Found Deceased CA - Jennifer Evert, 34, Crescent City, 21 May 2013

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First I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through at this time in your lives. I have several questions, if you can answer, If not I fully understand. You said that the anniversary of the suicide of Jen's ex was coming up, can you please say what year he committed his suicide? Was Jen under care for her depression? (therapy?) I have read both of your fb's and it appears Jen was having a really hard time on the 16th of May and just previous to that, she also appears to love you immensely and vice versa. She comments on how coming home makes her feel better, she mentions a downward spiral at that time. Do you know what was happening (besides the looming date upcoming of the ex suicide) that was triggering her/effecting her?

Not meaning to sound blunt, just don't know any other way. Did the note you found definitively point to her thinking of suicide. Could it have been a note of her leaving to get her mind wrapped around everything? I so am praying that she is out getting her head to straight to return to you and yours. IMHO
How far is roxy ann peak? Did she enjoy going there at all? Has it be considered? Hoping her tahoe is spotted today! Once thats found it may have more clues. I also believe she's deep within a wooded area, somewhere she's been before. My Prayers are with you Barry!! I also wonder if they've tried to use SAR dogs.

First I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through at this time in your lives. I have several questions, if you can answer, If not I fully understand. You said that the anniversary of the suicide of Jen's ex was coming up, can you please say what year he committed his suicide? Was Jen under care for her depression? (therapy?) I have read both of your fb's and it appears Jen was having a really hard time on the 16th of May and just previous to that, she also appears to love you immensely and vice versa. She comments on how coming home makes her feel better, she mentions a downward spiral at that time. Do you know what was happening (besides the looming date upcoming of the ex suicide) that was triggering her/effecting her?

Not meaning to sound blunt, just don't know any other way. Did the note you found definitively point to her thinking of suicide. Could it have been a note of her leaving to get her mind wrapped around everything? I so am praying that she is out getting her head to straight to return to you and yours. IMHO
I believe <modsnip> said Jenn stated to put her ashes with her late husband within the note. I think she was totally implying suicide and not just a "break".
In looking through Jen's photos on fb, it appears she loved the ocean, loved the beach. It was stated that in the note that was found she said she would be on the beach. In one picture of hers I see a picture of what appears to be a cave, the photo is taken from what appears to be inside looking out at the surf. Has this cave been searched? IMHO
Thank you all for helping think of clues for sgt80! I told him you guys are the best, and guess what? :grouphug:

Sgt80 might be at work. I'm sure he'll check in as soon as time allows. In the meantime, please keep sleuthing! :please:
In looking through Jen's photos on fb, it appears she loved the ocean, loved the beach. It was stated that in the note that was found she said she would be on the beach. In one picture of hers I see a picture of what appears to be a cave, the photo is taken from what appears to be inside looking out at the surf. Has this cave been searched? IMHO

But her car has not been found either, right? That is surprising to me...
Yes, her family lives in Brookings, Oregon. Her late husband killed himself at their house, which was later sold. She is not there, nor at any of their favorite hangouts. She was last seen north on 101.
Yes, her family lives in Brookings, Oregon. Her late husband killed himself at their house, which was later sold. She is not there, nor at any of their favorite hangouts. She was last seen north on 101.

I am so very sorry for what yo are going through. My brother-in-law took his own life and it was hands down a very traumatic experience that still affects me to this day. His daughter has never been the same and we often worry that she might do the same one day - even though she knows all to well the devastation that he left behind.

My thoughts and prayers are with you as you deal with searching for answers.

Have you looked around for other possible surveillance cameras that may have caught her direction? Cameras can be the most valuable tool when looking for the missing.
Can a request be posted to the FB missing page to see if anybody knows of someone who has a private plane? Someone may be willing to use their plane to fly the route she may have taken, with a spotter looking for the car. Sometimes a request for help will make people think of who they know that may be interested in a good-will gesture.

Oh my gosh - you know what.... we had someone in Lindsey Baum's case that flew in the air and took lots of pictures for us to work with. He was awesome. I do believe he is based in Washington State, which is a ways, but maybe not that far given that Crescent City is very close to the Oregon/California border.

Let me see what I can find.

I believe <modsnip> said Jenn stated to put her ashes with her late husband within the note. I think she was totally implying suicide and not just a "break".

This also implies that she means/meant to be found. So somewhere there is a clue or she is somewhere that someone would stumble upon her, kwim?

It sounds like an internal conflict - she knows what it is like to find someone and she doesn't want to cause that pain to her loved ones, but she does want to be found because she eventually wants to be with her late husband.

Where could she go that she would feel certain that her husband/family would not find her, but yet she would still be found either by LE or a stranger.

I think I would start checking hotels/motels. Any Motel 6's; Super 8; etc.

Perhaps she bought the coke so that she could take the sleeping pills and maybe she dozed off while driving. I know that on 199 there is a steep drop off on one side of the road and it is very densely covered with ferns and other vegetation. That might be one area to check.
Oh my gosh - you know what.... we had someone in Lindsey Baum's case that flew in the air and took lots of pictures for us to work with. He was awesome. I do believe he is based in Washington State, which is a ways, but maybe not that far given that Crescent City is very close to the Oregon/California border.

Let me see what I can find.


I sent out an SOS. Not sure we will hear back, but I gave it a shot.

TES is great help in situations like this. I think that her husband should also reach out to them.
This also implies that she means/meant to be found. So somewhere there is a clue or she is somewhere that someone would stumble upon her, kwim?

