Found Deceased CA - Madyson Middleton, 8, Santa Cruz, 26 July 2015 - #2 *Arrest*

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Has there been other reports stating AG's stabbed her? I've read articles stating rape by instrument... I guess that paints a clear picture then. Poor, precious, little, girl. RIP little Angel. MOO.

Gonzalez is accused of duct-taping Middleton, raping her, and then strangling and stabbing her to death. DA Rossell said, “We’re confident in the charges we filed and that’s what justice demands.” NBC Bay Area reports that though he’s being charged as an adult, Gonzalez is being held in a juvenile facility.

During the search for Middleton, which involved FBI agents, Gonzalez spun a yo-yo and asked searchers if there were any updates, according to KTVU’s Janine De La Vega.

on the day Middleton was killed, Gonzalez posted a pic on his page of fingers playing the piano above the caption, “The Dreams in which I’m Dying are the Best I’ve ever had” — a lyric from the song “Mad World.”

Gonzalez told authorities that he thought about committing suicide while the search for Middleton was ongoing around his apartment complex.

The same old suicide threat. He'll have to think of something new. We aren't buying that one
Absolutely. We agree. Withhold belief. It would be an unfounded prejudice to judge another person by whether they are showing "three whites" as the Japanese say.

Nobody here was judging another person, merely commenting.
Time to MOOve on.
Perhaps "the source" was a friend of his? Did he ask a friend to help him carry the box down to the dumpster saying it was junk he wanted to get rid of? Did his friend put two and two together finally? MOO.

According to officials, González revealed himself as a suspect during the 26-hour search that was conducted to find the body by repeatedly asking questions about the investigation. Finally, an anonymous source came forward and stated the boy dumped the body there just five minutes before the mother’s 911 call and that he returned to the bin twice in the hour after the police arrived, surveillance videos confirmed the happenings.
Perhaps "the source" was a friend of his? Did he ask a friend to help him carry the box down to the dumpster saying it was junk he wanted to get rid of? Did his friend put two and two together finally? MOO.

According to officials, González revealed himself as a suspect during the 26-hour search that was conducted to find the body by repeatedly asking questions about the investigation. Finally, an anonymous source came forward and stated the boy dumped the body there just five minutes before the mother’s 911 call and that he returned to the bin twice in the hour after the police arrived, surveillance videos confirmed the happenings.
Maybe it was the management at the Tannnery or whoever has access to the video
feeds. It's my understanding he was on a surveillance video recording.
Hello all... finally caught from the last few days, but I did see the "Howling for Maddy" - picture below! And the dogs all over the neighborhood were howling too... :wolf2: :wolf2:


and :welcome6: to all the :newbie: s I see posting here!

:candle: RIP Maddy :rose:


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About the anonymous call reporting his dumping a box 5 min before the 911 call---

I don't believe it was a friend. I don't think he would need anyone to help him. He is a big guy and she was very small.

I think that maybe someone was coming in from the garage, passed him as he walked by with the box, and they said hi.

Later on, when everyone is searching and wondering where she went, that person may have remembered the incident, and felt suspicious. They would stay anonymous because they were friends with his parents maybe, and wouldn't want to accuse their son of murder, if it was nothing in the box but recycling.
Maybe it was the management at the Tannnery or whoever has access to the video
feeds. It's my understanding he was on a surveillance video recording.

That's probably one of the reasons they are thanking the management company here.

When Madyson was reported missing, the entire Tannery community turned out to help in the search. We are deeply grateful to local law enforcement and first responder personnel for their efforts. We also thank our local property management company, The John Stewart Company, which played a significant role assisting in the search.
It would probably be surveillance from the complex. The Comfort Inns are not in the area of The Tannery and I don't think there are any hotels around there, it's not a touristy area.

True... they might have used some video from the Comfort Inn down by the Boardwalk to look and see if she might have gone by there on the river walk path in the beginning of the search, but not regarding the Tannery grounds.
Of all the disgusting things one human can do to another, this is one of the worst.
I have no sympathy for him.
If he claims he was considering suicide during the search, it's just "crying wolf" IMO.
He wanted/wants the focus on him and him alone. Now he has it and I hope it shines on him even when he tries to sleep.
I think he was fascinated by some of the themes in Donnie Darko, which featured "Mad World".
Remember all of the little girls in the dance troupe in this movie?
I sincerely hope this murderer doesn't think anyone is going to buy his accounts (when/if he gives them) that he, like the title character, was suffering from "daylight visions" or schizophrenia.
Imagine all the twisting and turning and manipulations probably involved in getting this little girl into a box flat enough to not be noticed at first.
FGS he stabbed her. He bound her. He violated a little girl.
I have no mercy for this man.
I don't understand the opinion that there was nothing mentally wrong with this child, and that he didn't contemplate suicide during the search for Madyson.

