Deceased/Not Found CA - Sierra LaMar, 15, Morgan Hill, 16 March 2012 #18 *A. Garcia-Torres guilty*

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What's this farmhouse? I have seen reference to it but I must have been reading too fast when it was first bought up, can you fill me in? Ta!

address: 14245 Llagas Ave., a farmhouse in rural San Martin.
In my opinion, some of the inconsistencies in this case, besides the part the media plays and the vague information released about the Jetta that first time, has come for the Sheriff herself. Laurie Smith is a figurehead, the boss. She is not personally investigating this crime. For instance, I know that she said, "SL scent is lost at her driveway" and "her books were found near the bag" or something like that.

As the face of the office, she does interviews, etc., based on information from her team. I think sometimes, she didn't have the absolute facts before she spoke, but was going off the debriefs she received from her team.

Add to this the fact, that there are several agencies, including the FBI, working this case, the "public information" released may have inconsistencies due to that fact.

Here's a recent article about how the Sheriff caught local Police Agencies off guard in terms of releasing information about missing persons in this County. During her press conference in regards to ATG being arrested, she mentioned the number of missing persons in the County and wondering out loud if some of them were abductions. So, I think, although she's the boss, she's somewhat removed from the grit and grime of investigations and she may also be the cause of some of the confusion surrounding information that has been released to the public.


And another article on same thing:

Hmmm... so she may have got the numbers wrong. Still... if close to that number are missing in that county, and not accounted for, what's the problem? Some of them may be runaways, but a lot of runaways get abducted while hitchiking and some of them are killed or lured into prostitution and end up dying sooner or later anyway. If they're not accounted for then they're still missing. One is believed to have been taken by the mother... and one is a habitual runaway. But if they're still missing and can't be found, isn't that still missing? Any number of them could have been abducted.
LE are often too quick to declare a missing teenager a runaway, before they ever even investigate it. It's too easy to say they just ran away, it relieves them of any responsibility to actually get out and look for them, and that's just not acceptable. Haven't we seen cases where they were thought to have run away and they later turned up dead?
Five missing teens in any county are five too many, IMO.
Hmmm... so she may have got the numbers wrong. Still... if close to that number are missing in that county, and not accounted for, what's the problem? Some of them may be runaways, but a lot of runaways get abducted while hitchiking and some of them are killed or lured into prostitution and end up dying sooner or later anyway. If they're not accounted for then they're still missing. One is believed to have been taken by the mother... and one is a habitual runaway. But if they're still missing and can't be found, isn't that still missing? Any number of them could have been abducted.
LE are often too quick to declare a missing teenager a runaway, before they ever even investigate it. It's too easy to say they just ran away, it relieves them of any responsibility to actually get out and look for them, and that's just not acceptable. Haven't we seen cases where they were thought to have run away and they later turned up dead?
Five missing teens in any county are five too many, IMO.

I was unable to find it in print, but according to my husband he was listening to the radio driving to work and they were discussing all the uproar over her statement and the numbers of missing children. SS responded by saying something along the lines of it doesn't matter if they are runaways or not, they are still in danger! They are not where they are supposed to be.

I couldn't agree with her more, and in her defense she did say you have to WONDER if those MAY be POSSIBLE abductions.

Again, I did not hear the radio show myself, this was my husband relaying it to me.

I find the drawing of interest in the way that Sierra's twitter was, an insight into a strangers mind. I agree a 5 year old drawing is not likely directly relevant to Sierra. But he found it significant enough to photograph and put online. It had meaning even if it was only that he was proud of it, it was not meaningless to him.
It's very interesting to note that he get's very angry, and then apologizes rather quickly - maybe the bag -placing really was an apology of sorts???

He was screaming at cops, but then later says he didn't think they should do that.

Vandalizes his cell, but writes an apology letter.

Was asked to clean up the toilet, he did.

Throws AC unit out of the window, and gets into a fight, because he had a baby on the way and didn't want "tweakers" around.

He is a very contradictory person, imo.


