Identified! CA - Laurel Canyon, WhtFem 358UFCA, 20-23, Nov'69 - Reet Jurvetson

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DNA Solves
Ok, i can't not say it.
I don't think that Manson's crowd had anything to do with Reet's murder but if someone had, then it, looking nothing like his helter skelter ideas, probably wouldn't be something that he would be for sure aware of.
They had quite a lot of people around that ranch...
I just hope that whiteness who saw both Jeans got to see every possible pic of Mansons family members and acquaintances, just for sake of ruling them out, maybe.
So I have another very very long shot: maybe someone who knew Reet or worked at the Jim-like-Jean was regularily writing a diary? It's still quite popular and was way way more common in late '60s.
But it might be another impossible task - how to reach to people who might be in possession of such diaries or journals? I've never heard of LE asking community for such thing but with case so old... it might be more accurate than memories and have something potentialy crucial in it.

Well... same thing with LA, there also could be someone who wrote something about Reet or Jeans in early fall od '69 but I can't think of a way to spread information that it's needed to the right people.
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what kind of connections were you seeing?
I would have to reread everything I posted here but as much as I recall that was about two "Jeans" oddly simmilar to those from sketches and loose theory about her bra.
One thing is that Marina and Reet look very simmilar, both petite, for me they have very simmilar face features


Second thing is that of course we have no idea from where exactly Reet disapeeared (and even if she disappeared) but this speaks to me a bit more than Manson's connections:


Sorry for coping that map but I wanted to see it more clearly.
Of course it's still possible, but considering that's middle of LA, not middle of nowhere... it still can go in every possible direction, I would exclude possibility that any of these could be murder inspired by Manson because as far as I know he wasn't that much into killing young women.



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Oh no, most of my previous post disappeared.

But anyways, I had three more thoughts.

1. These two people on pictures attached to my post look very simmilar to the sketches, have stron connetions to Manson's Family but are very unlikely to be Jeans.
2. So many stab wounds speak to me not so much as unplanned crime of passion, more like pre-planned murder by someone who's well aware how to kill while using a pocket knife.
3. Whitness who saw first Jean after Reet's disappearance again, in Montreal, some time after Reet's murder reported that he said that Reet left LA on her own.

Very strange thing to say about someone who really left by her own... but she might left their appartment, tried to get to visit her brother in Arizona as she planned and met foul play while trying to leave LA, never speak to Jean who expected her to do so, and that might cause his awkward talking about her.

Still quite strange thing to say for a person who possibly commit that murder... but still - possible.

But at least for me - not so strange thing to say for a person who knew about her kidnapping and possible fate, or even whitnessed that but stay silent out of fear cause he knew who did it and didn't saw a way that he or/and his family could be effectively protected by police if he reported that.
With Manson's Family related people that likely wouldn't be the case. Same thing with single perp, like a serial killer or serial offender - since it's enough to arrest that one person to pretty much avoid all possible danger caused by him (or her).
But... if these two cases were connected... Marina was kidnapped, beaten up, stabbed by at least two offenders, it was extremely brutal but she most likely wasn't raped. Reet wasn't raped. As far as I know it wasn't very common for young, female murder victims to not be killed during rape attack.

Same dumping ground - strange, but it might be caused just by that spot appearing as very convenient to do such a thing, or by Reet's murderer awareness of Marina's body location.
Both cases being knife attacks, both women not being raped - stranger, but might be explained by possibility that Reet's murdered tried to make her murder look like Marinas to imply that the same person/s did it.

But it's very strange that Marina and Reet, with simmilar built, simmilar look, murdered in simmilar manner, both not raped and dumped in the exact same spot, same year, both unsolved for decades... lot of coincidences.

My theory is... not very strong, but there was a possibility that Marina was kidnapped and murdered by biker gang members cause near her body some bike part(s?) were found.
Since it was the same spot, searched while Marina was found, we can assume that glasses found near Reet's body weren't there at the time. Not very likely for same killer to drop/leave something while dumping each body but one of these items could be related to one or both of these murders.

Before being kidnapped, Marina surely was followed and before that, spotted somewhere... maybe Reet was "chosen" in the same way? Marina had a date with her boyfriend before kidnapping, Reet might have a date as well.
If at least one of Jean's were involved in some illegal activity they will be unwilling to report that they whitnessed or knew about her kidnapping... same if they were in some way connected to biker gang but easy/possible to blackmail, threat, scare by their own involvement in something - unlike Reet, who, if she saw something and maybe figured that Jeans were into some illegal stuff could just figure that she's out of this and possibly will report it.

Back to the fact and to what we know:
Reet meet both Jean's in Montreal.
At least first Jean worked there, lived there for at least some time.
Reet wished to see first Jean and prepared herself to visit him in LA... but it was quite expansive trip for her, why would she do that if Jean was coming back to Montreal anyway?
She might want to see LA... but wouldn't it be more convenient to wait till he came back to Montreal and travel to LA with him?
She also planned to visit her brother in Arizona while coming back to Canada.
Why? If she knew that not long later Jean will be going to Montreal it would be much easier to either: visit her brother before going to LA and came back to Montreal with Jean or visit her brother while waiting for Jean to be in Montreal and later travel to LA with him?
Maybe she couldn't wait to see him... but for me it looks like she must not know about Jean's plans to be back in Montreal. Possibly even Jean didn't knew about them then?

