CA CA - Kristen Modafferi, 18, San Francisco, 23 June 1997

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Funny, I was thinking about the blonde women the other day. True, these were the days before social media, and Kristen's case is not as high-profile as others, but are we to believe she never heard about her disappearance in the past 20 years? That in itself raises red flags. Unless she was a paranoid person and feared that coming forward would put herself in the frame. I'm sure as the years went by, it became harder to speak up. Just to clarify, the last confirmed sighting of Kristen was at the ATM on her own, right? Perhaps they made plans to meet up later or she was waiting in a car, or maybe the blonde woman was simply a passing acquaintance and nothing more?

I've postulated that Jon Onuma might be a red herring, but the one thing that gives me pause is that he inserted himself into the investigation. The reason he gave for trying to pin Kristen's disappearance on a lesbian love-triangle was ridiculous, and could've been an attempt to throw off the cops or find out how much they actually knew.

And what about the remains at the house? It doesn't sound like the police were impressed by the findings. It's possible there is cross-contamination there which might have given back a false-positive. I would actually be surprised if it turned out Kristen was buried there. It doesn't sound like she made it back home that day.

I did not expect that Kristen returned back to the house. I would not be surprised if the remains that were once in the basement belonged to someone else. Which might point to someone who lived their being tied to multiple deaths/crimes/disappearances. I agree that because of the time lapse and number of people who lived and have been in that home, DNA would be very corrupt at this point. It may be that someday another disappearance or death is tied to someone that lived there. (Think Gold State killer/rapist case). All depends how much they got around.

It is also very possible that JO was behaving as you say to cover his own tracks or links to what happened to Kristen. To support that theory is the missing pages from JL's diary supposedly torn out by JO during immediate days of Kristen's disappearance. It's also possible that both JO and JL knew what really happened and were covering for someone else - whomever that might be. And of course it's possible that LE went after JO because of his link to Kristen and his call while having no other solid leads, or time to find any.

At this point a great deal relies on someone who knows something to step up, or some methodical technical break in the case. After this length of time its possible the case may never be solved. I do not buy that she was swept into the ocean or committed suicide. If I did, I would not follow this thread for so many years.

Several years ago, I posted some thoughts about how little was known about her before she arrived in the bay area. Of course the guidelines on WS has increasingly become very aggressive against any suggestions about the victim or family. We all should understand why, but at the same time, unless you can know personal details about a victim, its easy to make false or general assumptions about their behavior.

For example, its never been clear to me what was Kristen's sexuality. I think that matters to some degree in light of JO's seemingly false report, but also other clues like the nature of the "blonde woman" (if she were real). It's hard for me to think that Kristen never had any type of relationship at 18, especially someone with the means and guts to move from one coast to the other entirely alone. Some might think of it as naïve, and that may be the case, but maybe she wasn't so naïve?
I had also postulated about someone from NC that may have met up with or surprised here there. While that seems unlikely, it's just part of that not knowing who she was before she arrived in the bay area that is bothersome. For all of that probing years ago, it just seemed like she had a very bland childhood, no relationships and no odd behaviors at all (except choosing to leave home for SF all alone at 18).

I am convinced that she fully intended to return to work. It was the only time that she did not clock out.
I think she was abducted by someone who she directly had met or who was in the shadows of people she knew.
JO is the obvious starting point, and Co-workers... and JL connected the 2.
But there would be others that we do not know about who were connected to her co-workers, to JO and to JL.
There may also have been connections between someone who lived at her house and the obvious or their shadows.
I have known thousands of people in my life for various reasons. Also lived in various parts of the country.
It's always astonishing how easy it is to find connections (well before social media existed) no matter where you are, back to someone else that you know or knew.
That 6 degrees of separation idea... but in this case, it need not be even 3 degrees.

My gut tells me that more than one person knows what happened and they chose to keep silent.

And unfortunately, California seems to have become a "criminals can do whatever they please" kind of place... so not sure why LE would still be active on this case.
There is always the possibility of some rogue cop who insists on doing their job anyway... hope so.
This KM case is both sad & intriguing, and is one I keep coming back to since first hearing about this recently. Given that there is very little info. out there & no body has been found, there are a lot of rabbit holes to go down & also a lot of potential red herrings that come up.

