boss on Tuesday, 1/16? Or, was that one of his four "vacation days"?
9) Did he have a significant other?
10) Did he have an known issues with neighbors or co-workers?

Lastly, I know that Texas EquuSearch (TXEQ) does perform searches in other states. They require that the party requesting their help to be either family or law enforcement. Perhaps they can help locate Jason? Perhaps those close to the investigation could persuade law enforcement to contact TXEQ? Here is a link: Report a Person Missing

Hi there. I knew Jason & live locally. I will answer what I can...
1) He is considered "at risk" because he had no known medical issues & nobody knew of any reason as to why he would not return to work as usual after his vacation.
2) From what I understand, he took vacation simply because he could. He had accumulated the time off & wanted to use it. From what his co-worker told me, it was a "staycation". He wasn't planning on leaving town.
3) He lived in an area that does not get cell service, so he'd apparently gotten rid of his cell phone well before his disappearance.
4) I am not sure about his camera, but I do know that he left his garage unlocked, his truck remained in the driveway w/ several of his belongings in it, & his binoculars were still on his front porch.
5) No signs of a struggle.
6) Jason was reported missing by a DWP employee.
7 & 8) I don't know the exact details, but from what his coworker told me, when an employee is going to use a day of PTO, the process is to phone their supervisors on the morning of each vacation day to confirm that they'll still be using that day. Basically, it's kind of like calling in sick, but instead of using sick days, you're using vacation days (I hope that makes sense). In other words, it would not have been unusual for Jason to call his boss that day. If I remember correctly, I believe his coworker told me that Jason told his boss he'd be at work the following day. He was never seen again.
9) No.
10) Jason was a long-time DWP employee. He was only a few years from retirement. His coworkers all described him as a hard worker, humble, reliable & helpful. He lived in employee housing across the street from where he worked, so his neighbors were his fellow employees. They were all friends. He was a quiet guy that never caused any drama. However, I was told that Jason (as well as a few others) had gotten a new supervisor (not sure if this was a direct supervisor or some other position above Jason) & this new supervisor was micromanaging them even though they'd been doing their jobs for many years.

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