Still Missing CA - Michaela Garecht, 9, Hayward, 19 Nov 1988 *ARREST*

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DNA Solves
My prayers go out to Michaela's family that they will get closure out of this terrible situation. In this video from today, the mother is still hopeful that MIcheala is alive:

The search of the Garrido property is still going on today.

Of particular interest, they are searching for Michaela's earrings (mother of pearl shaped like a feather), the clothes and shoes she was wearing when she vanished and they have brought in a magnotometer to detect dental fillings and ground penetrating radar. The searchers are looking for a grave.

The search is expected to continue through the weekend.
A couple of things I want to mention.

On PG's business card his email address said "phillipknight".

Wouldn't PG's GPS Monitor have data to determine where he was on any particular day? I'm not sure how these work or exactly what the purpose is except to keep track of convicts on lifetime parole.
Reported today by Hayward PD at press conference: Palm Print on Michaela's scooter does not match Philip or Nancy Garrido.
Doogie: Have the search the Sunol Canyon highway 84 for remains?This is a direct route from Union City and Livermore and 580.I have thought from Day one that would have been a perfect place .So many off roads there.
Doogie: Have the search the Sunol Canyon highway 84 for remains?This is a direct route from Union City and Livermore and 580.I have thought from Day one that would have been a perfect place .So many off roads there.

Back when Michaela was abducted I commuted that way from Hayward to Livermore every day. I remember trying to looking at every car I could while driving, thinking the same thing, that that road would have been the escape route or maybe some creep was living in that canyon and had her. As I recall, LE even did helicopter searches with infared cameras (or whatever they call it) of that whole Niles Canyon area at one point. Of course, if it was Garrido who abducted her, he was beelining it to Antioch via that route and the car was not exactly the same color as described by the witnesses, so at the time, people would have been looking for the wrong car.

The composite of Michaelas kidnapper is at the above site. I still can not let go of the possibility of "Tony" being the same person who kidnapped Johnny Gosch and Michaela. The theory behind JG kidnapping is a child prostitution/*advertiser censored* ring that was hushed up by government officials. Possible? Yes. Probable? I am not sure. Here is Johnny Goschs kidnapper:

I am working on it. Various witnesses to the Gosch saga have given two different last names for "Tony". The first name given to me actually checked to match a real person with certain facts that pointed toward this being a good lead and was passed on to LE, but later info about the source of the last name has left me wondering if I had been hoaxed. Two closer witnesses gave me a different name (but the same info from both). I have yet to find this person, but I suspect that this may the infamous Tony. However, I have come to believe that the Tony from the Gosch case may not be the same person as the kidnapper of Michaela, though both perps may look very similar. I honestly believe that Garrido is Michaela's abductor.

Anything is possible, but Philip and Nacy Garrido did not meet until about a decade after Anna's disappearance. It is possible that Garrido may have had a different female accomplaice in 1973, but that is unknown at this time. Also, the car that was used in the Garecht kidnapping and the car found on Garrido's property are both 1980's models - Anna disappeared in 1973 so any similarity is just coincidence.

Any news on Tony?

Also, do you remember Christine, pg's first wife saying she helped find pg women? It would not surprise me if after marrying him that the possibility of her helping him kidnap a child couldn't happen. As for the car? Anything is possible with his old car fetish. Grasping at straws here, I know, but hopefully it would at least give new ideas and possibilities.
??? It is more probable that "Tony" took Michaela then Garrido???
I passed along info about "Tony" to the Haywrad PD about a year ago, but they didn't seem too impressed with it. I personally believe that Garrido is a much stronger suspect, but if that eventually is dismissed, then maybe Tony will get another look.
IIRC, Michaela's mother, on her blog (, says she doesn't put much stock in the Gosch conspiracy, and that she does not know how or why the sketch is affiliated with Johnny Gosch. However, I've never heard ANYONE's theory as to how it happened that BOTH composite sketches of Michaela's kidnapper (the original, black and white AND the sketch in John Philpin's STALEMATE) wound up on

Does anyone have any information on this?
I have been working with Michaela's mom to create a Facebook page for Michaela, to keep her picture and story circulating among as many people as possible. Hopefully, this may generate some new leads...
I have been working with Michaela's mom to create a Facebook page for Michaela, to keep her picture and story circulating among as many people as possible. Hopefully, this may generate some new leads...

Welcome to Websleuths b4e. Please post a link to your site when you get it up and running.
Shedding tears tonight for this little girl whom I've never met. January 24 is Michaela's birthday. Her story, and getting to know her mother via Facebook, have touched me deeply. Sharon is a shining example of keeping hope alive and I pray that 2010 is the year that Michaela is finally able to come home.

If you would like to light a virtual candle to honor Michaela's birthday, here is the link:

By Mo Montgomery
Updated: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 10:11 AM PDT

An Exeter family is still attempting to make sense of an intense investigation that occurred last Wednesday at their home on B Street. The Tulare County Sheriff's Department, FBI Evidence Response Team, Santa Clara Sheriffs Department's K-9 Specialized Search Team, Tulare County Fire Department and the Hayward Police Department searched David and Gaylene Jensen's home for hours collecting bags of evidence and digging in the backyard. the son who would have been four at the time.........went to LE as a grown man and told them he killed a girl and buried her.

Interesting. He must have felt pretty convince that something happened all of those years ago.
You would think the palm print they have would have been the first thing they check on this guy. I haven't heard anything else on this.
Michaela's mom tells me that he is one of many different suspects/leads that Hayward PD are following up on. Thanks to a very dedicated police force, this case is far from cold. (But I do wish there were more public updates!)

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