How did they communicate after Jean left Montreal and before she went to LA?
It would be quite strange to meet some awesome guy, or just a guy talking to her about wonderful LA and just went by, for months without any communication while saving money for that trip?
She worked at post office, how could she not exchange letters with him? Where are these letters? If she was so naive, trusting and in love, she wouldn't just throw them out, she would keep them, treasure them, wanted to be assured that he's waiting for her. Even if she would be in love with idea of LA, not with him as a man... it's still quite precious dream to treasure, right?
She never showed it to anyone? Took it all with her as guidance maybe?

Her supposed naivity and trust resonates in my head.
Naive and trusting girls aren't so secretative as she seems to be. She would be talking, drawing and writing in her diary constantly about every scrap of info about Jean if she was so naive and in love. And she wouldn't take it ALL with her for few weeks long trip to LA.

There is something wrong with that story. Ok, I can believe that some people may disappear by their own accord (or not) while family try to look for them a bit but finally figures out that they are probably living their best life somewhere else without them. Sometimes it might be the case, not all people are very close.
But she made them aware of her plans. She planned to visit her brother. She send these post cards. And they were trying to find her as you try to find her someone who you believe is ok, but out of touch, not as you try to find someone who disappeared. Months went by and they didn't get scared by spring of 1970? They didn't ask her friends and collegues about everything they could possibly knew about her whereabouts?

Or did they? and someone was "covering for her" for a bit?
Naive girl would have some confidant, wouldn't she? Or she would have full drawer of diaries.

I'm not sure where I'm going with it but it just doesn't fit for me.
She either was slowly cutting off her connections with friends and family while preparing for that trip as possible permanent solution (could she as Canadian just stay in US without any traceable formalities?) - never really being close to them or being slowly groomed by Jean... or someone else.
Or she wasn't stepping out of her family relationships and friends in Canada - but in that case her family and friends attitude is one hell of a weird one.
How close that supposed friend could really be to Reet if she just casually met Jean, while knowing nothing about Reet for months and not went constantly alarmed - not necessarily that something bad happened but at least in a way "OMG, Reet went to LA to see him, he's there, I didn't saw her or heard for her in months, I better go ask everyone if they know something about her!".
If she didn't, they were probably just casual acquaintances and she didn't care much. But what if she did, and got gently discouraged or reassured by someone who knew more but had no interest in people realizing that Reet is missing?

God, if LE had an opportunity to ask enough questions they still might be on their way to solve it somehow, but if it's as vague as it seems to be that's just impossible, and not because Jeans might be just ghosts in the wind.
Was it ever discussed that possibly her speaking Estonian had something to do with her invitation to LA?

I mean... If second Jean couldn't speak English then he was for sure fluent in some other language.

That supposed French... in Montreal? He should have no issue with instantly finding someone to chat with if he was French and anyone who spoke to him wouldn't have much trouble finding out if he's French native or not.

That uncertainty about him being French or not makes me suspect that people who saw him briefly didn't spoke French, just English while he wasn't speaking much because he couldn't speak French, because he spoke in some more obscure language (for that area), like Romanian?

Maybe somewhere very near from that hotel where they live in LA was a place where people fluent in different languages could easily get a job?
She said that she frequently go to the Beach... but that sounds like something you would say to your parents while on trip like that. I can't really tell but she doesn't look tan on sunburned so maybe she spend like two days on the beach and the rest of time tried to figure out a way to start new life in LA?
I mean... how much money she could save while working at post office? Enough for few weeks of Vacation in LA? Or nearly enough to try to start a new life in LA?
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1. It is an obvious point you are making about the family having access to Reet's diaries journals artworks whatever but one that I haven't thought of and haven't heard anyone else mention. There must be something there. The family certainly played their cards very close. They have offered nothing.

2. Do we know whether the wounds could be post mortem?

3. Reet does look a lot like Marina Haabe.

4. Was Reet planning to visit her brother Toni in Phoenix or not? At one point it seems that was her primary goal and then the narrative shifts a bit to include her fascination with Jean but we are only getting that from her friend and sister surely? And then the friend supposedly sees Jean in Montreal but again we only know this from the friend. In the letter Reet seems to be saying she has an apartment not that she is sharing.

5. You are right what is Reet living on in L.A.? There is something we don't know for sure. The CBC and CTV news sites say that her brother was expecting her in Scottsdale in November. She is killed around the 14th of that month. When was she planning to go? By the way on those news sites the sketch of Jean I is VERY close to the one Reet did and was linked to some posts back. It is almost certainly the same person and he looks somewhat less charismatic and attractive.
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1. It is an obvious point you are making about the family having access to Reet's diaries journals artworks whatever but one that I haven't thought of and haven't heard anyone else mention. There must be something there. The family certainly played their cards very close. They have offered nothing.
Well... they may not have nor ever had an access to much of her most personal stuff - but that would mean that she had no intention of coming back and destroyed it, took the most valuable things with her, hided it somewhere where only she could be able to find them... or was in such a bad mental state that she at some point gave up on art.
2. Do we know whether the wounds could be post mortem?
If reports are correct then they could not, she had defensive cuts on her hands... which doesn't entirely dismiss a possibility of someone trying to make it look very real, but such thing going undetected would imply pretty sloppy work with autopsy so... extremely unlikely.
4. Was Reet planning to visit her brother Toni in Phoenix or not? At one point it seems that was her primary goal and then the narrative shifts a bit to include her fascination with Jean but we are only getting that from her friend and sister surely? And then the friend supposedly sees Jean in Montreal but again we only know this from the friend. In the letter Reet seems to be saying she has an apartment not that she is sharing.
I didn't even got an impression that her sister was really talking about her fascination with Jean. I'm not sure but for me it looked more like possibly learning about that from friend and assuming it must be like that.
5. You are right what is Reet living on in L.A.? There is something we don't know for sure. The CBC and CTV news sites say that her brother was expecting her in Scottsdale in November. She is killed around the 14th of that month. When was she planning to go? By the way on those news sites the sketch of Jean I is VERY close to the one Reet did and was linked to some posts back. It is almost certainly the same person and he looks somewhat less charismatic and attractive.
I don't believe she was able to save enough money to live there, touring LA like a vacationer, even if she was sleeping on the couch and not paying rent.
And to be fair... nobody saw her there, nobody remembered her being there, there is no proof that she was renting - all these things may be just gone with the wind as years went by, but it might be as well that she was staying somewhere else and put that adress on the postcard just because someone who she knew lived there and maybe promised to deliver any mail she possibly got.
We don't know a lot. If she was really planning to go straight to visit her brother in November... wouldn't it be obvious to send postcard or letter, or give a call to him as well?
That simmilar looking guy from her drawing is Mick Jagger.

