GUILTY CA - Manuel Ortega & others for gang rape of 15yo girl, Richmond, 2009

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DNA Solves
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Nurse Gives First Account Of Victim's Memory Of Richmond High Gang Rape

Posted: 7:30 pm PST November 18, 2010

MARTINEZ, Calif. -- A Contra Costa Health Services nurse gave the first account Thursday of what the victim of an alleged gang rape at Richmond High School last year said happened to her that night.

Anamaree Rea, a licensed vocational nurse at Contra Costa Regional Medical Center and the Sexual Assault Response Team coordinator for the hospital, testified that she conducted a three-hour exam of the victim on Oct. 25, 2009, the day after the assault.

Her testimony came as part of the preliminary hearing for the seven defendants charged in the case.

Rea described the victim, who was 16 at the time of the assault, as "very withdrawn" and said she was begging not to have to go back to the high school.

more here
Thanks for the update on this terrible crime, Texas Mist. It's good to know it's going to trial.
Thanks for the update on this terrible crime, Texas Mist. It's good to know it's going to trial.

sounds like the preliminary hearing is taking a while.

here's a link to testimony from a detective

**warning -it is graphic and disturbing, IMO**

and y'all will probably be as :furious: as I am that the defense is basically implying that the victim encouraged this least that's what I got out of it.
Posted: 6:52 am PST December 16, 2010

MARTINEZ, Calif. -- A DNA expert testified Wednesday that he found semen from two and possibly three of the defendants in the October 2009 gang rape at Richmond High School on the victim's body and on evidence collected at the scene.

David Stockwell, a forensics supervisor for the Contra Costa County Sheriff's Office, also said he found semen from at least one other person who is not among the seven defendants charged in the case.

He also found non-semen DNA from several of the defendants on evidence collected at the scene, Stockwell said.

more here
My God, what a bunch of animals. That mob mentality just takes over and it becomes a free-for-all. That poor girl. I was embarrassed just reading what had been done to her. How she must hate having this in this news. It is a terrible invasion of her privacy to detail what was done to her. Even if her name isn't used, you can bet everyone in that town knows who she is. They shouldn't publish those details. It only victimizes her more.
Thank you for keeping on top of this case, TM-I think about this child a lot. These parents should be kicking the ever loving carp out of their sons.
How can there be soooooo many abusers over such a long period of time? It's so much more than a "mob mentality," IMO. There is evil in the souls of everyone that took part in this CRIME. I hope they are all locked up forever.

This case makes me physically ill.
I agree, Belinda, that there must be a huge amount of embarrassment and shame but there also must be a certain measure of validation. We can't turn back the clock. None of us could come barreling around that corner and tackle those crazed men as they brutalized that girl. Now, we can. The crime was committed and thank God she lived to tell the tale. The men who committed this heinous attack on this young girl need to held accountable for every vile act.

I consider it the state's responsibility (yes, the taxpayer--you and me) to make certain, just as in Jaycee's case, that everything possible is done to assuage her pain and grief. Maybe a new name, maybe a move to a new city, therapy for as long as needed. But we can't ignore the enormity of this case due to embarrassment. That is the heavy door that slams shut on every victim. What's done is done. Now, it's time to turn the tables on the perpetrators, to extract justice, and to pick up the pieces. JMO.
I understand what you are saying, Missizzy. Yet, I still feel for this girl's privacy at having every sordid detail published. I know we must shine a light on these horrendous acts, but I fear this is doing further damage to the victim. I don't think I would feel validated if I were in her position, I would feel further violated. I hope she is getting all needed treatment and therapy.
It is very hard to read this case. I hope the poor girl has great therapy. :(
I cannot wait to read that the SOBs have been incarcerated for a very long time. :furious:
Six male defendants will stand trial in this case:

I like that they say "male defendants" and not "men" because these are not men nor even valid human beings!

One of them, 23 year old Elvis Torrentes, is claiming it was consensual sex. I thought I heard something on tv yesterday about the 44 year old claiming he has had sexual contact with this young woman before this horrible assault. I wonder what that is about--sorry if I missed previous discussion here. I haven't gone back and read. It seemed as if there were many more than 6 people involved in this assault....I didn't catch everything in the tv coverage but the judge let at least one person go, saying that all they did was behave immorally. Behave immorally??? Seems like it was way worse than that.

