CA - Joey, Summer, Gianni, Joseph Jr McStay Murders - Feb 4th 2010 #8

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I think the defense case is kind of all over the place. From what I can piece together, it is not a clear concise scenario.

But it seems to be a mixture of DK, being an instigator or the outright killer. Like, perhaps DK held a gun to the drivers head and forced them to drive to the border, kind of scenario. Joey tied ups in the back, Summer driving, while DK has a gun to the baby's head, kind of scenario?

That^^^^ is the kind of scenario DK's ex gf will likely tell, imo ---but we have no DNA from DK in the Trooper, IIRC

They are kind of trapping themselves into a corner with the gf of DK's testimony, I believe. Because her story will have to fit with all of the forensics. If Not, it will look like a desperate ploy. And make them look disingenuous. imo

The trouble with the DK strategy is that they pretty much commit themselves to "it wasn't me it was him"

I think in terms of practicalities, it is hard to keep the door open to some unknown killer if you are telling the jury DK did it

Although it can sometimes work just to confuse the hell out of everyone
When I was listening today... and he said he had "suspect 1", it wasn't labelled as Chase Merritt, I was hoping they would ask if they had "suspect 2" LOL I missed little bits and pieces and probably won't be able to catch up completely until tomorrow though *sigh*

Well, when the remains were found in 2013 Sheriff McMahon stated “the killings appeared to be extremely orchestrated and carried out by more than one person.”

Then when Chase was arrested McMahon said “evidence found at the gravesite tied Merritt to the killings and he was the only suspect at that time.”

Somewhere within that year others must have been ruled out, and evidence at the graves directly linked back to Merritt. Who the others were, I have no clue. Looking forward to the evidence from the graves linking Merritt. I don’t believe this was brought up yet at trial unless I missed it (which is a possibility.)
IIRC we already had testimony that DK put in a paypal request on the 5th that he was chasing authorisation on?

A request is basically like an invoice that the paypal account owner can then pay. So this process was transparent.

But what is unknown it seems, is who managed to login to Joey's paypal to authorise them.

I'm sure we will hear all about Paypal at some point lol I wonder if Paypal tracked IP's too? But now we know that over 10K was processed before they were reported missing. I didn't know it was that much.
Crazy how much he was getting paid for this stuff, if Joey was having to pay the materials and MSM as well

I'm hoping we see more about this later. I want to know what was paid in and out. The guy that testified yesterday, didn't show that, not work related anyway. From what I saw, he put the bank statements into Excel, and made some graphs lol I didn't really "watch" the testimony, but was looking at the bank statements late last night (googling away to see where some of these places were lol), he reminded me of a Dad that was trying to avoid child support payments... cashing cheques rather than depositing them. At least the court gives us a 3 day weekend, so I will have time to go back an listen and watch it all again :D:D
The timing of the bank call is highly significant in the context of everything else we know about the lower case Chase cheques. The evidence of fraudulent signature is evidence against all the world that Joey did not authorise that cheque.

The defence would need to prove otherwise (i.e. testimony from one chase merriit)

There is a strong inference the bank call was about that cheque.

The witness yesterday, from Union Bank, did nothing to clear that up haha she said there were no notes on the account, but I was left questioning whether she could see "notes" from individual banks? Being a fraud investigator, I would think she would be able to, but wish one of the lawyers or judge had specifically asked her that. We will see if they have another bank employee come in to testify about that. Logically, they should have brought that witness in right afterwards IMO
Well, when the remains were found in 2013 Sheriff McMahon stated “the killings appeared to be extremely orchestrated and carried out by more than one person.”

Then when Chase was arrested McMahon said “evidence found at the gravesite tied Merritt to the killings and he was the only suspect at that time.”

Somewhere within that year others must have been ruled out, and evidence at the graves directly linked back to Merritt. Who the others were, I have no clue. Looking forward to the evidence from the graves linking Merritt. I don’t believe this was brought up yet at trial unless I missed it (which is a possibility.)

hmm Mica, we just saw the criminalist that testified about testing the items in the grave. There was no DNA evidence. I'm not one for taking what is said in press conferences by LE as "truth", they can say whatever they want. But it is statements like that, that led me to believe they had more direct evidence, back when he was arrested, I was more prone to believe that kinda stuff... not anymore LOL I also thought they had blood evidence that they were killed in the home or evidence that he painted... so far that is not the case either. JMO
I think Chase deleted them. JMO

How would Chase delete the VM's?

