Found Deceased CA - Katie Wilkins, 25, dies of heroin OD, Los Angeles County, 28 April 2012

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm thinking CB has been protected and bailed out by his folks many, many times.

Maybe it's time for some tough love and letting him take responsibility for his own actions.

Poor little rich boy.
Two text messages in particular are rubbing me the wrong way:

4774 310720xxxx * Benton Chris 04/27/12 18:02:28 (GMT-7) Read Inbox Phone Incoming Sorta!? I mostly go4 my fam and bc my head has been twisted since my divorce and my sisters man was really ther4me and i go2stay close w him. R u sober?4775 310720xxxx * Benton Chris 04/27/12 18:03:52 (GMT-7) Read Inbox Phone Incoming R u sober?

4776 310720xxxx * Benton Chris 04/27/12 18:04:10 (GMT-7) Sent Sent Phone Outgoing Oh good deal. I'm not on anything but I'm not sober either.

4777 310720xxxx * Benton Chris 04/27/12 18:08:05 (GMT-7) Read Inbox Phone Incoming Thats where im at. I take sum pills drink on ocassion and blaze but no more dope. I cant throw away more of my life2the **** but u kno me ill never square up

Although he admitted that he'd never square up, he seemed level-headed enough that he just left a meeting. Why rehab all of a sudden?

And how is this still not a criminal investigation? Her car didn't drive itself! Speaking of the car, if LE noticed the car sitting in a cul-de-sac for two weeks, did the car not receive a street-sweeping ticket which are so popular here in CA?

Essence, I'm terribly sorry for your loss and pray you and your family get answers soon.

Regarding txts, he has issues with integrity and excels at deciet.

Went down and checked. Street cleaning on Monday and Tuesday (depending on side of street). I'd need to verify if street cleaning tix were present when the car was taken by authorities to be printed.

No street cleaning tix in/on car when we picked up
from tow yard.
Katie was found with her clothing disheveled. This means she was attacked or brutalized or the very least, the corpse was staged. There needs to be brought in for questioning, some serious questioning, the last person who saw her that evening at 8:30PM at the local McDonalds who said he would drive with her, (he had no car)

That person is Chris Benton.

It doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out that a young man without wheels who is asking the young woman to meet up at McDonald's at a certain hour, and was seen going in the vehicle with her.....and later on HER vehicle is missing from HER garage. Who in the world would have taken it, and then it was found close to her home anyway?

Duh.......two guesses, and the initials start with C.B.

Seems there is more then enough here to hold him over with or without consent from the father. At 27-28, he is an ADULT, not a child. Needs to confess to his actions that evening with Katie.

Someone is lying here and someone is dead .Katie had issues but she didn't ask to die. There was no drug paraphanalia, hence, someone else is involved, someone else took the stuff off the premises. WHO is that someone else?

Ref: 4782 310720xxxx * Benton Chris 04/27/12 18:37:05 (GMT-7) Read Inbox Phone Incoming Wanna just pik me up at mcds bc the mtgs at soba next door

It's so tiring seeing from the STate next to California, (where i am), all these reminders that for some reason, (could it be fame, fortune, pay offs??) so many cases there of apparent murder go either unsolved OR case - closed.

This seems to occur so often there, that it cannot be helped but be noticed by your neighbors in the connecting States of Calif.

Shocking actually! Just shocking!!!!

Just the past year, we saw a quick, "case closed" on the murder of Ronnie Cohen Chasen the talent agent in L.A.We are to passively believe that the man who shot her rode his bicycle up to the corner of Wilshire & Beverly? at some ridiculous hr. like Midnight or 1AM and just sat there on the corner until her vehicle, came to a red light, and then he shot her for no reason, (oh yes, he was supposedly going to rob her, but did not!!!! then drives home, all the while having told a neighbor he was getting $10,000.00 for a hit?.......But forget that, "case closed" it was him and he committed suicide, so case closed! Yet he never even bothered to rob the poor woman after shooting her to death on his bicycle, a random hit? Sorry, I cannot buy that one either. :maddening:

Just the past year we saw a quick "case closed" on the ?? supposedly, suicide of the g.f. of a rich man from Arizona in Coronado, near San Diego. His brother in law "found her". The parents & sisters do not believe she hung herself after spray painting the bedroom door in red paint, some cryptic message.