BTW. Does anybody know at what time of the month - or possibly week people usually were paying rent?
Or was that place was so busy that renters payed weekly?

She was found on November 16 (Monday), and was killed on November 15 (Sunday) or 14'th (Saturday)... IF she really was living there, and if that place was rented for weeks (wouldn't that mean that week ends on Friday?) or from 15th to 15th next month... that may suggest that she might stay in LA as long as she planned, got ready to leave... and was attacked after or as she was leaving?

Another unmentioned thing is that if RCMP is dealing with her case and is as thorough, ivested and honest as they seem to be with way too many cases, they might have all the answers available but don't bother much with asking them or looking for people who might be able to answer them.

" These two postcards were the final contact her family and friends ever received from Reet." - its from her wikipedia page.
Final contact usually mean that there was some contact prior to that... or it's just phrased incorrectly?
Source says:
"She had lost contact with her family shortly after the move, according to police."
So again... shortly doesn't mean immediately - so there was some prior contact.
"Her family did not report her missing, as they had known just how adventurous Reet had become in her later teenage years, and presumed she was simply "making a new life for herself". - another strange thing.
How adventurous she was? What adventures she got through prior to that?
What kind of adventurous and free spirited girl gets and keeps a job at post office, where you must be reliable, punctual, and focused on what are you doing most of the time quite a bit more than while working in other places?

And you have to be pretty adventurous and free spirited to give your close ones the impression that you may just cut contact with them at some point, got call from your inner wanderlust and... just not come back.
People like that exist, for sure, but it's not out of the blue, usually they are living pretty wild before that.

It's just ridiculous. Which means that's either a lie... or part of very strange perspective, scarily likely perspective.

I would say that she wasn't naive but wanted, dreamed about something what her family saw as stupid, unnecessary.
And that her supposed free-spirited nature had nothing to do with free-spirited hippies but possibly more with mostly strict and obedient nature of people around her.
How adventurous gilr had to be to be called as such by Estonian parents who grew up in 30's and 40's? One trip with friends to nearest beach might do the trick.
If her sister was living more to their parents standards she might not even know her that well or with time, fall with their parents vision of Reet.
But that would likely imply that her friend knew her best... and it makes no sense again, because why on Earth wouldn't she be instantly freaking out while seeing Jean who confirmed that Reet indeed was with them in LA at some point but left?
Or maybe she did but she had nothing what she could do?
If she knew only Reet but not her family, then living in Canada she would be doomed to deal with RCMP and they don't find themselves particularily responsible for searching for missing people even now so I can't imagine how bad and non-existing it have to be in the 60's.
Well... they may not have nor ever had an access to much of her most personal stuff - but that would mean that she had no intention of coming back and destroyed it, took the most valuable things with her, hided it somewhere where only she could be able to find them... or was in such a bad mental state that she at some point gave up on art.

If reports are correct then they could not, she had defensive cuts on her hands... which doesn't entirely dismiss a possibility of someone trying to make it look very real, but such thing going undetected would imply pretty sloppy work with autopsy so... extremely unlikely.

I didn't even got an impression that her sister was really talking about her fascination with Jean. I'm not sure but for me it looked more like possibly learning about that from friend and assuming it must be like that.

I don't believe she was able to save enough money to live there, touring LA like a vacationer, even if she was sleeping on the couch and not paying rent.
And to be fair... nobody saw her there, nobody remembered her being there, there is no proof that she was renting - all these things may be just gone with the wind as years went by, but it might be as well that she was staying somewhere else and put that adress on the postcard just because someone who she knew lived there and maybe promised to deliver any mail she possibly got.
We don't know a lot. If she was really planning to go straight to visit her brother in November... wouldn't it be obvious to send postcard or letter, or give a call to him as well?
That simmilar looking guy from her drawing is Mick Jagger.

BTW. Does anybody know at what time of the month - or possibly week people usually were paying rent?
Or was that place was so busy that renters payed weekly?

She was found on November 16 (Monday), and was killed on November 15 (Sunday) or 14'th (Saturday)... IF she really was living there, and if that place was rented for weeks (wouldn't that mean that week ends on Friday?) or from 15th to 15th next month... that may suggest that she might stay in LA as long as she planned, got ready to leave... and was attacked after or as she was leaving?

