Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #12 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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We assume Sierra has two chargers
We have assumed Sierra had secret plans to visit dad
We assume she packed clothing for a clandestine visit to her dad's
We assume her dad/sis was going to pick her up from school because they don't like to drive to her house.
We had to assume she packed neatly, contrary to her normal behavior.

.....I think all of these assumptions have to be made to justify a belief that the bag was preplanned by Sierra. In doing this, an awful lot of assumptions were put in place to justify this position.

....too many, IMO.

The last assumption is convincing. I could see her missing her sister, asking her to come get her, even packing a bag in hopes that it could happen. But how she packs a bag wouldn't change from one day to another, I believe. Unless maybe she was in a hurry? IDK.
Marlene has stated in at least one interview that Sierra did NOT have plans to go anywhere after school. IIRC, it was in the first NG interview.
IF Sierra used that jersey as a "sleep shirt"...and also tossed it into her bag in case of an overnight, LE could not really tell whether she wore it out the door, just that she had worn it recently. And same goes for if she put it on just for the photo and then took it off again to wear something better/cooler to school.

EXACTLY. My DD sleeps in big shirts like that and wears them in the morning while she does her hair and make up. Then at the end she puts on her clothes for school. And she often throws a big sweatshirt in her school bag for the morning if it is cold.
There must be a reason Rick's timeline is non-existent publicly. Why Rick hasn't said a word. With good reason to believe there are 3 other adults at number 18 apart from Marlene and Sierra, we have only Marlene's account and some digital footprints to let us know what happened to Sierra that morning - surely LE has more information about what was and wasn't seen at some other point apart from 6am, Sierra in pajamas. I am not saying this makes the occupants of no. 18 suspect, just that there is a lot of information not being shared and I hope it is useful information not being shared for a good reason.

Here is what I think and lets drop Rick ok
Just like in the Laci Peterson case Laci own Father Dennis till the trial was really never seen or heard, reason he was not really in Lacis life Sharon an Ron who raised her was.
In this case Rick is keeping the focus where it should be Finding Sierra by staying out of the media eye and letting her mom and Dad do all the talking.
Didnt her dad say that she asked him to make her an appt. for her hair color in Fremont on Saturday? IIRC?

And her big sis was home from school and staying at dads.

What we were told was that the next time she was in Fremont she wanted to get some highlights.
There was no specific mention at the time of this conversation that there was an appointment made.

We know about this via a conversation over speakerphone that Sierra had with her sister and her Dad.

The following weekend was her scheduled visit.
We were further informed that there was a hair appointment on the one week anniversary of her absense on Friday, as stated by Marc Klaas.
And on Saturday, according to her father.
It is just possibilities, just speculation.

But I believe it is speculation to say she was wearing those clothes that morning and a perp folded them and placed the bag there later.
I think that takes a lot of assumptions as well.

I think the fact that she asked her dad to make her a hair appt on saturday on Fremont is a clue that she did plan to go visit her sis and her dad.

And I think picking her up from school instead of making her take the bus and walk home when her big sis was home from school and just hanging out makes a lot more sense. imo

Friday afternoon is the day that people have plans immediately after school. imo

Phone chargers are a dime a dozen. My DD has about 4 various types. One is a little portable one that stays in her purse. With so many people having the same type of phones kids tend to use each others chargers too.

It is not speculating when LE has said the clothes were neatly folded in the Juicy bag.

If she had plans to stay with her Dad that night, it would have come out. It didn't. Regarding the hair appt, if made for the following day, doesn't meant she was coming on Friday after school.If she was going away for the weekend and it was never said she was, my guess is she would have packed more than what was in that bag.

I understand what you are saying...that's it's possible that she planned on going to her dad's. In my mind that Juicy bag doesn't tell me that. I see that others see if differently, no problem.
Marlene has stated in at least one interview that Sierra did NOT have plans to go anywhere after school.

Right. But that does not mean that Sierra did not have her own ideas. Sierra had not asked Marlene YET, but she may have had some plans and hoped to ask her mom later. My DD did that a lot at 15.

After school or at lunch she would call and say" Mom, there is a swim meet after school , so can I stay later and call you when it is over? "

Also, her big sis was in Fremont. And home on spring break. I cannot imagine that she didn't want to go hang out with her on a Friday afternoon.
Here is what I think and lets drop Rick ok
Just like in the Laci Peterson case Laci own Father Dennis till the trial was really never seen or heard, reason he was not really in Lacis life Sharon an Ron who raised her was.
In this case Rick is keeping the focus where it should be Finding Sierra by staying out of the media eye and letting her mom and Dad do all the talking.

Why drop anything, why make assumptions? I am not disparaging him, I am saying his information is conspicuously absent. Like when Marlene could not reveal information about the bag contents, it is likely for a good reason. I suggest that this is because there is probably more pertinent information we do not know.
IMO: Sierra was to visit her dad and sister the week later (on sat hair appointment)...

Also if the sister was to come and pick Sierra up and Sierra packed for it I am sure more clothing would have been packed..

Danielle also would have known of this plan... That she was to pick Sierra up Friday morning before school...

IMO.. The perp had her/his hands on Sierra IN the home then took her out , dragged her tot he vehicle, or forced her to walk to the vehicle...
Marlene has stated in at least one interview that Sierra did NOT have plans to go anywhere after school. IIRC, it was in the first NG interview.