Just this past year we know now that the 30plus year old case of Natalie Wood who drowned in Catalina Island was more then likely a cover up. Something far more happened, if we are to believe the accounts of the people onboard the yacht that evening and the neigborhing yacht who heard her screaming for help in the dark depths of the water at 1AM.
Yet, how long was it before "Case - closed?".......about 2 weeks I think.

Let's not see this one too, "Case Closed" before it's time.

It's getting OLD!
Steve -

At this point I would suggest applying leverage to Pepperdine President in terms of public humiliation. A religious university should have leadership with values. They say it is a personal matter and I too say his personal values should be considered if he will protect a murderer. Does the campus have a campus newspaper? Usually if you write a "Letter to the editor" they have to publish it. Either that or a local rag in Malibu. I say apply serious pressure. The leadership at Pepperdine and local authorities can only suppress so much--if the leverage becomes too much to silence, they will have to act. I'd like to see the president step down. And I say Chris Benton needs to man up and provide answers to your family.

So sorry for your loss.
An old saying still is true today, "The Squeaky Wheel, gets the Oil"

no one was there apparently to "squeak" for Ronnie Chasen, not her brother, nor the police in LA, nor anyone.....other then a few media people who questioned :(
She had no children, no loved ones left behind that I'm aware of anyway, from what I read. Just a trustee to her will.

(Just because we are related, doesn't mean we are loved or cherished either) as in the case of Katie, obviously.

How about that young woman in Coronado? Enough squeaking did at least reignite the case for a bit, another "look-see" and more interviews, same with the R.Wagner/Natalie Wood case, sad as the end results seem to still be.

Perhaps only a promise to look on those two, nothing concrete that we are aware of so far and even understandable I suppose when a lead witness is now 85 yrs old and a case many decades old. :(

Yet, this is a New Case, and what's being done about Katie's sudden demise?

I cannot say a murder because although I was not there, at the very least it does (from the sounds of the facts as presented ) sounds much like the John Belushi Case and that woman went to prison didn't she?

There is the sin of commission, and then the sin of ommission. And if I were on her jury, I'd be extremely concerned about the condition Katie was found in should it get that far.

Perhaps not intentional murder, but manslaughter or ommitting to do the right thing, staying and help the young girl, off the floor, calling 911, doing something to help not run away!

WHY leave her in such a shape to be found by her relatives?

Clothes disheveled?

Something is very wrong with this picture, and must have good answers coming from the L.E. before this one too goes by the wayside of justice denied (for Katie) and her family.

Steve -

At this point I would suggest applying leverage to Pepperdine President in terms of public humiliation. A religious university should have leadership with values. They say it is a personal matter and I too say his personal values should be considered if he will protect a murderer. Does the campus have a campus newspaper? Usually if you write a "Letter to the editor" they have to publish it. Either that or a local rag in Malibu. I say apply serious pressure. The leadership at Pepperdine and local authorities can only suppress so much--if the leverage becomes too much to silence, they will have to act. I'd like to see the president step down. And I say Chris Benton needs to man up and provide answers to your family.

So sorry for your loss.

I agree with much of what you posted. But I am not sure it is fair to call for the father to step down from his job. He may have been doing everything in his power to help his son. But Chris is a 27 yr old man. So I don't feel it is fair to hold his father responsible for the sons very poor decisions in life.
I do not know, nor do I need to know what street the car was found on.

However, in hopes of aiding Steve and his family to understand why the car might have been driven from Katie's home to Woodland Hills, I have found that:

There is a home at 20553 Califa Street, in Woodland Hills that is associated with the Administrator at SOBA Living of Malibu. We know that the real Christopher A Benton was at the very least attending an NA meeting at SOBA on that Friday night.

There are a few cul de sacs nearby the Califa Street address including Califa Place, Amorita Place, and a little further, Wallis Lane, Miranda Place, and Coulson Street.

And, all are remarkably close to the Attorney Lewis's office at:
21800 Oxnard St # 1060, Woodland Hills, CA 91367
So I've been thinking about a number of things.