Another unmentioned thing is that if RCMP is dealing with her case and is as thorough, ivested and honest as they seem to be with way too many cases, they might have all the answers available but don't bother much with asking them or looking for people who might be able to answer them.

" These two postcards were the final contact her family and friends ever received from Reet." - its from her wikipedia page.
Final contact usually mean that there was some contact prior to that... or it's just phrased incorrectly?
Source says:
"She had lost contact with her family shortly after the move, according to police."
So again... shortly doesn't mean immediately - so there was some prior contact.
"Her family did not report her missing, as they had known just how adventurous Reet had become in her later teenage years, and presumed she was simply "making a new life for herself". - another strange thing.
How adventurous she was? What adventures she got through prior to that?
What kind of adventurous and free spirited girl gets and keeps a job at post office, where you must be reliable, punctual, and focused on what are you doing most of the time quite a bit more than while working in other places?

And you have to be pretty adventurous and free spirited to give your close ones the impression that you may just cut contact with them at some point, got call from your inner wanderlust and... just not come back.
People like that exist, for sure, but it's not out of the blue, usually they are living pretty wild before that.

It's just ridiculous. Which means that's either a lie... or part of very strange perspective, scarily likely perspective.

I would say that she wasn't naive but wanted, dreamed about something what her family saw as stupid, unnecessary.
And that her supposed free-spirited nature had nothing to do with free-spirited hippies but possibly more with mostly strict and obedient nature of people around her.
How adventurous gilr had to be to be called as such by Estonian parents who grew up in 30's and 40's? One trip with friends to nearest beach might do the trick.
If her sister was living more to their parents standards she might not even know her that well or with time, fall with their parents vision of Reet.
But that would likely imply that her friend knew her best... and it makes no sense again, because why on Earth wouldn't she be instantly freaking out while seeing Jean who confirmed that Reet indeed was with them in LA at some point but left?
Or maybe she did but she had nothing what she could do?
If she knew only Reet but not her family, then living in Canada she would be doomed to deal with RCMP and they don't find themselves particularily responsible for searching for missing people even now so I can't imagine how bad and non-existing it have to be in the 60's.
It would be hard to exaggerate how old fashioned 'bourgeois', conservative, status-in-the-community aware her parents LIKELY were I mean I don't know for sure. Estonia is a small country with only a million speakers even now world wide but WITHIN the church and community the family this would be an illustrious one, grandparents President of the country etc. - almost certainly anti-Communist almost certainly with a fair amount of money, old money. It doesn't seem there has been any attempt to get into that community by LE there would be lots of rumours and perhaps some knowledge. I have no idea how the family dealt with inquiries by others about Reet they would certainly be constant EXCEPT I am guessing they would do a good job of shutting those down. One reason for the family's reticence would be the fear bordering on paranoia that upper class Eastern Europeans especially those of the old political caste would have about the possibility of Reet being disappeared by the Soviets etc. NO I don't think that happened. It would go briefly though I think through every member of that community's minds. There would be a stir.
So if I understand correctly the story of the two Jeans is only coming from H.G. Reet's friend. And then the vaguer stories of people who saw him around Cafe Image. I think you are right since sister Anne uses the same word 'smitten' about Jean. By the way I didn't mean the Jagger drawing there is one of another man who looks like the H.G. derived sketch. I believe Reet as far as we know sent exactly ONE card each to parents (in Estonian), friend and sister quite interesting to your querying about whether these were a bit contrived to hide something. One each as far as we know all saying I am happy. The H.G. statement that Reet took methadone is really strange - she says it as if she is saying Reet liked to roller skate. If true was the methadone primary or for a heroin addition? Then as now these are serious drugs. Again, it is tough to see her heading off to L.A. if she didn't have a handle on that - even more money, much more money, needed.

I am happy - that scares me a bit it is an odd thing to say. Note no mention of going to see Tony and Tio in Scottsdale. It does sound like something that is said to placate the family either said by Reet or someone else.

You do have to wonder if she was dreaming a bit of getting a modeling or film job. Lots of sketchy people within the industry and on the edges of it taking advantage of dreamers.

There is no hint of discord in family pics but I guess that means nothing. In one Reet leans in with her elbow on her brother in law's thigh very close to well.....his crotch....a bit odd but certainly denoting feeling comfortable with those the family.

It was interesting on comments by people on the W5 doc many found her sister insincere. I didn't necessarily feel that at all but it is interesting that one that some commentators (in the responses to the show) felt that way. The case needs a good investigative reporter more than it does L.E. The W5 closely follows H.G.'s view of Reet. They need to get into what is left of the Estonian community in Montreal wherever they are now, more of Reet's old friends. Time has passed but people Reet's age and younger will have heard things. Also the artistic (and drug?) community around Cafe Image. L.A. seems hopeless to me but maybe not with more publicity there is someone would do it, media I mean.

If Jean I was really a med student which I doubt it should be easy to track him down. A limited number of med schools in Canada and all would have list of students still today. If he doesn't show up on any lists then that story is bogus which would be interesting as well.