For example, its never been clear to me what was Kristen's sexuality. I think that matters to some degree in light of JO's seemingly false report, but also other clues like the nature of the "blonde woman" (if she were real). It's hard for me to think that Kristen never had any type of relationship at 18, especially someone with the means and guts to move from one coast to the other entirely alone. Some might think of it as naïve, and that may be the case, but maybe she wasn't so naïve?

I had also postulated about someone from NC that may have met up with or surprised here there. While that seems unlikely, it's just part of that not knowing who she was before she arrived in the bay area that is bothersome. For all of that probing years ago, it just seemed like she had a very bland childhood, no relationships and no odd behaviors at all (except choosing to leave home for SF all alone at 18).

Interesting points. This is my opinion/take on this:

From doing research on the case, KM moved to the Bay area after her freshman year of college in NC. She had gotten some kind of scholarship at U. Cal Berkley to study photography for the summer. We don't know whether she planned to stay in the area after the summer & continue going to school there in the Fall. But, IMHO there was a good chance she was just in the area temporarily so that she could get a taste of what it meant to be away from home - and that she may have just intended to go back to NC for the Fall semester. (The reason I suspect this is because of $ - unless KM's parents were wealthy and/or unless she got a "full ride" scholarship, out-of-state fees for a CA college (to a resident of NC) would be prohibitively expensive; and, on top of that, she was also paying living expenses, etc.)

So, given that there is a chance she was only planning on staying there for the summer - I take her move to CA at face-value. I.e., she wanted to be independent from friends/family & see what it was like to live on her own for a while; plus, she probably also wanted to see another part of the country. It was mentioned that she was doing a lot of sight-seeing in the area, which makes sense since she was new in town. It seems evident that she was definitely open to meeting either new friends (of either gender) and/or open to a new romantic relationship - as many young people her age would be.

So, I don't really believe that she either knew someone in the area ahead of time, and/or that someone from NC (that she knew from her past) joined her there in a pre-arranged type of situation. I could be wrong, but I don't get the feeling that was the case here.

That all being said, did someone from KM's past in NC know she had moved to SF & followed here there - without her knowing about this ahead of time?! Anything's possible.

One of the many questions that's come up about the case was the personal ad: Did KM place this herself, or was she answering this?! The answer to this could lead somewhere, but it sounds like no one knows the specifics - and, at this point, it's been so long that we will probably never find out.

I did not expect that Kristen returned back to the house.

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This KM case is both sad & intriguing, and is one I keep coming back to since first hearing about this recently. Given that there is very little info. out there & no body has been found, there are a lot of rabbit holes to go down & also a lot of potential red herrings that come up.

Interesting points. This is my opinion/take on this:

From doing research on the case, KM moved to the Bay area after her freshman year of college in NC. She had gotten some kind of scholarship at U. Cal Berkley to study photography for the summer. We don't know whether she planned to stay in the area after the summer & continue going to school there in the Fall. But, IMHO there was a good chance she was just in the area temporarily so that she could get a taste of what it meant to be away from home - and that she may have just intended to go back to NC for the Fall semester. (The reason I suspect this is because of $ - unless KM's parents were wealthy and/or unless she got a "full ride" scholarship, out-of-state fees for a CA college (to a resident of NC) would be prohibitively expensive; and, on top of that, she was also paying living expenses, etc.)

So, given that there is a chance she was only planning on staying there for the summer - I take her move to CA at face-value. I.e., she wanted to be independent from friends/family & see what it was like to live on her own for a while; plus, she probably also wanted to see another part of the country. It was mentioned that she was doing a lot of sight-seeing in the area, which makes sense since she was new in town. It seems evident that she was definitely open to meeting either new friends (of either gender) and/or open to a new romantic relationship - as many young people her age would be.

So, I don't really believe that she either knew someone in the area ahead of time, and/or that someone from NC (that she knew from her past) joined her there in a pre-arranged type of situation. I could be wrong, but I don't get the feeling that was the case here.

That all being said, did someone from KM's past in NC know she had moved to SF & followed here there - without her knowing about this ahead of time?! Anything's possible.

One of the many questions that's come up about the case was the personal ad: Did KM place this herself, or was she answering this?! The answer to this could lead somewhere, but it sounds like no one knows the specifics - and, at this point, it's been so long that we will probably never find out.