It sounds like an internal conflict - she knows what it is like to find someone and she doesn't want to cause that pain to her loved ones, but she does want to be found because she eventually wants to be with her late husband.

Where could she go that she would feel certain that her husband/family would not find her, but yet she would still be found either by LE or a stranger.

I think I would start checking hotels/motels. Any Motel 6's; Super 8; etc.


BBM That's my feeling Salem. I also believe that Jenn is somewhere where she might have expected to be found reasonably quickly, although as she has no money it seems unlikely she would be undiscovered in a hotel at this point. I was also wondering about empty houses but she may have been concerned that children playing might have found her. Is there somewhere where people might go but for some reason it has been out of bounds recently?

Presumably 'K' means nothing to the person the email was intended for?

As the car hasn't yet been found I think she will be in or near the vehicle.

sgt809 - I'm so very sorry you and Jenn's loved ones are going through this. I feel sad for Jenn too, to have been in so much pain. I'm in the UK but I will light a candle for all of you tonight.
Sgt809- I admire the way you are handling this and the fact that she was so distraught about losing her ex. It can bring up all kinds of jealousy issues anytime someone you love seems to be really missing an ex-spouse or even ex-boyfriend and you have clearly looked past all of that with deep love.
I responded to his earlier, but for some reason it did not post. I gave the police our home computer to check for clues, so I am doing everything on a very small and annoying smart phone. She was seen heading North on 101 about 12 miles from our home at 1239 on the first day she was missing. We have checked where her late husband committed suicide, and she is not there, and has not been seen there. 101 up here has literally thousands of old logging roads that go miles and miles into the back country. We have been up a lot of them, but it can be very dangerous. There are a lot of marijuana grows up here, and their caretakers will defend them with your life. We have had several close calls. Searching up there, with a 100 people in cars, driving every road would take years. My hope is that someone with some flying experience will donate their time to fly out here and fly some patterns. The police dispatched a plane the first week, but we did not have the sighting information yet, and the wrong area was searched.
The police here are miserably short on resources, and frankly, the experience needed to help much more. The officer told me that he reviewed the video, and she was alone. This means that she left voluntarily. In his thinking, this means there is not much more he can do. Excuse my french, but BS! She is listed as an endangered missing person! I am not getting the help or resources I need up here. Everyone keeps asking me why they haven't found the car yet. The easy answer is that apart from me and my friends, noone else has really looked for it. I put 1300 miles on my car the first week, my friends did about the same. I organised a search party of about 15 people, who drove the side roads, by roads and back roads for three days without success. Not a day goes by that I don't think of a new place to look, and go check it out the best I can. I have distributed about 1800 flyers around this town, and all towns up to 60 miles each direction. I have been in local papers and on the local television and radio trying to get the word out.
I have done all I can do. I am financially ruined, and physically and emotionally destroyed. I have very little hope left, and it is becoming less. I am literally going crazy not knowing what happened to my wife. She has never left me, or any of her "ex's" (I have talked to them all the way back to high school) without going for more than a few hours before calling her parents or friends. Just like any couple, we have fought in the past, resulting in her leaving for mom's for the night to be comforted there. Most of the time she came home in the middle of the night. We have had no arguments/fights in many months, and out marriage was going great.
I am at a loss folks, I am desperate. If you can help in any way, please do.
God bless and take care.
Just sending virtual hugs and I keep thinking. Lots of good ideas here. I can not even begin to fathom what sgt809 is going through and wish... well, I just wish Jen felt good and her husband was not going through this. The ripple effects - both of these folks are touching people who don't even know them. May your search be over soon.
I did not see all the posts up here...sorry I missed them.
I knew when I got together with Jennifer that I would always be second to her late husband. I accepted that, and even made sure she wore his wedding ring on her right hand when we were married. His ashes still sit on my mantle. He was a good friend of mine many years ago. To answer some other questions, the phone is dead, and no pings yet. There are no SARS dogs here, and the teams will not even deploy until we narrow the search area. I believe she is in (or close to) the truck. If we find it, we find Jenn. I also believe she bought the soda to swallow the pills. 199 has been covered thoroughly, and this Casino area is north of that cutoff. She was definately seen going North. All hotels have come up empty for a range of 60 miles. we have checked under alternative names and sent pictures to the clerks. She is very beautiful, and if you have ever met her, you will not forget her. I also think her intent was to make sure I did not find her. She may have done too good of a job hiding. She knows me...she knew I would search through hell and highwater for her right away. The last week we were together, she was happier than ever. I cannot wrap my head around any of this. Thanks for the comments, and please be patient with me. My phone sucks, and it takes me forever to type out these messages...
if she changed her mind, or decided to think about it some more, etc. and kept driving, she would need money for food and gas at some point. Nice people might help her out, but they would have heard about her missing by now I'd hope.

Would she have had something to do or see before she took her own life?

Could she has stumbled upon a pot farmer who harmed her? Sounds like she must be relatively close and she must be in her vehicle.

I hope all of her friends have been totally up front with you in this situation. No time to hold anything back for fear of hurt feelings.

The fact that she has been through this with her ex husband and sgt is convinced she planned it so he would not be the one to find her... ugh... please please please let someone see something and report it. It is a lot of land to cover - we need a mapmaker and folks to help drive some of those roads. ariel help would be great, there has to be someone who can help in that regard?

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