Identified! CA - San Joaquin Co., WhtFem 320UFCA, 29-41, Gorilla hiking boots, Mar'95 - Amanda Lynn Schumann Deza

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
This case has interested me because it seems like the sort of case that should have been solved.

Yes, everything's points to Eastern Contra Costa County which is a pretty small area. If the victim was never reported as a Missing Person, you would expect the publicity after the body was found to generate some leads.

I disagree that this was a "intimate partner" homicide however. She was bound and gaged before she was hit on the head and killed. Who ever kills their wife or girlfriend that way? Sounds like someone held against her will before she was killed. The victim doesn't seem to be a sex worker or drug user who became vulnerable due to her lifestyle, but she could very easily have been someone who trusted some guy she shouldn't have.
some intimate partners have tied their mate up. but you also could be right.

what about Terry Rasmussen? this was his missing years.

This case has interested me because it seems like the sort of case that should have been solved.

Yes, everything's points to Eastern Contra Costa County which is a pretty small area. If the victim was never reported as a Missing Person, you would expect the publicity after the body was found to generate some leads.

I disagree that this was a "intimate partner" homicide however. She was bound and gaged before she was hit on the head and killed. Who ever kills their wife or girlfriend that way? Sounds like someone held against her will before she was killed. The victim doesn't seem to be a sex worker or drug user who became vulnerable due to her lifestyle, but she could very easily have been someone who trusted some guy she shouldn't have.
Does anyone know why this UID is still not in NAMUS and why there has been no attempt at a facial reconstruction? Everything about the suspect points to a reasonable level of affluence and having been well-cared for which increases the odds that she was reported missing somewhere (IMO). I have to agree with those suggesting a possible Rasmussen victim with his MO of taking on a girlfriend, isolating her from family and then murdering.
Richmond is densely populated though. many murderers from contra costa and east alameda co. dump victims in the delta.

Richmond was super "ghetto" in the late 1990s (source info- my step relatives.) Still is kind of sketch.....

I really wish a cold case detective would send this info to those police departments.
According to this article, she went through a post-mortem process that turns bodies into a waxlike substance. The assistant sheriff who worked on the case said she was like a mannequin.

Pasting the full article, in case it gets removed from the web in the future.
I don't think wearing a diamond ring on your right hand necessarily means you're divorced or formerly could just be a family heirloom or a ring she liked and she wore it on that finger because she was not engaged / married.

Cold case gnaws at assistant S.J. sheriff
Michael Fitzgerald

Published Friday March 1, 2013 at 12:01 am

San Joaquin Assistant Sheriff John Huber is retiring, proud of a 31-year career full of accomplishments. But bothered by one unsolved murder more than any other.

Huber worked homicide in March of 1995 when two scavengers out in the Delta dragged an abandoned refrigerator out of the mud. Inside was a corpse.

"The lady in the fridge," Huber said.

He went out to Bacon Island Road. The refrigerator, a gold Frigidaire, had been roped shut. Stuffed in the bottom compartment was a woman, killed by blunt trauma to the head.

Forensic analysis determined she had probably been there since summer 1994. Almost a year. Corpses sealed off from air turn to a sort of wax by a process called adipocere; turning to soap, some detectives call it.

"It almost looked like she was a mannequin," said Huber. "She was hard, like Styrofoam."

The waxen woman was white, strawberry blonde, 110 to 130 pounds, age 29 to 41 - decomposition prevented more accuracy - and packed in with blankets and a sleeping bag. Her hands were tied behind her back. Her mouth was gagged with a sock, taped over with black electrician's tape. The right front temporal lobe of her skull was caved in.

He found no ID on her. But clues abounded. "I was absolutely positive I was going to ID this girl in the first week or so," Huber said.

From the refrigerator's serial number he learned it had been manufactured in Pittsburgh, Penn., in the 1980s and sold in Oakland.

But no one returned the warranty.

Up top, the freezer compartment contained several butter packets from Kentucky Fried Chicken; five small school-like milk cartons; an ice bag from Glacier Ice.

Small cartons of Crystal brand milk, he learned, were distributed from Sacramento only to Northern California institutions such as schools and jails.

From the ice bag's manufacturer date he learned it was from a lot shipped to liquor stores, bait shops and marinas in cities such as Antioch and Discovery Bay.

Her clothes and grooming hinted at the sort of person she was. White T-shirt, Levi cutoffs, blue-striped toe socks under $100 Gorilla brand hiker boots.

A Victoria's Secret bra, 34B. No panties. A leather necklace. In her pocket, amulet-type pendants designed to hang from it. On her right finger, a 1/3 carat diamond ring.

Her nails were manicured. Her teeth gleamed perfectly straight and white, showing regular care.

The evidence pointed to an East Bay/Western Delta woman, divorced, or engaged once but no longer.

Not a prostitute, dope fiend or drifter. A free spirit, maybe. But a woman who belonged somewhere. "I think she's somebody that somebody would miss," Huber said. "Kind of a hippie girl. Somebody who would go to Renaissance faires or craft fairs and go hiking."

He had her dental work charted. Thousands of possible matches in the Department of Justice database provided no match.

He sent a teletype to missing person databases. Thousands of hits came back. "I literally have gone through maybe a total of 5,000 women."

He created Northern California map overlays: Blue dots for milk distribution spots, green for ice spots, yellow for tape spots. They converged only in the East Bay/Western Delta.

He canvassed bait shops, liquor stores, marinas. Stores that sold electrical tape. Nail shops on the Highway 4 corridor.

He called schools and correctional institutions: "Do you have an employee that recently stopped showing up to work?"

