CA CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020 #2

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looking back....has it ever been proven that Dia was home on the day she was reported missing? We know that the FB posts she made were just ND answers and did not give any indication that it was actually her posting them. They looked more like a bread crumb left by KH to make us think she was alive and well at that time of the posts. There was the muffins or what ever they were that were said to be delivered by Dia that morning to friends. Was any of that proven or debunked? I'm still not sure that Dia was even there that day. If so, KH could have done something to her long before and covered his tracks before reporting her missing. My memory fails we know she was there on the day she was reported missing?
We are certain she was there alive that day - she tended to horses she was housing at her Toolbox street house and then went back to her property Bonita Vista. The cinnamon buns have been confirmed by CBS8 and others. She was looking for a window washer from Diane Fedder. That is the last communication we have from her.
looking back....has it ever been proven that Dia was home on the day she was reported missing? We know that the FB posts she made were just ND answers and did not give any indication that it was actually her posting them. They looked more like a bread crumb left by KH to make us think she was alive and well at that time of the posts. There was the muffins or what ever they were that were said to be delivered by Dia that morning to friends. Was any of that proven or debunked? I'm still not sure that Dia was even there that day. If so, KH could have done something to her long before and covered his tracks before reporting her missing. My memory fails we know she was there on the day she was reported missing?
Yes - ish. She went to her nextdoor neighbor’s house and dropped off muffins sometime during the mid-morning on the day she disappeared. There’s video of her doing this on the neighbor’s ring camera. They showed the footage on the episode of Disappeared that covered Dia’s case.
^^^^^ Thank You @tvscum.
Credit: CBS 8 Keith Harper in a pickup truck, towing an ATV, driving away from the Bonita Vista Ranch in Mountain Center (Photo: January 29, 2024)

I've had my fill of reading long legal documents, old eyes here, so I just concentrated on things that interested me and put them in the Spoiler. (Look in the Spoiler please for things I'm mentioning in my post. This is all MOO. I may voice some of my vague suspicions because I have many. Please excuse me for sounding outspoken. Frustrated to see this case reach this state of nothingness.)

That garage sale KH and DF had selling off Diane's belongings a couple months after she went missing. MOO, she's missing, let's sell her stuff. Really? Did they ask the children first, maybe ask for money to keep running the ranch? Why wouldn't the children step in then to help hang on to their mother's belongings, as she'd only been missing a couple of months? In fact, why wouldn't the children be willing to offer a large reward back then? MOO, so much effort to divide up Dia's estate now. (BTW, any insiders from the area on this thread happen to see that garage sale going on?)

The duo barely knew each other, DF said she didn't know KH hardly at all, and yet they really came together to run the Airbnb because many guests thought they were a married couple.

I don't know what the cross out of Dia's daughter's name meant back in 2018 along with son's for them to get nothing, naming other to get some amounts.

MOO, DF needs to provide better accounting statements from what I gather, especially with her background and willingness to take on the role. What'd they do with monies should be clear. MOO, I can't imagine how she could not know a ton of details, provide a ton of details, be right in the public's eye begging for help finding her friend Dia, but she got all involved in taking over the finances then moved away. Just stating facts as I see it.

I certainly think KH should get reimbursed. My hope is that evidence and Dia's remains will be found, and there will come a day when we see arrests of at least two people and it may be the plan included even more people to be arrested. All MOO

21-25 Upon22 Abrams' disappearance, Fedder began managing the financials of the Trust estate, while Harper managed the maintenance and upkeep of the property known as Bonita Vista Ranch. As explained more fully herein below, Fedder and Harper worked together to manage the assets of Abrams immediately after her disappearance. This included continuing to managing the Airbnb...


a. Garage Sale: A garage sale was held on or about September 6, 2020 to be able to obtain cash to pay outstanding liabilities of the estate. The personal items converted to $ 1641.00 of gross cash as a result of the garage sale.