Good post, and great observations. I have been asking myself over and over, has he actually killed before? Some of his actions, i.e. the purse, appear to be inexperienced, and amateur - but then I think about the way he looked on that perp walk video where he was so dang smug and arrogant. Plus, he hasn't exactly grown a conscience, confessed, and told where the body is. Did none of the people in his life see the problems with this guy before Sierra Lamar? I suppose to be fair, I have to say "IF" he is guilty. Personally, I think his DNA on that purse, and Sierra's DNA in his car means he is darn close to the center of this crime. :twocents:
I need to look at the map and pretend I'm him driving which is so hard to do when you never been in that area before. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you came out of her driveway, and didn't turn right or left and went straight is that the road where the shed is? Can someone help me out?
No...the sheds with the clothes are on Laguna (near santa teresa)

The very short street of Paquita Espana Ct. stops at you must turn L or R. If you turn R and continue 50 yards on Dougherty, it becomes Scheller. The cell was thrown here on this street.

The clothes were found on Laguna . Both intersect with Santa Teresa.

Santa Teresa and Dougherty run parallel to each other N and S . Scheller and Laguna run parallel to each other (E and W). Think a big square.
I wish somebody could telll me why every st out there in Sierra's neighborhood has two names. It drives me crazy. Dougherty is 3rd st. Santa Teresa is Hale...WTH?
I agree the the DNA is important evidence, of course, and we all know where
It can come from.
I was trying to make the point that whether a sexual assault had occurred in
This instance did not really matter at this point.
I am hoping that the DNA is the trump card that seals the deal, and I hope they
Have plenty of it.
I was just thinking that trying to preserve a shred of dignity for the poor girl, and staying focused on issues that might actually help find her might be a good
I am under no illusions as to whether a sexual assault occurred in this case, I just don't see how it
Can help online sleuthers help figure things out. Take it as a given, and that the DNA is a result.
We don't know that, but it might be so.
That is a component of this case,absolutely,it is just that I don't think knowing that will help find her.
She, unfortunately, is the biggest missing link in the chain of evidence.

Welcome to WS's Doubtful!! Sadly, those of us who have been here a while are accustomed to some of the most horrible, horrendous acts that human beings can do to other humans and to animals. It is sickening, and it is disgusting. One of the things that I have come to admire about the members of WebSleuths, is that they care deeply about the victims. I know this may sound strange, but for me personally, it MATTERS that someone KNOWS what happened to the victim of a crime - and cares - and demands justice. My own close family - husband and children - do NOT want to hear about the cases I follow here at WS's. It is too much for them, so I come here, and I read, and I cry, and I write letters, and I pray, and I send all of the positive energy out into the Universe that I possibly can, so that the souls of victims who are no longer with us, know that someone DID care.... even if it was too late to help. I also watch closely when I am at the mall, or in any public place for signs of problems. I would intervene. I hate evil, absolutely despise it, but I will look it in the eye and stare it down if necessary. Stick with us through this case Doubtful, you have already proved that you care because you are here and you registered to be a member. I hope Sierra is found soon, and I hope justice is swift and sure.
Oops! Accidental post via mobile and for some odd reason my Tapatalk app has suddenly lost it delete feature.. Hmmm.. Go's always something..

Posting via mobile as well as via tablet so plz forgive all typos.. Btwn the sucky touch keyboard and the obsessive auto-correct it's a big ol' mess :crazy:
Hello everyone :). I have been lurking on W.S. ever since the Michelle Le case because it hit so close to home. Now we have another beautiful young lady missing and I live about an hour away. This is definitely a wake up call and has taught me not to take my loved ones for granted. It has also renewed my some times strained faith in humanity. Your support, proactivity and dedication is amazing! It is truly humbling to see members give their input, go on searches and help break down the case.

I am however very concerned about the evidence collected in this case. It all appears to be circumstantial. Unless LE are holding back on details, this case has too many loopholes. I pray that we find her, she is key in getting a conviction and putting the suspect away for good. Above all, her family needs closure and resolution. I pray that they find it soon, I am sure the past two months must be a living nightmare.

Aghhh Sierra where are you?
Re: the braid of hair collected from AGT's home...