Well, this is the problem, after this length of time such basic personal details should be known. If she had enrolled for the fall in NC records would have existed. If she applied to UC Berkeley and was accepted ( scholarship or not) that should be well known. You have to ask why there is such a tight lid on those kinds of details? Its unusual.

we are given a certain picture to work with but that picture may be inaccurate. If you want to find someone missing you need to know them for real, and get inside the head of the perp.

we know the statistical factors and the obvious persons of interest... but there are things missing here. Sure LE may need to keep some things private if there ever is a prosecution. At this stage, the lack of details about Kristen is not typical. The possibility exists that she is alive, I doubt it, but its possible. Yet, knowing more about her thinking and relationships might lead me to increase or decrease that possibility.

Also, I did not mean a known pal from NC came to hang out. I was thinking more like a stalker or jilted lover knew she was there and caught up with her. I have seen that happen. And to a girl exactly that age. At the sane time, the scenario would not necessarily be much different if someone in the shadows of her SF contacts had an impulse.
I think the perp knew her and she may have seen them before. For example, someone that may have been a periodic customer. If you see the same customers repeatedly you can recognize them, might exchange a few words, etc so they arent complete strangers. Lets say Blonde woman (wig or not and woman or not) was a periodic customer. If they approached her she might not immediately freak out. Its not clear if the person may have been armed, holding her, etc. we have 2 options: 1 she felt comfortable to be that close or 2 she felt no choice. So this leads to a root thing here... was she abducted or did she have something going on that was a totally different scenario. Based on the info we have, I think she was abducted. But maybe if I knew her better I would have other insight.

since I think she was abducted, that leads me down these other decision points and paths. Was it a total stranger or someone direct that she knew? Or was it a shadow person connected to work, the mall, school, home, the half way house, etc? I think the later. JO himself was in the shadow category... he lived with JL and JL had some connection to her coworker. JO and JL were both probably customers (LE ought to know that much).
How many other shadow people knew of her? Maybe a few to few dozen. After you get to 25-30 people statistically you hit a serious criminal. Between her home, her neighbors, her job, school, newspaper ad (if that counts), and there definitely being a higher % of criminals in that area, she might have had half a dozen or more serious criminals who regularly saw her. If she fell into a meet up trap, one would expect there would be other cases. Just a one time thing? Unusual, but possible.

So, my thinking is its one of those others in the shadows, JO, someone connected to JO or a similar scenario. She was lured or forced to comply and was captured in broad daylight.

You also should think about the very common crimes active in that area at the time. This is an area and time where few rules mattered. And lets face it, a lot of weirdos lived there. Was she really totally naive to all of that? Maybe.

By all accounts we are to think she was smart but naive to the risks of where she was.

I think she didnt go far. Unless she was forced into a vehicle. But that vehicle would have been nearby, like the mall parking. From there she could be anywhere, but likely not very far.

LE has to know more about her and other possible leads in the case. The perp was most likely a man, who very likely knew one or more people around her if not one of them. May have frequented the mall or the business. May have no criminal history, but might be linked to other crimes or criminals. I would put this person at 22 to 30 years old at the time. Socioeconomically I am guessing above average and/or higher intelligence than average.
As far as I can tell that still fits JO pretty well, but probably dozens of guys in that shadow.

If I were FBI I would have made these lists and kept digging and crosschecking. The list should have been narrowed or at least a few might stand out. But then what? No solid evidence... no similar cases... The person might have known they were being watched, or they left town and that was it.

One last thought... technology has changed a lot. Perhaps new analysis of old evidence can shed new light.
Just binge listened to Dennis Mahans podcast.
‎FindKristen on Apple Podcasts
I’m still surprised about the meeting between JL and the Modafferi parents. Who meets with parents of a missing person to tell them how they ruined your life?
Adding that to the JO briefcase, the call from
JL to her uncle ...I guess I’m surprised that LE has been so silent on this case.
Just binge listened to Dennis Mahans podcast.
‎FindKristen on Apple Podcasts
I’m still surprised about the meeting between JL and the Modafferi parents. Who meets with parents of a missing person to tell them how they ruined your life?
Adding that to the JO briefcase, the call from
JL to her uncle ...I guess I’m surprised that LE has been so silent on this case.
Its past due for serious escalation. State of CA is a trainwreck.
Its past due for serious escalation. State of CA is a trainwreck.

