GUILTY CA - Lana Clarkson, 40, fatally shot, Alhambra, 3 Feb 2003

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<bowing and scraping>
All hail, Lynn Gweeny!! Kween of the Links wherever she goes!!!
It's just so glaring that Ribowsky had SEMEN on his mind and was off and running with conjecture about what that implied, not bothering to check if the information he was basing that assumption on was even correct, which it was NOT. This whole sex gun play theory has taken on a life of its own and I just wonder if some posters who advance that theory have done so using that same misinformation that Ribowsky has been spewing. JMO
Right you are, blondekj! The very charming reptilian Anita was on with Bloom and Politan yesterday and peddling her rather threadbare suits of innocence. That Phillip is too smart to have shot anyone, among other equally ludicrous things.
She seems to feel that since Phillip never drank around her and never pulled out a gun on her that even when he had been drinking he would not have pulled a gun out on another woman despite the very credible testimony of the four bad acts witnesses.

Anita! Wasn't she a real trip? LOL

Anita did admit to hearing about PS and his escapades with other women and guns. However, she had some reservations herself, as she always made sure some servants were going to in or around the castle when visiting. YEAH! (this was the only thing she said, which made sense)

Oh, but she so enjoyed his company tho as she kept going back again and and again. Never anything untoward sexually tho. Anita added, Philip would on occasion disappear now and then. One time, he went into the bathroom for 45 mins, and came out very depressed. ;) Anita said, at that point in time, she decided to leave and it wasn't a problem with P. ;)

Anita,also in Phil's defense of his not being drunk the night Lana was shot, said P would always order a lot of drinks, but would only drink one or two of the drinks. ;) I believe she supported this by saying, P liked to have a large bill. (not sure or maybe it was something about the tip)

:laugh: Obviously, Anita lives under a rock!
Ho-kay!!! Lot of misinformation in that interview!! But now we know the source of that bogus "sanitary napkin" claim. It was a clip from that show.

Phil seems to be the source of some of his info. That she was the iniatiator of her invite to the Castle, for example. But that show was full of bad info.
Yes, LaMer, Anita claimed that Phil would order a lot of drinks, not drink them so he could leave a large tip. She also suggested that he could order 1000 drinks and only consume one or two.
Anita makes perfect sense if you're named Millie or Joan. ;)
It's just so glaring that Ribowsky had SEMEN on his mind and was off and running with conjecture about what that implied, not bothering to check if the information he was basing that assumption on was even correct, which it was NOT. This whole sex gun play theory has taken on a life of its own and I just wonder if some posters who advance that theory have done so using that same misinformation that Ribowsky has been spewing. JMO

But how can the defense advance this bogus idea without the testimony of the defendant???
Lisa, this probably doesn't help, but maybe it will spark someone's memory.

She said the defense would offer 10 separate scientific bases on which to prove Spector did not fire the fatal shot. Among them was what she described as the small amount of blood spatter on the white coat the music legend was wearing the night of the shooting.

She said there were only 18 diffuse blood spots on the coat in contrast with the extensive blood patterns on Clarkson's garments, chest and face. Holding up the sleeve of the suit jacket of another defense attorney, Christopher Plourd, as an example, she pointed out various areas that, she said, would have been stained with blood if they were close to the gun blast.

"It would have been all over him like it was all over her, and it wasn't," she said.

Phil Spector's lawyer said brain tissue was detected on Lana Clarkson's buttons.

She said the same was true of brain tissue. A residue of such matter was detected on the buttons of Clarkson's jacket sleeve, but not on Spector's clothes, she said.

"It proves scientifically that he, Phillip, was not near her when she was shot," Kenney-Baden said, adding that the location of the tissue on Clarkson's sleeve suggests she was holding her hands up to her mouth as she would if pulling the trigger.

She contrasted the extensive gunshot residue on Clarkson's body and clothing with what she said was a minimal amount on Spector.

Kenney-Baden said the defense could not show why Clarkson killed herself, but read from several e-mails, in which the actress wrote about depression or worries for the future.

"I'm going to tidy my affairs and chuck it because it is really too much for this girl to bear," read one.

The lawyer stopped short of saying that Clarkson had loaded the gun, but said the DNA tests proved Spector had not.

"They found only Lana Clarkson's DNA and some other unknown person, not Phil Spector's," she said.

Kenney-Baden's methodically organized preview of the case stood in marked contrast to Cutler, her colleague. The flamboyant New York City attorney had to scrap his planned opening statement Wednesday afternoon after the prosecution opted not to introduce Spector's police statements, as the defense had anticipated.

In the address he concluded Thursday morning, he suggested police rushed to judgment of Spector because of his wealth and fame, and said Spector told him daily, "I did not fire that gun."
Yes, LaMer, Anita claimed that Phil would order a lot of drinks, not drink them so he could leave a large tip. She also suggested that he could order 1000 drinks and only consume one or two.
Anita makes perfect sense if you're named Millie or Joan. ;)

BWAAHAA! Major spewage of drinks here.....Haa haa, MJ.

