CA - Photos Of Teen Water Polo Players Posted On Gay *advertiser censored* Websites

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White Rain

Active Member
Jan 3, 2007
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I hope they find out for sure who did this! Disgusting. Is there ANYTHING safe in this world for kids to do anymore?

SANTA ANA, Calif. — A California newspaper is reporting that several gay adult Web sites have posted photographs of teenage water polo players from several high schools in Southern California.
An Orange County Register investigation has found that some of the pictures, of boys as young as 14, were displayed next to photos of nude young men and graphic sexual content.
An international water polo official and a spokeswoman for a group of Orange County water polo parents says it's "just horrible" for someone to "take what these kids are doing and take it out of context and exploit these images." more:,2933,324134,00.html
oh man, if I was one of those boy's parents, I'd do a lot of research to find those sites, then I'd have LE make the site's owners take the pics down.
Stupid ****** child can't even play sports and have their pics taken any more. grrrrr

It's very important for people to know that ones being gay doesn't mean they're a pedophile.. Pedophiles are into pictures of children...not gays.
White Rain's post here made me think of this utterly disgusting and sick site. Seems that you post anybody's pciture anywhere perverts are sure to get ahold of it. I learned of this site when Ricky Meuir was arrested. I think it was Mr. H. who posts here as well came across it when looking up that freak Ricky Meuir. Although not explicit as in naked kids be warned that there are GROWN people using kids pictures. It seems innocent at first until you look at the comments on pictures and stuff. It's a pedophiles dream and they are using pics of kids off the internet. Here's one example and if you track this persons friends and so on you will see they are a pack of depraved freaks.
This is a better example as this guy right out says he is 58 years old and lonely. Then he has alot of photographs of young boys and little boys. Beware the comments on pictures can be obscene as if exploiting little children isn't bad enough. Also, I have to echo Philamena's sentiment that it is not ALL GAYS that do this. Somewhere on that site is somebody posing as a young girl and when I read it I physically got sick. Again, these are pictures I am certain somebody posted for family and friends online and the freaks grabbed them up. Just like the polo team. LE has to be aware of this stuff because the guy they busted they know posted on there so who knows?
OMG that is sickening. Filly, are those blogs legal?

Philamena, obviously they are as a ton of people are on there. At first I thought "My Lord these young kids are on here and don't know these perverts are adults". Then ya soon see these are obviously adults and they pretend to be kids or just plain out say they are adults and like young children. They are sneaks as they do it to where they don't come out and say they are plain old pedophiles. Looks like alot of them get deleted and then complain and then POOF just sign up under a different name. It's dangerous in my opinion. A lesson to be learned though is anybody can take pictures from the internet and post them like that. Imagine the horror some parents would have if they saw their kids completely innocent pictures posted on oe of them things. It just makes me so sick. Like physically sick.
Disgusting. I feel sorry for these kids parents.

White Rain, do you mean the ones on them multiply sites? I don't believe those kids know they are on them sites. Creeps take them pictures from other places. It's obvious when you see some of them are too young even to work a computer. The parents I am sure wouldn't know. At some point they posted them perhaps like on a Flikr thing or any site I guess to show other people and Peter Pervert gets ahold of them. Them freaks are all entwined somehow. Putting them pictures up can cause a child to be harmed. Any child. They look at that crap and the next thing ya know they will be grabbing up a little child. I wrote to that site and they say they remove *advertiser censored*. WHAT? The comments alone are pornographic. Sorry, that stuff just incenses me.
White Rain, do you mean the ones on them multiply sites? I don't believe those kids know they are on them sites. Creeps take them pictures from other places. It's obvious when you see some of them are too young even to work a computer. The parents I am sure wouldn't know. At some point they posted them perhaps like on a Flikr thing or any site I guess to show other people and Peter Pervert gets ahold of them. Them freaks are all entwined somehow. Putting them pictures up can cause a child to be harmed. Any child. They look at that crap and the next thing ya know they will be grabbing up a little child. I wrote to that site and they say they remove *advertiser censored*. WHAT? The comments alone are pornographic. Sorry, that stuff just incenses me.

I just mean I am sorry I am sure they probably don't know, kids or parents. I am just putting myself in the parents shoes...if my kids were on there I'd feel so angry and scared.
It's unreal that they can do this crap to or kids.
I just mean I am sorry I am sure they probably don't know, kids or parents. I am just putting myself in the parents shoes...if my kids were on there I'd feel so angry and scared.
It's unreal that they can do this crap to or kids.

My apologies, White Rain. I knew what ya meant. Is that not the most awful, backward thing ya ever seen? After Ricky Meuir and looking at that I thought there's tons of these freaks. They have one little girl on there and she gets tons of hits and propositions. However I in no way believe it is the child pictured. It's sick and dangerous. I'll have to look it up for ya and post the link. Sorry again. I worded it wrong to you. I know you are an advocate of keeping kids safe.
Here's a girl that grown men leave lude and disgusting comments to. The photograph of this kid can't be more than 16 tops. It just make me fume. This should be illegal.
this is as bad as preteen 'modelling' sites. ugh.
My apologies, White Rain. I knew what ya meant. Is that not the most awful, backward thing ya ever seen? After Ricky Meuir and looking at that I thought there's tons of these freaks. They have one little girl on there and she gets tons of hits and propositions. However I in no way believe it is the child pictured. It's sick and dangerous. I'll have to look it up for ya and post the link. Sorry again. I worded it wrong to you. I know you are an advocate of keeping kids safe.

No apologies needed. I should have made myself clearer I guess.
This is a local issue for me and we are currently discussing it on our local boards. It is really more prevalent in the competitive swimming community even more than the water polo community. Some of those parents still do not even know this is happeneing.
The solution is just not going to be easy. These kids have really been traumatized.
in some of those pictures on multiply, the boys are obviously being posed to look appealing to these pervs. they're children, how is that not illegal? where would they come from? i know that the silly pictures or the sports pictures could be taken innocently enough, but the nearly naked ones...they've got to be illegal, why can't someone shut these sites down?
in some of those pictures on multiply, the boys are obviously being posed to look appealing to these pervs. they're children, how is that not illegal? where would they come from? i know that the silly pictures or the sports pictures could be taken innocently enough, but the nearly naked ones...they've got to be illegal, why can't someone shut these sites down?

I don't know Mrs. K but it drives me bonkers. Sometimes the freaks will even post their e-mails on there to eachother and here goes me trying to see if they are sex offenders. The original guy that brought attention to that was Fun Boy Ricky or something like that. They locked him up. Hopefully, LE is looking into all these creeps. That little girl named Samantha is probably some creepy old man. I don't care what anyone says if you're a pedophile you sure as heck are going to reoffend after looking at those kids. Makes me so ill and alot of them got the cachunkas to say it's freedom of speech and all.

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