Found Deceased CA - Paul Miller, 51, Canadian missing in Joshua Tree National Park, San Bernardino Co., 13 Jul 2018

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A little more on Carrion birds.

Some people may think its only like in the movies that these birds can quickly find deceased carcasses. From personal experience I have seen them show up quickly after tossing a large dead snake into the woods near where I live. The snake got hit by a car near my driveway and so I tossed it in the nearby brush and within 2 days of throwing the snake in the woods a flock of crows started flying around and making a racket.

It became obvious why the crows were hanging around.
I’m not sure why people question him not being found. All you have to do is go read the Rachel Nguyen/Joseph Orbeso thread from last summer to realize that people disappear and neither dog teams nor humans find them that easily in the desert. Their dog teams and humans initially found traces of them and still weren’t able to find them during the initial week search. It took Joseph’s father and a ton of volunteers months to actually find them. I know WS members tend to look for foul play but I haven’t read anything yet that screams foul play to me. I just hope this case doesn’t go the way of Bill Ewasco or the Death Valley German tourists cases. I hope he is found soon.

But he was missed IMMEDIATELY and six different dogs found ZERO trace of him. That's what separates his case from the Rachel/ Joseph case in my mind.
You're quick , thanks !!!:);)
With time that has passed a deseaced body would have been found by passer bys. The smell of a decaying body is a one of a kind smell.

Honestly if they have not spoken about being SAR cadaver dogs out there I personally would not believe they are leaning towards the fact he is out there. If the probability based on the clues and evidence or lack of evidence he was there it is not work putting a dog, their handler and flanker at risk of injury. Jmo

Desert summers produces great variability in decay rates of human remains. Summer temperatures, which range well over 38 degrees C (100 degrees F), induce rapid bloating as a result of the accumulation of decompositional gases. However, in certain circumstances, the aridity (which may not be significantly affected by brief rain showers) can lead to extensive mummification, allowing preservation of remains for hundreds of years and with it, a lack of the small of decomp. With outdoor exposure, remains are more likely to pass through a long period of dehydration of outer tissues, mummification, and reduction of desiccated tissue so this could well be why no carrion. As for "passers by", other than SAR I doubt anyone is out there right now, it's just not safe due to the high temps.
Desert summers produces great variability in decay rates of human remains. Summer temperatures, which range well over 38 degrees C (100 degrees F), induce rapid bloating as a result of the accumulation of decompositional gases. However, in certain circumstances, the aridity (which may not be significantly affected by brief rain showers) can lead to extensive mummification, allowing preservation of remains for hundreds of years and with it, a lack of the small of decomp. With outdoor exposure, remains are more likely to pass through a long period of dehydration of outer tissues, mummification, and reduction of desiccated tissue so this could well be why no carrion. As for "passers by", other than SAR I doubt anyone is out there right now, it's just not safe due to the high temps.
Desert summers produces great variability in decay rates of human remains. Summer temperatures, which range well over 38 degrees C (100 degrees F), induce rapid bloating as a result of the accumulation of decompositional gases. However, in certain circumstances, the aridity (which may not be significantly affected by brief rain showers) can lead to extensive mummification, allowing preservation of remains for hundreds of years and with it, a lack of the small of decomp. With outdoor exposure, remains are more likely to pass through a long period of dehydration of outer tissues, mummification, and reduction of desiccated tissue so this could well be why no carrion. As for "passers by", other than SAR I doubt anyone is out there right now, it's just not safe due to the high temps.

You are always my voice of reason, GraceG, but in this case I'll be with our SAR professional.:)

ETA sitting on my hands is impossible for me obviously :oops:
Hiking - Joshua Tree National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

"Fortynine Palms Oasis Fortynine Palms parking area, accessed off Highway 62. 3 miles (4.8 km) 2-3 hours Out and back. There is a 300 foot (91 m) elevation gain in both directions, as you hike up and over a ridge dotted with barrel cactus. Beyond the ridge, descend to a fan palm oasis in a rocky canyon. Avoid this trail when it's hot out."

I thought it was interesting that the part I bolded was added to the description. This comes directly from the park's official website. There are other hikes listed in that section that do not carry that caveat but above the list it does says those hikes, "...may not be recommended for summer." However, under that section are hikes that it specifically states, "Challenging Hikes - Do Not Attempt in the Heat."
Hiking - Joshua Tree National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

"Fortynine Palms Oasis Fortynine Palms parking area, accessed off Highway 62. 3 miles (4.8 km) 2-3 hours Out and back. There is a 300 foot (91 m) elevation gain in both directions, as you hike up and over a ridge dotted with barrel cactus. Beyond the ridge, descend to a fan palm oasis in a rocky canyon. Avoid this trail when it's hot out."

I thought it was interesting that the part I bolded was added to the description. This comes directly from the park's official website. There are other hikes listed in that section that do not carry that caveat but above the list it does says those hikes, "...may not be recommended for summer." However, under that section are hikes that it specifically states, "Challenging Hikes - Do Not Attempt in the Heat."
This sign is in the parking lot. Would make me think twice before hiking in July.

Source: Joshua Tree National Park FB page
Joshua Tree National Park
I found Paul's LinkedIn profile:

(I know it's his because the university matches what the Desert Sun article said, as well a former employer mentioned on ).