First, I want the family to know that if Katie's death was from the heroin, she would not have experienced any pain in her death, it would have been very peaceful, like falling asleep. Back when I was using, I overdosed several times and actually died once. The maid at the hotel found me, all black and purple, no heartbeat no breathing. The paramedics came and gave me the series of six or seven shots that counter the effects of the heroin. Which is why I know that Chris could have done something if he had an ounce of humanity in him. But he was too afraid to deal with authorities.

I am interested in how many hours were Chris and Katie together before he left. He may have taken her car to go get more dope. Note that there are two ingredients to be mixed on the spoon. The heroin and the (either speed or coke) that gives the kick you need to counter the rush from the heroin. You cannot shoot straight heroin or you would die. So he may have left to get more of one or the other.

He would have hidden his "kit" somewhere where the used needles, spoon, etc. would be all together. If he was somewhat coherent, he would have disposed of his kit well, but it sounds like he was sloppy in covering his tracks. I realize the kit will probably not be found--doubtful he left it in the trunk, but maybe he ditched it near where the car was found?
Hey I’m totally on this girl’s side, and this guy Benton is obviously a , but one of the last posts said there was enough to hold him over. For what? The coroner is not calling it a understanding from all the media is they are still waiting for toxicology reports, but are calling it an accidental overdose.

So the following is how gets away with it, and why the cops keep saying it's not criminal. (all that follows is just my opinion).

I was talking about this case with a few of my law school buddies. Seems there are two possible criminal charges here against Benton. One, 192 of the penal code, deals with involuntary manslaughter. Applies if he admits to physically injecting her with heroin, causing her death (just like Belushi’s girlfriend and MJ’s doctor). Two, 10851 of the vehicle code, deals with taking a vehicle without the owners consent. Applies if he admits to taking the car without her ok.

Problem is, this loser's prints can show up all over the car and all over the house and he's still on easy street in rehab or where ever. He can even say he brought the heroin to party with her and took all the drugs and needles with him when he left. No problem. Why? Because all he has to do is make no statement at all (like now) or make a statement with two lies.

One, he says he partied with her at the house but she injected herself (probably a lie) and two, he says she gave him the car keys and told him to take her car before she passed out (another lie). Three, loser then tells the truth and says he panicked and left her alone to die in the garage. In CA he can legally do that. Surprise, there is no law for not calling 911 or for not providing assistance.

Her past history of drug use and no witnesses mean that both of those possible charges go away. No prosecuting attorney would touch them for lack of evidence. Especially up against rich daddy's lawyer. And trust me, that lawyer has already figured all of this out.

Now if some rohipnol or some other date-rape drug gets identified in her blood, he could go to the slammer for murder. But that’s a big “if”.

Not sayin it's a good thing, but predicting the spoiled rich boy is gonna walk to party again.

Essence, also very sorry for your loss.

I say haul his *advertiser censored* into civil court and grab every dime of rich daddy’s inheritance in a wrongful death suit! (you know it’s in some trust account somewhere). But keep in mind you only have two years to file the suit (just had that on a test).
i am certain Katie could not have injected herself. It takes serious skill, although skill is the wrong word. If she knew how she would appear all creepy and psychotic like Christopher. I'm speaking from experience.
WELCOME to ex-junkie and Stewart!

We're fortunate to have you here. You two are a wealth of information.

ex-junkie, I'm glad your life was spared and you are able to share your knowledge.
As an ex-junkie I'd be happy to share the messed-up type of thinking that goes through an addicts head.

I'd like to reply to: "Katie's brother stated no narcotics were found in Katie's car, soooo, where did CB throw them out? He took them because of his fingerprints being all over them, obviously. Did he throw them out of the car window after he stole Katie's car?"

First it is strange if food was cooking and washer going, that christopher had time to gather all evidence? Maybe he took her car to get more drugs?
I don't think he'd just throw his kit out the window, a high addict would be too paranoid to do that, it would attract attention. He may have pulled to the side of a road along the way to stash his kit, to pick up later. May have already had someone find it, but maybe not. If the evidence were found and syringes with Katie's blood and only his prints, that could be useful. I would think he was very high, not thinking clear at all and left some trail without realizing it.
Kudos to Jamie Reno & The Daily Beast for that article.