a. Actions by Diana Fedder. For the period of June 6, 2020 to on or about February16 18, 2021, Diane Fedder managed the finances for the Trust Estate. No report for said actions by Fedder is noted on the current Account filed with this court. The Petitioner was not able to confirm transactions that were reported in the spreadsheet provided by Fedder before ending her management of trust assets. A true copy of the spreadsheet is attached herein as Exhibit" D". Petitioner is under the information and believe that the bank statements supporting Fedder's actions are in the current possession of the current Trustee. Petitioner, through counsel, has requested any statements be copied so that a supplement can be completed to update the period of Account to include Fedder's actions. In the alternative, Petitioner requests that Diana Fedder be ordered to account for any actions she took during the period of account.
RE: Dia's Children

KH requests reimbursement now in 2024.
We are certain she was there alive that day - she tended to horses she was housing at her Toolbox street house and then went back to her property Bonita Vista. The cinnamon buns have been confirmed by CBS8 and others. She was looking for a window washer from Diane Fedder. That is the last communication we have from her.
That really paints a strange picture. How many hours was it from the time that Dia was seen on camera to the time she was reported missing? There either had to be a tight plan in place or things just escalated and Harper had to move fast. Fast usually means mistakes. I'd love to see what LE has. Cameras from surrounding people on the main road to see if he went by and in what direction. Things like that. I'm thinking they must know who left on that long winding road that day and how they were connected to Dia or Harper. Maybe even satellite imagery. There has to be more...If she was taken or K**** that day in only a few hours, that narrows it down to a small window to piece together. I still have hope for closure for all in this mess. And no word about woman #2 and her injuries after the coroner looked her over...that just went away I suppose.
That really paints a strange picture. How many hours was it from the time that Dia was seen on camera to the time she was reported missing? There either had to be a tight plan in place or things just escalated and Harper had to move fast. Fast usually means mistakes. I'd love to see what LE has. Cameras from surrounding people on the main road to see if he went by and in what direction. Things like that. I'm thinking they must know who left on that long winding road that day and how they were connected to Dia or Harper. Maybe even satellite imagery. There has to be more...If she was taken or K**** that day in only a few hours, that narrows it down to a small window to piece together. I still have hope for closure for all in this mess. And no word about woman #2 and her injuries after the coroner looked her over...that just went away I suppose.
This is because Keith Harper and Diane Fedder didnt pull the trigger and dispose of the body. It was planned and efficient leaving them both plausible deniability. They hired outside help - professionals. Keith Harper probably was somewhere on the ranch looking the other way while they came and got her. She was not killed on-site. She was kidnapped by a gang that has training superior to law enforcement. Therefore law enforcement can’t keep up with them. Its over their heads.
That really paints a strange picture. How many hours was it from the time that Dia was seen on camera to the time she was reported missing? There either had to be a tight plan in place or things just escalated and Harper had to move fast. Fast usually means mistakes. I'd love to see what LE has. Cameras from surrounding people on the main road to see if he went by and in what direction. Things like that. I'm thinking they must know who left on that long winding road that day and how they were connected to Dia or Harper. Maybe even satellite imagery. There has to be more...If she was taken or K**** that day in only a few hours, that narrows it down to a small window to piece together. I still have hope for closure for all in this mess. And no word about woman #2 and her injuries after the coroner looked her over...that just went away I suppose.

If you can, you should definitely check out the the episode from Investigative Discovery’s “Disappeared” on Dia’s case. They go over the timeline. I just can’t recall it - but I’m fairly certain what @RDJ0091 is on point because I think the first person Harper called to notify that he couldn’t find Dia was Diane, and the two of them searched for her for a while prior to calling LE… but I might be remembering wrong. Check the episode out. I know you can stream it on Discovery Plus, IDgo, and on Max (formerly HBOMax). It is an episode from the most recent season.
...because I think the first person Harper called to notify that he couldn’t find Dia was Diane, and the two of them searched for her for a while prior to calling LE… but I might be remembering wrong. Check the episode out....
I remember when Dia first went missing the person that mentioned her missing on their fb was a different Diana (see article below) mentioned in the newspaper article.

It's possible KH called DF, or maybe closer neighbors first, or where Dia kept her horses. All I know is a bunch of people came to the ranch to search for her that weekend, on Sunday. Then, on that Monday, KH took off on his trip with Dia still missing.

Nothing became of that report she was seen walking, or what she was actually wearing. At first, Dia was lumped in to the news of "Six Missing from the Idyllwild area" and that was when I first heard about her and started following the cases of the missing six. It turned into something else entirely once all the details started coming out.


