CA - Katherine Jackson, 82, Michael Jackson's mom reported missing

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I read that KJs lawyer said that was just a formality due to a court deadline, but that the "sharing" court documents he was filing would override it. However, when they went into court the Judge obviously had some reservations - Thank goodness too. But I am still unsure if the Judge is just hesitant to give KJ some custody back or if TJ has not agreed to the deal after all.

That sounds a bit bogus, imo. The courts do not give out a permanent order of guardianship, and then let a new filing of co-guardianship ' overide' their original document. It is not as easy as that, imo. There would have to be a request for a new hearing and a reason given for that new hearing and new ruling.

I think KJ's atty was just trying to make things look a little better for KJ than it is right now.
Oh absolutely, I agree.

I just want it to be clear that she isn't skipping school, or dropping out of the summer program, as her insane uncle claims :D

Exactly. He is trying to make her seem 'irresponsible.' But summer camp programs are for fun, not that big of a deal.

And even if she was skipping school now, whose fault would that be? Maybe the people who were disrupting her life?

Also, my DD, at 15, used to sneak her cell phone into her bed and text at all hours as well. [ they didn't have tweets at the time.] Drove me nuts. I took her cell at night and she was using her i-pod. lol
Also, are we sure the summer program is everyday? I know a lot of summer programs are only a few days a week (ex: tue/thur or MWF)

We don't even know what grade she is it 8th or 9th? We also don't know where she has been attending summer school. The Buckley summer terms vary for 8th and 9th grades (ending dates).

The following link describes the Summer Programs at Buckley, the school she attends during the rest of the year:

The Buckley School Summer Programs

Wherever they are, I'm sure the investigator will find the kids to interview them as ordered by the court. ;-)

ETA: I did not realize her 'insane uncle' had made any derogatory remarks concerning her attendance...pfooey on THAT! I'm blaming HIM for the disruption, not Paris!

This is so sad, I keep thinking about what it would be like for my mom ( roughly the same age as KJ) to raise my teenagers, but it's very different- we have no money, the siblings are not putting in their 2 cents. I feel for the kids, & also KJ, I'm sure she is torn between her kids, who should be old enough to stand on their own 2 feet, but you always will protect your kids, & the grandkids, who although they are not blood relatives, are MJ's children, whom he chose to enjoy the benefits of his hard work. I can see a case for split guardianship, especially if it relieves KJ of some of the burdens, & allows for someone who cares for the kids to assist them, until they come of age....
They all think if they say it, it makes it so. This family's narcissism is off the charts. They think they are so above the law. Like Katherine stating she'll share custody, as if she's doing a favor. Well it's not her decision.

It always worked for MJ. Imo
FYI, I was just reading the Petition for Appointment of Guardian filed today and noticed that in item 8, co-guardianship is mentioned, as:

Should the court find it appropriate to reinstate the suspended guardian, the court should appointed [sic] the proposed guardian as a Co-Guardian and further order that on death or inability to act by either Co-Guardian, the other Co-Guardian would act alone.

I just can't imagine how the siblings plan to get their hands on that money. Even if the will is thrown out, there is the fist will already in probate, introduced by Branca at probate.

It is exactly the same with Branca, who wrote that one too, in charge of the estate. I believe the only difference in the latest will is the addition of Blanket as a beneficiary after he was born.

Maybe they are trying to get Katherine to challenge the will as a beneficiary, but that won't work either.

I believe this mooching group did want Katherine removed as guardian and one of their own be the legal guardian. They did accomplish that, but the estate still runs the show. That is lucky for the kids. Michael wanted that will tied up tighter than a drum and that is exactly what Branca did.

Joe and the siblings still can't believe they were shunned with that will and can't get over all the money being out of reach to them.
One can only imagine how high the Trustee and Attorney fees are on an Estate the size of MJ's.

Without elaborating in-detail: If a beneficiary questions the fees, there are procedures to follow with the Court which can also be quite costly.

Problem is, in this case, the siblings are not benes and do not have standing. They would need KJ to initiate the action.


I believe the estate is still in probate and will be until all the debts are cleared up. This may be sooner than later. As long as the will is in probate, the estate lawyers have to go before the court to get approval on their fees.

Actually, from what I understand, the estate lawyers go in front of the judge for estate business approval also.
I remember in the beginning, Katherine Jackson immediately asked for money and was given $26,000 per month for her expenses approved by the probate judge. The estate owns Havenhurst because it was Michael Jackson's mansion. They paid the mortgage and the utility bills as well as any repairs. She was also given $60,000 for the care of the 3 kids and anything they needed.

Evidently she is up to $70,000 for her expenses now, and who knows how much for the 3 kids. It was raised too.

The estate pays for the rental house while the other house is being remolded which the estate is paying for too.

The beneficiaries want for nothing.

Now comes TJ who has access to all that money. I had read somewhere the kids get around $840,000 per year, but I have no idea if that is true because that's what Katherine gets and the kids would get more. IMO
Generally speaking...True, the Trustee petitions the court for approval of accounting, etc, at regular intervals. The beneficiaries can object and in some cases, can petition the court to re-open prior approved accountings if based on fraud (for example). The matter would then be set for trial, appropriate discovery beforehand, expert witnesses for each side, and so on.

According to the Forbes article linked above and to mentions elsewhere, the siblings are claiming that the Trustees "lied and took advantage of their 82-year old mother, managing to get her to agree to increases in their percentage fees from the gross income of the estate."

If they are serious about these claims, they should have already opened a case. Instead, they took another sideways route which appears to have backfired badly. :-o

I believe the $70k/mo is divided as: $20k for each of the 3 kids and $10k for KJ.

