Found Alive CA - Sherri Papini, 34, Redding, 2 November 2016 - #11

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I really don't think this is a sex trafficking crime. She doesn't fit the demographic and she is really too old to actually be targeted for ST imo.

Me neither. Sex traffickers don't target women who are going to attract a huge amount of media attention and $100,000 regards. Far too risky. They target women who, sadly, will not be missed.

Badly bruising someone, branding them and cutting off their hair are dramatic ways to make a statement or send a message, imo. They weren't trying to kill her, or she would have much more serious injuries. :moo:
It all seems a bit personal. Cutting off her hair, branding her. Why let her go, why let her live?

I bet she caught their attention if she told them if they wanted money she could get them money. Some way, some how, SP was able to appeal to these "people" and I believe that she is alive because of that reason.
Reporter: Sheriff, thank you for joining us this morning. Pretty chilling description there from Sherri Papini's husband. Bruises, all over her body, broken nose, her hair cut off, branded, do those details conform with what you know right now?

Sheriff: Yes, I was familiar with those details, we had not released them yet to the public.

these are direct quotes. The video is here: [video=youtube;zGBI0ridSRg][/video] and here:
The sheriff is affirming the details about Sherri's condition. He said he was aware of them but had not yet released them to the public before Keith did. I see nothing to suggest otherwise.

Q. "Do those details conform to what you know right now?"
A. "Yes..."

How much clearer can he be?
The reporter asked about the cut hair and the Sheriff confirmed.

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I'm trying to get caught up here so pardon me if this has already been mentioned but KP did not say the abductors chopped off her hair. If she had injuries to her head it is very likely that the hospital staff cut her hair to evaluate and treat her injuries. I would IMO find it weird if they did not cut it off to be able to clean her up. In a situation like this they would have to be concerned about infection and would want to clean her wounds. I obviously can't guarantee this is what happened but seems very likely IMO.
As another nurse has mentioned on the last thread, I have never seen a patient in the ER have their hair cut either. Perhaps shave an area for sutures, but not cut it. And, I have seen some matted, dirty, knotty hair in my days in the ER. It just isn't something I've seen done by ER staff. The way the word 'chopped' was used by the husband, leads me to believe it was done by her captors as another way to emotionally torture and shame her.
I stand by the fact that there were many odd pieces of information throughout this case.

I stand by the fact that information and communication was withheld from the public that could've cleared up certain things without hindering the investigation.

I stand by the fact that there was never an established, conclusive timeline and that made things very difficult at times.

I stand by the fact that I questioned those parts of the case I found to be questionable.

I no longer stand by the fact that I think this was a hoax. I have now been presented with evidence that has changed my mind and my mind will remain changed until a point that it may change again. Or it may not.

I've always been open to changing my mind on the release of further information and that's what I've done. I'm not any less caring or empathetic because I had questions; I promise you.

I have also always said that I wished none of this ever happened; I feel this now more than ever. I hope Sherri recovers and is surrounded by love... as I've always hoped.
Well said. Keeping an open mind is important. Again, well said.
Why has no specifics been given about her captors?
If it was in fact, Sherri in that truck, she has seen the faces.
Was this a planned abduction that comes with no threat to the general public?
Was she afraid to speak ?
Was the ransom paid out and they are sticking to their word about not going to LE?

If it was random, and there are dangerous people kidnapping people, the public should be informed IMo

I am leaning towards this being the case. It would explain a lack of details from LE and LE would probably not really want it known if a ransom was paid because they don't want this type of thing to become "normal." And her husband doesn't mention one thing in his statement about catching who is responsible.

It's horrific what she has been through and I hope she heals. has learned that the post was not written by Sherri Papini, but was in fact a malicious prank against her by a high school enemy.

Papini’s ex-husband David Dreyfus, who divorced Papini in 2007, told ‘That post isn’t true, it was a prank by someone at high school, she never found out who did it. Sherri isn’t racist.’

David said he met Sherri when they were both working on a Youth to Youth project, a community-based drug prevention and youth leadership program.

He said: ‘The crowd couldn’t have been more diverse. That’s not who Sherri is.’

David, 32, who has since moved from the area, said he and Sherri parted amicably and stayed friends until she started dating her current husband Keith Papini.

This is referring to the post supposedly made by Sherri back when she was a high school kid on the skinhead site. It wasn't her that posted it, but a classmate.

This is probably old news, but I came across it just now, so it gets posted again.

As far as her husbands latest revelations.......I'm not surprised he did what he did. The accusations and finger-pointing has gotten completely out of hand. What I can't understand, is why the sheriff himself didn't release her physical condition in order to show people her story had validity.

It's not necessary to let loose with every little detail.....but what the husband did was provide proof to a skeptical public that her story was legitimate.........something the sheriff and LE should have done way back on Nov. 24.

All of this silence and secrecy by the supposed people in charge is getting pretty damn old.
Holy moly thread #11!!!!!!

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Me neither. Sex traffickers don't target women who are going to attract a huge amount of media attention and $100,000 regards. Far too risky. They target women who, sadly, will not be missed.

