Found Deceased CA - Rachel Nguyen, 20, & Joseph Orbeso, 21, Joshua Tree Nat'l Park, 27 July 2017 #1

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JTNP is world-known for climbing. The great thing is that you don't need experience or equipment. You can easily free climb (It's much safer than it sounds.) at limitless places in the park. However, if you are not careful you can fall (up to hundreds of feet in some places) or get stuck in a crevice. I wonder if they were doing any climbing since the trail heads into a canyon. I am not at all familiar with this trail.

Wild cats...I briefly saw a bobcat in the park once. I've never seen a mountain lion. I have a friend whose house is situated in the mountain right outside of JTNP and she has never seen a mountain lion or had problems with them (she keep small animals outside). While there have been incidents where mountain lions have attacked people, it seems like those are very rare.

The phone ping is of high interest to me. Admittedly I am still unsure of how all of this works. What I can tell you about cell service in JTNP is that it is very spotty. We either shut our phones completely off or leave them at home when we go out there because the battery drains quickly searching for a tower. In the middle part of the park we put the radio on scan and see how long it scans for before it's able to put pick up a signal. I'm not exaggerating when I say we can go ore than 20 minutes without the radio picking up anything. Anyway, the reason the phone ping interests me is because if cell service in the park is so spotty, I am wondering if they can narrow down a smaller area based on where they know they can and cannot receive coverage.
Latest update from the Joshua Tree Tortoise Telegraph:

[FONT=&quot]"1 p.m.: JOSAR has updated us. A multi-agency briefing was held this morning, and search and rescue operations are continuing. No results as of this time. Multiple dog teams were sent out this morning, and search teams will be out all day."[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] [/FONT]
Latest update from the Joshua Tree Tortoise Telegraph:

[FONT=&amp]"1 p.m.: JOSAR has updated us. A multi-agency briefing was held this morning, and search and rescue operations are continuing. No results as of this time. Multiple dog teams were sent out this morning, and search teams will be out all day."[/FONT]
This is just awful.
This is just awful.

I made an account just so I can post this. I worked with Rachel up until a week ago when I quit that job. I know she she for sure didn't have a boyfriend and I have no idea who this guy is. We are all so worried about her. This just blows my mind I just saw her last week. I really hope they turn up I'm praying so hard.
Do hikers generally scout out an area in advance???

Snipped from the link above...
...A ping of Orbeso’s cellphone was recorded at 4 p.m. Thursday from a location inside the park. And Orbeso had been to the national park a couple of weeks ago to look at hiking trails. “He had been out here a couple weeks ago with another friend on a scouting trip, from what we’ve been told,” Messaros said.


ETA: other reasons to scout a location???? Photo shoot, first date, marriage proposal, ????
I made an account just so I can post this. I worked with Rachel up until a week ago when I quit that job. I know she she for sure didn't have a boyfriend and I have no idea who this guy is. We are all so worried about her. This just blows my mind I just saw her last week. I really hope they turn up I'm praying so hard.

:welcome6: Jordan.marie...

Sorry that Rachel is missing, hopefully answers come quickly.

May they both be found safe & sound.

ETA: Do you know if the vehicle found is hers?
Do hikers generally scout out an area in advance???

Snipped from the link above...

I of course cannot speak for anyone but myself, but we hike quite often and do scout out where we're hiking ahead of time, when possible. We like to make a plan so that we see exactly what we want without missing out on anything and also so we can anticipate environmental concerns.

JTNP is a very popular area for photography and also viewing the night sky. I frequently see people and their cameras lined along the sides of the road at sunset, waiting for the perfect shot. Are either of them photographers? Could they have gone out to photograph the night or early morning sky and have become disoriented? That would be very easy to do at JTNP in the dark. It wouldn't take much at all to lose the trail.

"Sunday started with a briefing and the deployment of K9 teams, who might have picked up a scent. “There’s an area the dogs have some interest in, in a very rocky area in the northeast corner of the park,” Messaros said.
The region is difficult for humans to get to, but the K9 teams will be picking up the search in that area Monday in hopes that the dogs have found Nguyen and Orbeso’s scents."

Something about this seems so off and now the search is moving to rockier terrain, further out of the way. I don't think this will end well.
I made an account just so I can post this. I worked with Rachel up until a week ago when I quit that job. I know she she for sure didn't have a boyfriend and I have no idea who this guy is. We are all so worried about her. This just blows my mind I just saw her last week. I really hope they turn up I'm praying so hard.

Jordan.marie12: Thank you for posting this. We are hoping and praying as well.

Might I suggest that you become a Verified Insider (
I can't really put my finger on it but I'm getting a hinky feeling with this case ...

"Although the rain and the K9 teams have brought a glimpse of hope, another possible avenue to find the couple has turned into a dead end. Orbeso and another friend had visited the Joshua Tree area a couple of weeks ago, and Messaros had been trying to contact that friend to learn if Orbeso had mentioned any trails he planned to hike with Nguyen. Messaros said he was finally able to talk to the friend, who is now in Japan, but it turned out the two men had just driven on Twentynine Palms Highway, looking at restaurants and shops."
I was at the park Thurs-Sat and while I did not see the couple, I did see the beginning of SAR. The photo (and subsequent Facebook) for Joseph Orbeso was originally reported incorrectly.

Rachel & Joseph (Joe) have been friends on facebook and knew each other before this trip.

As of this morning, there are no additional updates on the couple or where they may be located. All SAR efforts are done by foot, as no ATV or motor vehicles are allowed inside the park.

I feel horrible for these two. Every summer this happens in all the parks/deserts. People always underestimate the heat and what to bring. Praying for their safety.


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We've heard this before. I wonder how many people have gone missing in Joshua Tree National Park over the years, and how many have never been found.
About 100 volunteers, park employees and investigators from the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department — along with six teams of search dogs — have spent hours and days hiking through rocky terrain in search of the missing couple.

But the triple-digit heat has been overwhelming for some volunteers. On Monday, a handful of volunteers were airlifted out of the park due to the intense heat, according to the Joshua Tree Search and Rescue group.
Two fixed-wing planes and two helicopters, equipped with thermal imaging, have also flown over the park for any signs of Nguyen and Orbeso, park spokesman George Land said.
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