CA CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020 #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves

Dia's phone was plugged in in her bedroom? Are we certain she didn't go missing earlier than reported?

Dia's apparent paranoia-- might she have been a victim of ongoing heavy metal poisoning?

Details about their final lunch sure went sideways.

He says they were planning to leave in the morning for Lia's protection.

So why did he need to go, without her?

So many questions, so many plotholes.

I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE OF KH'S VOICE OR NONSENSE. I do not understand the connection to Dia's worker and the person who left their camping and medical report. They are the same person the way KH talks? Confusing, and jumping to conclusions, IMO.
If you're referring to him speaking to the FindMe report, that's almost to be expected. That's one of the problems we have with the psychic realm ... there are conclusions presented (e.g. her body was moved), and then we have to work back from there to find the connecting points. Sometimes they can't be found.
If you're referring to him speaking to the FindMe report, that's almost to be expected. That's one of the problems we have with the psychic realm ... there are conclusions presented...
No, nothing "psychic" connected in my finding KH's ramblings and conjectures confusing. I figured out what KH must've meant when he said a worker of Dia's was involved in the case. I believe he meant Isidro. I'm shocked he is allowed to accused and name people connecting them to a murder on the basis of a report with no evidence to support it.

See Pages 116:
See Page 119:
It will take me awhile to read through the entire transcript (thanks tvscum!) but here are the things that have raised my eyebrows so far (I apologize Curious Me if I'm echoing anything you've already pointed out):

- KH was not that certain about the dating site he met Dia on ("Farmers"). But then he makes it sound like she's the only one he met and that he didn't date further (pages 41-44 & 54-55). I am thinking in reality he was probably on so many different sites he couldn't keep track. Curious if wives #2 and #3 were also wealthy and found online.

- Strange that KH doesn't remember where he bought Dia's engagement ring. I am willing to give him a pass on not remembering the name of the shop but he wasn't even positive as to the city/state he bought it in (page 56). Weird.

- Also strange that apparently Dia only kept paperwork and the engagement ring in the bedroom safe (page 60). Where was her other jewelry and valuables kept, and why wouldn't the engagement ring be kept with similar things?

- The whole thing about calling the highway patrolman who had been renting at "Tool Box" is really bizarre (page 67-68). So he knew how to get a hold of this person but doesn't know his name? And this guy told him LE has a rule that someone needs to be missing for 72 hours? I thought the existence of a general rule like that has been debunked.

- KH doesn't speak to neighbors or other people who knew Dia until the next morning. He also doesn't go to "Tool Box" until the next day, despite that being the place he understood Dia was going after lunch the day before. He does not even bother going to the "Sky High" property. (page 69-70) Seems KH just shrugged and went to bed.

- Dia's son was involved in searching for her in the initial days, despite the fact that apparently Dia had told KH at their last lunch together she thought her son was trying to have her killed. She also apparently told six of her friends the same thing (page 72 & 75). Funny that she trusted these people to know her suspicions about her son but didn't tell these same people about her engagement. /side-eye

- Dia was maybe going to sell the "Tool Box" property and had received an offer (page 75). Hmm, was there someone who didn't want her to sell?

- Supposedly Dia and KH were going to Colorado the following day for her safety/to get away from her son. KH is squirrely on how long they were going to be there (page 79-80). I'm curious if there were any signs in the house of Dia packing for a possibly long trip.

- KH had met Dia's son "a couple" of times prior to Dia's disappearance and Dia's son came to the ranch on the Sunday (I presume the day after she went missing) (page 82-83). Makes me question just how estranged mother and son were, at least when KH first entered the picture.
It will take me awhile to read through the entire transcript (thanks tvscum!) but here are the things that have raised my eyebrows so far (I apologize Curious Me if I'm echoing anything you've already pointed out):.....
Please @jash, keep going. I get a lot out of reading your posts. I am still wondering what Dia wanted to talk about that day, and KH puts "the talk" off to go mow. DF said Dia wanted to break up with him. Now I see his 2nd wife had filed assault charges and had a Restraining Order against KH. Just makes me think KH might have the capability to be quite forceful. He might have a temper when things don't go his way. I don't think that's out of line for me to question when he was the last one to see Dia and Jodi. (BTW, he flat out denies that airbnb review we all saw at one time. He denies he said that to the customer who was so upset with KH that he made a complaint to airbnb. KH says all reviews are 5 Stars. MOO, he lies. If he lies once with no qualms, then he might be a consistent liar. Just because he got a report from a online co., he feels justified to openly accuse other people for murdering Dia and absolve himself with a report that would never stand up in court. Talks a good game-- wants to say he's worked with LE as a job, but he's also a RSO and done jail time. ALL MOO.)
52:00 No military, no bankruptcies, married 3 times.