I considered this early on when we first heard about the deleted VM's, what gives me pause is that it's the Defense that keeps bringing it up, the prosecution is "ignoring" it, and have even had more than one witness say 'no voicemails from Chase', when there were no voicemails at all from before the 15th of Feb, when they were reported missing. If they had evidence that Chase deleted them, I would hope they would want to show that. JMO
I watched it live... and I have watched a bit again, I stopped when the judge said "you can ask him when he was retained and I'm going to guess he is going to say after Jan 7, 2019" If you have a time stamp to when Rodriguez says they retained him, please share. The whole point of this motion was because it was discovery AFTER the trial started.
Sure happy to do the legwork, it starts at 20.04 in the link already provided.

No doubt you saw the witness testify yesterday that he was retained in December 2018.

I've now transcribed the relevant portion of the motion hearing too, which I will post up separately for all to read, with Maline arguing about what the witness would testify to as regards spending attributed to gambling, McGee arguing about having already told the jury in opening statement that the People only started their investigation after trial started, and Rodriguez' response.
Sure happy to do the legwork, it starts at 20.04 in the link already provided.

No doubt you saw the witness testify yesterday that he was retained in December 2018.

I've now transcribed the relevant portion of the motion hearing too, which I will post up separately for all to read, with Maline arguing about what the witness would testify to as regards spending attributed to gambling, McGee arguing about having already told the jury in opening statement that the People only started their investigation after trial started, and Rodriguez' response.

I have to go to work right now, so can't go and watch, but how did he testify yesterday (the day before the motion hearing) that he was retained in Dec 2018? I'm sure you would agree that the defense had just received these reports though... which would have been AFTER the trial started? I hope you transcribed it all :)

Eta from my truck lol I may have misunderstood, I'm thinking the bolded part is from the motion hearing? Or did he testify and say that yesterday? I haven't been able to watch all if it yet, which I have stated ;)
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How would Chase delete the VM's?

I considered this early on when we first heard about the deleted VM's, what gives me pause is that it's the Defense that keeps bringing it up, the prosecution is "ignoring" it, and have even had more than one witness say 'no voicemails from Chase', when there were no voicemails at all from before the 15th of Feb, when they were reported missing. If they had evidence that Chase deleted them, I would hope they would want to show that. JMO

Could you tell me more about the info regarding no voicemails from before Feb 15? Was this presented during trial? Thanks.
Transcription of Motion Hearing 6th Feb 2019 - regarding the admissibility of testimony of Scott Jay Weitzman, forensic accountant


Judge: And then we have Mr Weitzman.

James McGee: Mr Weitzman – our concern is that we do have graphs we do not have a report saying the information he reviewed why he did the graphs he did and what his opinions are going to be, again the same thing that we had with Dr Rudin the same thing we have exhibits without an explanation of what went into them and we would like a report, we would like to have something, cos if they’re going to have a report and they’re going to talk to him about it then we would object as irrelevant with no good faith or they can make no offer of proof as to what he would actually opine to if they don’t know, so what they’re trying to do is present experts without giving us written notes what they’re going to say and that goes against everything about discovery that I listed in detail in my motion.

Melissa Rodriguez: Mr Weitzman reviewed the defendant’s bank accounts, it’s all we got, and his reports are labelled in terms of what each one is, so there’s cash withdrawals, there’s expenditure there’s an analysis of what he believes the defendant spent on materials and things like that, it’s solely the defendant’s money that he received from Joseph. Some of the money that is attributed to his accounts is anything that was written to IDesign which was the defendant’s company, or anything that was written to Charles Merritt.

J: So he’s going to say that there was a cheque that was written to IDesign, there was a cheque that was written to Mr Merritt, there was a cash withdrawal in some casino, there was whatever?

MR: Correct. Each one of the exhibits that he prepared is labelled in terms of what it is.

JM: And the other aspect of the defense’s objection is the timing as I said in our motion we said to the jury in our opening statement we had our financial accountant reviewed everything – the government doesn’t, and the government then after that, after opening statement, after testimony started, decided that’s probably a good idea and then they started their investigations. They have to establish good cause as to why this was not done before and I will defer to the People to express what good cause they think they had to wait until after trial started to start this part of the investigation to where it affected not only our presentation, our plans, and then our defense and then our presentation to the jury during opening statement, and now that’s going to change because they’re adding onto the investigation without being a reason why they didn’t do it before other than inadvertence or oversight, but neither of those are good cause, it has to be newly discovered evidence which I don’t think they have it.

J: I don’t think there’s any requirement of necessity or good cause for additional investigations [] disclosure.

JM: But there is a requirement for good cause to give discovery outside of the 30 days before trial.

J: That’s true if it’s material they had but it’s obviously not true for new material.

JM: And none of it’s new, that’s what I, that’s our point. They’re going based on the financial records that they had since 2014.