After seeing that, do you suppose it's simply safe to say he would have taken enough water??? I suppose that may not be true depending on whether or not he is missing as a result of an unforeseen accident....
Hiking - Joshua Tree National Park (U.S. National Park Service)

"Fortynine Palms Oasis Fortynine Palms parking area, accessed off Highway 62. 3 miles (4.8 km) 2-3 hours Out and back. There is a 300 foot (91 m) elevation gain in both directions, as you hike up and over a ridge dotted with barrel cactus. Beyond the ridge, descend to a fan palm oasis in a rocky canyon. Avoid this trail when it's hot out."

I thought it was interesting that the part I bolded was added to the description. This comes directly from the park's official website. There are other hikes listed in that section that do not carry that caveat but above the list it does says those hikes, "...may not be recommended for summer." However, under that section are hikes that it specifically states, "Challenging Hikes - Do Not Attempt in the Heat."

Which makes me wonder about this whole trip. A hiking vacation, to the southwest, in July. It's a weird time to go. This trail would have been fine to hike early in the morning and maybe late in the day, but it's not a great hiking vacation (to anywhere, not just JTNP) if half the day you can't hike because it's too hot.

It's not like you don't know how hot it is. Those kind of temperatures, you step out of the door at 9am and the heat is hitting you.
Rental company charging missing man's credit card

There's video at the link of a family friend talking about the issues they've had with the rental car company (Paul's credit card continues to be charged, which I assume means the car hasn't been towed back to the company).

They confirm the key is missing with Paul. Do we know if the car was found locked? I've seen images of the hood raised and police tape going into the trunk so either the car was left unlocked or police/a locksmith used tools to get into the vehicle.
Rental company apologizes for charging missing man

A video update on the car rental story above -- Dollar/Hertz have issued an apology and will be refunding the charges. Apparently Paul's wife contacted them the day Paul went missing to let them know what was going on.

At the end of the clip, the reporter states: "And Miller's friends have also set up an online campaign to help his family deal with the sudden loss of his income. With no answers about his whereabouts or condition, there is a concern this could impact his life insurance policies."

At the end of the clip, the reporter states: "And Miller's friends have also set up an online campaign to help his family deal with the sudden loss of his income. With no answers about his whereabouts or condition, there is a concern this could impact his life insurance policies."

Ahh life insurance, one of those things that seems to be so common in the US (& a common cause of missing/deceased persons). That just piqued my interest, along with the "sudden loss of income" comment which is mentioned on the page. Someone earlier in the thread mentioned "2 paychecks away from financial disaster" and this family may be an example of this. Either that or Paul is worth more not being around..
Ahh life insurance, one of those things that seems to be so common in the US (& a common cause of missing/deceased persons). That just piqued my interest, along with the "sudden loss of income" comment which is mentioned on the page. Someone earlier in the thread mentioned "2 paychecks away from financial disaster" and this family may be an example of this. Either that or Paul is worth more not being around..
Life insurance policies (plural?). Wonder how many he had and how much. I personally have own policy I've had since age 24 for 100k only (I've followed too many of these cases and tell my husband no way I'm ever signing off for more) plus my work gives me an automatic policy of 50k. That's enough. Sometimes you hear of people getting huge policies even though their kids are grown and they have a savings and paid off property. Wtf? No way a secretary and her husband (a maintenance worker) need 500k policies each (true story about my co-worker who's still thankfully alive as of today).

And btw...are you saying that life insurance is not 'big' in Canada (or counties other than the U.S.)?
Yeah, I'm just a 20 year federal agent with a Doctorate in Forensic Anthropology :)

I now remember you telling me that, apologies :)...we will just have to wait and see, how I hate that phrase...:(

ETA you are not only my voice of reason, but also the one who gives me a salutary kick into the bum from time to time...:D:)
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I wasn't paying much attention to this case until I saw a FB post last night from a friend regarding the rental car company issue and realized PM (or more so, their church) runs in some of the same circles as I do.

I've now read every post and I admit I was disregarding and disagreeing with certain questions and thoughts out of personal bias up until SM left the area so quickly. I asked myself, how long would I stay? a month? 3 months? a year? while waiting for my husband to be found. This I do know: if SM wanted to stay, their church would have helped to make that happen. This church recently raised $200,000 in a short amount of time for a church member to receive medical treatment overseas. They are a wealthy church and SM, IMO, could have turned to them for help if she had wanted to stay.

I know we all say we have no idea what we would do in these tragic situations, my info is just to establish that SM could have stayed, I believe, if she felt she should stay.
I wasn't paying much attention to this case until I saw a FB post last night from a friend regarding the rental car company issue and realized PM (or more so, their church) runs in some of the same circles as I do.

I've now read every post and I admit I was disregarding and disagreeing with certain questions and thoughts out of personal bias up until SM left the area so quickly. I asked myself, how long would I stay? a month? 3 months? a year? while waiting for my husband to be found. This I do know: if SM wanted to stay, their church would have helped to make that happen. This church recently raised $200,000 in a short amount of time for a church member to receive medical treatment overseas. They are a wealthy church and SM, IMO, could have turned to them for help if she had wanted to stay.

I know we all say we have no idea what we would do in these tragic situations, my info is just to establish that SM could have stayed, I believe, if she felt she should stay.
For all we know, the adult kids asked her to come home and she felt like she needed to be with them. There's just a lot we don't know. Way too much, really.
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