CA - O.J. Simpson & the murders of Nicole Brown, Ron Goldman, 1994 *not guilty*

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May 15, 2004
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NEW YORK (AP) — Nicole Brown Simpson's older sister, Denise Brown, accused a former prosecutor in the O.J. Simpson trial of having "trashed" her family in a book.

Brown said the prosecutor, Marcia Clark, had been rude and arrogant to her from the outset of the trial.

"The very first time I went to Marcia Clark's office, she had a huge poster-board picture of my sister with her head almost cut off propped up right near her desk," Brown told The Daily News for Sunday editions. "I told Marcia I couldn't look at that and she told me it was like 'part of the furniture' to her. How insensitive can you be? That was my sister."

Clark also wrote a book about the trial that Brown said unfairly accused the family of not helping Nicole Brown Simpson leave her relationship with O.J. Simpson sooner.

"As if the murders and the trial weren't bad enough, after the trial (she) goes and writes her $4.2 million book and she trashed my family. What kind of person does that?" Brown told the News.

O.J. Simpson was acquitted of murder charges in the slayings of his ex-wife and her friend, Ronald Goldman, but a civil jury later held him liable and ordered him to pay the victims' survivors $33.5 million.
I saw Denise Brown on Catherine Crier and heard what she said about Marcia Clark. Marcia took a case about domestic violence and murder. She should have known everything about domestic violence and Battered Women's Syndrome. For her to blame the Browns for Nicole staying in her situation is pure ignorance. I'm sure that the family said and did everything that they could think of but you can't make a person do something even if you know it is best for them. Nicole did eventually leave and divorce OJ but he had told her long before "If I can't have you no one will" and he meant it.
I think that Marcia Clark and Chris Darden were the worst Pros possible. I can't understand how Marcia Clark even had the nerve to write a book about the case. She helped the defense win the darn case. I'll bet she didn't take any of the blame for losing the case either.
Even if the picture of Nicole was like a piece of furniture to Marcia Clark she should have known better than to have it showing as she knew the family was coming to her office. Nicole wasn't Marcia Clark's daughter or sister. She should have put herself in the family's shoes and put the picture away. I never saw the pic's of my daughter and I never wanted to. Our detective was very careful to never have them around when I was in his office. I would have fallen apart if I had ever seen them. I can't imagine a attorney being so thoughtless. That would be a nightmare a person would never get over.
I was hoping that Denise would say whether her family ever see Nicole's children. After the custody battle I'll bet that OJ never lets them see the kids. The girl will start college so she is old enough to see them if she choses I guess. I'm just curious.
You know, I consider myself to be pretty no nonsense and hard core about most things, but Clark was way out of line with this case from the very beginning. This case was the prosecution's to loose, and they did a damn good job of that! For her to go on to profit via this book is reprehensible.
I saw the Denise Brown interview and I didn't know that Marcia really trashed her family and was insensitive to their feelings. She told a story about having a meeting with Marcia and there was an autopsy photo of Nicole on her desk. Denise was very upset and Marcia poo pooed moving the picture, said it was like furniture to her......

I read Chris Darden's book awhile ago. I remember that he said Marcia was going through a rough custody battle with her ex during the trial......I wonder if her mind and heart were not in her work. Not an excuse maybe an explaination.
Could be Momma - I'm not sure. I do know that attorneys dealing with horrible cases have to learn to separate their feelings and have to view evidence that most people couldn't bear looking at. I can see how the photographs of the autopsy and crime scene could become "run of the mill" to Clark. I have a problem with her performance during the trial because she got cocky and thought she had it in the bag. She dropped the ball during that trial and because of it, OJ hasn't seen a day of justice for these murders. Then, on top of that, her $4.2 million payday for writing the book and accusing the family of not doing enough to get Nicole away from OJ is just pure recklessness. Nicole had divorced OJ - they had children together. I don't know what else was supposed to have happened. She couldn't move to the moon in order to get away from him and she certainly couldn't stop him from seeing the kids. She was trying to be a good divorced parent, as far as I could see, and include OJ in their childrens' lives. I don't think she's done herself any favors by writing this book.
LP Moderator said:
Could be Momma - I'm not sure. I do know that attorneys dealing with horrible cases have to learn to separate their feelings and have to view evidence that most people couldn't bear looking at. I can see how the photographs of the autopsy and crime scene could become "run of the mill" to Clark. I have a problem with her performance during the trial because she got cocky and thought she had it in the bag. She dropped the ball during that trial and because of it, OJ hasn't seen a day of justice for these murders. Then, on top of that, her $4.2 million payday for writing the book and accusing the family of not doing enough to get Nicole away from OJ is just pure recklessness. Nicole had divorced OJ - they had children together. I don't know what else was supposed to have happened. She couldn't move to the moon in order to get away from him and she certainly couldn't stop him from seeing the kids. She was trying to be a good divorced parent, as far as I could see, and include OJ in their childrens' lives. I don't think she's done herself any favors by writing this book.
Nancy Grace doesn't do that she just let's her emotion & what is ever on her mind about the case come out, very passionate for victims, becuase she was one herself.
I think this case is the only one I was ever totally consumed with day and night. I bought every book that was written about the case. (I bought one by OJ's niece that I read overnight and took back the next day. Just a try for making money all the way.)

