GUILTY CA - Lana Clarkson, 40, fatally shot, Alhambra, 3 Feb 2003

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I'll post a few links I've collected about the case. Sure hope you decide to start a Phil Spector Trial forum.

· Judge Sets Sept. 16 Trial Date for Spector
· Phil Spector Sued for Wrongful Death

Pop producer Spector arrested in killing
L.A. woman found shot in '60s icon's mansion

Death at Phil Spector's mansion

"I think I killed somebody",2933,143621,00.html

Search Warrant and Affidavit

Grand Jury Indicts Phil Spector On Murder Charges

Spector is ordered back to court

Judge's Rulings

Spector's Lawyers: It Was Suicide

Family, Biography and General Background Information

In the early '60s, while Berry Gordy was taking the rhythm of youth and giving it Motown's bright, sophisticated sheen, Spector was grabbing up the same elements and pitching them down a black hole of raw emotion and supersaturated orchestration. What spun out the other end was pop music all right, complete with harmonizing vocals, ardent lyrics and lush instrumentation. But it had a new form -- one that replaced the bounce of innocence with the throb of desire.

John Lennon's brief relationship with Phil Spector began in early 1970

Spector's sons: Dad caged us

'I'm probably insane. I have devils inside'
Phil Spector gave his first interview in 25 years to the Telegraph magazine. Mick Brown recalls his recent visit to the pop producer's home

Phil Spector's Ghosts
The spooky world of the greatest producer in pop music.

Phil Spector Getting Married?,2933,149391,00.html


Legal Timeline

Feb. 3, 2004 -
Spector Hires Ex-Gotti Attorney
Abramson and Morrisey Replace Robert Shapiro

Aug. 25, 2004 -
Phil Spector hired an attorney, who New York prosecutors have called the "house counsel" for the Gambino crime family, to represent him in his up-coming murder trial. The move came after his former attorney Leslie Abramson resigned from the case. Gotti attorney Bruce Cutler now joins Roger Jay Rosen on the defense team.

Sept. 14, 2004 -
Legendary rock and roll music director Phil Spector requested and received a delay in his preliminary hearing on charges related to the shooting death of actress Lana Clarkson at his home in February. The preliminary hearing is scheduled December 16.

Sept. 22, 2004
Phil Spector's attorney has the legendary music producer has been order to appear in court Monday, possibly signalling that he has been indicted by a California grand jury.

Sept. 27, 2004
As expected by his attorney, music producer Phil Spector was indicted by a grand jury on charges that he murdered actress Lana Clarkson on Feb. 3, 2003. In a brief court appearance in Los Angeles, Spector pleaded not guilty to the charges.

Oct. 12, 2004
Music producer Phil Spector's attorneys asked a judge to seal the transcript of the grand jury testimony that led to him being indicted for murder of actress Lana Clarkson, 40, was found shot to death at Spector's mansion on Feb. 3, 2003.

Nov. 11, 2004
Superior Court Judge Larry Paul Fidler has ruled that transcripts of the grand jury hearings in the murder case against music producer Phil Spector can be made public in spite of claims from the defense that they are "full of lies."

January 7, 2005
Spector Changed Shooting Story
(AP) Rock music producer Phil Spector initially told police he accidentally shot actress Lana Clarkson, then later said she committed suicide, according to newly released grand jury transcripts. Spector, 64, who created rock 'n' roll's "wall of sound" recording technique, is charged with murdering Clarkson at his Alhambra mansion in 2003. He has pleaded not guilty and is free on $1 million bail. The transcripts, released this week after news organizations including The Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times won a legal battle to unseal them, include testimony from police, Spector's chauffeur and women who said they were threatened by Spector.