Steve, keep doing what you have been & stay strong.... you are a wonderful brother.
Last September, Malibu Times Magazine did quite a long article on Pepperdine President, Andrew K Benton.

It might give some insight into the Benton family. Or, it might not.

One sentence in particular (out of the whole article) that caught my attention was this:

"Music even introduced him to his wife of almost forty years, with whom he has two children—daughter Hailey, thirty, who is an attorney, and son Chris, twenty-six, who is an aspiring chef."

Makes me think of oysters and shrimp. But, that's just me.
Sad that this family, Katie’s own must learn the hard lessons about friendships now. Friendship they thought they enjoyed fell by the wayside when it comes to protecting their own.
Not even a phone call, nor any empathy personally extended. Might then suggest culpability I suppose, and we know how lawyers are about this.

“Rob Wilkins, Katie’s father, said he called the Benton family and asked them for answers. He said he briefly spoke with Debby Benton, Chris’s mother, but she didn’t want to say much: “She just told me Chris was in rehab, but that’s about all she said. Their family didn’t reach out to us after Katie died. No compassion, no concern. Not a word.”

My thoughts on this sad tale:

Even though the Sheriff’s office is saying, it’s clearly an O.D. how about the fact she was right-handed? How about her disheveled clothes, (pants pulled down, and shirt pulled up?) Was this a staging? How did she do this, being left handed, put a needle in her other arm, and pull her pants down and shirt up? Makes zero sense guys.

And could not logically have adminstered the lethal dose herself, let alone, where the hell is the “stuff? i.e. the paraphernalia that is missing, (just as her automobile went missing? These questions in the end can only more then likely, (without the help for justice at all from the Sheriff’s office or DA) end up in Civil Court suing for “wrongful death” of their daughter. I mean, it appears the Sheriff’s office is now “on record” setting the stage of just another, “ Business as usual” in this part of the world.

So once again, a lesson in Malibu seems to surround, “money and scandal” they seem to go hand in hand more often then not. In place of true Justice!

But money regardless of the settlement, (it’s always a settlement), will never replace KATIE nor the hard feelings to yet come that will remain.

Maybe that will be the ultimate lesson here?

As the mom of a young woman who also died prematurely,? age 31 in her case, with no help from anyone closest to her, (her husband) as well as an O.D. of prescribed pills, I say, don't be tempted to settle for a monetary sum when push comes to shove.
Doing this, prematurely means, he gets off scott free and the only lesson he gains, is "money buys his freedom and way out" once again!

Try the route which the lawyers don't do. They are only looking to line their OWN pockets through your ultimate sad loss too.

That's the name of that game. :(
I know of a situation in a town I used to live in. There was young man who was well regarded in the community, he had a middle class occupation and never had any legal "issues" or been involved with hard drugs. One day a former girlfriend, who had been living in Seattle, show up at his door in big trouble. She had become addicted to Heroin and had come bqack to get away from that scene. She asked him to "babysit her while she ""kicked" He agree. As she started to get really sick, they agreed that the best way to handle the the situation was for her to enter a rehab facility but she would need to keep using until she went in. She lined up a purchase in a nearby large city and the young man went and got the drugs. The girl preceeded to use the drug and OD's. The young man called 911 and accoumpanied the paramedics to the Hospital where she was DOA. He gave a full statement to Police and was Promptly arrested. He ended up doing a year for manslaughter.
Hey guys, I apologize if I'm chiming in too much on this.

I'd like to address "how about the fact she was right-handed? How did she do this, being left handed, put a needle in her other arm."

It takes someone very experienced at injecting to use left hand on syringe if the person is right handed. And for someone to be thusly experienced, they would not look healthy like Katie, they would look psychotic like Christopher. Just my honest opinion on this.

I've also been thinking about Christopher's last text that included "Was that your brother?" Could have been a lame attempt at a cover. But maybe he took her car and then came back to Katie's house with goods, saw another car there and realized his party was over, thus, "Have a good day" or whatever he wrote. I think this final text should be given serious consideration.

Again, I'm so sorry for Katie's family. Much love to you all.

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