There are some interesting details in this article. Poor girl says she didn't usually drink but she had just found out her mother was leaving her father, and he didn't know about it yet...
My God, what a bunch of animals. That mob mentality just takes over and it becomes a free-for-all. That poor girl. I was embarrassed just reading what had been done to her. How she must hate having this in this news. It is a terrible invasion of her privacy to detail what was done to her. Even if her name isn't used, you can bet everyone in that town knows who she is. They shouldn't publish those details. It only victimizes her more.

bolded by me.

Excuse me for being graphic, but at least when multiple animals have sex with one female animal, they don't torture her and beat her, urinate on her and leave her for dead!
Six male defendants will stand trial in this case:

I like that they say "male defendants" and not "men" because these are not men nor even valid human beings!

One of them, 23 year old Elvis Torrentes, is claiming it was consensual sex. I thought I heard something on tv yesterday about the 44 year old claiming he has had sexual contact with this young woman before this horrible assault. I wonder what that is about--sorry if I missed previous discussion here. I haven't gone back and read. It seemed as if there were many more than 6 people involved in this assault....I didn't catch everything in the tv coverage but the judge let at least one person go, saying that all they did was behave immorally. Behave immorally??? Seems like it was way worse than that.

There are some interesting details in this article. Poor girl says she didn't usually drink but she had just found out her mother was leaving her father, and he didn't know about it yet...

Brilliant defense-it is unlikely that she has crystal clear recollections of that evening so let's say his DNA came up on a database for example, boom he alone had consensual sex with her that very same evening. What a coincidence.
I wanted to throw up. Worse and worse and worse. PD thought she was dead.

There is no justice here-there never will be...I hope to GOD she never ever remembers any of it and she can go on to have a normal life.

Right. It should be a life sentence, no parole seeing as how that is what she has.

Nice of some of the boys to use condoms.

They are slime and scum.
By Shelly Meron
Contra Costa Times

Posted: 01/21/2011 05:00:00 PM PST
Updated: 01/21/2011 05:37:36 PM PST
A teenage girl settled for $4 million a civil claim over a 2009 gang rape during the Richmond High School homecoming dance, attorneys said this week.
The victim came to an agreement with the West Contra Costa Unified School District to avoid drawn-out legal proceedings.
"We were very pleased to resolve the case for her on such favorable terms without her having to endure depositions, a trial or any further legal reminders of what happened to her," said Richard Schoenberger, an attorney representing the victim and her family.
"We had a very strong case against the school district," he added, "but felt that they were genuine in their attempts to resolve this case for her without putting her through a trial."
The victim will get an immediate payment of $2.5 million, while an additional $1.5 million will be paid out as a structured settlement over the next 40 years. <snip>The victim has since moved away from Richmond.
more at link:
By Shelly Meron
Contra Costa Times
Posted: 01/21/2011 05:00:00 PM PST
Updated: 01/21/2011 05:37:36 PM PST
A teenage girl settled for $4 million a civil claim over a 2009 gang rape during the Richmond High School homecoming dance, attorneys said this week.
The victim came to an agreement with the West Contra Costa Unified School District to avoid drawn-out legal proceedings.
"We were very pleased to resolve the case for her on such favorable terms without her having to endure depositions, a trial or any further legal reminders of what happened to her," said Richard Schoenberger, an attorney representing the victim and her family.
"We had a very strong case against the school district," he added, "but felt that they were genuine in their attempts to resolve this case for her without putting her through a trial."
The victim will get an immediate payment of $2.5 million, while an additional $1.5 million will be paid out as a structured settlement over the next 40 years. <snip>The victim has since moved away from Richmond.
more at link:

She deserves every cent of this--and more--but what is sickening is that the money will have to come from a school district that is already underfunded.
I wonder if it will make an impact at all, either with the perps or the victim.

Or if the good people of the community will resent her for causing untold reductions in services/classes offered in the district. :(
"We were very pleased to resolve the case for her on such favorable terms without her having to endure depositions, a trial or any further legal reminders of what happened to her," said Richard Schoenberger, an attorney representing the victim and her family.

There are no favorable terms here. None whatsoever, Mr. Schoenberger.
I know her attorney sounds cavelier when he says "favorable terms" but really, it is a blessing that she will not have to pursue the civil matter into a courtroom and before a jury. Just one more chance for her to be revictimized by having to go through a years long process of pursuing justice. This way, on the civil matter at least, she can move forward, take her settlement monies, get whatever treatment or counseling she needs.

I don't think he meant to sound flip, but the settlement was indeed a big victory for her and her family. This money could put them in a position to move and start over if need be, pay for intensive therapy if it is needed and get this young lady a decent start in her adult life.

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