Found Deceased CA - Kiely Rodni missing from Party Near Prosser Family Campground in Truckee #9

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May 14, 2018
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PLACER COUNTY, Ca. (News 4 & Fox 11) — The Placer County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) is asking for the public's help in locating missing 16-year-old teen, Kiely Rodni.

According to PCSO, Kiely was last seen at around 12:30 a.m. on August 6 near the Prosser Family Campground in Truckee. She was said to be at a party with a huge group of minors and young adults. Her car is also not located at the party and her phone has been out of service.

Kiely is described as:
  • Caucasian female
  • Five-feet-seven-inches tall
  • Weights 115 pounds
  • Blonde hair
  • Hazel eyes
  • Green Dickies pants, black tank top, multiple piercings and jewelry with a nose ring
Her car is a silver 2013 Honda CRV with a California license plate of 8YUR127.

Anyone with information on Kiely's whereabouts is urged to call PCSO at (530) 886-5357.



Link to Kiely Rodni case - archived traffic cam footage from the NV/CA border

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The website Find Kiely has been APPROVED upon review.
#FindKiely | Kiely Rodni | Truckee CA

Disparaging Kiely’s friend SS is NOT APPROVED. Bashing anyone who has not been named as a suspect/POI in this case is a violation of Websleuths’ Terms of Service. PLEASE STOP and move on to discussing how to find Kiely.

That is not what Websleuths is about and it is a SERIOUS violation of the Terms of Service.
If you want to stay a part of this discussion, do not post info UNLESS IT IS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT OR A MAINSTREAM MEDIA SOURCE.


As SS is a major case player in this matter of Keily's disappearance, her FindKeily page is being approved for discussion.

Please just ease up on this young lady and do not trash her or insinuate that she is somehow responsible for Keily's disappearance.

Thank you.

Hey everyone,

Please don't start using names that have not been in MSM or released by LE. The OP that contained a specific name was removed.

Also, please do not post information that may interfere with a police investigation. Websleuths isn't in the business of tipping people off in the event they are following the discussion.

Thank you.


This post lands at random.

Because we never know who may be reading here, please do not post or discuss information that is part of an investigation unless it is information that is released by LE.

While locals may share information about geography / topography, businesses, local flavor, etc, please do not share rumors/hearsay or questions/answers related to FBI agent interviews in the neighbourhood. It's counter-productive to the success of their case, and if the FBI want to share information with the public about their ongoing investigation, they will do so by publicizing directly or through MSM.

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True Crime Misfits is not an approved source.

Sleuthing social media of any individual other than victim or an LE officially named perp is not allowed.

Disparaging or criticizing the family in any way is not victim friendly. Just don't do it.

Don't say you read or saw something somewhere. Unless you can provide a link to "somewhere" that is an approved source, don't even mention it.

Admin has warned before about trashing/bashing SS and that we have a zero tolerance in place where members who do so will be banned from this discussion. Don't ignore Admin or Mod notes or warnings. Members won't be warned again. You'll just find yourself unable to post.

ETA: Admin edited to remove reference to Moonshine Ink
We welcome new members to Websleuths to discuss this troubling case.
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ETA: And stop with the snark and sarcasm. If you can't post with courtesy, you won't be allowed to post here.

The auto road service fellow is a possible witness in this case. He is not a POI, and while you may reasonably question what he has to offer, there is absolutely no need to trash him in the process.

Arrests made in other cases are not to be discussed here unless/until law enforcement confirms that there is a connection.

This post lands at random.

Stop the trashing of the AWP team.

Even organizations like EquuSearch are funded by donations from individuals and grants from organizations. Many rescue organizations that do not charge families must necessarily rely on donations from individuals, corporations, service clubs, grants, etc. to offset or cover operating costs. AWP equipment must be top notch to ensure safety and efficiency; there's upgrading and maintenance of watercraft and diving equipment, communication equipment, sonar technology, transportation, personal diving and safety equipment, etc.

