CA CA - Richard 'Dick' Hansen, San Jose, 29 April 1991

I just checked in at the UM site and one of the posters there believes the car was a 1970s gray-colored Pontiac. I looked up some pictures and the best match as to what I remember the car looking like was a 1972 Pontiac Ventura. It may not be the exact car or year, but it's the same basic shape as I remember seeing.

They have several theories going there, most of which involve football, such as an angry Oakland fan or an angry 49ers fan who mistakenly though Hansen played for the team.

I dismiss the Oakland theory, simply because there were no Oakland Raiders in 1991; they were still in LA at the time.
reportertype said:
They have several theories going there, most of which involve football, such as an angry Oakland fan or an angry 49ers fan who mistakenly though Hansen played for the team.

I dismiss the Oakland theory, simply because there were no Oakland Raiders in 1991; they were still in LA at the time.
I still dont get this, people are saying that because the girl had a football tag? I mean from what I see, it seems the guy said something (that she could not hear) and thats it. I dont know, I just dont put to much in stock of the football theroy.
I think people are talking about that because of the woman's license plate and the fact that Hansen played college ball. It seems crazy to stalk someone down a freeway and kill them over a license plate.

I can't remember where I saw this, earlier here or over on another forum, but someone mentioned that at some point, there was a chance that the man who followed them was angry because when the pair were parked at a restaurant, they'd been blocking a mailbox?? I don't if that's true; the segment on UM mentioned that the woman brought it up, but the other driver never approached.
oh Yeah ok I was thinking for some reason that it was talking about way earlier but I guess not ok just reread that part. That seems more reasonable then just not liking someones tag. So sad that nothing was ever solved :(
I had posted the info regarding the possible license plate and rival sport fan connection. I was just quoting from the Unsolved Mysteries episode and this is what the police investigating the case thought up--this was not my own conjecture.
lilsister said:
I had posted the info regarding the possible license plate and rival sport fan connection. I was just quoting from the Unsolved Mysteries episode and this is what the police investigating the case thought up--this was not my own conjecture.

Sorry, I was referring to the posters on the UN board, not this one. That's cool, that seemed to be the main theory of the police according to everything I've seen.
No problem, what is the UN board?...sorry to say that I don't know. Thanks for your response. :doh:
Arrgh. UM board, I meant to type. It's just a site for fans of the Unsolved Mysteries show. Some of them are very hardcore and know every episode by heart and they search for updates, etc. Interesting and handy both.
someone just sent me an email on my personal myspace page about Dick Hansen. I will post the message once I get permission!
RE: Dick Hansen Murder- A Little Help
Yes you can post what I told you. I just ask that if you hear anything interesting if you can let me know. It is an extremely interesting case because the facts surrounding the incident are so vague and seem almost "random." I saw the idea that maybe he was a Raider fan was floated on the website, I do not put any faith in that conclusion. I think in reality either that was a sick and crazy man or the murder had something to do with Dick's drug problem. Dick's parents are wealthy but I have never heard any illegal business dealings that would lead to a revenge killing.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: ♥Lisa♥
Date: Nov 12, 2008 4:46 PM

hi. thank you for sharing this information with me! I am assuming you found my page through my post about this case on Websleuths. This case has always bothered me.... I understand your desire to stay anonymous. Would you mind if I copied your message to share with the Websleuths members to discuss. If you don't will understand. Let me know!

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Jon
Date: Nov 12, 2008 12:25 AM

I realize this sounds random but I do have some knowledge about the Dick Hansen murder. He was one of my Dad's best friends at Santa Clara so I know bits and pieces of the real story. First of all, the episode did not point out that Dick had in fact had a recurring drug problem (I was surprised the Detective did not mention it) and although some posts on the thread said he was mild tempered he had been a "hothead" in the past. My Dad told me a story in college where he had made fun of Dick and Dick got so mad that he threw a shotput ball right by my Dad's head. Not meaning to hit him but to scare him (obviously getting hit in the head with a shotput could be deadly). So the idea that this man could have had something to do with Dick and his drug problem is pretty likely. In addition, it seems odd the way the girlfriend handled the situation. She was actually not that cooperative to the detectives right after the crime and changed her story a few times. It is obviously a tragic story and I am sorry I cannot be much help to what you already know.
I would ask one thing of you, if you post any of the information I have mention can you please not include my name. Obviously I share the same name as my father and I would rather not drag him into this.
Hopefully I have been a little help.

Thanks for posting this, georgiagirl. I remember when we were discussing it on here before but I had completely forgotten about the case. Interesting observations from the guy who replied on your myspace page. I can't remember the whole UM episode but I do remember drugs were not mentioned. I wonder why they leave stuff out of shows like that, about Dick Hansen possibly being involved in drugs and having a hot temper. Things like that could maybe explain the reason he was shot. But with the drugs, maybe they didn't say anything because they didn't want to impede any ongoing investigations. would have given us a possibility of WHY he was killed had they mentioned it. Now I want to see the episode again though!
I find it strange his girlfriend wasn't shot for witnessing the whole thing. Instead the killer and her just stared at each other. You would think he would have shot her as well just so she wouldn't get his license plate number. He would have no way of knowing she didn't memorize part of the plate at least; as there were license plates on the front and back of the vehicles. IMO i would think the killer may have been aware that Dick had a confrontation personality and would stop and get out of his truck to confront the killer. It just seems weird he would shoot him in front of a witness..
Thanks for posting the link to the episode, georgiagirl. I'm going to watch it tonight.
It does get a little frustrating with shows like UM. They pick and choose what they want to show - and while it's their right - it seems to really muck up the waters when it comes to developing clues.

Just say if for petesakes. With all the hidden information UM seems to be more of an entertainment show than one trying to find all the bad people in the world. I'm not talking about the hidden clues police keep from the general public - I'm talking about personality traits that might tip the scales when it comes to solving mysteries.

How are we supposed to do "our" job when they won't give us the necessary information?
I've wondered about the girlfriend escaping as well. This new info makes me suspicious of her.
This morning on the UM marathon they showed the Hanson murder once again.

Despite trying to be optimistic, I think this is another murder that will never be solved.
Thank you for the link to the episode, I remember it scared me so much when I was younger and I first saw it. I don't know what to make of it...and I don't know if what's been said about the girlfriend is true or not. Not much info out there.

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