CA CA - Lydia "Dia" Abrams, 65, Idyllwild, 6 Jun 2020

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Sun Spot, was Dia on any medications to your knowledge?

How did Dia label her relationship with KH to you -- do you believe they were engaged?

I do know Dia took meds for spasms and pain in her back. O also knew she took some other meds. I have no idea,what they were.
I don't know a great deal about her relationship with KH. I do know they were co-habitating together and had traveled together several times. As far as engaged I cannot say. I doubt that Dia would have told many if anyone about that.
...It is my opinion that Dia did sign the trust over to KH and DF AS TRUSTEES ETC.. She had said often that the children only wanted her for what she had. That they only contacted her when they wanted or needed something...
Thanks so much for being here for Dia. Is it possible Dia signed the trust over only because she had been fooled, as in gas lighted, into believing the children were going to do something soon? Or perhaps she signed under a real threat from the children? Seems like she did talk about her fear of them to others and someone could've played on that fear.

Who would know in that short time period that Dia would be alone while KH "mowed the pasture"? Is it easy for someone to get on the property without notice? Then, KH took off on his business trip while she just went missing, and he acted like he didn't know he was named a Trustee... seems she would've mentioned it.

It was said she was suppose to go to La Jolla that day, but it was around 2 p.m. and she still hadn't left. Someone may have taken her by surprise, but it seems like it'd have to be someone aware of her unprotected whereabouts.

I'm overwhelmed with sadness for Dia and all the insecurities and struggles she experienced.
Thanks so much for being here for Dia. Is it possible Dia signed the trust over only because she had been fooled, as in gas lighted, into believing the children were going to do something soon? Or perhaps she signed under a real threat from the children? Seems like she did talk about her fear of them to others and someone could've played on that fear.

Who would know in that short time period that Dia would be alone while KH "mowed the pasture"? Is it easy for someone to get on the property without notice? Then, KH took off on his business trip while she just went missing, and he acted like he didn't know he was named a Trustee... seems she would've mentioned it.

It was said she was suppose to go to La Jolla that day, but it was around 2 p.m. and she still hadn't left. Someone may have taken her by surprise, but it seems like it'd have to be someone aware of her unprotected whereabouts.

I'm overwhelmed with sadness for Dia and all the insecurities and struggles she experienced.

As I posted earlier, I've been to the gate of the ranch a couple of times. I can't imagine anyone slipping back in there and catching her by surprise and also extracting her body without notice. I would have to think that if that would have to be well planned ahead of time. Even then with her keeping a gun near bye that could be dangerous for a trespasser. There is a long drive in and out on a two lane road full of pot holes. If you were seen or detected in any way you would have a long drive with her body on board just to get back to the main highway (74) if the police blocked the entrance/exist to the road you'd be stuck with no way out. Very risky to do things that way. I'm still betting that KH is behind it and knew exactly where everyone would be on that day. I'm still not 100% convinced that it all went down on that day. KH almost had to have a helper. He could have shot her and had an accomplice on the way to pick her up with a plan already in place to fool everyone. It makes more sense to me...why take a chance when you have all the time in the world to put a plan together. Also, if someone wanted to kill her or wanted some sort of revenge there would be no reason at all to take her body and risk what I said above. And to kidnap her? for what? what demands have been sent or could even be?
Thanks so much for being here for Dia. Is it possible Dia signed the trust over only because she had been fooled, as in gas lighted, into believing the children were going to do something soon? Or perhaps she signed under a real threat from the children? Seems like she did talk about her fear of them to others and someone could've played on that fear.

Who would know in that short time period that Dia would be alone while KH "mowed the pasture"? Is it easy for someone to get on the property without notice? Then, KH took off on his business trip while she just went missing, and he acted like he didn't know he was named a Trustee... seems she would've mentioned it.

It was said she was suppose to go to La Jolla that day, but it was around 2 p.m. and she still hadn't left. Someone may have taken her by surprise, but it seems like it'd have to be someone aware of her unprotected whereabouts.

I'm overwhelmed with sadness for Dia and all the insecurities and struggles she experienced.

DIA had conveyed to me 9n several occasions that there was a serious threat to run her off the property. There were several avenues she mentioned that were used to put the squeeze on her from the family. She could have been also gaslight by KH and others involved.. She was terrified.
I do not believe anyone could have come on the property without her dog Ruby raising a fit to Dia. I also believe that KH would hav
Thanks so much for being here for Dia. Is it possible Dia signed the trust over only because she had been fooled, as in gas lighted, into believing the children were going to do something soon? Or perhaps she signed under a real threat from the children? Seems like she did talk about her fear of them to others and someone could've played on that fear.