I don't find it strange that she didn't have immediate university or college plans. It was a privileged generation in that sense, people screwed around for years and then still got free loans cheap education and good jobs if they wanted one. Was still a tough period for women and jobs much more limited, many barriers.
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It would be hard to exaggerate how old fashioned 'bourgeois', conservative, status-in-the-community aware her parents LIKELY were I mean I don't know for sure. Estonia is a small country with only a million speakers even now world wide but WITHIN the church and community the family this would be an illustrious one, grandparents President of the country etc. - almost certainly anti-Communist almost certainly with a fair amount of money, old money. It doesn't seem there has been any attempt to get into that community by LE there would be lots of rumours and perhaps some knowledge. I have no idea how the family dealt with inquiries by others about Reet they would certainly be constant EXCEPT I am guessing they would do a good job of shutting those down. One reason for the family's reticence would be the fear bordering on paranoia that upper class Eastern Europeans especially those of the old political caste would have about the possibility of Reet being disappeared by the Soviets etc. NO I don't think that happened. It would go briefly though I think through every member of that community's minds. There would be a stir.
Well... if they were in fact old money, old fashioned, anti-communist and connected to political cast (which as old money and well off, Estonian citizens would have to be at least in some way) there is also a possibility that someone in their family or very close to them could be in danger by exposing that here they are, Jurvetson family, looking for their missing daughter. Soviets weren't messing around with people who wronged them and if someone from their crowd did, they might take an action as soon as they would be put in the spotlight.
This might be long shot, but this is not impossible that going public about Reet's disappearance may be risky for them... or at least cause real fear so they might figure that's not worth trying to search for Reet by quite harsh calculation: she's either ok somewhere (so no need for searching and taking any risk of being exposed or exposing someone close to them) or she's not ok somewhere (so we can't help her by risking safety of someone else).
And even if that were true we would likely never know because their kids may not be aware of that ever, and fed with some kind of excuse.

And aware of their status, old fashioned, old money, classy people likely wouldn't be exposed to many inquires. Asking too much questions would be seen as rude and inappropriate - gossiping would surely go on but without confrontation and anything to go on with these gossips it might be forgotten quite quickly.

There had to be something what stopped them from searching for her immediately when they realized that weeks went by and no call, note, letter appeared.
Ok, I can imagine things that might stop them from going public, ok, I can imagine RCMP not being particularily eager to investigate this (even thou there is no mention that they had a chance to show such attitude as far as I know) but why not hire private investigator?
Them being European, fleeing from Estonia, having some Jewish acquaintances.. some Canadian family living in the middle of nowhere may not be exposed to many ways of looking for missing people, but no way that well-off Europeans at that time would be. Hiring private investigators was surprisingly popular in 50's and 60's for people who could afford that and didn't know what happened to their friends or relatives after war.

And again... maybe they did? Maybe that unspecified person who went to LA to look for Reet was PI? And he learned something what made them believe that she... went somewhere?
Or figured out something what angried them enough to call him back and not dig any further at that point?
But in the same time... what kind of investigator wouldn't check out unidentified persons?
If that was PI, was that PI who they found especially for that mission or some kind of volunteer who might lie to them here and there to push some agenda?
I will try to go back and link sources for the following. Two people went to look for her first her brother Toni and much later a P.I. hired by the family who found nothing. We are just taking their word for it though. I got the impression if you read the very strange family statement by Anne when Reet was found that people DID suggest Reet was Jane Doe but the family did not think it looked like her at all. But with the advent of DNA you would think they would have given it a try. It is interesting that only after her brother dies that this claimed discovery of the likeness occurs.

Another reason of course is that maybe they realized it was her but by this time Bugliosi had suggested Jane Doe could be a Manson victim and that would truly be horrible publicity for that family. I do not think it is Manson but I mean from there point of view.
Taking methadone if she did take it is not like smoking a few joints here and there. If Reet was hooked on heroin that would be VERY unusual in Canada in the 60's so I don't know what G.G. meant - maybe she got the drug wrong maybe methamphetemines (then called speed) which was a common drug.
So if I understand correctly the story of the two Jeans is only coming from H.G. Reet's friend. And then the vaguer stories of people who saw him around Cafe Image. I think you are right since sister Anne uses the same word 'smitten' about Jean. By the way I didn't mean the Jagger drawing there is one of another man who looks like the H.G. derived sketch. I believe Reet as far as we know sent exactly ONE card each to parents (in Estonian), friend and sister quite interesting to your querying about whether these were a bit contrived to hide something. One each as far as we know all saying I am happy.
That Rodney Alcala lookalike sketch was made by Reet?
The H.G. statement that Reet took methadone is really strange - she says it as if she is saying Reet liked to roller skate. If true was the methadone primary or for a heroin addition?
Well... not that strange in that time.
Most people who use methadone do so to help their opioid addiction but some use just methadone - it's not very popular this way but it was a bit common back then.

But... no matter how you use it, you have no reason to use it apart from addiction.
And opioid addiction is pretty noticeable, pretty much anybody can tell that something is seriously wrong with that person's behaviour, even if she uses it just occasionally, not daily - which is pretty damn hard to not use it daily if you start messing with opioids.

It would be really, really, really strange for opioid addict, ex-heroin on methadone, ex-methadone to have internal organs in "remarcable condition".
And by tripld "really strange" I mean miracle right next to impossible.