February 3, 2005
Spector Sued by Clarkson's Mother
Phil Spector, currently facing trial for the murder of Lana Clarkson, has been sued for wrongful death by the late actress's mother. Donna Clarkson also accuses Spector of negligence and battery, charging in the lawsuit that the 64-year-old music producer "grabbed, hit, fought with and restrained" her daughter before shooting her to death on February 3, 2003. Donna Clarkson's attorneys, Roderick Lindblom and John Taylor, say in a statement, "The Clarkson family had hoped that there would be some resolution with regard to the criminal proceedings before moving forward with the civil action. However, Ms. Clarkson and her family understand that the fair administration of justice takes time and in light of the numerous changes Mr. Spector has made in his legal defense team over the last two years, Ms Clarkson was forced to file the action before (the statute of limitations expired) on February 3, 2005." Spector denies accusations of shooting Clarkson in the foyer of his home near Los Angeles. An autopsy report concluded that a gun was placed in the 40-year-old actress's mouth and fired. His lead attorney Bruce Cutler says, "Phil did not cause the death of this woman, he's not criminally responsible and he's not civilly responsible either. But I'm not surprised they filed a suit for money, that seems to be de rigueur nowadays."

May 23, 2005
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Larry Fidler ruled that four women who say that Phil Spector pointed guns at them during dates will be allowed to testify.
Websites and Other Research

The Phil Spector Case

Phil Spector: Pop innovator

"Reckless" by Carlton Smith

"Wall of Pain" by Dave Thompson

Phil Spector: Out of His Head by Richard Williams

He's a Rebel by Mark Ribowsky

Be My Baby: How I Survived Mascara, Miniskirts, and Madness, or My Life as a Fabulous Ronette by Ronnie Spector

House of Blues

Other Legal Problems

Decision Affirming "Ronettes" Award for Lost Royalties (.pdf)


Official Website

Lana Clarkson
Requiem for the Barbarian Queen

Family Defends Memory of Slain Actress

Lana Clarkson's Hollywood Dreams,1,11242,00.html

PrimeTime Exclusive: Family Defends Memory of Slain Actress
Mother, Sister of Lana Clarkson Rebut Phil Spector's Claims Ahead of Murder Trial
Tybee, Thank you for moving this.....!
:innocent: Hi how are you? And :blushing: Thank You ncgramma- You are great!

I was going to post links the other night but I got busy. I have read plenty of Beatle books over the last million years, played, Beatle- & Spector (um) tunes. I have read Spector books. You have saved me time. Also I did go to Lana's website too. You saved me the time and also posted sites I could go to and read. Again, thanks. I can also send these along to friends that are interested in the muzac aspects, (not the case)

I too am interested in following this case. My information on Phil, aside from the known fact, A music icon in his own right, (aside from the manical nature he has) is baffling. I would like to find out what really happenned at his house even though I have my own theories.

As you know, Phil Spector waved guns at, and held hostage
either them (the artists) or their tapes- every one he ever produced since the early 70s from John Lennon to the Ramones and almost a 100 other WHOLE groups or single artists in between.
When he got famous in the early to mid sixties producing tons of 60's girl groups including his wife's group and other groups in the 60s. He wasn't much of a paranoid gun waving maniac yet, but was known to be rather violent
and keep Ronnie S. locked up and abused.

But when his time was up in about '66 when the Beatles,Stones, Dylan and
other like rockers didn't need producers like him anymore, he kind of
hibernated for about 4 years until about 1970 (probably doing bad
drugs, having bouts of depression about the music business passing him by,most likely getting sicker, and more paronoid. Then in 1970 the Beatles used him for "let it be" and rock stars and groups used him in the 70s based on his legendary name and status as the guy who made all them killer records they loved and grew up on and his production style they were influenced by.So it's in the 70s and early 80s he was producing just tons of people
that he would get paranoid,trap people in his house for days, recording them
playing head games,waving guns----drugs, not letting them out
----keeping the tapes for years or forever.......that's about it.

Complied and sent to me.....

Sidenote: some of this was sent to me by a Phil Spector fan/ Producer... Some has been edited..


Spector has also been known to take drugs for mental illness yet denied he had any such as "Schizophrenia." He states, I take drugs for this disease, yet I don't have it, but I skip meds. Spector has been known to be a recluse over the last couple of years.

