CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #5

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I was always under the assumption that it was the vehicle on the neighbor's security camera. Now, we find out that it wasn't their car. If it is true that CM was in the house at 2 o'clock in the morning on Feb.8 , what did he drive? Could he have driven the trooper? Or would he dare bring his own truck at that hour? Can't wait to get this cleared up.

I'm thinking, that he would've parked somewhere adjacent and came in thru the backyard, then crawled in the back window.
Catching up.

LOL Missy, wasn't me. But considering there were only 4 or 5 other people in the "gallery" (and they were all reporters) it must have been a juror who said that?

I do have to say, it seemed to me there were a few jurors who were mildly frustrated with having to wait around to find out if there would be any court yesterday. I overheard one say something about "wasting a whole day".

Another thing I noticed, the jury seems to be getting along really really well. Most of them go to lunch together in a big group. They'll stand in the hall and discuss who is driving and where they want to eat. There are a few who are more to themselves. I was trying to get a read on them yesterday while we waited in the hall outside the courtroom. A few older men. I feel like they will be hard to sway one way or the other once deliberations begin. One is an alternate though. I don't know why but that was the feeling I got. All speculation and MOO.

One more thing, I was glad to see the alternate who was injured yesterday show up for court. He really watches for CM's reaction to testimony, he watches that defense table.


Thanks Cricket for your Posts, describing what you see and think during the trial, especially any info about the Jurors.:):)
I feel I am there, witnessing the case.
This is just a guess, so don't shoot. :p If they were murdered on the 4th, I would assume the Trooper was moved somewhere else. The Trooper being "missing" would give credence to the "missing family" story. I DON'T think a family could go missing w/o both of their vehicle's parked in front of their home/garage etc.
Would never shoot!! LOL. I am just thinking out loud. Trying to figure out how he visited the house at 2 in the morning unnoticed. I have followed forever but everything is a blur. Other posters are much more astute.
Would never shoot!! LOL. I am just thinking out loud. Trying to figure out how he visited the house at 2 in the morning unnoticed. I have followed forever but everything is a blur. Other posters are much more astute.

Maybe he used their Trooper? Make it "appear" the family was home? We KNOW he was at the gravesite on the 6th.

IIRC, the Trooper wasn't "spotted" by security until around 5:30 pm on the 8th (possibly dumped earlier in the day). Perhaps he went home to get some zzzz's and then dumped it during the day?
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Well, when you are being interrogated about a crime, the first instinct is to defend yourself, whether your are innocent or guilty, but especially if you are guilty: you are on the defensive mood, you are on guard, your instinct is to deny any involvement, so you say, I was not there, I know nothing about, etc.. It's hard to imagine at one point you suddenly have a 180 degree reversal of the defensive mood and are actuallying thinking about the crime/murder and give a truthful statement, I was there, or I was definitely the last person to see him alive---why, of course, I killed him!

There can be a number of reason he made that ridiculous statement. Need to know the complete context, and what he and JM talked about. E.g. it could be that JM told him where he's going after the meeting and what he's going to do, which led him to believe JM would not be meeting other people. Again it's hard to say. But to me it's no big deal that he made that statement. So-called Freudian slip hardly applies for reason given above.

The same about using past tense. In fact the defense lawyer had made good explanation: the police interrogating CM was using past tense in asking him about JM, so naturally CM replied in past tense. Also, given that he didn't know what happened to JM, there's no reason he should use present tense to talk about what JM had been like. Without the complete interrogation content, let's say the police asked, "what was JM's daily routine?" Then it would be natural for CM to reply, "He was always up at 7 am, then fed the dogs. He loved those dogs.... " He didn't know where JM was and what he was doing during the disappearance, so he had no reason to say, "He is always up 7 am, then feeds the dogs. He loves the dogs...."

These are things -the "I was the last person to see him", referring to him past tense, that make up a part of a picture. They are puzzle pieces, in my book. While the interviewer, apparently, at times referred to the family in the past tense, given the relationship with the family that Chase has (that the interviewer doesn't have) I would expect him to use the present tense. Of course, neither of these things is definitely indicative of guilt, and I don't think anyone here has said they are; yet, I do know that I would never, ever, when being interviewed in the same situation, use the past tense.

