Still Missing CA - Orson & Orrin West (3&4), California City, 21 Dec 2020 #3

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I haven’t heard anyone mention the possibility that the holes may have been left there by concrete pilings that were installed to stabilize a large children’s playhouse/slide/climbing wall. Possibly someone who lived there years ago had one and took it with them when they moved. This would entail digging up the concrete pilings that had been buried deep enough to go into the hard packed soil underneath the sandy top layer. They probably filled the holes in with sand. Or it could be that they cut the post off at the level of the pilings and just added sandy soil on top to cover it all up. Either way, it looked suspicious so the police dug it up.

This is just a theory. I don’t have any thing to prove that there was ever a playhouse there. MOO
I don't think it's likely, but if they somehow have video of someone entering/exiting that gate they could be measuring the gate to reference the height of people/persons entering or exiting the gate. I've heard several cases of LE going back to measure objects, doors, ceiling etc to try go narrow down a person's height.
Adding to my comment earlier. It doesn't necessarily need to be the day the children went missing either. The neighbor potentially has months of video that captures this area. There could be footage in the past month(s) that shows kids going in/out of the gate, or even in/out of the front door for that matter. LE could be measuring the gate and other areas of the house and surrounding area to cross-check heights of children seen on footage to determine if any of them could be O&O or if their heights are closer matches to the other 4 children. Ultimately trying to very if/when the children were seen in Cal City.
I've added a lot to the Case Archive. Please go look. I do it mostly for you here at WS.

Orrin and Orson West -CA-
Thank you so much Amanda!

Here’s what disturbs me the most about those pictures. (Aside from the fact we know there are two missing children).
The pictures of the AP’s. They look happy. They look like nice people. They really do.
How could things have gone so wrong, so bad from those happy faces?

So very sad and truly tragic.
I think this sad saga will come to a conclusion shortly.

amateur opinion and speculation
If I were LE I would want to dig in those disturbed patches as well, not sure I would go as far as to say they look like true holes, but maybe what once was a dug hole, moo.

people have been discussing security footage they’ve seen of TW with the wood, TW driving or standing at a tree waiting for police, etc. I’m having a hard time finding these, could someone post or send me a link or source, etc? TIA! :)

just wanna quick add that I appreciate you all and the community feel that WS brings when researching some extremely heavy topics. WS community is so invaluable in many ways! Thanks @AmandaReckonwith, mods and @Tricia for all you do!
Chief Walker didn’t want to say the last date that the Grandmother has seen O and O because people would speculate.
Would anyone speculate if she had seen them in the last week before they were reported missing or would they speculate that she hasn’t seen them since they moved from Bakersfield?
I'm watching the interview with the adoptive parents again by accident. Someone in the crowd asks if they are foster parents. The adoptive parents say, no, we're adoptive parents.

So, who is right ? Them or Chief ? It's possible Chief got it wrong to me.
I'm watching the interview with the adoptive parents again by accident. Someone in the crowd asks if they are foster parents. The adoptive parents say, no, we're adoptive parents.

So, who is right ? Them or Chief ? It's possible Chief got it wrong to me.
I believe in their interview the
parents were confirming they are the adoptive parents of Orrin and Orson.

The Chief clarified in his interview with reporter Bayan Wang, that of the couple’s 6 children, Orrin and Orson are adopted, 2 are foster children, and 2 are their biological children.

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I'm watching the interview with the adoptive parents again by accident. Someone in the crowd asks if they are foster parents. The adoptive parents say, no, we're adoptive parents.

So, who is right ? Them or Chief ? It's possible Chief got it wrong to me.
There are six kids total ... two bio, two foster and two adopted (Orrin & Orson). Exactly as the Chief said?
I believe in their interview the
parents were confirming that they are the adoptive parents of Orrin and Orson.

The Chief clarified in his interview with reporter Bayan Wang, that of the couple’s 6 children, Orrin and Orson are adopted, 2 are foster children, and 2 are their biological children.


There are six kids total ... two bio, two foster and two adopted (Orrin & Orson). Exactly as the Chief said?

In the press conference, the adoptive parents were asked:

Yall Are you foster parents, right ?

Adoptive parents (both at the same time): No, we're adopted.

If they had any foster children, they would have said so. IMO.
To me it would seem reasonable for them to think the questionning was about O&O

eta : caveat, I haven’t rewatched it

When yall get a chance, watch it and let me know what you think. It's towards the end of the video when the audience starts asking questions. There are a couple of men who don't understand putting the two boys outside by themselves at all. Then the lady asks the question.

If I had 2 foster kids, My answer would have been: we adopted them but we also have foster kids.

Not a flat out no.
I'm watching the interview with the adoptive parents again by accident. Someone in the crowd asks if they are foster parents. The adoptive parents say, no, we're adoptive parents.

So, who is right ? Them or Chief ? It's possible Chief got it wrong to me.
Regarding Orrin and Orson they are the AP. regarding the other 4. 2 are bio, 2 are Foster.
Either way I'm glad that at least the remaining 4 are in protective custody.
I'm watching the interview with the adoptive parents again by accident. Someone in the crowd asks if they are foster parents. The adoptive parents say, no, we're adoptive parents.

So, who is right ? Them or Chief ? It's possible Chief got it wrong to me.
I think that either O&O or the two older boys (who may be siblings or half siblings) were all in foster care at some point and were eventually all adopted.

There are two biological children of TW and JW as well.

Also I'm not sure if the older siblings were adopted first and later Orrin and Orson adopted later ?

From reading back in this thread and in the media, the older siblings of O&O were in foster care and then the two youngest were placed sometime after their birth.
I'm not sure if TW and JW had all 4 of them as foster kids from the start or if they were initially placed with a different foster family.
I think at the time of the two youngest 'vanishing', TW and JW had all 6 boys in their care , which would include their bio kids and the 4 adopted boys.
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