He did produce one of the greatest songs ever made: IMAGINE by JL

See you soon.. Look forward to it
I am very interested in this trial also. Still a little skittish after the whole MJ fiasco but this trial doesn't start for a while so I should be calmed down by then. Thank you for the links, very helpful indeed. From what I have read so far, it looks to me that he has a history and this was just bound to happen sooner or later. I look forward to the trial to hear the real evidence but he definatly was involved up to his eyeballs. I also heard a rumor that he once tied up John Lennon to a chair and threatened him with a gun, but have not found any confirmation yet. Another looney star doing what he wants, when he wants, how he wants. Hopefully, if it is proven that he did do this, this time we may just get some justice!
Any news on the Phil Spector Trial? On Court TV's upcoming docket, they had said that jury selection would start September 16. Now they have a "Pre-Trial hearing" for October 5. Has the Spector Trial been postponed again?
William N- It doesn't appear that there is any interest in Spectors case. I have not heard any new information except what you have posted. If interest generates, I will be glad to poke around again.

I feel that Phil does not generate any celebrity status as others mentioned here so he probably can't buy his way out of this (if he is guilty) which I feel he is of a charge.
After all, who cares about Phil Spector! He is not a lost mega star that generates the popularity like MJackson (who is known world wide). MJ can walk on charges as his fame is as such, as with OJ. Phil, is an old producer,
-- yes, he was a superstar, and still is but amongest just his peers. Many of them know what he is capable of too. To the general public, he is a nobody.

My feelings are: he will not walk, but still....I have witnessed, like all here, other celebrites who have used the justice system to their advantage.

Keep me informed.

Thanks for the reply. I had seen on Court TV's "Upcoming Trial Docket" that they flash on the screen during breaks, a Pre-Trial hearing for October 5. Previously, they had jury selection starting on September 16. The defense seems to be following the delay, delay strategy.

You are right that there is little interest in Phil Spector. I'll post here if I see any news. I don't think Spector will walk, either. I think Court TV is going to give it major coverage when it starts.
I sure hope there is some coverage of this trial. Ever since I read about how he treated his ex-wife, I have been interested in how this crazy gets away with stuff and hoping that he would be stopped before anyone got hurt. My hopes we dashed but I still have a little hope that one of these celebrities is going to pay for what they have done. I do not get court tv so I would really appreciate any and all reports about this trial. This place is my only connection. Thanks:clap:
As far as I know, nothing has changed since my last post on this thread. There is a pre-trial hearing on October 5. Spector and his legal team seem to be delaying the trial as long as possible.
Thanks for your updates........I check in all the time hoping to hear anything I can. I appreciate your posts....:clap:

William N said:
As far as I know, nothing has changed since my last post on this thread. There is a pre-trial hearing on October 5. Spector and his legal team seem to be delaying the trial as long as possible.
There apparently was a pre-trial hearing for the Spector Trial today, according to Court TV's "on the docket."

Rock music producer Phil Spector made a brief court appearance in Los Angeles Monday to learn from his judge that his murder trial would probably begin in January.

if anything, there should be a trial on if he should be allowed to continue wearing this hair:

"I didn't mean to shoot her"

Music producer Phil Spector, accused of murdering an actress, has suffered a legal setback ahead of his trial.

A judge in California has ruled that potentially damning statements said to have been made by Mr Spector to police can be used against him.

Then why did he?

I think Phil shot her because he could, because he is a raving lunatic who has been waving guns for years at family members, people he worked for, who worked for him, etc. One day his unstable behavior was going to catch up with him. I mean-how long can anybody, even a music genesis has been, icon, get away with this uncontrollable behavior! Face it, the stories are out there. Just because he is older, does not mean he changed. It may mean during his years as a reclusive, he became more depressed, maybe took a few pills to control his rages/depression but went off them. He never gained control over this aspect of his maniacal side.

I do not think Phil will walk, thank God!

Another current link:

Phil Spector's statements after actress was shot to death ruled admissible
Legendary music producer Phil Spector is accused of murdering an actress in 2003 at his mansion.
By Lisa Sweetingham
Court TV

LOS ANGELES — Music producer Phil Spector's alleged admission to a police officer that he shot actress Lana Clarkson is fair game for prosecutors to introduce to jurors at Spector's upcoming murder trial, a Los Angeles judge ruled Thursday.

"I didn't mean to shoot her. It was an accident. I have an explanation for this," Spector allegedly told Alhambra police officer Beatrice Rodriguez on Feb. 3, 2003, the night Clarkson was found shot in the head at Spector's mansion.