Lisa your 10 points were great, and well done. Wish we had that 10th one, though. Did it have something else to do with the "INTRAORAL" gunshot wound, which she went on and on about, as if this case was the first in history where IO gunshot wounds were talked about?

We can begin making up our own point No 10, if we can't find the real one. Here's mine:

10. Phil Spector is not guilty because we've got the original BIG BAD on our defense team, one Mr Bruce Cutler, who has experience in dealing with jurors and sums of cash.

BWAAHAA! Major spewage of drinks here.....Haa haa, MJ.

Lisa your 10 points were great, and well done. Wish we had that 10th one, though. Did it have something else to do with the "INTRAORAL" gunshot wound, which she went on and on about, as if this case was the first in history where IO gunshot wounds were talked about?

We can begin making up our own point No 10, if we can't find the real one. Here's mine:

10. Phil Spector is not guilty because we've got the original BIG BAD on our defense team, one Mr Bruce Cutler, who has experience in dealing with jurors and sums of cash.


LOL yeah maybe the one where she looked like HL spitting ketsup! :crazy:

More help, possibly, the link to Sprocket's trial notes for the day of LKB's OS.
Dr Herold also testified to the fact that LC was wiped down because there was blood smear under blood flow patterns. That cannot happen naturally, someone (PS) had to wipe LC's face as LC was dead instantly and noone else was there.

PS didnt try to help LC, he just wanted to cover up his actions. It tears me up that he didnt even try to call 911 to get her any help. His help was to try and frame this dead woman by pushing the gun into her left hand to leave a blood print.

Thankfully people like Dr Herold stand up and truthfully testify eventhough their thank you is a swarmy yelling Def attny trying to smear their integrity. Be assured LKB or one of the other def attny's will put this lady through the wringer for days. I truly wonder how this def team sleeps at night.


Even without the conclusion of evidence, I can refute 9 of the 10 points of science that LKB raised in her OS. (The 10th is not available from archived excerpt rewatched by sunstar, her notes posted on the other website on the thread I began in order to compare/contrast OS's with actual evidence.)

10 points refuted --- well, nine anyway (Does anyone know the 10th pt?)

1) LKB: "teeth would be broken inward if gun was shoved inside her mouth."


10) _____

Lisafremont: I know you asked if I could recall the 10th..I can't. I missed much of LKB's opening, but the points that stuck out as the most ridiculous you already mentioned: DNA on the bullets was LCs...Of course...but I remember LKB saying the DNA was on the bullet where LC would have loaded don't load the chambers from the front...does there expert have DNA evidence concerning the rim or on the outside of the casing/cartridge? We'll see. The GSR gun example was ludicrous..the gun was larger and we have no idea what bullet was used in that example. It was very misleading. Anyone should be able to see that. The 6ft blood spatter..there's no way, imo, they'll counter Dr. Herold's testimony. Size disparity between LC and PS..personally, I think LKB knew about the video that PS made (the one that came about after the trial started) and perhaps LKB added that to her OS to 'back up' PS's ridiculous video statements...but why would that defense team allow him to get it go public?

Sorry I can't help with a 10th point. Probably there were even more than 10...or did LKB make a point of saying she had 10 points? I was never able to back and listen to her wouldn't cooperate.

After Herold's testimony, imo, it's pretty obvious that PS took that gun and pressed it against LC's left hand and let it drop or placed it beneath/behind her right leg/foot. OR he smeared that inner ridge of the L side of the gun handle with his own fingers when spatter hit that part of the gun, held in his hand during the shot..or when he wiped it. Except, I think he likely wiped the gun but left those little spatter marks there to be able to press into LC's hand to make it appear she'd been holding the gun...problem is..he used the Wrong hand...if she'd been holding that gun, the only physical way possible to get the barrel in her would be her R hand...near that soft muscle portion just inside the R thumb near her palm that would have touched that L side of the gun blood spatter would have hit the outside of her hand...not the gun handle that her hand was covering. That wouldn't make sense either..because there'd be no blood there to smear and she was dead, unable to smear any of her own blood onto it. The defense, imo, has a lot to overcome after that testimony.

BWAAHAA! Major spewage of drinks here.....Haa haa, MJ.

Lisa your 10 points were great, and well done. Wish we had that 10th one, though. Did it have something else to do with the "INTRAORAL" gunshot wound, which she went on and on about, as if this case was the first in history where IO gunshot wounds were talked about?

We can begin making up our own point No 10, if we can't find the real one. Here's mine:

10. Phil Spector is not guilty because we've got the original BIG BAD on our defense team, one Mr Bruce Cutler, who has experience in dealing with jurors and sums of cash.


LOL, the original "big bad" who opened his trap and told
this jury that the gun belonged to Lana in his OS. What a wingnut. I
do not think there is any recovering from the nonsense spouted during
OS by Cutler or Baden. Smoke and mirrors as Lisa has pointed out.

