CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #14

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Not open for further replies. did not matter the Provecho fiasco was over two years ago at the time of the murder. The monies owed could no longer be ignored. It was time to pay the piper (Joey). I have never heard of a lender saying, "Oh, that bill is two years old, just forget it". Nonsense! At some point, you will have to deal with that debt, whether by disputing it, make payment arrangements, settle for a smaller portion, etc. You have to deal with it! CM prolly came to terms that he is gonna have to pay Joey back AND he no longer has access to the gravy train.

CM screwed the pooch by writing himself some checks. The business relationship was over. CM knew it, and that meant he was gonna have to pay up.

All MOO.
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Also, I have yet to hear CM say, " yes, i was paid $19,000 for the fountain, but i had costs of XX amount......"

On the contrary, I heard CM say he AGREED to split the loss!

And Joey had costs too. These accounts/customers didn't just magically appear out of thin air. Joey had to hustle for them. Is his time not worth anything? Who kept the books? Who made the business arrangements? Who ran the business?
His gambling was nothing new, he had been doing it for years. Killing Joey and his family would just cut off that source of income to gamble IMO

How would he be able to do that other than stealing from Joey?

He was already getting less pay from Joey, and was no longer involved in the big money making part, which would've been welding, and not the catch all jobs he was then doing?

And then he began writing himself fraudulent checks from that same business owner's account?

Do you truly believe Joey was going to let that slide? Stealing from the very man who had helped him out, when IMOO, others wouldnt have spit on CM if he was on fire?

You really think that would be okie dokie with Joey, and no big deal for him or Summer? Biting the very hand that had fed him for so long. when no one else did?

Do you truly believe Missy that wouldn't have been a big deal? Loaning money is one thing, but stealing money isn't even comparable.

As an aside. You seem so convinced that CM deserved to get the money he was paid for the P project.

Do you think Joey deserved to be paid for every dime he had loaned CM to pay his gambling debts?

Do you think CM should have manned up, and repaid Joey for supporting CMs partner, and his three children everytime he went back to jail?

Imo, no CM wouldn't have been better off with Joey alive. He knew his days were numbered working for Joey, already by phasing him out on doing the big money making part of it, when cutoff from doing any of the welding any more.

He knew if he had to stand on his own again on his own credit rating, not a dime in his pocket, and sole reputation as a self employed business owner, he wouldn't even have money to buy cereal to eat much less gamble.

And it was no one's fault but CMs alone . He was not going to be working for Joey anymore, and he knew WHY.

He had finally done something so egregious to his cash cow, even the cow was fedup, and was going to kick his worthless butt to the curb. CM didnt know when to quit stop being a lowlife thief. Imo it was in his blood to take from others. It was never enough.

He knew he would have to do just what he did, after scamming, and, murdering Joey, and go on to conning other business owners out of thousands, which is exactly what he did.

He knew he was one phone call away from going back to prison.

No way, no how was Joey or Summer going to tolerate him stealing after already owing Joey thousands.

If you dont think Joey would have done a thing about it, surely you will admit Summer wouldnt have tolerated CM stealing for a nano second.

She already knew what a blood sucking leech he was, and how much he was costing them just by having him as a sub.

Imo, he had multiple motives to murder this family, including hiding his dirty secret that he was stealing from the family he had murdered, hoping to silence his illegal dealings from coming to light.

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I will have to listen to it again later. I don't disagree that it appears Chase was paid the 19k, but wouldn't you agree that a big portion of that was probably for supplies to actually build the fountain? or is this again a situation where Chase made a fountain out of thin air and there would not have been any expenses involved?

I don't think Chase was the greatest guy to be in business with by any means, but in any other situation, I don't know how Joey could require a sub contractor to pay back money like that in that situation? Joey's own words were that it was 85% of the fountain that was installed. He seemed to side with Chase with not completing the glass for the fountain until they received the remainder of the fountain. Was Chase supposed to go in and finish it without Joey getting full payment?