According to the Facebook post by Diana Souza, “Dia Abrams, 65, is missing from her ranch off Apple Canyon Road in Mountain Center. She has blonde hair and stands around 5’4” tall. She was last seen Saturday, June 6th around 2 p.m., wearing blue jeans, a yellow shirt and a black multi-colored windbreaker. She was heading to the Garner Valley area, however her vehicle, handbag, keys and cell phone were still at her home.”

About the six missing:
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If you can, you should definitely check out the the episode from Investigative Discovery’s “Disappeared” on Dia’s case. They go over the timeline. I just can’t recall it - but I’m fairly certain what @RDJ0091 is on point because I think the first person Harper called to notify that he couldn’t find Dia was Diane, and the two of them searched for her for a while prior to calling LE… but I might be remembering wrong. Check the episode out. I know you can stream it on Discovery Plus, IDgo, and on Max (formerly HBOMax). It is an episode from the most recent season.
Keith Harper and Diane Fedder slept together (in the same house i think they mean but its quite possible - I would even argue - more possible that it was sexual or romantic in nature) in the nights after Dia went missing. One would think, Fedder being ex-secret service, she would check out the guy who was the last person to see her “friend” alive and not just willingly sleep together with him. She could easily have had a background check done on him. It was known he was previously arrested as a sex-offender by locals in the area. The fact they slept together certainly seems to debunk DF’s claims that she never met him or only met him once. If I was Dia’s friend in that position I would accuse him and never let him leave to “pay taxes” (Keith Harper’s excuse on the “Missing in America” Dateline podcast with Keith Morrison). I would ask my friends in law enforcement to step in and assume it was the boyfriend/spouse/male ranchhand etc as is commen protocol. On the Dateline Podcast Keith Morrison tears up KH for leaving after Dia went missing. It is pretty entertaining.

In my mind KH and DF spent that night and those nights planning the coverup and getting their stories straight. Then Sunday they could put their plan into place. I have been told that the neighbors who went to help search were held off by KH and DF from really searching and entering the buildings. The search “party” was an actual “party” celebrating Dia’s disappearance. I have been told the house was trashed with alcohol, pizza boxes and other such evidence that the Sunday “search” was more of a charade to celebrate and cover-tracks - to create plausible deniability.
...I have been told the house was trashed with alcohol, pizza boxes and other such evidence that the Sunday “search” was more of a charade to celebrate and cover-tracks - to create plausible deniability.
Outrageous. I hope they didn't clean up well, but that'd be stupid to not to, when you know LE will be out. After all, LE went through Dia's house and collected some evidence. Who would be partying when Dia just went missing and they were suppose to be searching that Sunday? Only DF and KH? Not others - please say not.

I did not think they slept in the same house right away with Dia missing, but you know more. See, I didn't think DF was around that weekend, but I have no idea. I know per Isidro's account that she was there when the children showed up ready to take over the ranch and DF was strutting around with a gun not letting people in some door. I do know that KH drove off for his trip, and the Sheriff having been notified came out (that Monday?), then on Tuesday the RMRU searched for two days. Am I right? All MOO and all my attempt to get the facts straight. I'm all about documented facts if I can get them.

Post #89 from @jash about the RMRU searching-- "Here's a first-person account of the search for Dia by Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit on June 9th (along with some photos)."
Outrageous. I hope they didn't clean up well, but that'd be stupid to not to, when you know LE will be out. After all, LE went through Dia's house and collected some evidence. Who would be partying when Dia just went missing and they were suppose to be searching that Sunday? Only DF and KH? Not others - please say not.

I did not think they slept in the same house right away with Dia missing, but you know more. See, I didn't think DF was around that weekend, but I have no idea. I know per Isidro's account that she was there when the children showed up ready to take over the ranch and DF was strutting around with a gun not letting people in some door. I do know that KH drove off for his trip, and the Sheriff having been notified came out (that Monday?), then on Tuesday the RMRU searched for two days. Am I right? All MOO and all my attempt to get the facts straight. I'm all about documented facts if I can get them.