So, not definitively indicative of guilt, just pieces of a puzzle.
Maybe he used their Trooper? Make it "appear" the family was home? We KNOW he was at the gravesite on the 6th.

IIRC, the Trooper wasn't "spotted" by security until around 5:30 pm on the 8th. Perhaps he went home to get some zzzz's and then dumped it during the day?
Exactly! That was what I was trying to say. Could he have driven the trooper? No one seemed to be aware that they had disappeared until many days later. If the family didn't know and the neighbors didn't know who is to say the trooper could have still been in use? It's truly a mystery.
These are things -the "I was the last person to see him", referring to him past tense, that make up a part of a picture. They are puzzle pieces, in my book. While the interviewer, apparently, at times referred to the family in the past tense, given the relationship with the family that Chase has (that the interviewer doesn't have) I would expect him to use the present tense. Of course, neither of these things is definitely indicative of guilt, and I don't think anyone here has said they are; yet, I do know that I would never, ever, when being interviewed in the same situation, use the past tense.

So, not definitively indicative of guilt, just pieces of a puzzle.

IMO: Sometimes our mouth override our brain, a natural reaction BEFORE we actually "think" about something we say. How many suspects that have used past tense in murder case interrogations are literally brought to investigator's attention and focus for using past tense in speech is beyond me. HOW would he KNOW he was the last person to see JM alive? Because he lived it.
I know some believe Joey was first killed elsewhere, and I highly respect everyone who holds those views including those who have the belief CM had some kind of regret about murdering Joey, and was somehow more humane when doing so.

Imoo, I haven't seen anything that supports that conclusion based on the injuries he sustained.

I know I tend to go with the less complicated theory. I tend to believe the Occam Razor rule is usually the correct answer to the conclusion. Cases are never nearly as complicated as they are made out to be. I can see how others may totally disagree with me though.

Since everyone knows I didnt follow the years long held discussions it may be why I think differently than some or even most. Lol!

In the end, it was Joey that brought down CMs con game into a crash, and burn very quickly. HE is the one who went face to face, and probably nose to nose, with the defendant during a very contentious meeting that started what all would transpire in a few short hours afterwards.

Imo, in CMs mind at the time this was between him, and Joey. Joey had started all of this during that fateful meeting between these two men.

It then became a premeditated plan by CM of which one would be the last man standing when it was all over with.

I don't believe for one second CM had any hesitation in brutally murdering the man he knew was going to once again ...expose him for what he had been all of his adult life.

In fact, I think he planned to murder every one of them when they were altogether where it would cause the most emotional trauma/torture to Joey, most of all.

A husband, and father always feels it is their duty to protect all of their family. Yet, CM wanted to strip Joey of having any way to protect the ones he loved dearly, and he did.

What better way to put Joey through living hell than having to watch his entire family being murdered knowing he was bound, and helpless to stop any of it from happening?

Imo, CM wanted to see Joey beg, grovel, cry, and plead with him to please not hurt his family. Instead of having an ounce of compassion CM felt more empowered knowing Joey knew CM would be the one to decide whether they all lived or died.

Imo, after he had them all restrained inside of their home, he made Joey watch it all unfold.

He killed the boys, one by one in front of them both. Next he raped, and murdered Summer as Joey was made to watch.

After he had murdered all three he then turned to Joey, and he was sadistic and merciless.

The cord could have been a way to control/restrain Joey or even used to offload-yank or pull his larger body off into the gravesite.

Because joey was the largest victim he could have placed him on top of his dead family wrapped up in a cover where if seen only a bulky blanket would show if even seen.

Imo it's just more logical to me, and simpler to believe all 4 were killed at the same location than trying to figure out where Joey could have been murdered first at some unknown location which still remains unobtainable, and unknown.

