Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #17 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

DNA Solves
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DNA Solves
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What was the weather like that day? I ask because I located a picture of what says, surveillance footage, I think this really might be a portion of that footage because it looks like the camera got a picture of the car actually moving.

Then I'm thinking that the picture I just posted above is actual video footage or at least a snippet of it.

I think so too, he would have needed headlights that early on that type of day. Which is exactly why I think this was premeditated and not just some random kidnapping. Yes, he COULD have been going fishing or to work or whatever and just happened to be in the right place at the right time, but there are too many coincidences for me.

1. I know people have been saying Oct - March is cold in this area. I disagree, at least for this year. We had several warm, bright days that almost felt like summer. I know for a fact my kids and I went swimming more than once, basked in the sun by the lake in shorts, etc. I have pics to prove it ;) Although we had some rain, the dark, drizzly morning Sierra was abducted was not the norm for this winter/spring.

2. There were normally workers in a field near her home, that were in another field that day. Does anyone know if they rotate fields on a regular schedule? Something AGT would have noticed?

3. There is a narrow window of time that Sierra leaves her home to walk, he would had to have been very "lucky" indeed to stumble upon her halfway down her court the few minutes she would have been there.

4. I think he would have had to have known her schedule to be certain she was always alone and always took the bus. She very well could walk w/ RG daughter somedays, or get rides by a parent somedays.

5. I think he would have had to have some idea that no neighbors would be coming out to go to work.

Obviously all JMO, we know with him linked to the Safeway assaults he is pretty bold, but I have a very hard time believing his last attacks were 2009. I think he has gotten better, and was watching Sierra.

So I'm going to assume he would have had a game plan in place. A way to get her in the car very quickly before anyone came out of their house or drove by. Toss out the phone, take her somewhere (the empty house? "fishing" at Uvas?) and probably knew exactly what he would do with the body, but what?!?!? They seem so confident they will find something in the water, but I'm not so sure.

Sorry, just thinking "out loud". I really hope she is found soon.
only because the next day was St. Patty's day and I thought people were weirdos for venturing out in the cold and rain just for some green beer do I know....that it WAS overcast, cloudy and gloomy that day in our area.

Seeing that car just gave me the chills...:-S
The California Supreme Court has ruled that the state's medical marijuana law applies only to criminal prosecution, not to the workplace.

They will be notified of marijuana in your system if you test positive, however it is up to them whether they want to fire you or not. I have seen some employers give a pass to medical marijuana uses. But its totally up to their discretion.
Respectfully BBM

Personally, I will never support nor condone the raping of convicted murderers, serial killers, pedophiles and/or psychopaths by other such animal-men whether in a prison system or elsewhere. JMO

Thank you for that. I totally agree, and am horrified to think that any of the "nice people" here would WANT that to happen to someone. *shudder*

The statement of fact is a statement of some of the facts, not all known facts. All that statement has to do is convince a judge that there is probable cause to believe that the defendant committed the crime; that is a very low standard of proof. It's an arraignment, not a trial.

In the Casey Anthony case, I believe the jury came to the correct verdict. The prosecutor did not prove premeditation beyond a reasonable doubt. I think the prosecutor got carried away and charged too high (probably hoping to plea bargain--oops). If the charge had been manslaughter or even murder in the second degree, I think Casey Anthony would have been convicted.

What might they have? They could have AGT's semen or saliva mixed with Sierra's DNA. They could have found hair that had been ripped out of her scalp. They may have found tissue in his car that could not get there via any normal means.

Hard to say, really. Eliminating blood is just eliminating one of a relatively large pool of possibilities. Heck, if they found a lot of Sierra's skin cells in the trunk of the Jetta, that would go a long way towards proving she was abducted.

