CA CA - Karlie Lain Gusé, 16, Mono County, 13 Oct 2018

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The "I woke them up at 5.45 then went back to bed" story is very odd. It may be true but without further elaboration as to why she did that, it just doesn't seem right or in any way logical.

Seems like it's being said in order to establish that Karlie was there at 5:45 am. Someone apparently saw her walking toward highway 6, very early that morning (but presumably after 5:45) - who saw her? A neighbor? Why would a teenager get up early and go for a walk w/o their cell phone? (I get not wearing a coat - it's very teen-like to not wear a coat even when it's freezing. But to not bring a phone??)

Also wondering about the claims that K was "up all night" and how anyone would know that, unless they also were up all night.
Agree with the first sentence. For the second, an arrest for what?

LE said in their last press release that Karlie doesn't meet AMBER criteria - the main one of which is a known abduction or that the child is known to be in imminent danger of serious injury or death. She even meets one of the other criteria of being under 17 but no AMBER alert will be issued because there is no evidence she has been abducted. I just don't know what they could arrest someone for - especially when Karlie is still missing.
I’m not 100% convinced she left that house on her own or alive.
Seems like it's being said in order to establish that Karlie was there at 5:45 am. Someone apparently saw her walking toward highway 6, very early that morning (but presumably after 5:45) - who saw her? A neighbor? Why would a teenager get up early and go for a walk w/o their cell phone? (I get not wearing a coat - it's very teen-like to not wear a coat even when it's freezing. But to not bring a phone??)

Also wondering about the claims that K was "up all night" and how anyone would know that, unless they also were up all night.

As to your question about who saw her walking, I found this:
[BBM (Bolded By Me)]
"According to Melissa [Karlie's stepmother], three witnesses told authorities they saw her stepdaughter Karlie walking toward Highway 6, which is near the Gusés’ home. That is the only lead authorities have yet to find."
Sixteen-year-old Karlie Gusé missing after vanishing from California home
It’s very difficult to discuss this case if we can’t mention social media. This case is playing out like crazy on social media and LE is being especially tight-lipped.

It’s my opinion that the stepmother is behaving very oddly and that LE is, too.

And, to quote the guys on “Shark Tank”, “ that reason, I’M OUT.”
Hi all- If anyone would like to review Websleuths' general policies for posting, here is a page you can reference: Rules - Etiquette & Information

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Users who continue to ignore these policies will be recieving warnings/TOs. Please focus on Karlie and what can be done to find her!

The SM gave an interview with The Sheet that has an entirely different story from the one she released this morning. If LE asked not to release certain information, fine, but then why start making false statements to publications? Why do details change from checking on her in the morning, to suddenly sleeping in her bed?

Why do the stepmother and the biological mother each have their own gofund me's set up for Karlie?
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the first releases from LE stated she has not eaten and I immediately assumed a medical issue like type 1 diabetes or some other physical condition

Because I'm only a few years older than Karlie, my immediate reaction was to try and put myself in her shoes. The speculation about disorientation, not eating, et cetera--combined with the fact that she seems to be quite thin--made me think of an eating disorder.

I'm in no way insinuating that Karlie's emotional/psychological state is anything like mine, but I will admit that I am fairly prone to wandering off alone (especially at night). I suffer from anorexia, depression, and trauma-related symptoms; walking burns calories, helps me gather my thoughts, calms me down during panic attacks, and is sometimes a side effect of the fugue state caused by dissociation. I never tell my roommate or anyone else that I'm leaving and have left my phone behind once or twice.

Obviously this idea is biased due to my own experience, but if Karlie did leave of her own volition, I wonder if she might have been in a similar state of mind? Something like an eating disorder or substance use is capable of causing a serious physical health crisis that could complicate a simple wander. Perhaps she passed out and, as a previous poster suggested, succumbed to the elements. Or perhaps she was not in the right frame of mind to come home from a walk because of certain mental health issues. In that case especially, she might (I hate to type it) have been vulnerable to someone ill-intentioned.

Whatever happened, I hope desperately that this poor girl is found safe.
I’m not 100% convinced she left that house on her own or alive.
Totally get it but there have been confirmed sightings that were deemed credible by LE. This is the pure logic-freak in me (see my sig - always Occam's Razor :) ) but right now there are too many mental gymnastics that I have to do to get to that conclusion. It's absolutely possible but that path is far down my personal list right now.

The simplest solution imo is Karlie either has a medical or mental condition that was aggravated by someone or something at the party she attended the night prior or yet to be revealed circumstances in her personal life and left on her own accord. No idea where her ultimate end point was - or if there even was one - but the more I read about this the more it feels like a runaway or at least left voluntarily and alone and that the sightings of her along the highway were credible.

Either way, I know we're both praying for her quick and safe return.
Totally get it but there have been confirmed sightings that were deemed credible by LE. This is the pure logic-freak in me (see my sig - always Occam's Razor :) ) but right now there are too many mental gymnastics that I have to do to get to that conclusion. It's absolutely possible but that path is far down my personal list right now.

The simplest solution imo is Karlie either has a medical or mental condition that was aggravated by someone or something at the party she attended the night prior or yet to be revealed circumstances in her personal life and left on her own accord. No idea where her ultimate end point was - or if there even was one - but the more I read about this the more it feels like a runaway or at least left voluntarily and alone and that the sightings of her along the highway were credible.

Either way, I know we're both praying for her quick and safe return.
Agreed. That area is one where hitchhiking is still done because of all the hikers on the PCT. Many hikers regularly hike out from the trail to Bishop to resupply and/or take rest days. I really feel she may have been picked up by someone headed either up north to Tahoe/Reno or down south to LA or Vegas. I hope LE has advised the authorities in those areas to be on the lookout for her.
My guess is that she's a teen runaway. I read the NBC article on this. It says the stepmother's normal routine was to wake Karlie up at 5:45am. That's probably early even on a school day but for a Saturday? It's just a matter of time before some kind of teen angst mounts. Hopefully, Karlie is safe but this is an ominous situation, I think.
The "I woke them up at 5.45 then went back to bed" story is very odd. It may be true but without further elaboration as to why she did that, it just doesn't seem right or in any way logical.

After looking at the location I got a bad feeling about this one. It would be so easy to get lost out there as it's insanely isolated and it would all look the same if you lost sight of houses etc.

It could be the family has a full day of sports participation in front of them.
It could be the family has a full day of sports participation in front of them.

I can understand waking the kids up early, it's the going back to bed bit that I found odd. I'm a firm believer in trusting your first gut feeling and mine all along has been that something doesn't add up with this one. I can't elaborate without risking breaking the site rules but I don't see a happy ending to this.

Of course I'd be ecstatic to be wrong!
Interestingly it's now been 4 days since Mono County Sheriff has posted about Karlie on their Facebook. The whole county only has a population of 14K people so you'd assume they'd keep mentioning it as it's not like they've got loads of other news to post about. This is shown by the fact that other recent posts are about an owl and some smoke!

I've read either on here or in the news (I forget) that the birth mum said they've found Karlie's footprint in the mountains. How would you know it's Karlie's? I'm presuming she's wearing shoes of some sort so unless she's got uncommon size feet or is wearing a shoe with a unique pattern how can you say it's likely to be hers?
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