MR: If I can be heard briefly on that your honor?

J: Just a second, certainly when Mr Weitzman testifies you can ask him when he was first retained to review information and I’m guessing he’s going to say it was after January 7th 2019, so you know you’ll have that and if that’s something you wanted to argue in closing argument you will be able to do that, um,

MR: I do need to correct the allegation…

J: …the testimony seems like it’s terribly straightforward as to what it shows or doesn’t show.

Rajan Maline: No your honor I’ll have to weigh in on this, what they’re trying to do is, what they gave us is withdrawals from Merritt from the account, everything that Merritt took out from his account this person Weitzman made a graph a very [] graph guess what, guess how much of the percentage of withdrawals Mr Merritt takes is attributed to gambling, if we had to guess between zero and 100%? Of course there’s no foundation for it, 100% of what he did he attributes to gambling, of every withdrawal, that’s essentially what they’re trying to do here, it’s not just outlining the withdrawals and payments made to Merritt because the records speak for themselves on that, what they want Mr Weitzman to say is that all this is gambling money and he only spent a fraction of that on costs of goods for the waterfalls uh out of about you know let’s say 100 thousand he spent 2 thousand on waterfalls. He only looked at the withdrawals or payments to Merritt he doesn’t know that Merritt went out and then bought costs of goods and so forth, it’s a very misleading presentation that they want to show in front of the jury so that’s really what they want to do.

J: So that would be good for you to be able to expose that right?

RM: It would be and believe me I plan on exposing it if that’s what he’s going to do but I just think it’s a waste of time because it, if you’re going to give an opinion on use of cash you have to look at all the records you can’t just look at withdrawals and then assume all of it was used for gambling.

MR: Your honor may I be heard?

J: Sure.

[20.04] MR: First of all we actually had contracted with our in-house accountant in June of last year, prior to going to trial. We gave him the defendant’s bank accounts and he started doing a compilation of activity from casinos and things of that nature. Then in November we received a report from the accountant that the defense hired and that accountant purports to put all of the essential elements and financial incentives to Dan Kavanaugh. And when we started looking at all of the information which was not actually provided to us I had to call their accountant in order to get the information that he reviewed, then we realised ok this is a bigger job than our in-house accountant can handle because he also has several other things that he does. So at that point we took the work that he had done and gave it to a financial accountant to look at to determine how reputable is this report from their accountant, and look at the work that our accountant did in-house and come up with your own analysis to determine what his casino withdrawal activity and things of that nature is. This was well before opening statements so this characterisation that we hadn’t hired him until January 7th is actually incorrect.

J: So is Mr Weitzman, will he be a rebuttal witness in response to their witness or is it someone you’ll put on in your case in chief?

MR: I believe at this point it is somebody we’re going to put on in our case in chief and his analysis of the bank records is what’s contained in the reports that they have and those are the bank records that they’ve had for several years.

J: Ok so everyone has the bank records everyone has an accountant looking at the bank records and surprisingly different retained experts come up with a different opinion!

RM: No, that’s not what it is, if that’s what it was - no problem, bring it on. They’re not doing that because our expert used the proper standards, the proper accounting standards. What this person has done is just essentially looked at all the withdrawals and payments to Merritt and then said it’s all spent at the casino. And 2 thousand of whatever the amount – 100 thousand – is spent on costs of goods for waterfalls with no basis whatsoever behind it. That’s a big difference than what we gave them which is a certified forensic accountant’s statement using CPA standards that are nationally accepted accounting standard.

JM: Let me correct a couple of things that Mr Maline just said. One, we’re inferring what they’re going to testify to because they’ve offered no written opinion as to what he’s actually going to say. We’re just guessing at this point, but that may not be right because they didn’t actually write what his opinion is, second, they haven’t provided us they just called us now that Michael Neal (sp.?) with the District Attorney’s Office […] I work with reviewed everything wrote reports provided to their expert – they didn’t provide those to us. So they provided information to their expert that they didn’t provide us. So we would like those. If he made any opinions that were shared with their expert Mr Weitzman we would like those. We would like all the information that his expert relied upon. We haven’t received those yet. The stuff that, the opinions that Mr Maline is inferring from the reports we don’t have anything like that in writing, our expert gave a detailed opinionated report saying what I found and here’s the evidence that supports it. So there’s a distinction between what’s been given and what’s been received. And I don’t want the court getting the impression that we know what their opinions going to be, because they won’t provide it.

J: Will you provide either a report or a summary of the conclusions to be offered by Mr Weitzman?