No other officers heard the alleged statement. "It's only the bare recollection of a woman doing her job with all of this chaos and danger and violence around her," defense attorney Bruce Cutler said, trying to undermine Rodriguez's allegations.[font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]advertisement[/font]
What Spector likely said, according to Cutler, was, "I didn't shoot her. It was an accident."

Spector, 65, claims Clarkson shot herself, and his attorney argued that the .38 special revolver that delivered the fatal bullet did not even belong to Spector, despite evidence of a dozen other weapons in his home.

Cutler fought to keep out all of Spector's comments on the night of Clarkson's death. Most of his remarks — "I'm sorry there's a dead woman here," and "If you're going to arrest me, just tell me what happened" — were innocuous.

Cutler, who formerly represented Mob boss John Gotti, claimed that on the night of Clarkson's death, police "crashed" through the producer's home like "storm troopers," attacked him, hog-tied him, Tasered him and "figuratively punched him around until he said something." Cutler claimed that the statements were inadmissible because the police did not read Spector his Miranda rights.

Deputy District Attorney Douglas Sortino said there was no evidence that police were engaged in any misconduct, and noted that the Taser had absolutely no effect on the producer, who refused to comply with their demands to come out of the house with his hands visible.

Judge Larry Fidler said all the statements the producer made to authorities on the night of Clarkson's murder were admissible because they were voluntarily offered and he did not need to be Mirandized because he was never interrogated.

The judge also ruled that prosecutors could present evidence of additional weapons seized from Spector's home during a search warrant, but only if they contained ammunition that matched the ammo found in the gun that killed Clarkson.

A seized 12-gauge shotgun was also allowed as evidence, because prosecutors intend to call a witness who claims Spector once assaulted her with a gun in his home and then chased her down his driveway with a pump-action shotgun. She is one of four witnesses the judge previously ruled may testify about the producer's alleged proclivity to pointing guns at women.

Prosecutors may not, however, delve into Spector's 1975 misdemeanor conviction for brandishing a weapon. The judge couched his ruling, saying that if Spector were to take the stand in his own defense, and proclaim, for instance, that he had a distaste for guns, then prosecutors might be allowed to use the conviction to impeach him.

Spector was initially charged in 1975 with felony assault with a deadly weapon for coming after a woman with a gun in his hotel room. According to prosecutors, he took a plea deal and the charge was knocked down to a misdemeanor.

Judge Fidler set a trial date of Jan. 30, but that date may be moved to April 24, if Cutler is required to begin another trial in federal court in New York, in which he is defending two former police officers who are being brought up on murder charges.

Spector had a subdued hairdo and a subdued expression on his face when he arrived in court Thursday. He wore a tan three-piece suit and knee-length jacket, a silver dragonfly brooch on his lapel, and black boots with three-inch heels.

A young, attractive brunette held Spector's arm in hers and appeared to be physically supporting the glassy-eyed, 130-pound producer as he ambled into the courtroom. Three oversized body guards kept watch from the gallery.

Spector first met Clarkson at the House of Blues in West Hollywood, where she was a hostess, and invited her back to his home in his limo. The limo driver later told police he heard a gunshot and saw his boss with a gun in his hand saying he had shot a woman "inside the castle."

"We deny in the clearest terms that he shot that lady, and it was Mr. Spector's gun," Cutler argued Thursday, pounding his fist on the dais. "We also deny in the clearest terms that Mr. Spector ever admitted that he shot that lady."



"Phil Spector's statements after actress was shot to death ruled admissible"

I'm happy that Phil's statements will be admisssible in court too. It appears Mr. Spector can change his story as often as he should change his HAIR!!

Of course, Phil seems to get delay after delay...

Good day, and William N where are you?

I'm here, and still waiting for the Trial of Phil Spector. Earlier, the judge had ruled that women who had seen Spector brandish guns could testify to such actions. Hopefully, the trial can get underway in January.
I'm waiting also. He just keeps getting more and more bizarre looking. If I saw that reflection when I looked in the mirror I would scream and run like hell.
According to Court TV, the next pre-trial hearing in the Spector case will be on December 2.
A pre-trial hearing for Phil Spector is supposed to be held today. Hopefully, a Trial date will be announced.

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