It's on again @1am, I set my dvr
I did catch someone say Janet was jealous of Paris and I totally agree
I absolutely believe that Janet is jealous of Paris and would like to knock her down a few pegs so to speak. Her jealousy stems from many different issues.
Basically the Jackson siblings (meaning Janet and sibs) are really screwed up and were bullied by their dad, their mom didnt protect them, they had to work for a living and didn;t have a real childhood. They were brought up under the tight control of their father.
So I guess they would resent the fact that MJ's kids didn't work for their money and had a dad who absolutely adored them. They had an incredibly privileged childhood until their dad died. They have never been abused, forced to work, beaten or bullied. They have been loved, cherished and brought up as valued children who had a father who cared about they felt and what they thought.
Well this just rubs Janet and her sibs wrong. After all they had to work, they had to listen to their dad, they were controlled and not allowed to think for themselves. They believe that children are property, just like their dad did.
I really also think that Janet and sibs do not feel MJs kids are really Jacksons. No that it matters to me at all but I don't think the kids are biologically MJ's. They don't look black like the rest of the jacksons, nor do they even look biracial. Imagine how PO'd Janet and sibs must be to think that those millions of dollars of MJs money is not going to the sibs (his blood kin) but instead is going to some kids who aren't really Jacksons biologically. I also wonder if the fact that the children really look white rather than black or biracial is part of the sibs resentment of the kids.
To me, they are 100% MJ's kids and I think he purposely did not want Jackson blood in his children. Believe me, i have a nutso family and I feel bad that my kid is related to those nuts. I hope that MJ had honest and open talk with his kid (like I did with mine) about who the nuts in the family are and what they are capable of. It seems like he did.