Post #89 from @jash about the RMRU searching-- "Here's a first-person account of the search for Dia by Riverside Mountain Rescue Unit on June 9th (along with some photos)."
Thanks for the RMRU link/reminder.

I don't know their protocol, but it always bothered me that the search was called off when the detectives showed up. I understand that case evidence can become tainted if not handled properly, but who would do that? The Findme spokesperson was interviewed and spoke to exactly this – you find something; you stop; you mark; you alert LE. You don't disturb. They had trained folks in the ground – finish the job!
Keith Harper and Diane Fedder slept together (in the same house i think they mean but its quite possible - I would even argue - more possible that it was sexual or romantic in nature) in the nights after Dia went missing.
And DH was married to a high ranking Riverside Sheriff's Department officer?
Are we to suspect that KH's share is going to be split 3-ways?
“Dia was giving. Dia was funny. Dia was caring. Dia loved animals,” Kotner said.
“We used to put on old Salvation Army bags and cut [eye] holes out and run up and down the street. We grew up on Mount Helix and we'd run up the street. She was a good girl,” said Kotner.

Two weeks before Abrams, 65, went missing, she amended her trust, leaving her 117-acre Bonita Vista Ranch and two other properties in Mountain Center to her ranch hand, Keith Harper. Harper, 74, also claimed to be Abrams’ fiancé.

“I don't like this guy. I don't like this guy at all,” said Kotner. "First of all, she never would have remarried. She never would have remarried this dude, ever, ever. I know my sister. My sister was a was a class act,” said Kotner
Granted much has happened both before and after, but snipped this from the above: ‘Two weeks before Abrams, 65, went missing, she amended her trust, leaving her 117-acre Bonita Vista Ranch and two other properties in Mountain Center to her ranch hand, Keith Harper. Harper, 74, also claimed to be Abrams’ fiancé.’

Can‘t help but feel like this is a central point in some portions of this as it began and later unfolded? MOO

(Note: And I just caught the ID Disappeared episode on this today so I am late to this one.)

And please correct me if I am wrong, but was it DF in the ID episode that said Dia had ‘told her‘ that if anything ever happened to her it was her son? Or did I hear that incorrectly?
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Diane Fedder immediately selling Dia's stuff saying that it was for hiring a private detective and then never hiring one is disgusting. I posted screenshots a few pages back showing her clear statements. Sleeping with Harper the day and the day after Dia went missing is also disgusting. She slept in the same house with him right before he fled. Yet she only met him once before?

Diane Fedder also broke into Dia's truck and stole a gun, gold ring, and the garage door opener to Dia's Toolbox property with an accomplice. I have been told this by multiple people. Some neighbors suggested that Diane Fedder wanted the garage door opener the most in order to gain access to the safes therein.

Apparently, she was confronted by neighbors who insisted that they stay until police arrived because no one was supposed to be on the property at this time - it was right after Dia went missing and the police set that rule. Diane Fedder, against the advice of multiple people left the scene before the police arrived when confronted after Diane Fedder set off the truck alarm. These are all facts.
The very last paragraph is typical RCSD. Families have to do their own investigations to solve their loved ones missing/murder cases. And then they don't want to look at the evidence that the family gathers. I'm glad Clinton came forward and gave this interview. How strange that her childhood mementos were buried.
That really paints a strange picture. How many hours was it from the time that Dia was seen on camera to the time she was reported missing? There either had to be a tight plan in place or things just escalated and Harper had to move fast. Fast usually means mistakes. I'd love to see what LE has. Cameras from surrounding people on the main road to see if he went by and in what direction. Things like that. I'm thinking they must know who left on that long winding road that day and how they were connected to Dia or Harper. Maybe even satellite imagery. There has to be more...If she was taken or K**** that day in only a few hours, that narrows it down to a small window to piece together. I still have hope for closure for all in this mess. And no word about woman #2 and her injuries after the coroner looked her over...that just went away I suppose.
One thing that stands out to me is the cinnamon rolls. Dia was not one to make them or have the ingredients in the house. So where did she go to buy them? Or maybe they were the frozen kind you bake, but still, she was not one to have that on hand. Heck in 2017-2018 she was living in the guest house as she did not want to heat and cool the big house.
Dia Abrams seen on a neighbor's ring doorbell camera hours before she went missing on June 6, 2020
1710217427627.pngI'd say Dia looks great. Clean pretty hair. Healthy, looks clear headed. They say Dia delivered Cinnamon Rolls to her sick neighbor the very morning of her disappearance. I guess it's been verified and confirmed as a fact.

