CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #16

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On Feb 4th, 2010 the McStay Family, Joey, Summer, Gianni, and Joseph Jr vanished from their home. It looked like the family simply got up and left their home never to return.

Law Enforcement was convinced that the McStay family ran away to Mexico.

Patrick McStay, Joey's father, along with other loved ones knew there was no way Joey and his family would never flee to Mexico. There was no reason for this scenario presented by law enforcement.

Up until the remains of the family were found buried in the desert on November 11, 2013, Patrick McStay searched for his son and his family.

Family friend Chase Merritt was arrested for the McStay family murders on Nov 7th, 2014 and finally, Merritt's first-degree murder trial is underway.

The McStay forum is in our private section. However, we are making the discussion of the trial public.

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#1 CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010

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I think that depends on the evidence. It would be impossible to make any sort of judgement based on one factor by itself. Imo

What I see in those posts is that because CM is on trial for murder, therefore everything about him is bad.
What I see in those posts is that because CM is on trial for murder, therefore everything about him is bad.

It is a shame that in his sixty plus years of living, he has very little to show, little to be proud of, and few, if any redeeming qualities. I don't think one should expect wonderful and uplifting things to be said about someone on trial for the murders of an entire family. If there is anything good about him, or what he has done with his life, there will be an opportunity to share that during the penalty phase of the trial.
It is a shame that in his sixty plus years of living, he has very little to show, little to be proud of, and few, if any redeeming qualities. I don't think one should expect wonderful and uplifting things to be said about someone on trial for the murders of an entire family. If there is anything good about him, or what he has done with his life, there will be an opportunity to share that during the penalty phase of the trial.

I don't know enough about CM to make a judgement on his sixty plus years of living. That said, is everyone else surrounding JM and his business better than CM as a human being? Does everyone else near JM have more to show, more to be proud of, than CM? (Keep in mind we are speaking when he has not been convicted of murder yet.)
I don't know enough about CM to make a judgement on his sixty plus years of living. That said, is everyone else surrounding JM and his business better than CM as a human being? Does everyone else near JM have more to show, more to be proud of, than CM? (Keep in mind we are speaking when he has not been convicted of murder yet.)

All the others can certainly say that they have never been accused of and tried for the murders of four people, including two babies.
IMO, the investigators in this case had charged CM for this most heinous crime, not because of a character assassination of him, but through evidence that pointed back through evidence found by the investigation to Merritt having committed the murders. And only him. And that is the only reason he stands on trial right now.
Missy - I have searched & searched and re-listened to testimony and also re-read the Prelim transcript searching for more info on where exactly in Grave B the 1/2 portion of the bra was located but can't find squat. :) And as far as why Dr. Bob Hunter didn't testify (since he was the main person doing that excavation) I did find an outdated website about him and in 2013 at the time of the investigation he would have had about 44 years tenure with San Bernardino county as a Deputy Coroner Investigator. So jump forward to trial 2019 and I imagine he's been retired for a while and likely elderly. So that's probably why he wasn't called to testify.

Missy - I have searched & searched and re-listened to testimony and also re-read the Prelim transcript searching for more info on where exactly in Grave B the 1/2 portion of the bra was located but can't find squat. :) And as far as why Dr. Bob Hunter didn't testify (since he was the main person doing that excavation) I did find an outdated website about him and in 2013 at the time of the investigation he would have had about 44 years tenure with San Bernardino county as a Deputy Coroner Investigator. So jump forward to trial 2019 and I imagine he's been retired for a while and likely elderly. So that's probably why he wasn't called to testify.


Thanks for looking @MrsPC! At least I know someone else can't find it either LOL And thanks for the info on Hunter... although, being retired shouldn't stop him from testifying (unless there are health issues). IIRC Jones is also retired. Not that I think anything is nefarious about him not testifying, it's just usually part of the process in the trial... it's like the defense couldn't just call Cybergenetics... had to start with Ryan, then Nash, then Pujols, then Perlin. It's a chain of custody thing, lays the foundation for the next person.

I did find the testimony that I listened to again way more interesting now than I did at the time, some of the questions asked make more sense now. I also didn't take notes those first few weeks lol

One thing I would like to know is... the stats on just how many bodies are found in that area. Dr. Gray was asked about that, I recall it early in the trial, but hearing it again, I want to know the Stats now. She was asked about Stoddard Wells Rd and said she had been out there at least a dozen times, and when asked if was common, she said as common as other places along the 15. Asked about finding bodies between Victorville and Barstow, she said they are pretty frequent. I can tell by googling that it happens, I know that. But I'm a number's person, how many is 'pretty frequent' :confused: It sounded like she didn't even need directions from the deputy that called her.

I liked Dr. Gray though! Her job is not fun and it can also be boring testimony, but she didn't make it boring and I liked that her demeanour didn't change between prosecutor/defense :)
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