CA - Juliana Redding, 21, murdered, Santa Monica, 15 March 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Kelly Soo Park was a key employee to Dr. Munir Uwaydah, and is believed to have been his dedicated partner in his devotion to workers’ compensation fraud. Uwaydah has made a fortune off of charging workers’ compensation carriers, self-insureds, and third-party-administrators for compounded drugs, which are a type of medication that falls outside of the fee schedule. Uwaydah, and others like him, have taken advantage of the workers’ comp system by exploiting this type of drug which comes in a cream or topical to be absorbed through the skin. There is no fee schedule for it in the work comp system, as yet. Henceforth, he and others like him can charge insurers from $200 to $2,000 for a jar of cream.

Dr. Munir Uwaydah’s other frauds, both related and not related to workers’ comp, are more numerous, metaphorically speaking, than the grains of sand on the shore and are too much to recite in this article. His conflagrations abound. He is criticized vociferously in the industry even by, so called “legal and medical *advertiser censored*”. It is universally acknowledged that he performs unnecessary surgeries.


A tipster, who will not be named, called me yesterday in the late afternoon to advise me that a tipster had called him/her to state that Kelly Soo Park will be leaving the country via a freighter out of Long Beach. The informant who advised the informant said that people can get out of the country through these underground methods without a passport by paying a substantial amount to the proper thugs. He/she asked me to advise the FBI. But, I don’t know anybody with the FBI. So, I advised somebody who may know somebody with relations to the FBI. But, I was told the FBI isn’t interested. Don’t know if that’s true, but… we’ll have to see…

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December 2, 2010
Kelly Soo Park Misses The Boat. Appears In Court To Start Preliminary Phases Of Her Murder Trial

The salient reason Uwaydah has been suspected of being connected to the murder is because of large payments in the six figures which Uwaydah paid to Kelly Soo before and after the murder. Kelly Soo and her defense claim the payments were for real estate deals. She is an experienced real estate professional who has owned and operated a real estate practice based in the Thousand Oaks, California, area called Sherwood Financial. One reason among others that she is charged with the murder is because her DNA was found at the crime scene, according to the Santa Monica Police Department. According to an L.A. Times reporter, Kelly Soo Park’s DNA was found on Juliana Redding’s neck, throat, and clothing.

Uwaydah left the country immediately after Kelly Soo’s arrest back in June of 2010. This act of fleeing just as he was wanted for questioning, raised eyebrows and aroused suspicions. Munir Uwaydah, M.D. and Frontline Medical, the practice of which he is the principal, has been and is the subject of investigations by SIU investigators at numerous and sundry third-party-administrators and insurance companies, including State Compensation Insurance Fund, Zenith Insurance Company, and Berkshire Hathaway Homestate Companies. Uwaydah allegedly had a business deal going with Juliana Redding's father, Greg Redding, a pharmacist. The deal ostensibly fell apart just days before Juliana was murdered.

Kelly Soo Park’s defense counsels, Jennifer Keller and Kay Rackauckas, showed up in court and sat on the left end of the table from the audience perspective. Eric Harmon and Halim Dhanidina were the D.A.’s representing The People. Prosecutor Alan Jackson was not there. Before the judge took to the bench, Jennifer Keller turned around and spoke to Kelly Soo, who was seated with her family and friends in the center row of the audience seats.

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What am I missing? They said the Dr. was out of the country. Yet I found this from recently. He's on some type of probation and must report and also report if going to be out of Calif for longer than 30 days.

They can't find him?


Munir Uwaydah, M.D. Stipulates to Medical License Revocation, Stayed and Probation

09/09/2010 08:49:00 AM EST

Pursuant to a Stipulated Settlement and Disciplinary Order between Munir Uwaydah, M.D. and the State of California Attorney General's office dated July 14, 2010 and approval by the Medical Board of California on September 3, 2010, the medical license of Dr. Uwaydah is revoked as of October 1, 2010 with that revocation stayed and Dr. Uwaydah placed on probation for a period of two (2) years. Dr. Uwaydah’s agreement with the Attorney General and Medical Board of California does not contain any admissions of culpability.

<<<<<<<<<<<<<article at link>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Kelly Soo Park Doesn't Get Her Hard Drive Returned. DA Calls The Information On It A Warehouse.

By Lonce LaMon - March 1, 2011
It was a nippy and briskly cold morning, by Los Angeles standards, outside of Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center in Downtown L.A. yesterday, Monday, February 28th.