He visited area dentists: "Do you have a patient who came in regularly to have her teeth cleaned?"

He got newspapers and TV stations to do stories. "I did everything imaginable on this."

But he never identified her.

When he got promoted - the solve rate in his homicide division was above the national average - he took her file upstairs with him. He worked it when time allowed.

"If you could name her, I think you could solve the case," he said.

"But if it's the husband, the boyfriend - the girlfriend, if she's of that persuasion - they're not going to report her," Huber said. "And should a neighbor say, 'Hey, where did Jane Doe go?' he's going to say, 'Hey, she ran off over a boyfriend and I never saw her again.' "

It gnaws at him. "It's very frustrating not to solve any homicide case. I don't care if it's a prostitute or people well-off. Everyone deserves to be worked as hard as you can work it, as long as you can work it.

"And you should never give up."

He retires at the end of the month. Only last month he surrendered the case of the lady in the fridge.

"I can't work on it anymore," Huber said.

Contact columnist Michael Fitzgerald at (209) 546-8270 or​
In 1995, scavengers found a refrigerator containing what former San Joaquin County Assistant Sheriff John Huber believes may be another one of Rasmussen’s victims. The refrigerator had been dumped in a canal in San Joaquin County, California.

“The scavengers actually walked out in the middle [of the canal], because it was just mud … cut the rope and opened it up here and that's when they saw what they thought was a human being inside,” Huber told “20/20.”

Huber said the body of a woman was found in a state of advanced decomposition and police couldn’t discern the woman’s facial features. She had been placed in the refrigerator with a pillow, sleeping bag and what appeared to be several blankets, he said.

Also in the refrigerator, was a unique brand of milk that was only delivered to a certain area that matched up with where Rasmussen had been at the time, Huber said.

Additionally, Huber said the woman’s remains bore the hallmarks of Rasmussen’s other victims.

“She had blunt force trauma to the head, and then she was put in a container and the container was tied off and he dumped it,” he said.

Huber says the investigation is stalled because she is still unidentified.

Serial killer Terry Rasmussen's victims, known and unknown
I looked for another thread on this but didn't find one..please feel free to shut this down or merge if necessary.
There seems like so much information here. I searched for a few hours and didn't come up with any good potential matches :(
So strange that she's still not on NamUs. From the $120 hiking boots and the perfect teeth, it sounds like she had money. It also sounds like she and/or her killer were the outdoorsy types, due to the hiking boots and the sleeping bag.
There are no photos of her socks on Doe Network but from the description, I'm thinking they're like the attached image. This type of socks were popular back then among the outdoorsy / "hippie" type people I knew. Usually they were popular among kids / teens / young people, so I'd imagine she's at the lower end of the age range (in her 20s).
I think she lived in the East Bay and was beaten to death by someone she knew, probably a partner, who then panicked and put her body in his (/their) sleeping bag and old gold fridge from the '70s. I don't think this is the work of an expert killer because he left the milk cartons in the fridge, which is very odd and leaves clues, pointing to the killer rushing and/or not thinking straight. The motive clearly wasn't robbery, since they left her diamond ring and expensive boots.


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Not alot of info, but what about this girl?
Julianne Bauer
The Doe Network: Case File 1196DFCA
The timing, location and height / weight seem similar but Julianne's hair is listed as brown and looks dark brown in photos, whereas Jane Doe's was "strawberry blonde or red."
Also, the circumstances of Julianne's disappearance seems like it may point to suicide, since she gave away all her belongings? Charley Project says: "She left her residence, gave away all her belongings and has never been heard from again."
What about this one? The missing date is shown as 3/11/95, which is only 18days prior to the discovery of the body, but she could have already been dead (and in the freezer) for quite a while before her body was put on the levee. Maybe the killer kept her disappearance to himself, until he moved the freezer to the levee (on the 11th?). Even though the dates are a little off she could still fit very well.

The main point about this missing woman is that she has an engagement ring ON HER RIGHT RING FINGER in her missing photo,which leads me to think she's a good possiblity for the DOE. She also has the 'look' of someone upper class who'd have manicures, perfect teeth, etc. and looks young enough to have been wearing the clothing described in the DOE information.

What do you think?

Rachel Lucinda Jones
DOB 6/6/67
View attachment 2990
I think Rachel Lucinda Jones could be a possibility. Someone on another message board called LAPD in January to ask about her and wrote:
"In one of the videos, the San Joaquin detective has Rachel Jones' name on one of the cards from his research. I think it could be Rachel Lucinda Jones too. I called the LAPD and talked to a detective last week and they said that there is no DNA or dental records on file for Rachel Lucinda Jones and that she had no family. If it is Rachel in the refrigerator victim, I'm not sure how they will confirm her identity short of forensic genealogy.
The only info I could find for Rachel Jones was an address in Van Nuys, CA. Some of the people with the Jones last name at that address also had addresses in Oakland. I have to assume the police have better databases than I do for doing address and family research so I would hope that they would already have investigated the info that I found."
Has Jill Kristine Beaty been ruled out? She disappeared from Reno NV in August 1994. Very little information out there but she is a good match.
Jill Kristine Beaty – The Charley Project
Jill Kristine Beaty looks like a good possibility, for a few reasons:
  • Age range
  • Height
  • Weight
  • Timing
  • It says Jill's hair is brown but it looks reddish in her photos and Jane Doe's hair is listed as possibly red
  • "Her body may be in California"
  • Jill wore hearing aids but the killer could have removed them before dumping her body
If you haven't submitted this match, I would recommend it!

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