Still Missing CA - Michaela Garecht, 9, Hayward, 19 Nov 1988 *ARREST*

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Wow Amber! it just makes you sick when you read stuff like that.
By the way SFBAY Sharon said that Helwig was asked over and over up till the time he died, and he denied everything. But someone that could be a part of this type of thing, would probably not have a soul, and would protect his little pedophile ring till the end.

Sharon once said that after the kidnapping that she met a man and he got close to her and her family. This man took a bunch of pictures of the family posing and smiling...... he then stopped coming around and her detectives have placed this man as a suspect (I believe) and he may have been taking pictures to show Michaela that "Her family didnt need her!"

You can bet that there are High Government officials that not only know about this, but probably use it to their advantage. Eventually this house of cards is going to come crashing down and when it does, we need to have public executions for anyone involved in My opinion!
I agree Leprikawn, it's sick, I just wish people paid more attention to the issue instead of ignoring it, because it won't go away.
Bumping for Michaela.

Sharon posted today and it was an excellent post that i recommend reading. She mentioned that she continues to get leads about the UAE and the surrounding area. This really aggravates me because if people know where she is, quit being vague and lets get her some help! Knowing where a kidnapped child is being kept and not saying anything is a crime in and of itself. It really makes me wonder how people can send an email to a mother who has waited for so many years to find her daughter, give her the minimum amount of information.........just to drive her to more sorrow........then put their head on a pillow and go to sleep!

its appalling!

~ Rod
Sniped from Sharon's blog...

To Michaela ... When You Come Home ...
Over the years that you have been gone, I have had a thousand fantasies of what it would be like when you came home. Seeing Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight found has reignited those fantasies. I was so moved by the crowds lining the streets and cheering for these girls, and I wanted you to see their story. Michaela, when I tell you that the world is longing to hear those words, "I am Michaela Garecht," I am not exaggerating. In the days after you were kidnapped, the response of the community was so huge you couldn't drive down a street in Hayward that wasn't lined with flyers with your face smiling down from them, and those flyers stayed up for ages. Now, almost 25 years later, the love has not abated but seems to have grown. In the wake of Jaycee Dugard being discovered, your story went out again, all over the world, and with the world being so much smaller these days, so closely connected by the worldwide web, it isn't just the local community that knows your name. It is an international community. There are people all over the world who are longing to hear those words, "I am Michaela Garecht."

I know that breaking free of whatever circumstances you may be in would be difficult, would be frightening. Remember what I told you, when we were together, that whenever you are scared, whenever you are sad, even if I can't be there with you in person, I am always with you in your heart. Touch your heart, and feel me there. I am reaching out across the miles that stretch between us, and I am holding your hand. It has been the most difficult thing I have had to face, knowing that you needed me and not being able to find you, not being able to get to you, but you have never been completely alone. And remember also what Pooh said to Piglet, "If ever there is a tomorrow when we're not together ... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart, I'll always be with you."
"Murch's daughter, Michaela Joy Garecht, was kidnapped on the morning of November 19, 1988, in Hayward, California, a suburb of Oakland. Witnesses, including a friend, saw a man grab her from behind and pull her, screaming, into his car.

'Hope is a very difficult thing,' says Murch, her face serene and her words matter of fact, as she recounts an unimaginable horror. 'It's a difficult thing to hold on to. But when things happen like these girls being found, it picks you up and carries you along for a while so you can regain your strength.'"
Bump.... Has anyone heard from Sharon? She has not posted on her blog since July...
Sharon posted again. She said since the speed freak killers lead and the bone fragment, Hayward police has removed the detectives from the case and moved Michaela's files out of the little room they were in.
I guess the police figured it was enough...............I highly disagree, it is frankly NOT enough! Until every lead is followed up and closed, and all roads have been found to be a dead end this case is not finished!

The whole thing is nauseating! How the people who make these decisions can look themselves in the mirror is beyond me. WHEN Michaela is found I hope they are publicly embarrassed till the end of time!

anyway.......enough with my rants.........Bumping for a very beautiful girl who captures so many hearts!

That's so sad.

I wonder if Shermantine knows for sure if Herzog kidnapped Michaela or he's just speculating because the composite has such a striking resemblance to him.

Still no answers for Sharon, but she says they have a few prime suspects so that's interesting.
I remember this tragic case on Unsolved Mysteries. It sort of reminded of the Michigan Babysitter Case in the 1970s. In those crimes however, the victims were found deceased after they had been held alive for several days to a couple of weeks. Anyway, 25 years missing next week.
One of the biggest things we can do for Michaela and her family, is for each and every one of us to write to the Chief of Police for Hayward California and beg her to give more resources to follow up on the over 10,000 leads.
I will definitely do this, and I ask each and every one of you that reads this to do the same.
Thank you.

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Just wanted to let you know that her flyer is all over facebook. Thinking about Michaela.
Thinking of Michaela. I believe we will find her, and that her case is not one for the books. Marking 25 years:(

Her Charley Project case has also been updated. The last paragraph shares her mother believes Michaela was sold into human trafficking and that she was taken out of the country. There have been reported sightings of her in Mexico and recently in the United Arab Emirates, a small country on the Persian Gulf. She believes her daughter is alive. I believe in a mother's instinct.
Please share her story and pictures all over the place!!!
Thanks Amber, I believe in a mothers instinct as well and my gut tells me she is alive.

25 years! Way too long, way too long.

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Here are list of suspects in Michaela's case..........these are the ones I know of.

Timothy Binder: The star of Stalemate and probably a genius in manipulation.

Loren Herzog and Wesley Shermantine: These two animals could very well be involved but because of games being played by the FBI and the county sheriff of Linden, we may never know the depth of the evil these two dished out.

James Daveggio: a true sicko but I doubt him and his partner Michaud were involved. I think they were caught just when they were amping up their violence, thank God!

Curtis Dean Anderson: Doesnt really fit the composite, but his method of operation would be in line with taking a child.

Philip Garrido: They say he has been ruled out by Hayward PD but I seem to think that the whole story hasnt been told here.

David Jensen: The FBI and hayward PD felt he was a strong enough suspect to rip his house apart. He claimed he was going to sue them but I dont think he ever did. This guy flew under the radar and when I saw that they had ripped his house to shreds looking for evidence, it made me think long and hard about him.

If there are any other suspects please add them. I think that at the very least if we are shining a light on these people, they wont be able to sleep peacefully.
Well it doesn't look like too many resources are being given to solve this case anymore. Very sad when it's solvable. Bumping for Michaela

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