Throw in the accusation and evidence of Lee's manipulation of a piece
of evidence and I see a guilty verdict in spector's future. imo.
LOL yeah maybe the one where she looked like HL spitting ketsup! :crazy:

More help, possibly, the link to Sprocket's trial notes for the day of LKB's OS.

Thanks LaMer for the link. Sprocket gives that final point, which LKB continued after the lunch break. Scroll down @ 1/2 way at the link below to where it starts ..... Baden continues her opening statement. She talks about the actual position of the gun is really unknown, because it could easily have been moved during the &#8220;take down&#8221; of Phil in his &#8220;narrow, only ten feet wide entrance hallway.&#8221;

It's LE's fault, don't ya know, that the gun wound up where it is. :rolleyes:
Good morning! I am going to be occupied for the first couple of hours of testimony today so will rely on anyone kind enough to post notes of what is covered. TIA!!

Thanks for the link to Sprocket's earliest blog entry. It's amusing to read it in light of all that has happened since. For example, her amazement that Dr Lee is actually going to testify?? Tee hee! She said that because of his performance during the Michael Peterson trial, but now NOW we know about the missing acrylic chip, so her comment is incredibly prescient.

I was also amused to see that Sprocket, who does such a fantastic job and whose blog is so valuable, I hasten to add, thought that Alan McDreamy Jackson's first name was "Peter."

I read her blog to see what I could glean about LKB's 10 points, and yes, Jayne, she made a point of saying "ten."

Perhaps this is it: the location of the wound. Inraoral gunshot wounds are "classically self-inflicted."
** But not exclusively! It doesn't eliminate the possibility of being inflicted by another.
AND as long as we are talking about "classically" let's talk about how RARE it is for a woman to commit suicide by shooting herself at all, one, and two, let alone shooting herself in the mouth.

LKB: "The bullet grazed the tongue."

** AFTER the side of the tongue was BRUISED.

LKB: "You do not swallow a gun like that unless you do it to yourself."

** OR you are forced by some drunk holding it.

LKB: "her lips resting loosely on the barrel"

** Based on WHAT??? Total unadulterated PIFFLE!!!
That was a terrific article, Lynn. Big mistake in it: the Christmas Day spent with the two broken wrists was NOT her last, but her penultimate. Her last Christmas would have been 2002. The broken wrist Christmas was 2001.

But otherwise excellent.

Umm, now that I think about it--- the photos of Lana's purse--- didn't it show it OPEN? Didn't she bleed INTO not ONTO the purse and wouldn't that be one more detail that Nancy messed up?
That was a terrific article, Lynn. Big mistake in it: the Christmas Day spent with the two broken wrists was NOT her last, but her penultimate. Her last Christmas would have been 2002. The broken wrist Christmas was 2001.

But otherwise excellent.

Umm, now that I think about it--- the photos of Lana's purse--- didn't it show it OPEN? Didn't she bleed INTO not ONTO the purse and wouldn't that be one more detail that Nancy messed up?

Ugh, all the links I have of specific photos from the site don't go to that specific photo. I noticed that they have changed their site a bit. I just went to look for the photo of the purse close up with Lana's hand resting on the purse and it appears to be open. There's another photo of the coroner's criminalist (male, the one with the watch) showing the inside contents of the purse. Here are the 2 links, and I hope that they go to the exact photo and not just a page in the gallery of photos.
Wow! Vinnie and Lisa conduct an interview with a gun expert and base their questions on misinformation!!!

Vinnie asks about Lana's DNA's being located on the base of the bullets.

And the expert says that if she was fending off the gun the DNA could have been left on the four slightly exposed bullets.

Aha! says Vinnie. So if her DNA was on FIVE, that means she loaded the gun!!


1) Lana's DNA on the bullets was
a) found on THE TIPS not the base
b) it was from BLOOD not skin cells
c) cannot be limited to a specific number as the 2 swabs were taken from all five and done collectively. The amount of material to be tested was very small.

So Vinnie's conclusions were bogus.

Then Beth asks from LA about the odds of Lana's bringing a .38 with the same unusual, not available since mid-80s.

The expert must not have been able to hear her question so Vinnie repeats it calling the Smith & Wesson bullets "P-plus" rather than "+ P" which the expert says is not special. Only he is not told that it's S&W and not sold since 1983.

So that is meaningless, too.

Beth has since straightened them out about the DNA (blood, tips, 2 swabs, 5 bullets) of Lana's on the bullets.

VP: "If the defense delivers, that there's DNA, not from blood, but DNA from another source like from skin coming off, on the back of all five bullets-- then to me, that is reasonable doubt."

Vinnie, the test was of DNA from BLOOD, a tiny amount so they had to consolidate all of it from the five TIPS of the bullets, not the base, so unless you believe that the defense did a test of skin cells from the base and kept it from the prosecution, or else the prosecution is ignoring that, you should just dream on, honey!

And when you wake up, do tell us why you seem so enamored of Phillip and want him to walk.
Thanks, oh Lynn, Kween of Links!!!
Very sweet. I am now back until 5:30ish when I have to leave the screen again, drat!!
I see we are still in direct of Lynn Herold.

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