CA CA - RICHARD RAMIREZ, Night Stalker, 1980's

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Pretty sure Ramirez predated WebSleuths.

Regardless if you want to find out the story on any famous killer or murder the Crime Library is always the best place to go, they turn the whole thing into a 10 page chronological story with photos and such.

Thanks button wasn't enough, Sonya - thanks for the link! I know he predated WS, but we have other serial killer threads or forums, I figured he'd be on there. Will bookmark that Crime Library link and read up on it. Thanks again!




What GREAT news!!!
Woo hoo. One of the first cases I fell into reading about after becoming interested by true crime with the Manson case via the book Helter Skelter Long before I discovered crime forums and the internet :)

Glad to hear that scary scary man is gone. He was not right and never gonna be right.
Good riddance.

Ramirez had his own special brand of evil crazy.

At times, he followed the pattern of a serial killer, striking, then disappearing for months between crimes. Other times, he behaved more like a spree killer, striking multiple times within hours or days of a previous attack. As others have pointed out, he killed and attacked indiscriminately - regardless of age, gender, etc. He just seemed to be a guy who really loved torturing and killing people. Back then, it almost seemed like his attacks were drug fueled or something (PCP was causing a lot of crime in some areas then).

Though I didn't live in CA, I recall people in LA and SF being absolutely terrified while he was on his killing spree. He struck so randomly, frequently and brutally, I felt sorry for people who lived there.

For anyone reading up on his crimes, his story will keep you up at night. :eek: :eek:hwow:

Hope we never see the likes of him again.
His cousin, uncle, whatever the relative was also sounds like he was a deranged serial killer. What kind of family was the whole bunch to even associate with that. Does anyone know what disease or condition killed him?
According to CNN:

The vengeance that Ramirez promised apparently never came to fruition. Neither did the state's plan to execute him.
Instead, on Friday morning, Richard Ramirez died of natural causes at Marin General Hospital north of San Francisco, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Ramirez became the 59th inmate in the state to die in this manner while awaiting execution, not including 22 who committed suicide and six dead of other causes.

I'm really happy that this is dead, I'm just wondering what is the point of the myriad of trails, appeals and what not that goes into convicting these sick freaks. When all was said and done this :censored: was on trial for 4 years.

Yuck, ick and a bit of puke. What did it cost the taxpayers of California to let this man rot for all these years and then die of natural causes.

Sigh.:stormingmad: :banghead: :scared:
It was very scary because there was no rhyme or reason, and not all the attacks in San Francisco were immediately connected to him, at least not as far as the public knew.

This is a good article:

San Francisco police chief: "Night Stalker" was "pure evil"
Los Angeles Times
By Maria L. La Ganga
June 7, 2013, 4:23 p.m.

SAN FRANCISCO--When San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr heard Friday that Richard Ramirez -- the “Night Stalker” -- had died of natural causes in a Marin County hospital, his reaction was clear.

“I know it’s probably not right,” he said, “but I was happy."

Ramirez, who terrorized Californians north and south during a 1980s killing rampage, was identified for the first time in San Francisco, recalled Suhr, who worked on the San Francisco Police Department task force investigating the crimes at the time.

“I remember he was just a pure evil person,” Suhr told reporters Friday afternoon. “Growing up in San Francisco, I remember as a little kid, we were scared of the Zodiac, scared of the Zebra….As an adult police officer, [Ramirez] would be at the top of my list. That was a scary time in the city, the six months he was out and about.

“If you go back to the old news stories, there were tips,” Suhr recounted. “Make sure your windows are locked. If you have a dog, put your dog out. It was a very anxious time in San Francisco.”


Everybody on my block was scared.
YAY! Having lived through the horror and terror of his brutality, all I can say is Satan, you got your boy now. Make sure he's in 7th hell. He's earned it.

From the OP's link:
"Richard Ramirez, the demonic serial killer known as the Night Stalker who left satanic signs at murder scenes and mutilated victims' bodies during a reign of terror in the 1980s, died early Friday in a hospital, a prison official said." (link)

You died in the hospital, medicated against pain and anxiety. It was easy, a$$hole, easy as it gets. In a hospital.

"...which jurors heard about one dead victim's eyes being gouged out and another's head being nearly severed. Courtroom observers wept when survivors of some of the attacks testified." (link)

"killed men and women with gunshot blasts to the head or knives to the throat, sexually assaulted female victims, and burglarized the residences." (link)

"A man was murdered in his bed and his wife was raped beside the dead body. The killer beat a small child and attempted to sodomize him.