Is it common for women to keep their own cut braids of hair? Do many of you have these around the house? I can understand a child's lock of hair or even a very long braid kept for a while, maybe... but... well, it seems a little odd to me. I have a tendency to be a pack rat but I'm the hairless variety.

I don't know how common it is but I do know that when my mother had her hair cut for the first time it was in the last year of her life (it just got to be too much for her to care for), my dad insisted on keeping the braid. I'm sure he still has it.

When my husband cut off his long hair, he kept the braid.

After I was in ICU and had to cut off most of the length of my hair (it was hip length), my husband wished he could have kept a braid. There was just no way because it was one massive mat.

I've had a couple friends who kept their braids or their partner kept their braid.

So it just doesn't seem that weird to me. Or maybe it means I hang out with weird people! LOL!
Hello everyone :). I have been lurking on W.S. ever since the Michelle Le case because it hit so close to home. Now we have another beautiful young lady missing and I live about an hour away. This is definitely a wake up call and has taught me not to take my loved ones for granted. It has also renewed my some times strained faith in humanity. Your support, proactivity and dedication is amazing! It is truly humbling to see members give their input, go on searches and help break down the case.

I am however very concerned about the evidence collected in this case. It all appears to be circumstantial. Unless LE are holding back on details, this case has too many loopholes. I pray that we find her, she is key in getting a conviction and putting the suspect away for good. Above all, her family needs closure and resolution. I pray that they find it soon, I am sure the past two months must be a living nightmare.

Aghhh Sierra where are you?

:seeya: Hello and Welcome !

Wonder what this could mean - He then used a piece of metal from the shorts he wore to etch in the phrase "I seen it," into a bench in his cell.


ETA: This article goes into detail on his previous arrests

I Googled "I seen it" and a clip from "half baked" came up. Maybe he was trying to be funny. I mean, purposely clogging up a toilet in jail? He wanted attention.

Or maybe he was trying to taunt another inmate.

Just guessing.
ok i'm way late to this possibly... i haven't read any of this thread and only half of 17 because i haven't been online the last 2-3 days, but have ya'll talked about!/MissAValenzuela ?? she's talking about "traffiking" and it makes 2 killers, and that antolin wouldn't have a reason to snitch on them, and from the looks of it she's his cousin. she tells someone to bring a gun to ohio street in pasadena. sorry if this has already been discussed... if it has does someone have more info or kno what she's talking about? lol -- she's even been texting sierra's friends
ok i'm way late to this possibly... i haven't read any of this thread and only half of 17 because i haven't been online the last 2-3 days, but have ya'll talked about!/MissAValenzuela ?? she's talking about "traffiking" and it makes 2 killers, and that antolin wouldn't have a reason to snitch on them, and from the looks of it she's his cousin. she tells someone to bring a gun to ohio street in pasadena. sorry if this has already been discussed... if it has does someone have more info or kno what she's talking about? lol -- she's even been texting sierra's friends

it's someone trolling, best to just ignore

I looked at rates....

I might be spoiled with the cost of living, but isn't that A LOT of money for a month?? Can't find it anymore, but it was like $850/mo.

Also, when it has "amenities on site" on the left, and you click "more" it has a "dump station"....just creepy sounding, under these circumstances...IMO.

Yes, it's $850/month. Whether that is high or not depends on the area of the country. In some places, that would be super high, in others just average.

My guess is that they probably have a certain amount of snowbird trade, people who live in their RVs year round and follow the weather. Snowbirds would probably stay at the park for 3-6 months at a time.

A dump station is a place where you can pull up with your RV and dump the black and grey water tanks. There's usually a concrete pad on the ground with a covered pipe (maybe four inches, definitely not large enough to fit a body into) plus a hose that is used to rinse out the sewage hose that connects the tanks to the dump station.

Very convenient if you've been on the road and haven't had a chance to dump tanks in a few days.
it's someone trolling, best to just ignore

i think it's his legit cousin tho. she talks about websleuths and JQ and talks about the time antolin left his house and the texts sierra received, etc. she definitely THINKS she has inside info and definitely knows about antolin's past
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