Badly bruising someone, branding them and cutting off their hair are dramatic ways to make a statement or send a message, imo. They weren't trying to kill her, or she would have much more serious injuries. :moo:

This is why I think that going to sex trafficking when a random woman goes missing is sort of asinine. I have not seen one case where that turned out to be true. As you say, there are sadly PLENTY of women and girls who can be trafficked without attracting law enforcement's attention. There are loads of girls and women out there without any family support who are easy to get into prostitution. Sex traffickers aren't that dumb. Why expose your entire operation by taking a woman like Sherri instead of just approaching a teenage runaway at a bus stop? It makes no sense to kidnap random women for trafficking when you don't have to take that risk.
I want to re-post this beautiful post from OBE that resonated with me last night:

Snipped and BBM. The bolded part is what's really key for me. A lesson for me I think.

And for me. This whole case has been a lesson and one I'll most definitely take forward.

Feeling emotional tonight and only filled with remorse; the best teacher in life.

This is referring to the post supposedly made by Sherri back when she was a high school kid on the skinhead site. It wasn't her that posted it, but a classmate.

This is probably old news, but I came across it just now, so it gets posted again.

As far as her husbands latest revelations.......I'm not surprised he did what he did. The accusations and finger-pointing has gotten completely out of hand. What I can't understand, is why the sheriff himself didn't release her physical condition in order to show people her story had validity.

It's not necessary to let loose with every little detail.....but what the husband did was provide proof to a skeptical public that her story was legitimate.........something the sheriff and LE should have done way back on Nov. 24.

All of this silence and secrecy by the supposed people in charge is getting pretty damn old.

Interesting! Someone finally located her exH!

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I'm going to need to take a break from this thread. I don't think I can stand to read anymore comments from people who are STILL doubting this story. I just want to say to those who thought this was a Hoax and have now admitted they were wrong: Thank you for being big enough to admit you were mistaken. I was mistaken too as I thought SP was abducted and likely dead. Thank God I was wrong and she is alive! Those who continue to pile on the accusations on an obvious VICTIM and her family should be ashamed. Mods, you have my utmost respect. I hope nothing in this post is out of line or needs snipping. I just can't take this thread anymore. :mad::(:sick:

I hear you, Gardener. Many people have been willing to modify their views as reliable info has been reported. But there are some who, no matter what info is reported, even pretty reliable info, have doubled down and refused to accept it. Like you, I find that disheartening.
I hope I am not getting myself in trouble here but IMO having worked cases in Shasta County Bosenco is not the best at dealing with the public. This tends to somehow often end up in victim blaming. IMO it was rampant in the Ember Graham case. I think that this could have been handled much differently. My concern is that he tends to somehow turn the public against the victim and then everyone spends their time and energy looking the wrong direction. This of course is just my opinion, what do I know.
I hope I am not getting myself in trouble here but IMO having worked cases in Shasta County Bosenco is not the best at dealing with the public. This tends to somehow often end up in victim blaming. IMO it was rampant in the Ember Graham case. I think that this could have been handled much differently. My concern is that he tends to somehow turn the public against the victim and then everyone spends their time and energy looking the wrong direction. This of course is just my opinion, what do I know.

Is sheriff an elected position there? Because honestly, this guy needs feedback.
The only thing that's really striking me as odd about this is the husband's talent for dramatic prose. For someone who claims to want privacy, he has a flair for detailed description, which seems to be designed for maximum emotional impact:

Her now emaciated body of 87 pounds was covered in multicolored bruises, severe burns, red rashes and chain markings. Her signature long blond hair had been chopped off. She has been branded, and I could feel the rise of her scabs under my fingers. She was thrown from a vehicle with a chain around her waist, attached to her wrists and a bag over her head. The same bag she used to flag someone down once she was able to free one of her hands. Sherri was taken from us for 22 days and suffered incredibly through both intense physical agony and severe mental torture. My reaction was one of extreme happiness and overwhelming nausea as my eyes and hands scanned her body. I was filled with so much relief and revulsion at once. My Sherri suffered tremendously, and all the visions swirling in your heads of her appearance, I assure you, are not as graphic and gruesome as the reality.

I don't know--maybe he's just an articulate guy who happens to write fiction in his spare time. (To be specific, I'm not saying this is fiction, I'm saying he writes like a beginning fiction writer might. Lots of adjectives and abverbs.)

If I wanted to be left alone, I think I would have been a lot more terse.
I feel KP gave such "detail" or description of her injuries because of all the speculation on SM, as he also stated. But again, it is his viewpoint as we don't have the medical records in front of our eyes. Even then, I'm sure it would interpreted differently from ppl in the medical field vs those that are not. It's clear we all have different viewpoints regarding word meanings/choices, hair length, restraints used, details, etc, etc, etc....

If he would have said nothing, or "she had injuries", people would still not be happy with the information. Now he tells what she has gone through, and there is still speculation. I don't know what I'd do in this type of situation. Like I said before....too much info isn't good enough for some ppl and neither is too little. Hmmm...:thinking:

Side Note: Maybe they "chopped" the hair after the truck sighting...the lady said it was dark but never mentioned how the hair was? I'm not so concerned with the hair issue but I know it keeps getting brought up...
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