Who would know in that short time period that Dia would be alone while KH "mowed the pasture"? Is it easy for someone to get on the property without notice? Then, KH took off on his business trip while she just went missing, and he acted like he didn't know he was named a Trustee... seems she would've mentioned it.

It was said she was suppose to go to La Jolla that day, but it was around 2 p.m. and she still hadn't left. Someone may have taken her by surprise, but it seems like it'd have to be someone aware of her unprotected whereabouts.

I'm overwhelmed with sadness for Dia and all the insecurities and struggles she experienced.

I do know Dia felt there was a credible threat of the family posturing to take the property. She conveyed that to me several times. She was terrified not only for her safety but also of the pressure and posturing of the family to drive her off the properties. I also believe someone that had knowledge of her situation could have certainly used gaslighting.
IMO KH knew he was a trustee. AS far as DF knowing I can only speculate.
I do not believe that Dia could have been surprised by an unknown person with her dog Ruby not warning her. I believe KH would have also known someone had arrived on the property.
With all I know I still have a feeling that Dia did not disappear from the Bonita Vista Ranch.
As I posted earlier, I've been to the gate of the ranch a couple of times. I can't imagine anyone slipping back in there and catching her by surprise and also extracting her body without notice. I would have to think that if that would have to be well planned ahead of time. Even then with her keeping a gun near bye that could be dangerous for a trespasser. There is a long drive in and out on a two lane road full of pot holes. If you were seen or detected in any way you would have a long drive with her body on board just to get back to the main highway (74) if the police blocked the entrance/exist to the road you'd be stuck with no way out. Very risky to do things that way. I'm still betting that KH is behind it and knew exactly where everyone would be on that day. I'm still not 100% convinced that it all went down on that day. KH almost had to have a helper. He could have shot her and had an accomplice on the way to pick her up with a plan already in place to fool everyone. It makes more sense to me...why take a chance when you have all the time in the world to put a plan together. Also, if someone wanted to kill her or wanted some sort of revenge there would be no reason at all to take her body and risk what I said above. And to kidnap her? for what? what demands have been sent or could even be?

With what I know I do not believe Dia disappeared from the Bonita Vista ranch. I would be inclined to believe she disappeared from one of the other properties or in a different location.
It has been mentioned in one of the court documents that KH had been selling Dia's jewelry collection and other collectibles. I have wondered how KH would have gotten the combinations to her safes. As private and guarded as she was I do not believe she would readily give those to anyone. It is possible that she was gaslighted into a panic etc..
It has been mentioned in one of the court documents that KH had been selling Dia's jewelry collection and other collectibles. I have wondered how KH would have gotten the combinations to her safes. As private and guarded as she was I do not believe she would readily give those to anyone. It is possible that she was gaslighted into a panic etc..
I just feel so much sadness for Dia. She was right to be afraid.

Sun Spot, do you know what became of her antiques? I would like to think all of her belongings are safely stored for her, but I wouldn't bet on it.
FROM my experience with Dia I knew she was terrified of her son and did not trust him at all. There were years of turmoil involving her son from an early age. THERE were several incidents in which Dia felt he tried to physically harm her...
Everything you say seems important to take into consideration. The son had not been up to the ranch in a year or longer. I doubt he and Dia spoke on the phone very often. He said they did, but he didn't even know about KH. Apparently, it appears he didn't know about the change in Trustees either.
THERE is much more involving the pressure and tactics the family put on Dia to try and drive her off the property. It was despicable and pure greed.
Do you mean just Clem and then the children when you say "the family"? Or were others in Clem's family wanting to drive her off the property?
I do know Dia felt there was a credible threat of the family posturing to take the property. She conveyed that to me several times. She was terrified not only for her safety but also of the pressure and posturing of the family to drive her off the properties. I also believe someone that had knowledge of her situation could have certainly used gaslighting.
This makes us all sad to hear. She changed her Trust and disappeared weeks later. If the family was unaware of her changing the Trust, then it seems wise to look at who stood to gain other than the family. Son and daughter showed up ready to take over the ranch, and seemed surprised the paperwork had been changed.
IMO KH knew he was a trustee. AS far as DF knowing I can only speculate.
Somebody could've orchestrated more fear and pressure to make Dia change Trustees. She didn't seem to trust her kids one bit. Dia sounded always vigilant and on edge, especially about them, but maybe not on the ranch or around people she thought she could trust.
With what I know I do not believe Dia disappeared from the Bonita Vista ranch. I would be inclined to believe she disappeared from one of the other properties or in a different location.
Interesting that you think that. Do you think she went missing on June 6th, 2020 or before?
... ...It makes more sense to me...why take a chance when you have all the time in the world to put a plan together. Also, if someone wanted to kill her or wanted some sort of revenge there would be no reason at all to take her body and risk what I said above. And to kidnap her? for what? what demands have been sent or could even be?
I hope everyone reads your whole post a couple of times and it fires up their sleuthing brain like it did mine. Hope all members keep sharing their thoughts and asking @Sun Spot questions. This case can't be allowed to go cold.