It would be exceptionally unusual if he had the same mindset as all of the rest of us, and for some reason he just chose, out of the blackness of his heart to do this.

He doesn't feel like all the rest of us. He was riddled with anxiety, oddness, loneliness, etc. He doesn't have the same ability to process good and evil, and empathy, and justice, that other people do.

No one who has a normal mindset, a normal outlook on life, just would choose based on nothing inherently wrong with him, to do this to a child.

Of course he's mentally ill. Of course he is.
Not to argue but there is no one "normal".
2 people can never occupy the same space. Mentally physically or otherwise.
I can't literally ever see thru the eyes of another nor can they thru mine.
That's one reason colors look different to all of us.
I'm not saying this teen isn't/wasn't depressed. IMO many of us are.
It's very common among teens.
They lack the coping skills, but they are readily available from counselors and the like. In a wished-for "ideal" artists' community such as the Tannery, where this young man actually worked at times w/little children, I'm sure the occupants are socially aware enough to provide such services.
If some refuse to believe in broken people and in the existence, even in the most non-religious form, of unexplainable evil, that's their right and I get it.
As a child of molestation and extreme mental abuse I had been at the bottom of the "pit" so many times when I was his age.
And we have no evidence whatsoever that he was abused or neglected.
IMO it was all a sick game to him. He is charged with lying in wait for Maddy.
What a road to choose to go down, and I do believe he had his eyes wide open.
Sorry not meaning to offend anyone.
This teen murderer reminds me very much of Joseph Duncan the prolific sadist, pedophile, murderer. Who by the way was not abused as a child. The FBI tried to find any abuse history in his past and found none. Yet at the age of 8 years old he was already raping five year old boys. When he was sent to an extensive in house mental treatment facility all of the doctors deemed him untreatable and boy were they right.

What AJG did and how he did it is far beyond what even some pedophiles do.

It seems to me he fantasized about a lot of depraved and perverted things. It wasnt enough for him to rape her and then strangle her after he had raped her. His acts are depraved, demonic, and sadistic. The binding, stabbing, beating, raping her, and then invading her little body with a foreign object shows he has full blown sadistic tendencies. IMO. I think the more he inflicted pain and suffering on little Maddy the more it gave him a rush.

I still believe one does not have to have an abusive childhood to become like AJG. I have read many books where the evildoer did not have a history of abuse whether in childhood or adulthood. In fact some were the opposite and were pampered which I think can have these same results in certain cases like this. I certainly believe that full blown narcissism can develop into being a sociopath.

And he had to have absolutely no feelings for little Maddy at all. She had to be crying her little heart out even when he was binding her up. The tears wouldnt stop just because he had made sure she couldnt scream. It didnt faze him. None of it. Anyone with an ounce of conscience or feelings couldnt do what he did to Maddy.

Maddy may have been his friend but he sure wasn't Maddy's. She was simply a means for him to act out his sadistic fantasies that I think he had had for a very long time. I expect his phone and computer will be filled with *advertiser censored*. Predators like AJG target those who are much weaker than them and gain their trust if they know their victim and that is what he did with Maddy knowing all along she was going to be his prey.

We constantly hear the same theme as we have heard in this case. "He/she is such a nice person, I cant believe he/she would ever do something like this" but the truth is these type of people only let someone see what they want them to see/hear and never reveals what is really in their sick depraved minds. It shows why even the best experts in the world cannot predict who will become a rapist or murderer or both before they become one

When they do drop their mask it is when looking into the eyes of their frightened victim. Maddy got to see the real AJG when he brutalized her and as he was taking her little life away.

This teen never needs to see the light of day. He is like Duncan and cant be fixed.

Beautifully written oceanblueeyes, like all your posts!
I cannot even look at anymore for now.
This case is making me literally sick, I cannot imagine what it's like for her poor mother.
And the killers mom, she has to think of coming home and sleeping there that first night, not knowing little Maddy was killed in her home, going over everything in retrospect that Adrain said or did.
My apologies for getting lost with the eyes bs but for the record I resisted the dumpster and Mad World arguments. :gaah:
:seeya: Get ready to move over to a new thread. I'll be back shortly with the link.
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