But she may have not told Marlene everything. This morning my daughter agreed to go out to eat as a family ... no real plans. Tonight she's out eating pizza with a friend who just to back from AZ (we're on spring break). I'm not sure when the invite for pizza came in. But I know who's not going out to eat (me).
With a nonfamily abduction in 15-17 year olds, the victim's remains are usually found within five miles of the home, slightly covered or not covered at all (Lord, Boudreaux, and Lanning 2001).

I wonder how they arrived at that distance.

Strictly in my own life experience, there are definitely regional differences in the way people view difference. I know I think nothing of driving 60 miles just to have dinner at a restaurant I particularly like. To friends in NYC, driving 6 miles would be a big deal, almost like driving across the country.

So, how did they arrive at their number? Was it an average arrived at by adding all the miles and then dividing by the number of victims? Or was it plotted on a graph and that mileage turns out to be the top third of the bell curve?

Knowing how they arrived at the number would give more of an idea of how likely it is to be applicable to Sierra's case.
It is not speculating when LE has said the clothes were neatly folded in the Juicy bag.

If she had plans to stay with her Dad that night, it would have come out. It didn't. Regarding the hair appt, if made for the following day, doesn't meant she was coming on Friday after school.

If she was going away for the weekend and it was never said she was, my guess is she would have packed more than what was in that bag.

But it is speculation on who it was that folded it. imo

And her sister was home from college on spring break. I cannot believe that Sierra did not HOPE to hang out with her big sis that afternoon. Plans and wishful thinking are different things, but she may have secretly wanted to visit her sis, so she planned ahead.

I don't think she would have packed much if she was going to her dads. She probably had a lot of stuff there already. She had lived there previously.

And why go all alone to a bus stop, walk home alone, when you can call your big sis and ask her to come pick you up after school instead. I cannot believe it would not enter her mind.

I am only going by my kids when they were that age. My DD would ALWAYS want her big bro who is 4 yrs older to pick her up rather than her taking the dreaded bus home.
It is not speculating when LE has said the clothes were neatly folded in the Juicy bag.

If she had plans to stay with her Dad that night, it would have come out. It didn't. Regarding the hair appt, if made for the following day, doesn't meant she was coming on Friday after school.If she was going away for the weekend and it was never said she was, my guess is she would have packed more than what was in that bag.

I understand what you are saying...that's it's possible that she planned on going to her dad's. In my mind that Juicy bag doesn't tell me that. I see that others see if differently, no problem.

So ... yes, if she'd asked her sister or her dad to pick her up it would have come out. And I agree she might have packed more if she was going to Fremont, unless she kept duplicate stuff there. I guess the other possibility is that she hadn't asked her sister/dad yet ... unlikely unless she can use her phone at school.

Or that she asked someone else from Fremont to pick her up? Probably also unlikely but trying to seek out possibilities.
IF Sierra used that jersey as a "sleep shirt"...and also tossed it into her bag in case of an overnight, LE could not really tell whether she wore it out the door, just that she had worn it recently. And same goes for if she put it on just for the photo and then took it off again to wear something better/cooler to school.

My daughter used to and still does wear a hoodie as a jacket most of the time. I wonder if SL did also?
I see what you're saying. I wonder how ofter Sierra got rides home from school. If both adults weren't working 12 hours a day, she may have received rides home when possilbe.

We have not been told much regarding the house, property, people around or much else. There is likely much more to be known regarding that plus any rides she may have received.

We can't climb inside Sierra's head and know what she had planned. We only have what we were told and that is she had no plans for after school.
I wonder how they arrived at that distance.

Strictly in my own life experience, there are definitely regional differences in the way people view difference. I know I think nothing of driving 60 miles just to have dinner at a restaurant I particularly like. To friends in NYC, driving 6 miles would be a big deal, almost like driving across the country.

So, how did they arrive at their number? Was it an average arrived at by adding all the miles and then dividing by the number of victims? Or was it plotted on a graph and that mileage turns out to be the top third of the bell curve?

Knowing how they arrived at the number would give more of an idea of how likely it is to be applicable to Sierra's case.

That is a really good point about regional differences. I live in a suburb with lots of traffic and also lots of options for restaurants. We dine pretty close to home. But when we visit my rural relatives in Central California we do a lot of driving there. They drive 60 miles to go to the fave steakhouse. They drive 30 miles to do their major grocery shopping. The teens drive over a hundred miles to SF on a weekend night. And I imagine a perp in that area might hide a body a long distance away and think nothing of the drive.
I wonder how they arrived at that distance.

Strictly in my own life experience, there are definitely regional differences in the way people view difference. I know I think nothing of driving 60 miles just to have dinner at a restaurant I particularly like. To friends in NYC, driving 6 miles would be a big deal, almost like driving across the country.

So, how did they arrive at their number? Was it an average arrived at by adding all the miles and then dividing by the number of victims? Or was it plotted on a graph and that mileage turns out to be the top third of the bell curve?

Knowing how they arrived at the number would give more of an idea of how likely it is to be applicable to Sierra's case.

I noticed the article was copyrighted about 11 years ago...I was kind of looking for peer-related/abduction by a group-type abductions, which I think are more feasible now than maybe a decade ago, but they do not have anything on that. This is something I still think is at least a possibility.

Also the way it is worded in the article, I got the impression that most of the victims studied in Sierra's age range were found within 5 miles, rather than averaged out, but who knows...
My daughter used to and still does wear a hoodie as a jacket most of the time. I wonder if SL did also?

In fact Sierra tweeted that she hated hoodies and would only wear crew-necks from now on, for what it is worth...
I would think most perps would want to get rid of a body ASAP...if they have any brains at all. Who would chance driving a long way with a corpse unless it was well concealed?
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