As Kelly Soo Park and her family and friends entered the Court Room in Department 109 just a little after 9 AM, they commented on the cold plus the Academy Awards ceremony from the previous night. Kelly sat down right next to me on my left, a mere three feet away, seemingly undaunted by me but aware of my presence.

She looked like a beautiful dark angel. She wore thick black eyeliner. She wore a yellowish tan jacket that looked like kid leather. Her leather purse was almost exactly the same color. She wore her trademark black pants, black stockings, and black high heeled pumps. A multi-colored wool scarf warmed her neck.

She is accused of murder. She is reputedly Dr. Munir Uwaydah's former right hand woman and henchwoman. It is speculated Munir Uwaydah, M.D., put her up to murdering one of his girlfriends: Juliana Redding. It is speculated he had Juliana Redding murdered because she wanted to put a damp rag on his fraud game. Her father, Greg Redding, an experienced pharmacist, wanted nothing to do with Uwaydah's fraud machine.

Juliana Redding was found strangled in her Santa Monica apartment on March 16th 2008. She was a young, aspiring model and actress.

Court opened when the Judge, Kathleen Kennedy, took her seat at the bench and said good morning. One quick proceeding on another case was heard before The Honorable Judge Kennedy called Kelly Soo Park second. Kelly sat down at the defendant's table to the left of her attorney, Kay Rackauckas.

Deputy District Attorney, Eric Harmon, spoke first explaining these pre-trial proceedings are now on the issue of Kelly's computer hard drive. Her hard drive was confiscated by law enforcement as evidence. Now, Kelly wants her hard drive returned as she has to prepare her tax documents. Her accounting information and software is all on her hard drive, she claims. Kay Rackauckas responded to Eric Harmon.

Kay Rackauckas: Ms. Park needs to issue W-4s to employees. She's already missed the date for W-4s.

Judge Kennedy: Is this something that can be done? Can information related to employees be separated?

Kay Rackauckas: They are in a Quickbooks folder.

I think Kay Rackauckas means W-2 forms. She keeps stating W-4 forms. She said W-4 forms during the last court proceedings. But I feel that as a veteran criminal lawyer she simply is not versed that W-4s are the forms an employee uses to declare deductions at the beginning of an employment, or during employment if that employee's deductions change. Anyone can pull a blank W-4 form off the Internet. So I'm confident she means to say W-2 forms, which are the forms an employer issues just after the end of any calendar year declaring employees' wages and tax deductions for that prior calendar year.

Judge Kennedy: Can't we get this resolved in some way?

Eric Harmon explained that he expected to receive a Motion for return of seized property, but did not get what he expected from the Defense. He stated that returning the hard drive will interrupt a criminal investigation. He emphasized that this case is not just about a murder, but it's about fraud, as well. And that several agencies are investigating this case and want to review the hard drive.

Judge Kennedy: Has anyone reviewed this hard drive?

Eric Harmon: Not as thoroughly as we intend to...

Then the judge discussed further the review of the hard drive, and Eric Harmon changed slightly what he said.

Eric Harmon: I don't believe they've (the files on the hard drive) been reviewed. They are voluminous. It's like looking through a warehouse.

But Kay Rackauckas went on again about how Ms. Park needs the hard drive in order to issue her W-4s. And again I thought that she totally means to say W-2s, because she does not know about tax forms.

Judge Kennedy then told Eric Harmon that it seems to her that someone within his department, law inforcement, or the investigations agencies, can resolve those files. Some IT person can get the defense the Quickbooks files and program.

Eric Harmon: We're talking about a hard drive I have never seen.

Harmon opened up even more about how he had not seen the hard drive, had not reviewed the hard drive, but that one investigator he knows of is supposed to review the hard drive but is not available until after March 15th 2011. He then asked the judge if she would go on camera with this investigator, and she agreed to go on camera with someone. However, she emphasized she did not want her time wasted and she wanted real steps made to resolve this issue.

It is clear the investigative agencies are not willing to give up the hard drive yet because of their extensive fraud investigations. Eric Harmon's description of the files on the drive being like a warehouse was revealing. The workers' compensation fraud issue and investigation of this case has tripped it up from being any kind of usual and customary murder case. It's not a murder case involving some crime of passion, such as a man murdering his former mistress out of jealousy. It's steeped in workers' compensation fraud.