Imo it's because there is only one murder location. Imo, its much simpler, and would cause more emotional torture, and suffering to not only Summer, but especially for Joey

LOL, this is only my simplistic opinion, and nothing more.

May justice prevail for these 4 victims who are so deserving of nothing less.
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LOL maybe I didn't hear it right, but pretty sure that's what I heard. It's at about 16:15 of this video. Although, now that I said what I think I heard... that's all I hear! Thanks for your take on the jury and the "feel". Will you get a chance to go back?

LOL. That's what it sounds like to me too.
I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the trial again for a while. I actually live in N. Calif but I'm visiting my sister in Riverside. I'm going home Wed. but will DEFINITELY be back before the end of the trial.

I want to see the history of calls between the 2. Isolated it might look off, but was this a pattern? Is there other days that we see a pattern like that? They do seem to call each other often, we also have her calling him 4 or 5 times the evening of the 4th. I don't know how old their kids were at the time, but I think they were young... were the calls about picking up the kids from school? or hey, I'm meeting Joey, so can you do such and such... you know Joey, I'm going to be busy for a few hours, etc. ... I hope Cathy testifies so she can maybe give us her take on some of this stuff, what was ordinary or out of the ordinary for them.

Also... finding out that he switched cell phones shortly after the McStay's disappeared... I hope the reason was not because of coverage, connection issues!!!! I can see the defense saying that ... lol
In reference to CJ calling Chase, IIRC in the prelim one of the detectives stated that Jarvis stated it was unusual for her to be able to get a hold of Chase, even though he would frequent casinos, he would answer if called. Something to that effect.

I truly hope CJ was not complicit with this but is becoming alarmingly clear that may be the case.
Thanks again, Mica for all of the information you provide.

Fgs! No wonder they cant find this guy. They want everyone to believe he is hiding out somewhere silent as a tomb completely off the grid!

When in truth he seems to be in plain sight going about normal activities. Lol!


I don't think I replied to Mica's post when I was catching up. I'm going to jump off your post OBE to thank Mica for "finding" DK. lol. Good work. :)
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So just to clarify
5:47 Joey's phone calls Chase's phone
5:48 Chase's phone hangs up or dies
5:48-5:50 Joey's phone is still connected

Chime in if this isn't possible. If Chase left his phone at say, a storage unit, near his home, RC, and he used Joey's to call his phone but it ran out of charge, could this explain those 3 minutes and the fact that Joey appears to be speaking to Chase but for the last two minutes he is speaking to thin air?
Yes but there are two things: Someone had to be there at 5:47 in RC to answer Chase's phone while Joseph's is pinging in Fallbrook. If Chase was simply using JM's phone to call his, if no one is there to answer it would have went to VM.
Maybe he used their Trooper? Make it "appear" the family was home? We KNOW he was at the gravesite on the 6th.

IIRC, the Trooper wasn't "spotted" by security until around 5:30 pm on the 8th (possibly dumped earlier in the day). Perhaps he went home to get some zzzz's and then dumped it during the day?
Or walked across the border to gamble. Then hopped on the Greyhound, back to R.C.
This is just a guess, so don't shoot. :p If they were murdered on the 4th, I would assume the Trooper was moved somewhere else. The Trooper being "missing" would give credence to the "missing family" story. I DON'T think a family could go missing w/o both of their vehicle's parked in front of their home/garage etc.

Yah, Chris Watts tried that, and it was an epic FAIL.
Yes but there are two things: Someone had to be there at 5:47 in RC to answer Chase's phone while Joseph's is pinging in Fallbrook. If Chase was simply using JM's phone to call his, if no one is there to answer it would have went to VM.

What if he hung up before it went to VM. My phone rings a LONG time before VM because I sometimes have to find my phone 1st. Maybe CM put it on 10 rings?
Would never shoot!! LOL. I am just thinking out loud. Trying to figure out how he visited the house at 2 in the morning unnoticed. I have followed forever but everything is a blur. Other posters are much more astute.

I can believe he might be unnoticed at 2 am. I have no idea who comes and goes at my neighbors at 2 am.
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