Why have a missing body if you want some one declared dead to gain their estate say if you were family? So, maybe it points to someone else that had something to gain. (Oh, the new Trustee perhaps, and maybe other helpers connected somehow.) IMO, not leaving a body behind seems to show a need to cover up any evidence that might point to exactly when, how, and who harmed Dia. All we've had to go on is KH's timeline and a fabled cinnamon bun delivery... we need some darn facts about who saw her that week.

Not even sure LE is still involved. Hope David Gotfredson of News8 keeps going on this case and can pin it down more. We've been following this case over a year now. We deserve some answers, and Dia deserves Justice. All MOO.
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I hope everyone reads your whole post a couple of times and it fires up their sleuthing brain like it did mine. Hope all members keep sharing their thoughts and asking @Sun Spot questions. This case can't be allowed to go cold.

Why have a missing body if you want some one declared dead to gain their estate say if you were family? So, maybe it points to someone else that had something to gain. (Oh, the new Trustee perhaps, and maybe other helpers connected somehow.) IMO, not leaving a body behind seems to show a need to cover up any evidence that might point to exactly when, how, and who harmed Dia. All we've had to go on is KH's timeline and a fabled cinnamon bun delivery... we need some darn facts about who saw her that week.

Not even sure LE is still involved. Hope David Gotfredson of News8 keeps going on this case and can pin it down more. We've been following this case over a year now. We deserve some answers, and Dia deserves Justice. All MOO.

I could not agree more....The question of why take her or her body away and hide it leads one to ponder what that would accomplish as apposed to leaving her in the floor. And as I said it's a long drive to the main road if someone tries to stop you and even then you have only a couple of choices of where to go when you get to 74. You would be caught trying to escape that area if pursued. Too much time for witnesses to ID your vehicle and what not. Very Reckless... I'm sure LE has questioned everyone who might have seen a vehicle drive by on that day...if it even happened on that day. I do have to think that if KH had an accomplice he would do well to have Dia removed and appear missing as apposed to him being the only one on the ranch with her and her getting shot to death...that's kind of a slam dunk that he is involved and he would be checked for GSR and all. I mean...her transferring thing to him and soon after shot dead with him the only one there with her does not look good for him at all. Having her missing mysteriously opens a whole new avenue of accusations and theories. And so far it has worked for him. No body no murder...right? The idea of her not missing from the ranch makes a lot of sense too...Her purse and phone being there means nothing really except possibly someones attempt to not let google tracking follow them while it happened...leaving the phone there would be a great idea for KH. I'm sure that LE has done a timeline track on his phone vs hers to see where both phones were at the same time. They have a program for that and it's pretty slick. May not be any kind of smoking gun but will or could answer some questions of him telling the truth or not.
It has been mentioned in one of the court documents that KH had been selling Dia's jewelry collection and other collectibles. I have wondered how KH would have gotten the combinations to her safes. As private and guarded as she was I do not believe she would readily give those to anyone. It is possible that she was gaslighted into a panic etc.,
If she trusted the new Trustees enough to name them as such, then perhaps she trusted them with the safe combinations? Is it possible she really was all into KH and trusting him? Someone living right there with her daily would be a likely one to use gas lighting on her. What do you think? Any chance she was really engaged to KH?

IIRC. there was a threatening letter about the truck supposedly from the son that upset Dia before paperwork changed... did son really send that letter. If not, IMO, then that was one of the tools geared to get her panicky and make a Trustee change.
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