I hated to say it, but I definitely agree. So many CA cases that it’s seemed to have a complete lack of effort and/or follow through. I keep looking for anything on Amber Lee Hill and can’t seem to find anything on her case either. As in TONS less than Kristen. It’s frustrating.
Great discussion on this old case.

At this stage, the lack of details about Kristen is not typical. The possibility exists that she is alive, I doubt it, but its possible. Yet, knowing more about her thinking and relationships might lead me to increase or decrease that possibility.

Yes, unfortunately I doubt she is still alive either. However, in the unlikely even that she is - it would be because she was abducted/kidnapped from that area and is probably living somewhere else. I.e., I don't see her leaving her life behind (job, new classes, etc.) and vanishing of her own accord - without telling her room-mates/family/friends where she was going.

Also, I did not mean a known pal from NC came to hang out. I was thinking more like a stalker or jilted lover knew she was there and caught up with her. I have seen that happen. And to a girl exactly that age.......I think the perp knew her and she may have seen them before. For example, someone that may have been a periodic customer. If you see the same customers repeatedly you can recognize them, might exchange a few words, etc so they arent complete strangers. Lets say Blonde woman (wig or not and woman or not) was a periodic customer. If they approached her she might not immediately freak out. Its not clear if the person may have been armed, holding her, etc. we have 2 options: 1 she felt comfortable to be that close or 2 she felt no choice. So this leads to a root thing here... was she abducted or did she have something going on that was a totally different scenario. Based on the info we have, I think she was abducted. But maybe if I knew her better I would have other insight.

Oh yeah, I completely understood what you meant. I do see the possibility of a stalker/ex from her past in NC following her to SF & her being unaware of this - until it was too late.

The unknown blonde woman she was last seen with may be the key to this whole case. However, without her being identified we'll never know the connection - if there is one.
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Agreed. The Bay area attracted “Extreme Freedom loving people” for at least the past 60 years. Thing is, in an anything goes kind of place, there is no safety. And that means it the law of the jungle. In other words, the predators rule. So the most unfortunate thing is innocent naive liberal minded people, flock there with hippy fantasies.... who often are served up on a platter. Its not just the bay area where this liberal naivety kills young girls. It happens all over the country, especially in the larger cities. It is truly shocking how many horrific things go on, that could be stopped or prevented if there were public outrage, depoliticization, and a return to morality. Unfortunately, the bay area reeks as a dense cesspool of crime and mecca for sociopaths and depravity. Statistically it is only topped by Washington D.C. and Connecticut for sociopaths.

while there is def crime, just like other urban areas, im living a pretty safe and happy life in the Bay Area. its not bad like so many ppl seem to think.
I just became aware of this JM cold case due to it being mentioned in the KS thread. Wow. Incredibly sad & disturbing, and especially unfortunate that the family hasn't gotten closure - due to no remains being found. And, unlike the KS case (where it's not that difficult to piece together what happened, even in the beginning), in this JM case it's very unclear what occurred. It's also too bad that this disappearance hasn't gotten nearly as much exposure as some other more well-known cases.

I haven't read all of these posts & have only read a handful of articles about this. But, I completely agree that JM was almost certainly either kidnapped and/or killed. Unfortunately, there are a lot of predators out there - especially in the larger cities. She was a young woman living in the big city for the first time, away from her family & people she grew up with. She may have trusted the wrong person/people and died as a result. Possibly JO was involved. But, if so - I don't know why he would have exposed himself to unnecessary scrutiny by calling the authorities, etc.

Maybe RD was involved, as has been mentioned.

I am curious as to whether she placed the personal ad that was mentioned, or was just responding to this. We may never know the answer.

The other slim possibility (as has been mentioned) is that she either killed herself by jumping in the ocean - or slipped & fell, and was swept away. I don't give much credence to the suicide angle, since she seemed like someone whose life was going well. She was only 18, starting college, and had her whole life ahead of her. So, if her death wasn't because of a murder - then I do see the possibility of her somehow walking near the water, accidentally falling in, and unfortunately dying as a result.