I believe the $70k/mo is divided as: $20k for each of the 3 kids and $10k for KJ.


I don't think that's the way it is because if that were the case the stipends would have dropped drastically from right after Michael died until now.

Since the estate has made a lot of money, I believe it could have only gone up.

I would be more than surprised if the four of them only received $70,000 per month.
Generally speaking...True, the Trustee petitions the court for approval of accounting, etc, at regular intervals. The beneficiaries can object and in some cases, can petition the court to re-open prior approved accountings if based on fraud (for example). The matter would then be set for trial, appropriate discovery beforehand, expert witnesses for each side, and so on.

According to the Forbes article linked above and to mentions elsewhere, the siblings are claiming that the Trustees "lied and took advantage of their 82-year old mother, managing to get her to agree to increases in their percentage fees from the gross income of the estate."

If they are serious about these claims, they should have already opened a case. Instead, they took another sideways route which appears to have backfired badly. :-o



They are such liars. Katherine has no say so over the will at all. She is not a part of any decisions and never has been. The fees the executors get are presented to the judge for approval. The will is still in probate.

Katherine petitioned the court to make her an executor too, and was denied.
Will and Trust...2 separate things.

The $70k is what KJ receives monthly as legal Guardian.

Trust Beneficiaries can object to accounting and petition the court for review of past approved accountings as well.

Will and Trust...2 separate things.

The $70k is what KJ receives monthly as legal Guardian.

Trust Beneficiaries can object to accounting and petition the court for review of past approved accountings as well.


Judge allows Jackson estate challenge
Katherine Jackson won't lose her stake by making her case

updated 9/18/2009 7:23:24 PM ET


It was revealed this week that Katherine Jackson is receiving more than $26,000 per month from her son’s estate, as well as another $60,000 per month to care for her three grandchildren.

This was in September of 2009.

Katherine receives her own stipend from the trust and another stipend for the care of the children. I am sure it has been raised since then. As a matter of fact, Katherine's stipend is now $70,000 up from $26,000 and who knows how much the children's stipend has gone up. They are two separate payments to Katherine. She is responsible as to where the children's money goes. Thanks for the links. It has been awhile since I have read them.

P.S. She lost her challenge.
If it is now $70,000 for the care of the children, up from $60,000 in 2009, what is her stipend?

If it is still $26,000 then her total stipend for both is up only $10,000 per month.

Katherine is a beneficiary and receives stipends separately from the trust set up for her. She was awarded 40% of the inheritance in the will, but can't use it all at once. She gets stipends from it. The remainder in her trust reverts back to the children when she dies. The beauty of this is she can only spend her stipend on the siblings and Joe.

Katherine Jackson
Could Lose Millions
In Perks

This makes me sick. All of them want to mooch off those kids.

I think it's clear Michael wanted to take care of his mom for life. I would want to make sure my siblings were taken care of too, if I was rich like him, even if they were ne'er do well jerks. My family means everything to me.
But, Michael did not feel the same way and it's pitting his family against each other. I feel very sorry for the mother. She's too old for this carp.

I think the executors of the estate are doing a fine job. The siblings aren't going to get a thing but attorney's fees.
Seeing as the other sibling are touring and still trying to make a living entertaining, I think they really wanted control of the kids so they could use the children in their shows. That way THEY would be making money off of the kids. Michael did not want this for his kids but his siblings do. They could make millions by having MJ's kids in their tour.

Maybe the siblings know that fighting the will is a lost cause and they are on to the next scam which is exploiting the kids for profit and controlling them. They could make the kids part of their shows. They would make money as "managers", partners, off of merchandise, underhanded deals, etc.

The siblings feel entitled to Michael's money (as evidenced by their court battles as well as the fact that two of his brothers wanted Michael's estate to pay THEIR child support for their kids). They resent the fact that MJ's kids have not worked for the money they have which is why they consider them "spoiled". Joe and KJ's kids had to work during childhood to support the family so perhaps the Janet, Randy, etc, now think that the new generation should support THEM, just as they supported their elders. That's the Jackson family tradition, I guess, but there isn't much interest from the public in any of the new generation except for MJs kids.

I guess the Jackson siblings feel that without them, that MJ would have never had a career. Bitter grapes have left a lasting resentment in them. MJ has passed away and he is still more popular and makes more money that they do.

I don't think the siblings really see MJl's kids as "Jacksons". Honestly I wonder if they are biologically MJs kids. I'm not saying that in any ugly way at all, just thinking that perhaps he didn't want his children to have the same genes as his screwed up family. Maybe he preferred that they not be biologically related to his family. Seriously.

OT but I know I would prefer that my child not have the same genes as my family. I have 2 cousins who have chosen not to have children because my mothers side of the family is so screwed up. Also,Mj had vitiligo, which does have some genetic component. Perhaps he did not wish to take that chance on passing it to a child of his.

But there is no doubt that MJ was 100% their father in the ways that matter. He nurtured and protected his kids and never exploited them or abused them. he made sure their childhood was nothing like his. I think he (much like me) was able to make right all of the wrongs against him from his childhood by having his own kids and making sure that their childhood was everything a childhood should be.

It is only after his death that I am truly understanding Michael, what he went thru and what his children meant to him. I can see that he was open with his children about the things that went wrong in his childhood, just as I did with my child. Thank goodness he did that because now they are essentially on their own emotionally with just each other to trust.

I'm sure they love KJ but KJ is being manipulated and exploited an is vulnerable to that because that's how her life has always been.

i feel for these kids because they have a lifetime ahead of them full of people who are just itching to exploit them or get at their money.

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