Court will resume on March 24th.
Frontline Medical Now Suing Their Former Business Administrator In L.A. Superior Court. Dr. Uwaydah Playing His Usual And Customary Games.
By Lonce LaMon - June 19, 2011

It was a warm, just before Summer morning last Tuesday, June 14th, when I walked at a fast pace from the Spring Street at Cesar Chavez Boulevard parking lot to the Los Angeles Superior Court House at 111 No. Hill Street in Downtown Los Angeles. I was on my way to Department 74, on the seventh floor, where a hearing was taking place in the case of Frontline Medical vs. Marissa Schermbeck, Frontline’s former business administrator. I was dying to find out if the judge would see through Munir Uwaydah’s latest ruse--his most recent master scam to manipulate the court into believing he cannot leave Lebanon because of a court order there that forbids him from travelling and now holds his passports hostage.

Munir Uwaydah, M.D., the elusive, slippery, master manipulator, and quintessential gamesman of professional litigation, the majority shareholder and principal of Frontline Medical, now wants the Superior Court of Los Angeles to believe that he is embroiled in a family law matter in the Sharia Court in Lebanon and is forbidden by that court from traveling outside of Lebanon. So the fool actually thinks he can sell the idea to the Los Angeles Superior Court that he has had his passports seized, and cannot appear for his deposition in a case he has filed as the Plaintiff against his former business administrator

What a joke. This is a tired old game. Uwaydah’s pattern and practice is well recognized by now. Everybody is on to him. And now we finally all know he is hanging out presently in Lebanon. That mystery is over.

Certainly he doesn’t want to come back to Los Angeles, as he is wanted for questioning in a murder case--the March 2008 murder of aspiring actress and model Juliana Redding. A murder which many believe he had a hand in. A murder which many believe he ordered murder suspect Kelly Soo Park to commit.

Trial to begin for 'female James Bond' in model's killing

By Kate Mather
May 15, 2013, 5:30 a.m.
Los Angeles Times

"Opening statements are expected to begin Wednesday (Today) in the murder trial of an alleged "female James Bond" accused of killing ex-Maxim model Juliana Redding.

Kelly Soo Park was arrested on suspicion of murder two years after the March 2008 slaying and ordered to stand trial by a grand jury. She pleaded not guilty and was on out bail awaiting trial."

So what do you all think? Did the good doctor order a hit, or was Park only sent there to intimidate, and she took it to the next level?

I'd love to know how else that DNA could have got on the victim's neck....
Cant believe it's taking this long for a verdict.
Seems like Trials and Tribulations (Sprocket) is publishing almost minute by minute this morning.

Something is going on with the jury and instructions but too complicated for me to try to explain.
Trials & Tribulations says:

”Ask the clerk to read the verdict as to count 1.


Not guilty of murder in first degree.

”Now with regard to lesser included, we are now going to be in a position to answer your questions... so I ask you to return to the jury room.”
Trials & Tribulations says:

”Ask the clerk to read the verdict as to count 1.


Not guilty of murder in first degree.

”Now with regard to lesser included, we are now going to be in a position to answer your questions... so I ask you to return to the jury room.”

NOT guilty? What the? How is that possible? I'll admit, I do not know all the details of this case, but I do know victim is dead and suspects DNA was located on her person, especially the neck....Anyone know the jury's reasoning for this verdict? Did evidence get thrown out? I don't get it..:banghead:

"10:59 AM
The jury is present.
Jury has reached a verdict.

Ask clerk to read the verdict.


The friends cry.

This is their verdict. Juliana's friends sob.

I don't see Mrs. Redding face.

Now free to talk to anyone or no one."


It's over!!! Actually, I think I am pleasantly surprised.
Maybe now she will be able to talk about the doctor and they can get him.
This one is hard to understand. What was this jury thinking?
Just watched the 48 hours episode on Juliana's case, very sad for her family. I do not understand how and why Kelly Soo Park was found not guilty, her DNA was pretty much all over everything (Juliana's tank top, Kelly's fingerprint was found on a broken dish, Kelly's DNA was also found on Juliana's neck, etc...)
Oh my, yes.

It's really shocking that someone can walk free after these amounts of physical evidence being presented in court.

Especially considering some cases where people are convicted entirely based on circumstantial evidence and no body.

Basically, this means that the case is still open. Wow.
Just watched the 48 hours episode on Juliana's case, very sad for her family. I do not understand how and why Kelly Soo Park was found not guilty, her DNA was pretty much all over everything (Juliana's tank top, Kelly's fingerprint was found on a broken dish, Kelly's DNA was also found on Juliana's neck, etc...)

I saw this show last night also. The only reason the jury found her not guilty, I believe, is that the defense was more convincing about the DNA. I would like to have seen a rebuttal to that from the prosecutor saying that even "if" there is secondary transfer of DNA, surely SURELY it would have worn off after a couple of places touched. NOT as many places as it was found.

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