Unless by "Reet took methadone" she meant that one single time when it happened... it likely didn't happened at all.
Then as now these are serious drugs. Again, it is tough to see her heading off to L.A. if she didn't have a handle on that - even more money, much more money, needed.
I would like to know what kind of opioid addict would go to LA in late 60's and suddenly quit their habit... no way imo.
There is no hint of discord in family pics but I guess that means nothing. In one Reet leans in with her elbow on her brother in law's thigh very close to well.....his crotch....a bit odd but certainly denoting feeling comfortable with those the family.
For me this looks more like "let's squeeze five people on this three-persons couch and take a pic". First man from the left is't even sitting there.
It was interesting on comments by people on the W5 doc many found her sister insincere. I didn't necessarily feel that at all but it is interesting that one that some commentators (in the responses to the show) felt that way. The case needs a good investigative reporter more than it does L.E. The W5 closely follows H.G.'s view of Reet. They need to get into what is left of the Estonian community in Montreal wherever they are now, more of Reet's old friends. Time has passed but people Reet's age and younger will have heard things. Also the artistic (and drug?) community around Cafe Image. L.A. seems hopeless to me but maybe not with more publicity there is someone would do it, media I mean.
I'm afraid that it's too late already. In few years even hope for death confession will go away.
If Jean I was really a med student which I doubt it should be easy to track him down. A limited number of med schools in Canada and all would have list of students still today. If he doesn't show up on any lists then that story is bogus which would be interesting as well.
Not so easy. He might not lie, but "I'm studying medicine" may mean:
- I'm studying medicine.
- I'm studying something related to medicine.
- I was studying one or another for a bit.
- I was thinking about studying medicine...

Real medicine students usually don't have much vacation nor enough money to travel thousands of miles at least twice a year unless they were born rich. But again... however rich you are, you still have a very little time to spare while studying medicine.
I don't find it strange that she didn't have immediate university or college plans. It was a privileged generation in that sense, people screwed around for years and then still got free loans cheap education and good jobs if they wanted one. Was still a tough period for women and jobs much more limited, many barriers.
People while screwing around for few years still have some plans - they changed them as they go, or they have a plan to screw around till they will figure out what they want in life - there is still something to say about that time and here we have a lack of that... but yeah, that might mean only that family was unaware of her plans or that they didn't found that appearing enough to repeat as statement.
Yes, times may explain why she was working at post office, if that was only job available for her... but again would opioid addict be able to keep that kind of job?
I agree with you we can almost certainly rule out Reet being a methadone or opoid user or addict. But then we are left with the fact that her supposed best friend said this on Canadian T.V. Why? More and more I see that we are getting a lot of our picture of Reet from G.G. and she may be grandstanding a bit to get in the limelight. I almost sense some hostility but I could be reading into things too much there.

The Quebec artist habitue of Cafe Image does NOT say he remembers Reet it is He who does the drawing that looks like Jim Morrison (or Rodney Alcala). The drawing I mentioned is second from the left a few pages pages back. Two of the images appear to be self portraits. Reet did the one I think might be Jean it is quite different from the Quebec artist's view of him - and close to the sketch G.G. did.

The Quebec artist says Jean I had a face coming out of the shadows but oddly he doesn't draw that whereas Reet and G.G. do. - the artist says he was almost moving very kinetic I guess, taking off. But it is said Reet met Jean at the post office in Toronto which again I am guessing might not be true. We really have a problem with people's memories the Detective Lou in L.A. says Jean I is like a ghost.

Reet didn't appear to have a lot of friends? Your point about Estonians is possible L.A. had a Lithuanian house with lots of cultural events. That could be one place to ask around. Church? If Reet stopped going to her church in Montreal that would be no doubt worse than going to the beach lol.

Probably can't go anywhere with this but just to note Haabe's father was a Hungarian exile, there is a Wiki article on him as he was a significant author at the time who had worked for Intelligence - Reet of course Estonian - Manson Family's major target Polanski's partner he was born in Poland of course. I don't know the Manson case well but think his rage was at the Hollywood elite after his record demo was turned down after being recommended by one of the Beach Boy's whose place he stayed at. I think on Mulholland Drive no? For those who know L.A. did not a lot of pop stars have houses on Mulholland? It might be fruitful as you suggested to look at Reet from her creative and career aspirations, rather than the dippy girl in search of this Jean - maybe she thought she could do something in Hollywood with her artistic talents or try acting lots of people have had that dream.

You are right IF this P.I. really was hired as the family says (quite a bit later I need to find the date) you would think there would not be than many Jane Does of that age range AND L.A. police suspected she might be Canadian because of her clothing tags. Apart from her appearance they had her jewellery they could have sent pics of those to family and friends too.

I am stuck between three theories in that respect 1. family very rigid very close to cutting Reet off even before the trip, disapproving 2. they get the sketch and know it is Reet have heard Bugliosi say she could be a Manson victim and just don't want that in their lives that kind of notoriety. 3. My third theory which I can just hint at hear cause of rules is that the family and friends know something else happened to Reet know she is dead only i.d. her when her brother is dead.

If I was Montreal L.E. I would bypass Anne and Gilda other than to find out who else Reet knew - then go talk to those people. They are falling too much into the narratives of G.G. and Anne. The other thing would be to get those two to open up more - I would want to see everything they have of Reet's old letters everything. I forget it if it is Anne or Gilda who says they suddenly found a postcard from Reet I think they are dissimulating for sure I think they knew they had it. And maybe others. I wish I knew why. But lots of other people will remember Reet.
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It's either just one rabbit hole after another... or not.

Sorry in advance but I started thinking about... Paris Hilton and that recent documentary about her.
Maybe I'm just seeing connections where there aren't any, but aren't we all remember how she was seen as the worst, basically that spoiled, rotten, prostitute who has no shame and just records sex tape in disregard of her family's sake?
But she didn't... that was revenge *advertiser censored*, she was groomed, betrayed, humiliated, she was a victim there but with existing narrative almost nobody was able to see that.