Members may discuss the specifics of the recovery and subsequent information AWP has provided via their podcasts. Members may respectfully question the information or even disagree with it, but do so without sleuthing them and attacking / trashing them in the process. To do otherwise is petty and an embarrassment to Websleuths.

Thank you.

A random podcast containing video from the Celebration of Life for Kiely is not approved as a source.

There is no indication the podcast host is related to the family or had approval to film any part of the event.

If Kiely's family wished her celebration to be publicized, it would more than likely be in MSM, and so far we haven't located one in an approved source. If it does happen to appear in MSM, then we will consider it at that time. Please ask for pre-approval before uploading footage of the event to the thread.

Thanks for your understanding in being respectful to Kiely's family and her memory.


(3 little Xs after my initials were removed as "advertiser censored" so in lieu of that, please consider yourselves hugged :D)

This post lands at random.

Stop the trashing of the AWP team.

Members may discuss the specifics of the recovery and subsequent information AWP has provided via their podcasts. Members may respectfully question the information or even disagree with it, but do so without sleuthing them and attacking / trashing them in the process. To do otherwise is petty and an embarrassment to Websleuths.

And Stop the Bickering.

Thank you.
Bringing over @SteveP's post from the previous thread since it closed before I had a chance to respond.
SteveP said:
Pretty much everything I have seen and read, since this case began, seems to indicate that very many teens, if not most, in that town have been allowed the freedom to do whatever they wish for far too long now. To believe that parents would think of trying to reel them in at this point, and have any luck in doing so, is quite a reach for me. JMO
Gemmie here - I did a little research on Truckee's culture and found a very interesting MSM article. Yes, it's dated (~8 yrs), BUT stuff like this usually stays the same (MOO) and apparently was (and I believe still is) a "cultural norm" according to the Police Chief. That term was also used by a local psychologist.

I believe this article might help us understand what some have questioned... That what appears to be a local party site for underage teens has likely been going on for years, if not decades, and how they come about getting alcohol and (likely) drugs. It opened my eyes.

Bolding and underlining done by me.

Truckee officials: Peers, residents enable youth drug use

At a youth sports end-of-season party, coaches give out trophies to 8-, 9-, 10-, 11-, 12- and 13-year-olds with one hand, while holding a beer in the other.

That was a scene Truckee Police Chief Adam McGill saw within a few months of moving to town from Modesto, Calif.

And it caught him by surprise.


“We talk about this being an underage drinking problem,” McGill said. “I agree, but really this is an adult problem. This is a cultural norm.”


“If we just try to save the people who are drowning, we’re going to be overwhelmed financially, emotionally,” added River Coyote, director of Tahoe Truckee Future Without Drug Dependence. “We’ll never be able to save them all just looking at it from a treatment perspective. … So we really have to go upstream, and we have to find out what in our community could possibly be causing this.


Growing up in Incline Village, Christi Goates found herself drowning in that metaphorical river.

I started drinking at the age of 12, when I was in the sixth-grade.” she said. “… I loved it. I loved it from the moment it touched my lips, and I went to my first rehab center when I was 16 years old.”

It wasn’t until she was 31 that she became sober.

“My life in Incline Village was all about drugs and alcohol,” said Goates, adding that her suppliers included friends’ parents. “I could find it anywhere; I could get it anywhere.


And it’s not only parents who are enablers, said Corine Harvey, executive director of student services for Tahoe Truckee Unified School District — it’s residents who host parties and purchase alcohol for minors, allowing youth to drink.

Full article here: Truckee officials: Peers, residents enable youth drug use
I'm waiting for the CHP's MAIT team to do it's job and determine how Kiely's car ended up in Prosser Lake. While waiting I have the opinion that she accidentally drove her car into the lake and drowned.

Unconfirmed reports of her being at Boca the day after the party have not changed my opinion. Eyewitness sightings are often inaccurate so I'm hesitant to feel it's true unless there is corroboration.