1st wife - 1974 Corrine, ended after 18 yrs.
(4 kids-- Darlene, Casey, Danielle, Caleb)
2nd wife - Tina or Gina, no kids, ended in 2000
3rd wife- Cathy, no kids, ended 7-8 yrs. (must've been married to her when the trial went on in 2011)
Dia's phone was plugged in in her bedroom? Are we certain she didn't go missing earlier than reported?

Dia's apparent paranoia-- might she have been a victim of ongoing heavy metal poisoning?

Details about their final lunch sure went sideways.

He says they were planning to leave in the morning for Lia's protection.

So why did he need to go, without her?

So many questions, so many plotholes.

I have asked some of these questions as well. There was a story about Dia delivering some muffins or something on the day of her disappearance. I never got a 100% confirmation that she physically delivered them that morning. That would have meant there was no doubt that she disappeared on the day he said. As I posted earlier...I have driven to the gate of her ranch a couple of times. It's very secluded back there. She could have been gone long before he reported her missing. Also, I wonder if they checked her phone for finger prints. Her prints on top means she was the last one to touch the phone. His prints on top means he plugged it in. NO prints means someone cleaned the phone to hide their prints. I also thought him leaving immediately was very and I mean very fishy! No one does that. The trip was for her yet he blows out town without her? Makes no sense. I still believe that alive or dead....KH knows exactly where she is....

I see at the top of Page 33 that David Gotfredson joined the proceedings. He's amazing. Has come through on this case 100%. Thank You David Gotfredson. We'd be lost in the case without you.

As I mentioned before, KH doesn't remember what I clearly remember was a bad review submitted to airbnb about him.

About $$$$$$$ and property--
I find this of interest. I don't know why he'd do this if not for some monetary end result in his favor. It seems to me, KH expects to hang on to all Dia's property. He tried to get a refund on Dia's boots she ordered, but he's shelled out quite a bundle and is willing to keep fighting Dia's children. He wants to act like he never expected to be named Trustee, but he's going about this like it's all part of a plan. (JMO of course.)
25 Approximately how much of your personal funds did you use toward the Sky High mortgage?
Without taxes and all the other catchup and all that other , just to pay the property off was just approximately under 25,000.
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No, nothing "psychic" connected in my finding KH's ramblings and conjectures confusing. I figured out what KH must've meant when he said a worker of Dia's was involved in the case. I believe he meant Isidro. I'm shocked he is allowed to accused and name people connecting them to a murder on the basis of a report with no evidence to support it.

See Pages 116:
View attachment 359458
See Page 119:
View attachment 359459
No, nothing "psychic" connected in my finding KH's ramblings and conjectures confusing. I figured out what KH must've meant when he said a worker of Dia's was involved in the case. I believe he meant Isidro. I'm shocked he is allowed to accused and name people connecting them to a murder on the basis of a report with no evidence to support it.

See Pages 116:
View attachment 359458
See Page 119:
View attachment 359459
I thought he was relating, in part, what was presented to him in the Find Me report. And it is to that retelling that I was referring to with the psychic stuff

Re: Isidro - he's asked what he thinks and he answers. It seems relatively simple. It's a far less set of shocking suggestions than the kids keep pushing – and they do so officially (eg. their Mediation Brief).
I am continuing to trudge through the transcript...

- Re the snowmobile incident, KH was convicted on two counts of unlawful contact and was sentenced to four years probation and had to register as a SO. He instead chose to serve almost 9 months in prison rather than do probation and pay court costs (p.87). How bizarre -- probation seems like a gift and he was married at the time so why opt to be locked up? I wonder if Dia Googled him after "meeting" him online... a simple search of his name + Colorado returns articles about the incident. Yikes. UPDATED: Colo. Guide in Hot Water Again

- KH claims for the first year, he believed Dia was alive and in a position to contact him. Seriously?? "I always believed that Dia was not dead, that she would contact us. After a year and there had been no contact, then we went with the other route of trying to find out where -- first of all, if she was alive, where she was; second of all, if she was dead, who was involved and to what extent and how we could find her body." (p.90)

- KH says virtually all of Dia's guns have gone missing with the exception of the .38 found by DF which KH now has. He believes Dia's son took her AK-47 and revolver when he came to help search. Dia's other guns (shotgun, hunting rifles, .44) which were in the gun safe two weeks before she disappeared are unaccounted for. KH says it's possible Dia pawned them "prior to her departure". (p.104-106)

- After the initial searches (KH thinks there were four days of searches - Sunday to Wednesday - then a couple days of the scene being secured), Dia's son was given the keys to the property (by LE?). This coincided with KH's planned trip to Arizona to purportedly deal with some tax issues that had come up re a property he had there. He said he planned on only doing a day trip to AZ but was told by DF that the ranch was being closed down and no one would be allowed on it (per Sheriff's Office) so he instead went to New Mexico for 7 days. He went back to the ranch when he heard Dia's children were given control of it. (p.107-109)

- KH was asked if he knew anything about a window cleaner Dia was trying to hire around the time of her disappearance but he didn't (p.110). Is this the first we've heard about this? Would love to know where they were going with this.