Without a body, there's always the extremely slim chance she's still alive somewhere. But, it's very doubtful because if that were the case, she would almost certainly have gotten in contact with her family at some point in the past 24 years.
Suspects inserting themselves into a case isn't anything new. Maybe JO thought he could throw off the trail of investigators by making up the false tip, but he would have to be smart enough to know that it would eventually lead back to him. Or maybe he really is that dumb regardless if he is involved or not. Also when it comes to lands end, one thing people have said in this chat discussion way back is that it is a rather populated place so if she did have an accident there, chances are there would of been people to see it. As for trusting the wrong people I have read on some rather in depth articles on this case that she was more on the naive side, definitely not stupid or dumb but naive. So the likelihood of her trusting the wrong person in SF is possible.
So I wanted to mention something regarding JO and his phone call. When I saw the AMW segment on this case it showed a small clip of the witness statement Bill McGee gave to the police, for those who don't know Bill is the one who answered the phone when JO called the news station. First off JO wanted to remain anonymous and that clearly did not last long and second when bill asked if he should call the police JO refused. I have to wonder what was going on in the mind of JO when making this phone call? He would have to know they would call the police especially if you are giving "information " on a missing persons case and two he knows the two women he was trying to frame would suspect him of making a BS statement like that. If JO never makes this phone call would he ever have surfaced in this case? who knows? Only LE can say yes or no to that, and for JO to remain a POI to this day on the case has me leaning towards yes. But there's always that "X" factor of anything is possible.
Just binge listened to Dennis Mahans podcast.
‎FindKristen on Apple Podcasts
I’m still surprised about the meeting between JL and the Modafferi parents. Who meets with parents of a missing person to tell them how they ruined your life?
Adding that to the JO briefcase, the call from
JL to her uncle ...I guess I’m surprised that LE has been so silent on this case.
Of course I have no way of proving it, but I have thought that JL was trying to use the "you guys ruined my life" bs as a defense method to try and deflect guilt off of herself. You would imagine she would say something that would prove her innocence but instead she tries to fault a family for simply looking for their daughter. Even if JL has no involvement or knowledge whatsoever she lacks situational awareness and sympathy for the family.
@austinhazel - Absolutely agree. Normal people would not respond in this manner, IMO. It's much like interjecting herself into the case.
Her confession in 2012 also raises some red flags, she has nothing to gain from it so why would she even need to lie about it? Only problem is she never mentions who the controlling man is or who the woman was that was abducted and killed.
The other slim possibility (as has been mentioned) is that she either killed herself by jumping in the ocean - or slipped & fell, and was swept away. I don't give much credence to the suicide angle, since she seemed like someone whose life was going well. She was only 18, starting college, and had her whole life ahead of her. So, if her death wasn't because of a murder - then I do see the possibility of her somehow walking near the water, accidentally falling in, and unfortunately dying as a result.

Most people have convinced themselves of foul play, mostly due to the victim profile and Jon Onuma's involvement, but I don't think accidental drowning should be ruled out. The tracker dogs lost Kristen's scent at the ocean, and people have stated that it can be treacherous place where people have washed away before. Also, the last confirmed sighting of Kristen on the surveillance cameras showed her alone.

However, if her death was accidental, why did the blonde woman never come forward? Was it definitely Kristen who was seen with her?
When it comes to the possibility of KM having an accidental fall at lands end it is all speculation along with a lot of other things in this case, but we have to remember that Kristen did attended a summer solstice party at lands end two days before with two other women. This was confirmed by one of the roommates KM was living with, the two women have never been identified. But regardless of these women never being identified it could easily explain why the bloodhound dogs picked up her scent at lands end and could be totally unrelated to the day she vanished, nothing is concrete that she actually even made it to lands end on the day she vanished.
Sneaker/High Waves and Log Rolls Can Be Deadly
A boy was swept into the ocean. His story reveals the hidden danger of California’s sneaker waves

There was an article in the SF Chronicle today about the dangers of Sleeper Waves along the California coast. I am surprised at how common an occurrence it is for someone to be swept into the ocean. There is at least one documented record of someone being swept into the ocean at Lands End and their body not being recovered. The possibility of that happening to Kristen just can’t be outright dismissed.

About a year after her disappearance, a detective (probably SFPD) reviewing items recovered from her room, noticed a copy of the alternative newspaper “The Bay Guardian” with an ad that was very likely placed by Kristen. It was placed by an 18 year old woman new to the area and interested in photography, seeking other women to explore the Bay Area. At that point, there was no way to determine for sure that Kristen had placed it or who may have responded to it.
A male predator who had a female accomplice would be well positioned to take advantage of a young woman under those circumstances. If Kristen had met other new acquaintances through that ad, her guard would probably been down. There is, however, no indication that any predator attempted any such ploy on anyone else.