It was told in more than one book that Nicole went to her family and told of things OJ had done to her. And, that she was thinking of leaving him. This was long before she actually did. Her mother talked her into staying with him. Women didn't leave their husbands during some rough patches. I hate to say it but I think they did talk her into staying with him. He made sure they had money and gifts.

Marcia's husband (or ex) decided to sue her for custody of the kids during the trial. She also had an absessed tooth that she didn't even have the time to go to the dentist for. So, she was in an extreme amount of pain during the trial. She hardly got any sleep with the OJ trial and the custody trial. So, considering everything, I think she did the best she could. And, with the evidence they did present, if it had been anyone but OJ, they would have won. IMO they could have done the most excellent job in prosecutorial history and OJ still would have been found Not Guilty. The jury had their minds made up from the beginning and nothing said or presented would have changed it.
Levi said:
Nancy Grace doesn't do that she just let's her emotion & what is ever on her mind about the case come out, very passionate for victims, becuase she was one herself.

Yeah, well, she's on television now and not the courtroom - so she can do that. I think she's awesome!!
Reasons why the prosecution lost the OJ case:

1. The jury – racial makeup, predominantly black women who had no sympathy for Nicole, a beautiful white rich woman who had been married to a black superstar.

2. The judge – Couldn’t control the courtroom, made stupid decisions regarding the dismissed juror who overheard the “now its payback time” remark and not the juror who made the remark!

3. The trial location – Downtown vs. Santa Monica, which would have been more a “jury of his peers.” Goes to the problem in #1.

4. The glove – Stupid decision to try on a leather glove that had been wet (with blood) and dried stiff. Ever put on an old golf glove that had dried with sweat on it? IT SHRINKS!

5. The investigator caught in lie about the “n” word. Mark Fuhrman use of the “n” word sealed the case.

Edited to add:

Oh yeah, and don't forget the jury was sequestered for 9 months!! That is like being in prison. They wanted out and in a hurry, and they were eager to punish those that put them there (prosecution).
this case was marcia's retirement package. durden blew it by having OJ try on the glove. denise lived off her sister and o.j. the jury had collective IQ of asparagus. those children will one day read trial transcripts if they haven't already. God will get o.j. the current national ad johnny cochran is running on t.v. is an affront to decency. he should hide his face with shame. God already got kardashian. o.j. seems impervious to being anathema to most of the world. that's o.k. there is justice ultimately. karma as well. he will come back as a dung beetle on a pile of feces in a back alley in bangkok. all my constitutionally protected opinion of course!
next monday at 10 est o.j. will appear on greta @ fox news. :liar: prepare to see a lot of him this 10th anniv. by those who would pander to him.
I'm not sure I want to see the Greta special on OJ. On one hand I am a bit curious to see how tough her questions might be, but I really don't want to support the fact that she PAID him to do this interview. I don't want that murderer to make any money.
i didn't know it's paid interview...i'm sure he plans to turn over any monies to Goldman family per court order. :sick: it will be softball interview or his attny. would not let him do it. however, his ego could let him put his foot in it, bruno magli and all.
deputylinda said:
i didn't know it's paid interview...i'm sure he plans to turn over any monies to Goldman family per court order. :sick: it will be softball interview or his attny. would not let him do it. however, his ego could let him put his foot in it, bruno magli and all.

Surely, your joking??? O.J. hasn't paid one cent of that judgment and he says he doesn't intend to ever pay anything toward it. O.J. is an accomplished liar and I doubt his attorneys have one word to say about anything he does - now or ever.
He is such a sicko!! He told Greta that he sometimes is mad at Nicole for not being around because there are times in his kids lives that they need their mother.