- KH has only been questioned once by LE. They took his phone (never returned) and searched his motorhome, his storage business in NM and his residence in CO, taking surveillance cameras. KH says they didn't find anything. (p. 110-112) Didn't they take a piece of his seat? And I'm remembering something about blood.

- Dia's purse, with her wallet inside, was left in the kitchen (p.115)

- KH tries to throw IG under the bus, saying he showed up to the search intoxicated and never actually searched for Dia, and shortly thereafter got a new truck, implying he was paid off in connection with her disappearance. (p.117)

- "Three weeks before she started to disappear" (interesting phrasing) Dia started leaving signed notes, after KH and Julia asked her to, saying that her life was being threatened. (p.118-119) Poor Dia, her life was in danger but perhaps not from who she thought or was led to believe was the threat.

- Dia and KH had a joint bank account and safety deposit box (containing jewelry and cash) at Chase in Palm Desert. (p.120-121) Legally, is he entitled to keep all those assets?

- KH supposedly hired a private investigator shortly after Dia disappeared and was told that a firefighter walking his dog on "Saunders Meadow" on Sunday after she disappeared may have seen Dia and he had photographed a suspicious van which was linked to a mother and daughter from Laguna Beach but the mother was around Dia's age and originally from La Jolla. When questioned by the PI, they said Dia looked familiar and they may have seen her on the trail or in Idyllwild. (p.124-125)
.... - KH was asked if he knew anything about a window cleaner Dia was trying to hire around the time of her disappearance but he didn't (p.110). Is this the first we've heard about this? Would love to know where they were going with this.
Thank You so much @jash for catching lots of details. (I had Cataract surgery, one eye at a time recently.) The window cleaner-- we heard from a member on here earlier in the thread that said Dia wanted to hire a window washer via a FB post she made that week prior to disappearing. It wasn't discussed much, so it'd be easy to forget.

Darn, they didn't ask KH about the cinnamon rolls she delivered to the sickly neighbor the morning of her disappearance? What a shame we can't get even that, and also the water heater repair guy story, verified one way or the other. I was surprised Dia and KH had a joint acct. and safety deposit box.
... Re: Isidro - he's asked what he thinks and he answers. It seems relatively simple. It's a far less set of shocking suggestions than the kids keep pushing – and they do so officially (eg. their Mediation Brief).
Well, that's true, @sleuther007. Dia's children have also made some outrageous insinuations of KH, and also DF, that were based on just hearsay. The children don't look beyond suspicion to me either. I've been waiting for some solid LE info, findings, and maybe evidence.

However, the FindMe report that KH is relying on to answer all the questions about Dia's disappearance and absolve himself is based mostly on non-evidence, as far as I can tell. I can see how psychic investigation might help in finding a missing person, but I just can't believe it could name the murderer and tell the cause of death, etc., with any certainty, not enough to ever stand up in a court of law. That was a legal deposition. Both the children and KH, and their attorneys, are muddling up this case by using the legal environment in a somewhat childish manner.

I want to see Justice for Dia, as well as for Jodi, and I'm most disappointed in the lack of LE involvement to finally solve these cases and make arrests.

That's just my own opinion. MOO
Thank You so much @jash for catching lots of details. (I had Cataract surgery, one eye at a time recently.) The window cleaner-- we heard from a member on here earlier in the thread that said Dia wanted to hire a window washer via a FB post she made that week prior to disappearing. It wasn't discussed much, so it'd be easy to forget.

Darn, they didn't ask KH about the cinnamon rolls she delivered to the sickly neighbor the morning of her disappearance? What a shame we can't get even that, and also the water heater repair guy story, verified one way or the other. I was surprised Dia and KH had a joint acct. and safety deposit box.

Well, that's true, @sleuther007. Dia's children have also made some outrageous insinuations of KH, and also DF, that were based on just hearsay. The children don't look beyond suspicion to me either. I've been waiting for some solid LE info, findings, and maybe evidence.