The blonde woman in the mall is probably the best lead turned up, but it isn’t certain that it was even Kristen with her that day. If a blonde woman has been with Kristen that day under innocent circumstances, you would expect her come forward. If she was with someone else, it would probably not occur for her to come forward.

I keep wondering if a grifter like Onuma would be stupid enough to risk drawing attention to himself concerning a murder he had committed. Certainly criminals have pulled dumber stunts. He’s been investigated pretty throughly and nothing concrete has turned up but he just can’t be ruled out.

Something may yet turn up or someone may start talking, but this case will probably never be solved by continuing to “crunch” the evidence. I feel sorry for her parents and every parent whose child goes off into the world and has this case lurking in the back of their minds.

Incidentally, San Francisco, and California are not the lawless dystopia the Conservative media portrays. The crime rates in the neighborhoods Kristen lived and worked in were relatively safe at the time. Then, and even more so now, SF and it’s environs were a hub of financial and cultural influence and anything that happens there, including crimes, gets more media attention that it would get elsewhere.
Sneaker/High Waves and Log Rolls Can Be Deadly
A boy was swept into the ocean. His story reveals the hidden danger of California’s sneaker waves

There was an article in the SF Chronicle today about the dangers of Sleeper Waves along the California coast. I am surprised at how common an occurrence it is for someone to be swept into the ocean. There is at least one documented record of someone being swept into the ocean at Lands End and their body not being recovered. The possibility of that happening to Kristen just can’t be outright dismissed.

About a year after her disappearance, a detective (probably SFPD) reviewing items recovered from her room, noticed a copy of the alternative newspaper “The Bay Guardian” with an ad that was very likely placed by Kristen. It was placed by an 18 year old woman new to the area and interested in photography, seeking other women to explore the Bay Area. At that point, there was no way to determine for sure that Kristen had placed it or who may have responded to it.
A male predator who had a female accomplice would be well positioned to take advantage of a young woman under those circumstances. If Kristen had met other new acquaintances through that ad, her guard would probably been down. There is, however, no indication that any predator attempted any such ploy on anyone else.

The blonde woman in the mall is probably the best lead turned up, but it isn’t certain that it was even Kristen with her that day. If a blonde woman has been with Kristen that day under innocent circumstances, you would expect her come forward. If she was with someone else, it would probably not occur for her to come forward.

I keep wondering if a grifter like Onuma would be stupid enough to risk drawing attention to himself concerning a murder he had committed. Certainly criminals have pulled dumber stunts. He’s been investigated pretty throughly and nothing concrete has turned up but he just can’t be ruled out.

Something may yet turn up or someone may start talking, but this case will probably never be solved by continuing to “crunch” the evidence. I feel sorry for her parents and every parent whose child goes off into the world and has this case lurking in the back of their minds.

Incidentally, San Francisco, and California are not the lawless dystopia the Conservative media portrays. The crime rates in the neighborhoods Kristen lived and worked in were relatively safe at the time. Then, and even more so now, SF and it’s environs were a hub of financial and cultural influence and anything that happens there, including crimes, gets more media attention that it would get elsewhere.
As unfortunate as it is, you are right with saying this case won't get solved by just crunching the evidence that's already known. If this case was more in the headlines or well known like other cases than perhaps it could of been solved by now or someone would of talked long ago! If this case were get skyrocketing in the headlines again and memories get refreshed who knows what could happen, hopefully something positive and people who are involved start talking. You mentioned the personal ad and mentioned the the possibility of KM letting her guard down. There was one occasion where KM was at a concert and after it was over she missed the bus, well she had met a new friend named Tristian and she suggested that she would just sleep on the train station bench. Tristian had told her that it would not be a safe idea to do that and he would offer her a ride home and he did just that. It shows that with KM was willing to put her trust in new people or take risks that other would probably not. This has had LE wonder if her trusting nature perhaps lead to her trusting the wrong person. Her roommate Griffin Cherry when interviewed by Unsolved Mysteries described her as "Wanting to come to the big city to find excitement, but coupled with a naivety". So I guess it's fair to say that she was naïve to how people really are in the world. As far as how SF and California in general goes and how it is portrayed I really can't say especially considering I have never been to the state. But I'd have to say that any big city or any state is capable of having crime as we all know. Regardless of red or blue state every place has violent crime sadly.
I just saw the old UM segment focusing on KM (I hadn't seen this when I first posted). Though I completely agree that many of these segments are biased one way or another, seeing this & hearing the interviews with the parents, friends, etc. gives me a better picture of KM & the case.