And in her documentary... when she finally reveals how she was abused and mistreated in that supposedly luxurious, great school with all kinds of high standards her sister is just oblivious to that. There is like no empathy, no understanding on Nicky's side, instead she asks her when or if she's going to apologize to their parents for what she put them through and how hard was that for them to live with such a rebelious child.
They wronged her, they failed her, they were unwilling and unable to understand her, they had no interest in assuring themselves that she's ok and there was no regret on their side for what they put her through.

I'm not suggesting that Reet's parents hurted her in any way because I don't know that. Different times, different kind of money, mostly everything is different. But if they raised them in kinda simmilar way, Anne being the golden child and Reet being kinda rebelious scapegoat kid they might come from the same home after living in two totally different worlds with lack of ability to really understand each other.
This might be why Anne appears insincere while talking about Reet - in my opinion. Not because she's lying, but because her perception of things was so different from Reet's and - let's be real - from perception of most people who care about missing and murdered people, that her words and general attitude seems insanely weird to them.

About her friend... I was rambling on and rambling on, coming to conclusion how it all makes no sense and doesn't fit at all...
But looking at it again it kinda does. Assuming that she's not lying nor making up stuff... it kinda makes sense.

She might saw herself as Reet's best friend but there is no telling how did she understand that - and there is more than one way.
The most obvious being that she cared about her deeply, knew her biggest secrets, shared hers with her, loved her etc.
Another possible way of being somebodys best friend is... just being a friend, however close and caring - if that person at least to your knowledge doesn't have anyone closer, more caring, more loving, more engaged in that relationship... you are their best friend, and it doesn't matter that for someone who really have friends this kind of closeness could count as being acquaintances.

She didn't cared about her deeply imo, cause she just casually talked with Jean some time after Reet got silent and didn't freak out about her friend's safety and wherabouts.
But with that "another way" of being somebodys best friend... it kinda fits, doesn't it? Person could not get immediately alarmed by not hearing for a friend who went on a trip to LA, maybe planned to visit her brother lately - since that person never had a great insight in their friend's plans, dreams and wants it's way more likely to come up with assumption that conntacting them isn't the highest priority anymore cause people usualy part ways at some point.

If Reet was ok that would probably melt up soon enough and they might barely remember each other in few years.

But Reet wasn't ok. It might be seen as an attempt to get into spotlight as her statements and actions went, and it might be a little bit (or a lot) of that there... but isn't that justified? Even if she wasn't the closest kind of friend anyone can have, she might be the closest friend Reet had... or at least the only one who still was there to speak.
She might just desperately want to show that she knew some of Reet's secrets and was close to her and for example mention that shocking fact of methadone use. If she knew about heroin, she would likely elaborate on that, but if it was like this one time, that huge deal for her, and possibly even for them both, that one time when Reet took methadone... wouldn't it look exactly like that? And wouldn't her behaviour perfectly fit actions of person who was (behind the scenes) belittled as not so close friend of Reet's, thus, attempting to prove that she indeed was?

I agree with you we can almost certainly rule out Reet being a methadone or opoid user or addict. But then we are left with the fact that her supposed best friend said this on Canadian T.V. Why? More and more I see that we are getting a lot of our picture of Reet from G.G. and she may be grandstanding a bit to get in the limelight. I almost sense some hostility but I could be reading into things too much there.
Or that hostility is there, but it's caused and aimed not at Reet but something or someone else who disapproved her talking about this case?
The Quebec artist habitue of Cafe Image does NOT say he remembers Reet it is He who does the drawing that looks like Jim Morrison (or Rodney Alcala). The drawing I mentioned is second from the left a few pages pages back. Two of the images appear to be self portraits. Reet did the one I think might be Jean it is quite different from the Quebec artist's view of him - and close to the sketch G.G. did.
Oh... that one looks just like one of the sketches taken in a hurry. I mean... if you are drawing a lot and try to improve your skills, you just carry your sketchbook with you, and take it out every chance you have to sit a bit and look for someone who sits still for a moment but never really came back to sit full half of an hour or an hour to finish the portrait properly.
I'm not an expert by any means but I draw a lot, two of my family members draw a lot, and I went to art school where I meet douzens of people who used to draw a lot... and if you were in possession of whole sketchbook you would be able to tell when that drawning was done.
Is there a perfectly finished autoportrait a page before? And face of a model of famous person two pages before? Then you might safely assume that those two were made in no hurry, at home, while exercising. And if later we have few pages of rough, unfinished portraits of different faces - likely there was an occasion to draw many new faces: like a party, a trip somewhere, evening in cafe.
Some artists are signing each sketch with a date, but even those who don't... if they have frequently used sketch book, that sketch book is form of a diary.
The Quebec artist says Jean I had a face coming out of the shadows but oddly he doesn't draw that whereas Reet and G.G. do. - the artist says he was almost moving very kinetic I guess, taking off. But it is said Reet met Jean at the post office in Toronto which again I am guessing might not be true. We really have a problem with people's memories the Detective Lou in L.A. says Jean I is like a ghost.
Memories might be spot on, but what they remember might not be true. Meeting at post office might happen, but it's also good excuse to say for someone who might be too judgemental about meeting someone while walking through the dark woods, or on the street.
Kinetic moves and face coming out the shadows... yeah, for me that sounds like he likely used at least weed on regular basis, and that he had to have a lot of girls mesmerised by that look. That kind of guy is always popular with the ladies, at least in the way that they can't stop looking at him. But that guy looks nothing like Jim Morrison.
For me it looks like a woman, I mean first sketch.
Second and third... I would say that guy had to be quite tall to look attractive with that kind of long face. Face shape changes drastically. Was there any mention of how tall he was?