Also, an interview with CC on CTV Wed. night.
That's it!! I saw all the promos on the Greta show, and I'M NOT WATCHING IT!! That SOB is so disgusting, and now he blames Nicole for her murder (that he committed), which is so common to battering men!

He makes me want to puke! :furious:
I sent the following message to Greta's show, "On the Record":

"I will be joining the legions of faithful viewers of "On The Record" who will NOT be watching your interview with OJ Simpson on Monday.

I am disappointed that you chose to PAY him for an interview - money which he does not deserve, and money that in all liklihood will not go to the Goldman family despite their judgment to collect from his earnings.

Your lack of judgment in giving this unpunished murderer a forum from which to spew his warped view of history is a huge disappointment to your regular viewers."
O.J. Talks to Fox on 10th Anniversary of Nicole's Murder

LOS ANGELES — In an interview marking the 10th anniversary of Nicole Brown Simpson's (search) murder, O.J. Simpson (search) virtually blames his ex-wife for her own slaying, declares Kobe Bryant and Jacko innocent, appears to mock the idea of date rape — and plugs his own tacky reality-TV show.

The disgraced grid legend makes the offhanded comments in a TV interview with Fox News Channel's Greta Van Susteren (search).

Speaking about how he's handled the anniversary of his wife's slaying, Simpson says he's "angry" with Nicole for keeping an unsavory social set in 1994 — the year a knife-wielding assailant slaughtered Brown and Ronald Goldman outside her Brentwood condo.

"I am angry with her [Nicole]. I am angry that she found herself hangin' out with this group of — who are these people?" Simpson said.

"I could count on my fingers the time I have seen Faye Resnick and this is a group of nomads, I guess, that Nicole started hanging out with, after we were divorced. And her mother didn't like 'em."

Van Susteren and Simpson taped their 44-minute chat recently at a hotel in Miami.

During the interview, which airs Monday at 10 p.m., Simpson shamelessly plugs a prank reality-TV show he claims to be developing. Simpson compared it to MTV's show featuring actor Ashton Kutcher pulling stunts.

"It's a takeoff on something called 'Punk'd.' It's me doing gags as, as Juice. Juice. What they call 'juicing' people," he said. "[On a scale of 1-10], it's 7 or 8, that it's gonna happen."

O.J. had harsh words for almost everyone involved in his trial, saving his most blunt attack for Denise Brown, who runs a foundation in her sister's memory. He claims she's profited from Nicole's murder.

"I am sure the income is down on the foundation that she works for — which, I would imagine makes her income go down," Simpson said. "I don't think anyone's bills have been paid more than Denise's from what came from the trial."

Simpson also comments on the prosecutions of NBA star Kobe Bryant (search) and King of Pop Michael Jackson. He believes both are innocent. Bryant is accused of raping a hotel employee in Eagle County, Colo., while Jackson's been indicted for allegedly molesting a young cancer victim last year in Santa Barbara County.

"As far as I am concerned, they [Bryant and Michael Jackson] are innocent until proven guilty," O.J. said.

In commenting on Bryant's case, Simpson appeared to mock the concept of date rape, saying "no" doesn't always mean "no."

"I have certainly in my life, had girls come to the room, and say 'no' or say whatever. And when I was a kid growing up, just about every girl said 'no' once," a laughing Simpson said. "You know, they had to, because you'd think they were a *advertiser censored* or something. In my opinion, 'date rape,' and 'stranger rape,' are two different things entirely."
With the grisly June 12 anniversary next week, Simpson said he and the two children he had with Nicole — Sydney, 18, and Justin, 16 — have already toasted their mom's memory.

"I don't look at the anniversary. I regret the fact that we even had to know that this is the anniversary. I did [mark the occasion] a few days ago. I did have my kids at dinner, at a Benihana-type place," Simpson said. "And, I said, 'OK, we gotta toast. This would have been your mother's 45th birthday.' "
Absolutely DISGUSTING!

I will not be watching any interviews with this murderer, because I cannot stand the thought of him profiting from his crime.
LP Moderator said:
Surely, your joking??? O.J. hasn't paid one cent of that judgment and he says he doesn't intend to ever pay anything toward it. O.J. is an accomplished liar and I doubt his attorneys have one word to say about anything he does - now or ever.
of course, i was being facetious. and sarcastic..i loathe and despise everything he did and does.

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