MR: I will be more than happy to print out the information that we have provided to the defense that details his findings. He didn’t write a separate report he gave us graphs and then he has charts which I will be more than happy for the court to look at – they are very simple and very explanatory in terms of what they are and they are based solely on the defendant’s bank records.

JM: We do have the charts and the graphs.

J: Ok so…

JM: What they mean, or what they’re going to say it means?

MR: I’ll be more than happy to print them out because they are...

J: …Well they have them, they have them, so that’s not an issue.

MR: It’s not really anything that’s subject to this grand interpretation your honor, they’re pretty clear.

J: Alright well if you can print them out let me take a look at them and then I’ll see.

MR: Absolutely.

J: And what about the underlying information that was given to Mr Weitzman, that he reviewed?

MR: He reviewed just the same thing, a compilation of bank record information.

J: Did the in-house accountant do any preliminary reports that were given to Mr Weitzman?

MR: He did not do any preliminary reports, what he did was an Excel spreadsheet.

J: Ok. Alright well print out all the charts and graphs and if I can figure out what they say that means anybody can figure out what they say. [laughing] Cos that is definitely NOT my area of expertise so that’s a pretty low threshold. So if you can get that to me.

MR: I can print them out right now.

J: Uh, you can give them to me tomorrow morning.

JM: And if there’s any discussions that they had with the experts they’re talking about what opinions or which direction they’re going we would like that put down into a written form and supplied to the defense as required by law.

J: Well I don’t think they have to detail all of their discussions they’ve had with their expert.

JM: But if they do have the detail if there are like conclusions of what they will testify to that’s like interview…

J: Oh sure yeah I mean if he says here’s my “report” – it’s all in my charts and graphs – that’s my report, ok then that’s it, but if he says now let me go over these and let me tell you what they mean then yes I would agree you’re entitled to that summary.

JM: That’s all we have.

J: If there is such a summary that would be helpful.

JM: Yes.

J: But I’ll still look at the charts and graphs. [27.13]

I have to go to work right now, so can't go and watch, but how did he testify yesterday (the day before the motion hearing) that he was retained in Dec 2018? I'm sure you would agree that the defense had just received these reports though... which would have been AFTER the trial started? I hope you transcribed it all :)
How is yesterday the day before the motion hearing? I linked to it and it was heard on 6th February 2019. The witness testified yesterday.

No I don't agree, McGee confirms he already had the charts and graphs that the witness used in his presentation yesterday, so his motion was seeking to get any additional opinions or conclusions that the witness never even produced or presented. He didn't need to because it was all self-explanatory information extracted from the bank records.
Respectfully snipped by me ocean...

I think it's possible that it may seem that way because I think there are enough of those posts, if I'm being honest. Right from the start of this trial, the defense has done a good job (which is good for appeals, right?) ... they have been able to get many points out on their cross, I don't think that should be ignored, do you?

I also think that it should be stated what the evidence actually is, so yep, you will see me correcting the "facts". It may seem silly... but if one wants to really know the evidence, reading posts that are factually incorrect, are not going to assist in that IMO.

I don't think this case is as clear as it was thought to be. Again, JMO.

I don't think what the DT says is truth, just like I don't think what the Pro's said is true. That is why I'm listening to the evidence. I am sceptical of anything any lawyer says... that's why I want to "see" it for myself :)

Okay. Thanks.

I don't think I am any closer to understanding why you think the way you do about so many things even after reading your reply.

I do appreciate you answering my post though..

Thanks again.
How is yesterday the day before the motion hearing? I linked to it and it was heard on 6th February 2019. The witness testified yesterday.

No I don't agree, McGee confirms he already had the charts and graphs that the witness used in his presentation yesterday, so his motion was seeking to get any additional opinions or conclusions that the witness never even produced or presented. He didn't need to because it was all self-explanatory information extracted from the bank records.

So basically McGee has been seeking to mislead the Court as usual.

After painful experience, this is why I take these kind of statements by the defence in Opening with a shovel full of salt.

Remember the pistorius "extension cord" - that Roux claimed was supposedly lost by the prosecution? As if the prosecution keep very single thing in the house that they photograph?

So I get having a moan in the sidebars and procedural spats, but his the guts of his claim in OS was pure tosh
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So basically McGee has been seeking to mislead the Court as usual.

After painful experience, this is why I take these kind of statements by the defence in Opening with a shovel full of salt.

Remember the pistorius "extension cord" - that Roux claimed was supposedly lost by the prosecution? As if the prosecution keep very single thing in the house that they photograph?

So I get having a moan in the sidebars and procedural spats, but his the guts of his claim in OS was pure tosh

Like all trials it will break down to guilters vs innocenti pretty quick
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