Now, KH said they met the water heater repair man that morning, but that supposed event was never mentioned again as to whether it was true. I couldn't find the exact temperature that morning. I was wondering if Dia needed to be dressed that warm.

It still stands--
Munro is charged with liquidating Abrams’ estate. Under a March 2023 settlement agreement between the parties, if Abrams is not located by June 6, 2025, 50% of her liquidated estate will go to her adult children, Crisara and Clinton Abrams. The other 50% would go to Harper.

The first of three homes in Abrams' estate has been authorized to sell for an offer of $830K.
Just to play devil's advocate, if Dia were still alive and voluntarily disappeared due to the financial antics of her children and fear of her son, (and if Harper and Feder are working on her behalf) would she end up better off financially now than she would have fared facing off with her children? I've been away from the case for a while and can't remember all of the details, but I seem to recall she feared losing her ranch. I also read recent posts stating Harper got 300k per year as Trustee. I was just thinking that there have been some strange and stupid antics in this case that would be foolish if you actually murdered someone, but could be seen as a diversion tactic (Harper going to NM shortly after Dia went missing) or simply getting things that Dia wanted and thought of later (Fedder breaking in and taking things). So I'm just wondering how this shakes out financially as it seems really strange that Dia would change her Will so shortly before her disappearance as she didn't strike me as that naive from what I've seen and it is almost too obvious that Harper and Fedder would be suspect and I just don't get the feeling they are that stupid either. What if they knew they would be suspects but would never be convicted because Dia is still alive? Maybe Dia made it worth their while to create a diversion while she got away while making sure she would still get money from her estate through H. Maybe getting away from her family was the important thing, and Harper now gets a significant portion of her estate money free and clear which could be diverted back to Dia while he earned 300k per year since her disappearance.

Fedder has some interesting connections as I recall, and Dia expressed a fear of bodily harm --and perhaps fear for her life -- from her son. What if her son suspects that she not only voluntarily disappeared and got away from him but also outsmarted him vis a vis the inheritance? Presumably, her children would have expected to inherit her entire estate in the event of her death, but with Harper in the picture they get half to split among themselves, minus attorney fees and the cost of private investigations plus Harper's salary, lol. If I'm right I've gotta hand it to her...
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Just to play devil's advocate, if Dia were still alive and voluntarily disappeared due to the financial antics of her children and fear of her son, (and if Harper and Feder are working on her behalf) would she end up better off financially now than she would have fared facing off with her children? I've been away from the case for a while and can't remember all of the details, but I seem to recall she feared losing her ranch. I also read recent posts stating Harper got 300k per year as Trustee. I was just thinking that there have been some strange and stupid antics in this case that would be foolish if you actually murdered someone, but could be seen as a diversion tactic (Harper going to NM shortly after Dia went missing) or simply getting things that Dia wanted and thought of later (Fedder breaking in and taking things). So I'm just wondering how this shakes out financially as it seems really strange that Dia would change her Will so shortly before her disappearance as she didn't strike me as that naive from what I've seen and it is almost too obvious that Harper and Fedder would be suspect and I just don't get the feeling they are that stupid either. What if they knew they would be suspects but would never be convicted because Dia is still alive? Maybe Dia made it worth their while to create a diversion while she got away while making sure she would still get money from her estate through H. Maybe getting away from her family was the important thing, and Harper now gets a significant portion of her estate money free and clear which could be diverted back to Dia while he earned 300k per year since her disappearance.

Fedder has some interesting connections as I recall, and Dia expressed a fear of bodily harm --and perhaps fear for her life -- from her son. What if her son suspects that she not only voluntarily disappeared and got away from him but also outsmarted him vis a vis the inheritance? Presumably, her children would have expected to inherit her entire estate in the event of her death, but with Harper in the picture they get half to split among themselves, minus attorney fees and the cost of private investigations plus Harper's salary, lol. If I'm right I've gotta hand it to her...

That would be a nice theory! :)

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