I am as certain as reasonably possible that the prosecutor will be able to prove that were Sierra alive, she would be in contact with her family. That alone, combined with the publicly known facts, goes a long way towards suggesting Sierra is dead.

i am aware of the difference between arraignment and trial. i just believe the assumption of murder (with the facts we have been presented with) are circumstantial and not enough to convict as it stands. and while im sure there are some facts they are holding back, i dont believe they have anything like a bombshell.

hair or skin cells..that doesnt say murder to me. and let me be clear, i do think he murdered her. and i think there is ample evidence so far to say with certaintity that he abducted her. and with the dna evidence, it does suggest assault, in my opinion.

we are going to have to agree to disagree with casey anthony. i believe they proved premeditation. jmo

anyway, my point is, the murder evidence seems to be only circumstantial.
They will be notified of marijuana in your system if you test positive, however it is up to them whether they want to fire you or not. I have seen some employers give a pass to medical marijuana uses. But its totally up to their discretion.

thats what i was saying. its up to the employers. showing your recommendation does not turn a positive into a negative.

thanks for clearing that up!
Not untrue, and I know from first and second-hand experiences.

It's NOT a positive drug screen, and the employer NEVER finds out about it as when the employee/patient takes a drug screen, they disclose to the drug screen physician that they have their MM card (doctors recommendation). They show that to the physician, the physician verifies the recommendation, and they "cross it off" if it shows up positive on the results. This is not disclosed to the employer as it is NOT a "fail" drug screen.

The way I've heard that employers figure it out is that they buy their own urine testing kits OTC for initial and random screening. If the kit comes up positive, then they send the subject to a doctor or lab for formal screening.

Sure, the doctor or lab may not disclose the results to the employer but the cat is already out of the bag so far as the employer is concerned.

Most states allow employers to fire employees at will, meaning the employer doesn't have to give any reason.

Even if the employer is in a state or type of business where a reason has to be given, well, who among us lives such a perfect life that it can't be picked apart and lots of reprimands issued for teeny tiny issues that are never enforced... except when the employer wants to?
The picture is dated 05-25-2012 10:26 AM is that just the date it was released?
i just recently had an interview where this was brought up. marijuana on the drug screen wouldve resulted in me not being hired now or ever by that company. regardless of my standing as having a medical recommendation. because it is NOT a prescription. i also had a long talk with the person who did my drug screen.

"Pics or it didn't happen."
Federal law trumps California laws; marijuana is illegal, per federal law.

While this little debate was off topic, I just have add one thing:

If your state allows medical use, you cannot expect a state that does not, to legally allow the use.

My state does not, and I have witnessed the confiscation of such, and if the amount of product is high, then an arrest is made also.

(I work at an airport with LEO)
I think so too, he would have needed headlights that early on that type of day. Which is exactly why I think this was premeditated and not just some random kidnapping. Yes, he COULD have been going fishing or to work or whatever and just happened to be in the right place at the right time, but there are too many coincidences for me.

1. I know people have been saying Oct - March is cold in this area. I disagree, at least for this year. We had several warm, bright days that almost felt like summer. I know for a fact my kids and I went swimming more than once, basked in the sun by the lake in shorts, etc. I have pics to prove it ;) Although we had some rain, the dark, drizzly morning Sierra was abducted was not the norm for this winter/spring.
Thanks for telling us! I'm from the upper east coast so i'm not familiar with california's seasonal climate and such depending on the location but I assumed that there may have been at least one warm enough day where Sierra might have gone for a swim or even tanned in her backyard. I was told that this was impossible and that it's NEVER hot and sunny during Oct-March, which I found very hard to believe...anyways, thanks for that useful info!

Is there a list of acronym anywhere? I'm new and trying to decode them... MOO? BBM? SBM? I figured out some IIRC (If I remember correctly?)


I still don't know how to link...

But if you go to SEARCH on top blue heading of each page...

Type in Websleuths Lingo...

You will find a listing of this thread.

It is about three pages, and will provide you with much of the acronyms/lingo you may need!:seeya:

HTH = (Hope This Helps)

While you are at it..
I still don't know what WRT stands for! :smile:
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