Like I posted a little while ago... I think the prosecution thought this was the insurance fountain. They are wrong. IMO I will also have to go back to Sequieda's testimony to see if "Provecho" was mentioned, I don't recall at the moment! It's a beautiful spring day here though and I'm heading out for a few hours so it will have to wait until later :) Unless maybe someone else wants to check it out before I get back.... :D
There was at least one time I remember that Maline asked Cathy "and Chase was never paid for that job, right?" which is blatant leading and we now know to be false.
i think re Summer's injuries to her face at autopsy, that she sustained multiple fractures of her jaw, and i think that is telling of how the murderer felt about her. I believe this crime was very personal, IMO.

That is one of the reasons it's not like Chase did it. There must be others who actually hated her, not just didn't like her as in the case of Chase. And there must be other people whom Chase didn't like just as he didn't like Summer. There is no sign that Chase actively hated Summer, let alone couldn't stand her existence, so much that he killed her in such brutal way along with her whole family.
The defense is deceiving the jury, there's no two ways about it. Malpractice.

Maline to CJarvis - Is one of the reasons Joseph separates it out is because neither Joseph or Chase even got paid for that waterfall?

Merritt to CJarvis - Well I was supposed to, I was supposed to give him back $19000 over a period of time.
But do you at accept that Chase did owe Joey the 19K and he had received the money and Maline sought to deceive the Court as to that fact?
I've been going back and forth over all of this. Chase directly tells Cathy he got paid $19k for Provecho. "We need you to remember it. It's the only way we can get a picture to the jury". He never tells her that she needs to remember he got paid. So Maline directly TELLS her "Chase didn't get paid for that, right?". He never ASKED her "Did Chase get paid that job?" To which the answer should have been "Yes he did" because Chase told her he did in the tape the jury just heard. Damage control and it's a shamefully obvious.
Thanks Mica, that's what I recall from early on as well, but wasn't sure. Didn't he email them to himself or something like that?(would like to know which email he emailed them to) I thought Susan had said in her first testimony that she was cleaning and Mikey was on the computers and looking through papers and stuff... but unfortunately, L&C didn't upload all of her testimony. (It could have also been in Dugal's testimony ... that he was told that)

I noticed that the email that was sent to Chase with the financial info was sent from a yahoo email... Joey had emails everywhere LOL
I'm sorry, myself and many others I've talked to who've followed this diligently from very early on and no one remembers any passwords being posted online. I simply can not accept that.

This would have resulted in much, much more out there imo.
That is one of the reasons it's not like Chase did it. There must be others who actually hated her, not just didn't like her as in the case of Chase. And there must be other people whom Chase didn't like just as he didn't like Summer. There is no sign that Chase actively hated Summer, let alone couldn't stand her existence, so much that he killed her in such brutal way along with her whole family.
Wait, did you not watch the CNN interview with him? He didn't actively hate?

He continued actively hating her even in death.
I'm sorry, myself and many others I've talked to who've followed this diligently from very early on and no one remembers any passwords being posted online. I simply can not accept that.

This would have resulted in much, much more out there imo.

Then you missed the post.
That is one of the reasons it's not like Chase did it. There must be others who actually hated her, not just didn't like her as in the case of Chase. And there must be other people whom Chase didn't like just as he didn't like Summer. There is no sign that Chase actively hated Summer, let alone couldn't stand her existence, so much that he killed her in such brutal way along with her whole family.

So you think it’s normal to not be able to say nice things about your “best friends” wife and kids after they have been brutally murdered?

It’s quite obvious he loathed and detested her because of the simple reason he couldn’t even keep his mouth shut on what a she basically was even when she had died. That speaks volumes!!

So you think it’s normal to not be able to say nice things about your “best friends” wife and kids after they have been brutally murdered?

It’s quite obvious he loathed and detested her because of the simple reason he couldn’t even keep his mouth shut on what a ***** she basically was even when she had died. That speaks volumes!!

It's not normal. Even extreme disliking is very different from hating. And not being normal doesn't imply hating or even killing. He could be a nasty person, a thief, a psychopath, but even these together don't imply being murderous.
I'm sorry, myself and many others I've talked to who've followed this diligently from very early on and no one remembers any passwords being posted online. I simply can not accept that.

This would have resulted in much, much more out there imo.

I have to disagree @Force Ten Did you follow this case in the early days/weeks/months?

I will say JMO because I am not sure if that list is still available publicly. But I DO recall it.
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