CA CA - Kim Mallon, 13, Los Angeles, 30 Sept 1973

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Another last name Kim used was Lytton. This photograph is being circulated as of photo of Kim at age 13. Actually, this photo was found in a yearbook by a websleuther, for someone named Kim Mallon. As far as I know, there has been no confirmation that this photo is actually of "THE" Kim Mallon who is missing. Although Mallon is an uncommon name, there are 10 woman with this name on LinkedIn so it isn't rare either.

That is her photo....from her Jr. High
Another last name Kim used was Lytton. This photograph is being circulated as of photo of Kim at age 13. Actually, this photo was found in a yearbook by a websleuther, for someone named Kim Mallon. As far as I know, there has been no confirmation that this photo is actually of "THE" Kim Mallon who is missing. Although Mallon is an uncommon name, there are 10 woman with this name on LinkedIn so it isn't rare either.

That is her photo....from her Jr. High The Lytton name was my maiden name (sisters) Her mother's last name was Lytton.
Disappearance of Kim Louise Mallon

On September 30, 1973 13-year-old Kim Louise Mallon disappeared from UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital in Los Angeles, California. On Webslueths someone claiming to be Kim's sister stated that the reason the Kim was in the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital due to trying to commit suicide. Kim was molested by her father and they were going to charge him for it, but her and her stepmother Rosemary decided to drop the charges. Soon after she tried to commit suicide.

She was then checked out of the hospital by her father Bill Mallon and he claimed to have dropped her off at a curb.

Kim is a white female and 13 at the time. She may go by the name Rhonda Kay Mallon or use the last name, Lytton. She was 5'3" and 125lbs at the time. She has brown hair and blue eyes. Kim had scars on both wrists. She was wearing a blue pullover knit blouse, white corduroy bellbottoms, multicolored oxfords, and a turquoise pendant necklace.

Charley Project


Count Every Mystery: Disappearance of Kim Louise Mallon


Debbie Cade
What did Bill Mallon say when he arrived home without Kim? Did he say she refuse to go with him and left? May that be a real possibility? How was his mood after his daughter disappearance? Did he clean the car or did something suspicious?
I find odd that after everything that happened, she accepted to go with him easily. May this be a case of a runaway who ended up being a homicide victim? I found these possible matches, but I'm not sure.

And I don't really understand the circumstances prior her disappearance: She was at a hospital, the protocol indicated it was necessary to sign on a document before leaving, but there's no sign... Can we be really sure she was at the hospital at all?
Richard, I am her half sister and there has been an ongoing investigation for years. It has been probably 5 years since I last spoke to someone at the Lost and Exploited Children's office. I have spoken to the original Detective from 73' he remembers the case well as it is the only open missing person report at UCLA PD.

Thank you for sharing your sister's story. However, I can think of at least one other very mysterious case from the UCLA campus. Michael Negrete disappeared from his on-campus dorm in 1999 and was never seen again! I'm not implying any connection between the cases other than the general location, but I don't want either case to be forgotten.

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