Hopefully the wait to get the final determination of what happened in this case is short so that Kiely's family and friends will have the opportunity for closure. JMO.
Bringing over @SteveP's post from the previous thread since it closed before I had a chance to respond.
SteveP said:
Pretty much everything I have seen and read, since this case began, seems to indicate that very many teens, if not most, in that town have been allowed the freedom to do whatever they wish for far too long now. To believe that parents would think of trying to reel them in at this point, and have any luck in doing so, is quite a reach for me. JMO
Gemmie here - I did a little research on Truckee's culture and found a very interesting MSM article. Yes, it's dated (~8 yrs), BUT stuff like this usually stays the same (MOO) and apparently was (and I believe still is) a "cultural norm" according to the Police Chief. That term was also used by a local psychologist.

I believe this article might help us understand what some have questioned... That what appears to be a local party site for underage teens has likely been going on for years, if not decades, and how they come about getting alcohol and (likely) drugs. It opened my eyes.

Bolding and underlining done by me.

Truckee officials: Peers, residents enable youth drug use

At a youth sports end-of-season party, coaches give out trophies to 8-, 9-, 10-, 11-, 12- and 13-year-olds with one hand, while holding a beer in the other.

That was a scene Truckee Police Chief Adam McGill saw within a few months of moving to town from Modesto, Calif.

And it caught him by surprise.


“We talk about this being an underage drinking problem,” McGill said. “I agree, but really this is an adult problem. This is a cultural norm.”


“If we just try to save the people who are drowning, we’re going to be overwhelmed financially, emotionally,” added River Coyote, director of Tahoe Truckee Future Without Drug Dependence. “We’ll never be able to save them all just looking at it from a treatment perspective. … So we really have to go upstream, and we have to find out what in our community could possibly be causing this.


Growing up in Incline Village, Christi Goates found herself drowning in that metaphorical river.

I started drinking at the age of 12, when I was in the sixth-grade.” she said. “… I loved it. I loved it from the moment it touched my lips, and I went to my first rehab center when I was 16 years old.”

It wasn’t until she was 31 that she became sober.

“My life in Incline Village was all about drugs and alcohol,” said Goates, adding that her suppliers included friends’ parents. “I could find it anywhere; I could get it anywhere.


And it’s not only parents who are enablers, said Corine Harvey, executive director of student services for Tahoe Truckee Unified School District — it’s residents who host parties and purchase alcohol for minors, allowing youth to drink.

Full article here: Truckee officials: Peers, residents enable youth drug use
I fully believe that this has been going on for generations. I also bet it was not the first incident that something went wrong, I just think it was the first one someone died, and one that just took off and went viral. They were probably able to contain past issues within the town easily, but they could not keep KR's silent because of the original pointing of fingers of a ton of out of towners being at the function. The only way to reach such large areas like The Bay and Reno fast if KR was in danger was to reach out on SM & MSM.
I'm waiting for the CHP's MAIT team to do it's job and determine how Kiely's car ended up in Prosser Lake. While waiting I have the opinion that she accidentally drove her car into the lake and drowned.

Unconfirmed reports of her being at Boca the day after the party have not changed my opinion. Eyewitness sightings are often inaccurate so I'm hesitant to feel it's true unless there is corroboration.

Hopefully the wait to get the final determination of what happened in this case is short so that Kiely's family and friends will have the opportunity for closure. JMO.
I'm right there with you.

The tow truck driver sighting just doesn't make any sense to me given the facts that have actually been confirmed by LE (phone pings and times and the location where Kiely and her car were found). None of the other 'suspicious' things seem particularly suspicious to me. But anything is possible, so I'll wait for the report.
I fully believe that this has been going on for generations. I also bet it was not the first incident that something went wrong, I just think it was the first one someone died, and one that just took off and went viral. They were probably able to contain past issues within the town easily, but they could not keep KR's silent because of the original pointing of fingers of a ton of out of towners being at the function. The only way to reach such large areas like The Bay and Reno fast if KR was in danger was to reach out on SM & MSM.
I think your suggestion is valid. Incidents have happened in the past but the community was able to keep it from reaching out into the wider population because it was a pre viral time. Really the viral aspect of the intenet and afterwards social media is very recent. Now its instantaneaous.
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