I still think there's a remote possibility that she died by accidentally falling into the ocean & no one actually saw this (or someone saw this & didn't report it).

However, after seeing the segment I am more convinced that foul play was likely involved in her disappearance. Maybe JO had something to do with this, and maybe the blonde woman was also involved.

I also believe there's a good chance KM placed the ad in the paper that was found. Her parents said that the woman who placed the ad sounded like KM due to similar interests, etc. And, it makes sense that, given KM was new to the S.F. area - she would want to explore her new surroundings with a companion, etc.

I'm going to listen to the Dennis Mahon KM podcasts at some point soon; haven't done that yet, but I'm sure they'll be insightful.

This is one of the few cases I keep coming back to. Very intriguing & also sad. Hopefully we'll find out what happened to KM some day.
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OK, I just listened to all of DM's podcasts about KM from 2017. These were apparently re-done (or re-posted) in 2020. I also heard the last couple he did in 2020 (updated info.). And, I saw the KM segment in the late 1990's "America's Most Wanted" episode.

Wow - this is a hell of a great podcast! DM has done a very thorough deep dive in this case. He does repeat a lot throughout, but that's probably due to knowing that not everyone wants to listen to all of them.

This podcast has filled in a lot of the blanks I didn't know about the case. There is definitely a good amount of info. here, but there are also a lot of rabbit holes to go down as well.

So, I have some new (or modified) observations/opinions - due to the info. in the podcast:

-KM was only in SF for the summer. She wanted to be independent, experience life, and sightsee in SF. She was only renting the room in Oakland for several months. So, everything points to her planning to go back to college in NC at the end of the summer.

-DM constantly refers to KM as being "abducted" throughout the podcast, even though no one knows what happened to her & she has never been found. However, he is very convincing.

-I find the idea of KM accidentally falling into the ocean even less likely now. I don't think she went to the ocean the last day she was seen (June 23rd), since she had apparently been there two days earlier.

-In one of the podcasts, there was speculation that KM's body may have been in the basement of the house next door to the one where she was renting a room; at that time, that was a "halfway house" for criminals. So, the theory was that KM may have been kidnapped by someone in that house & then killed in the basement (and then later moved). However, I find this extremely far-fetched. There is no real good proof that KM was ever in that basement. And, I honestly don't believe that KM ever went home after leaving the coffee shop on 6/23.
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To add to my last post:

-I think whatever happened to KM occurred somewhere after she left her job at the coffee house & before she went home that night.

-KM never clocked out the last day she was at work. However, I take this at face value - i.e., she probably just forgot. I don't think this has anything to do with her disappearance.

-KM didn't seem to know that many people in SF, which makes perfect sense - given that she was only there for less than a month before she disappeared & wasn't from that area.

-KM didn't seem to know her room-mates that well at all. Apparently, in the approximately 23 days she was living at the house, she went to work in the morning, did sight-seeing in the afternoon/evening - and then typically got home late every night. She was also working a 2nd job on some week-ends. So, I suspect she barely saw many/most of her room-mates....except for possibly the Sunday night before her disappearance - when apparently they all had dinner together, etc.

-I don't suspect any of the room-mates as having been involved in what happened to KM, nor does DM. Since it doesn't look like she went home the last day she was seen (after work), the likely-hood of any of them having been involved is slim. And, there was never anything linking any of them to her disappearance.

-I definitely believe JO had something to do with KM's disappearance. His one-time gf JL was very possibly connected to this as well. In fact, I'm thinking that JL may have been the "mysterious" blonde woman that was last seen with KM. I know JL didn't have naturally blonde hair, but it could easily have been dyed - or a blonde wig.

-Despite what JL may have done, I feel bad for her. As DM went over in the podcast, she was abandoned at birth & had a difficult life. She also obviously seemed controlled/victimized by JO.
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