And last sketch doesn't look like Jim Morrison. It is Jim Morrison.
Same hair, hairstyle, eyebrows, same bit droopy eyelids, same nose, same face shape, same mouth... WTF? That guy doesn't need any sketch, you could just walk around with Jim Morrison's picture to look for him.
No way that this is accurate. If it would be, they would say right from the beginning that LE has to look for Jim Morrison's twin.

Reet didn't appear to have a lot of friends? Your point about Estonians is possible L.A. had a Lithuanian house with lots of cultural events. That could be one place to ask around. Church? If Reet stopped going to her church in Montreal that would be no doubt worse than going to the beach lol.
You must be pretty much into church activities to be remembered by anyone in city church.
Probably can't go anywhere with this but just to note Haabe's father was a Hungarian exile, there is a Wiki article on him as he was a significant author at the time who had worked for Intelligence - Reet of course Estonian - Manson Family's major target Polanski's partner he was born in Poland of course. I don't know the Manson case well but think his rage was at the Hollywood elite after his record demo was turned down after being recommended by one of the Beach Boy's whose place he stayed at. I think on Mulholland Drive no? For those who know L.A. did not a lot of pop stars have houses on Mulholland? It might be fruitful as you suggested to look at Reet from her creative and career aspirations, rather than the dippy girl in search of this Jean - maybe she thought she could do something in Hollywood with her artistic talents or try acting lots of people have had that dream.
Manson's family didn't exactly targeted Sharon, he targeted that specific house and accepted them as suitable victims but his anger was not towards her specifically. That guy who was responsible for Manson's music career non-existence was living in that house before Polanski's did.

I was curious if that parking lot very near the place that bodies of Marina and Reet were found was there back in the 60's and if so, if it was kind of local lover's lane or not.

Might be that she tried to get a job in movie industry... but who would remember her after all these years? She would likely use some easier to pronounce name and surname and was one of many girls who came to LA and stay there for a bit...
You are right IF this P.I. really was hired as the family says (quite a bit later I need to find the date) you would think there would not be than many Jane Does of that age range AND L.A. police suspected she might be Canadian because of her clothing tags. Apart from her appearance they had her jewellery they could have sent pics of those to family and friends too.
So family doesn't hear from her. They are waiting for a bit but nothing happens so they ask her brother to go there and look for her.
Where could he went? He must check out that adress, maybe asked some neighbours but she wasn't there and Jeans weren't there either - otherwise we would have also other source of possible description.
He founds nothing but family doesn't give up. They send PI over there... and what happens? What he does? Nothing?

He didn't checked out Jane Does, but to do anything he had to check out that apartement and tried to figure out who was renting... how could he find "nothing" if he had basically only one lead to check? No meeting with the owner? No asking aroung? No chatting with neighbours? No conclusion like: "she wasn't living there", or "person who rented that wasn't living there, many people stayed over few nights" or "some guy/s were renting it but they are no longer there"?
How lousy a PI might be? Assuming that he existed, what could he did to find nothing? Thought that she must be renting in her own name, paying for whole apartment by herself, no Reet there, what a shame, so there is nothing else I can do?

He either never existed, scammed the family or was mislead by someone who knew Reet's fate imo. And wouldn't at least her brother knew better and, living in US be aware that their best bet would be to hire a PI from LA if they would figure that guy was uneffective or a scammer?
Lying about PI... possible, but if they had enough concern about their appearance, they wouldn't place that ad, ever, instead they would probably just stick with some story that she called them at some point to tell that she's not going back so they accepted their choice. Isn't that enough to keep people from judging them badly? When affluent people lie, they usually lie well, while this looks ridiculous, basically shows them in bad light... which makes me believe that's likely true: that they were indeed looking for her as they could and hired that PI... who brought them something, what led them to believe that she's ok but doesn't want to be found. And her siblings may be unaware of what exactly that PI told their parents... unless they were the one who hired him.

And... just like that four hours passed and I have to try to sleep.


  • obraz_2021-04-13_022158.png
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I assume this is a DNA case correct? And I assume they know for sure NO offender DNA is on the bra? So for sure there is still hope in solving the case even if the offender is dead.

As for that physical item that according to division procedure should have been destroyed: how did it get there? WHEN did it get there? Why is it not soaked in blood? I don't have the knowledge of a coroner or a forensic detective but some things seem weird. Stabbed 157 time many in the neck? Now in the W5 video they briefly show what is either a police 'map' of the body from behind with stab wounds marked I count 10 - none to the neck. We cannot see the lower body. So she was stabbed 147 times or so front? Do they mark side wounds I wonder separately? Now in the post mortem photo they have obviously NOT shown her actual neck which in that photo is unscathed and I read they had to draw in the eyes as well which were closed (though open when she was found).

Were the first wounds more 'scientific' in other words going for the artery in the neck that would kill you? And the others added either due to rage or as a disguised of motive? Or psychotic of course if the person they believes they are killing a devil in Reet or whatever.

The parents supposedly hired the detective. Anne said she would offer hear them repeat at home "but the detective found nothing." You are absolutely right again I need to get the timeline exact but I think her brother went to L.A. not long after they lost contact with her - again supposedly - he should have found something. They had a supposed address maybe Jean I at least would still be there. There would be a landlord. Who wouldn't try at least to get a name of who lived there?

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