However, the FindMe report that KH is relying on to answer all the questions about Dia's disappearance and absolve himself is based mostly on non-evidence, as far as I can tell. I can see how psychic investigation might help in finding a missing person, but I just can't believe it could name the murderer and tell the cause of death, etc., with any certainty, not enough to ever stand up in a court of law. That was a legal deposition. Both the children and KH, and their attorneys, are muddling up this case by using the legal environment in a somewhat childish manner.

I want to see Justice for Dia, as well as for Jodi, and I'm most disappointed in the lack of LE involvement to finally solve these cases and make arrests.

That's just my own opinion. MOO
One thing that KH said early on and I believe it was to the helper on the ranch. "I hope I live another 5 years" Does it seem coincidental that 5 years is the amount of time it takes to declare Dia dead and for any transfer to take place? He's only like early 70s....why was 5 years an issue?
Dude has a very creative mind. Plenty of half truths and whole untruths in the deposition. There is plenty of pure bull in his statements. WOW...
It appears to me we are dealing with two sociopathic minds in KH and the son.
One thing that KH said early on and I believe it was to the helper on the ranch. "I hope I live another 5 years" Does it seem coincidental that 5 years is the amount of time it takes to declare Dia dead and for any transfer to take place? He's only like early 70s....why was 5 years an issue?

Yes - per this:
Under the laws of California, if a person has been missing for five years or longer, his or her spouse, certain family members, and creditors can file a petition with the court requesting that the person be “presumed dead.” If the person is found to be presumed dead, a probate administration can occur.

And here I thought it was 7 years...

However, the FindMe report that KH is relying on to answer all the questions about Dia's disappearance and absolve himself is based mostly on non-evidence, as far as I can tell. I can see how psychic investigation might help in finding a missing person, but I just can't believe it could name the murderer and tell the cause of death, etc., with any certainty, not enough to ever stand up in a court of law.

No, actual evidence likely wouldn't come up there – but it at times can point to where the evidence can be found, and where to direct the investigation (eg. where to search; what to look for). One issue could be if it involves securing a search warrant. The "probable cause" standard likely wouldn't be met if it were only from psychic assertions.
MOO (and some rambling ...?)

KH certainly fits the stereotype of a perpetrator here. No need to go over all that, I think. But when hitting a dead end (as we seem to have done) I like to take a contrary position and see what may pop up from that ...

So let's assume for the moment that KH didn't do the deed. This doesn't require him to be a clean, upright citizen or not have a shady past, nor does it mean he can be expected to relay everything faithfully in a deposition. Just that he did not in this instance harm/kill Dia, nor was he involved in it. There's a lot to take in here as far as timelines and known/suspected actions go, so perhaps it would be useful to focus on a couple of his known actions (especially those which appear odd or non-sensible) and see if they could be explained another way? And, to extend it, could that "other way" lead to other understandings? Ultimately we're out for the truth here, I think, so I'll go whatever route best gets me there.

So I wondered about his principles. His inner sense of right or wrong. We all have them (even the worst of us), and at a certain age I think we feel quite comfortable operating from them despite the likely inner hypocrisies others could observe in them (consider the ethics of gangs, for example). He's in his 70s, so I think whatever principles he operates from are pretty well entrenched. And, to my mind, it's in the smaller things that you'll find them. Folks can put on a good show for short periods of time especially if there's a spotlight on them, but over the long haul their character/principles will win out.

So looking over some of what could be called the smaller "oddities" ... is there a principle behind his actions that help, for example, explain his decision to take prison time vs pay court costs over the Snowmobile affair? His efforts to get a refund on Dias boots?

He doesn't appear to need money as he apparently owns quite a bit of land and a couple businesses. He's been shouldering the costs of Dia's estate for over two years as well as the lawyer costs concerning the challenge to the Trust that Dia's kids brought. So why put himself out for what are relatively small amounts? Is it some principle of right and wrong? Could it be that he really has such umbrage over people getting what in his mind (!) are undeserved rewards or benefits (e.g. I'd rather to go to jail than give them money)? And does that extend to the kids getting the ranch, etc (and, thus, his comment about five years)? If we were to take him at his word ... well, I'm reminded of Charlton Heston's quote, "From my cold, dead hands." In his 70s, and still very physically active on a ranch he doesn't won, dealing with lawyers in a case he wish he could walk away from. I'm no rancher – nor 70 year old – but I can't imagine that's how I'd be wanting to spend my final years.

I know it's a stretch, but sometimes those exercises can lead to revelations and understandings that open up other pathways of exploration. There are other things I've observed which lead me in this direction, but let's start with the small stuff; the nuggets (and I know there are plenty to support the contrarian view). The truth of it all just has to win out..

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