They didn't get to die in the hospital. They didn't get to LIVE THEIR LIFE. You did.

The best difference? They're in heaven, and you are in hell. Rot there, bootsole scum. Rot there and fry daily.

(I'm not even going to say "best", like usual)

Herding Cats

(All quotes are from the OP's link, reposted here:
Read more here:
His cousin, uncle, whatever the relative was also sounds like he was a deranged serial killer. What kind of family was the whole bunch to even associate with that. Does anyone know what disease or condition killed him?

Liver failure.

My guess is liver failure was brought about either by the homebrew rotgut they make in prison, or from hepatitis. I hope it was hepatitis; that's more painful and is very debilitating before it kills, and doesn't give you any high from it.

I am going to have to not post much on this thread. I was 19 and 20 the years he was in southern CA, and he struck a few blocks from me. It was a terrifying time, and yet I'm surprised at how much anger I have toward him even now.

Two serial (well, three) killers impacted my life: the Hillside Stranglers, and this a$$hat. Out of the three, only one still lives - Kenneth Bianci. And when he dies, I will be ecstatic. All of the boogeymen from my youth will have been wiped off this earth, and that is fine with me.

Herding Cats
He likely died of Hepatitis C.
10% of Americans have Hepatitis C.


verified grouch old nurse
(Especially grouchy since Pens are out of the playoffs. How did all those shots not go in?)
Victim of Ramirez says he's thrilled he's dead

Bill Carns was shot multiple times in the head and is still partially paralyzed.

"Saying that I’m happy he's dead is too simple ... I’m at peace with myself."

Still, Carns says he will celebrate Ramirez's demise by treating himself to a meal -- "I will go out and have Mexican food to celebrate."

Best wishes to Mr. Carns, hope he continues to live a long, happy life.
Jebus. I know nothing about this case other than the name, but (wikipedia):

As a child, Ramirez was influenced by his cousin, Mike, a Special Forces veteran who boasted of his gruesome exploits during the Vietnam War and showed him Polaroid pictures of his victims.[12] These included pictures of Mike raping a Vietnamese woman. The last picture of that series showed Mike posing with the woman's severed head.[13] Ramirez was present the night Mike shot and killed his wife, and her blood spattered on Ramirez's face.[citation needed] Ramirez was 13 years old at the time. After the murder, his behavior changed dramatically; he dropped out of school, began using drugs, and adopted odd sleeping habits.[14]

I know nature vs. nurture is constantly debated here at WS in the making of a killer, but jebus. Definitely some 'nurture' problems here.

Nature/nuture all of that plus when boys that age (8-12) undergo an emotionally disturbing or shocking experience it can become sexualized and turn into a fetish. It can also happen from movies and such but those guys are usually stable enough not to commit real life crimes as a result.

Basically since their sexuality is emerging any intensely emotional experience of that nature can end up being used for self-gratification even if it was upsetting to them, it becomes the most intense emotion they can think of and the wires "cross" even though the thought maybe horrible for them at the time. Sex is one of the biggest things in their mind at that age and that can be combined with any horrific events that occurred around the same time.

He watched his cousin shoot the wife at age 12, is it coincidence that his method of choice was shooting his victims years later? That isn't just random crazy, that is fixation.
He likely died of Hepatitis C.
10% of Americans have Hepatitis C.


verified grouch old nurse
(Especially grouchy since Pens are out of the playoffs. How did all those shots not go in?)

all due respect hep c is more blood xmission vs a STD. drug needles( or dirty home made tattoo guns/needles), blood transfusions, even like a used razor or medical ( nurse getting accidentally "pricked" by a contaminated needle for example) are the main running causes..mainly drug use i think now a days is the main high risk ( transfusions not so much esp with the way they screen the blood donations now, vs the days for example vietnam war) sex is very low chance( would have to be rough/break skin blood contact) but yes condom is always a good practice to protect from ANYTHING/STD/disease>.

im one of those 10% who do have hep c. diagnosed in '99. so far ( knock on wood) my liver enzyme levels are normal ( vs elevated) and i think its in a "dormant" phase? i dont drink and i avoid acetemetaphin ( the ingrident in tylenol for example, hard on the liver) and so far so good. but as for night stalker, yeah couldnt happen to a better dude

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